NYT moans because their "fake news" hysteria has backfired on them. HAHA


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Too bad libs. Turn-a-bout is always fair play.


dec 25 2016 The C.I.A., the F.B.I. and the White House may all agree that Russia was behind the hacking that interfered with the election. But that was of no import to the website Breitbart News, which dismissed reports on the intelligence assessment as “left-wing fake news.”

Rush Limbaugh has diagnosed a more fundamental problem. “The fake news is the everyday news” in the mainstream media, he said on his radio show recently. “They just make it up.”

Some supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump have also taken up the call. As reporters were walking out of a Trump rally this month in Orlando, Fla., a man heckled them with shouts of “Fake news!”

Until now, that term had been widely understood to refer to fabricated news accounts that are meant to spread virally online. But conservative cable and radio personalities, top Republicans and even Mr. Trump himself, incredulous about suggestions that fake stories may have helped swing the election, have appropriated the term and turned it against any news they see as hostile to their agenda.
The credibility of the NYT is sub-zero. Everyone knows they are pathological liars pushing the anti-america and anti-white agenda.
Fake news is a mainstream issue in the media, and it scares the perspectives of people

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