NYT Public Editor: Debunked Clinton Story 'Messy And Regrettable'

The Right planted the story and the Times fell for it. Just like the Right planted the forged Bush draft letter and Dan Rather fell for it.

Sometimes the bad guys win. What can you? that's life...

LOL!O!LOLOL!! That's fucking hysterical! LOLoLOLoLOL!!!LoLLLOLOL

Er, wait, don't tell me you were serious...

gawd I'd hate to be used as a USEless tool for a party. man oh man
Hillary deserves better than such sloppy journalism from The New York Times.
It was most carefully phrased to divert attention away from Hillary, and pretend that some nebulous, undefined group was behind the email deletions and stonewalling instead of her.

There was nothing sloppy about it. The phrasing was quite deliberate.
Are my NaziCon friends all sad because Hillary ain't going to jail?
In other words the Clinton campaign yelled at them and they backed off. Funny when the NYT was doing front page stories on Marco Rubio buying a fishing boat and getting four traffic tickets in seventeen years the left considered them the model of journalistic excellence.
What was most likely accurate was the original story. They the Clinton Machine got involved and made it sound like she was never involved in the email scandal at all. Right. She wasn't SoS breaking the rules and not identifying e mails as classified either. What a loser.
Hill and Bill are above the law. They don't need to tell the truth, that's incidental.
People still read the NY Times? Why? Most know it's just Democrat propaganda Bullshite. Part of the old corrupt Dinosaur Media. It should go extinct.
After the October Congressional hearings, Hillary will once again be surging in the polls. Even now, Real Clear Politics shows her crushing everyone.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race
What are her unfavorables?

Even I find her unfavorable - but I'm voting for her. She's far better than the NaziCons. I like Bernie - but he's a little too far left to win the General I think. Maybe not...
Be careful there. Personalities make a big difference. I'm a conservative and would go for Sanders before Clinton just on the fact that I think Bernie is more akin to the truth than Hillary. She made a mess of the State Dept. job and lied through her failings. I'd rather see a left leaning president with integrity.

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