Obama admin forbids photos or questions at unaccompanied child facility

I will accept your statement that you are pro-child abuse and exploitation. As long as it can conceivably benefit the sex industry, or otherwise facilitate depravity, death and destruction.
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Why would anyone want to take pictures of poor Mexican children? Is this some conservative fetish?
To let people know the conditions they're being held in.
Our border patrol agents are being told to change diapers instead of patrolling the border.
This is exactly what totalitarian closed societies do, so that the truth can't get out about how horrible the conditions are or what the real reason might be as to why they are coming here.

Some little kid might leak the truth, or more likely the people who work there would.
We already have boarder patrol agents speaking out and they probably will lose their jobs over it.

It is always something that is not being done right, when any government does not allow freedom of the press.

Lose their jobs! obama has already said that any agent speaking out will be jailed.

I guess NOW you can mention the Nazi concentration camps.
They haven't been threatened just with losing their jobs...they've been threatened with criminal prosecution.
To let people know the conditions they're being held in.

Nothing stops you from reporting it. But if you want to take pictures of poor Mexican children without permission you are not allowed

Are you that sick that you want to exploit poor children just because they are immigrants?
Two other military installations are being used to house UACs. Fort Sill Army base in Lawton, Oklahoma will house 600.
Oklahoma? Good luck! Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has every right to deport any illegal that is shipped to her state. Oklahoma House Bill 1804 is a strict anti illegal immigration law.

House Bill 1804 makes it a felony to even offer a person a ride if they know or have reason to suspect them of being an illegal immigrant. The Bill also forbids the state from providing health care, education and many other services to illegal immigrants, including infants, and requires police to check the immigration status of anyone “suspected” of being in the U.S. illegally.
Why would anyone want to take pictures of poor Mexican children? Is this some conservative fetish?

That's about as disingenuous comment as I have ever heard from you. You're lying-----you know full well this isn't about a politically inspired fetish. If this is where America has come to as far as debating issues we may as well shoot ourselves.
why are these children HERE?
and none of you so worried about their privacy seems to give a shit about that...

where are their parents? how did all these children GET HERE

what the hell is going on and all you libs can say is they NEED THEIR PRIVACY
why are these children HERE?
and none of you so worried about their privacy seems to give a shit about that...

where are their parents? how did all these children GET HERE

what the hell is going on and all you libs can say is they NEED THEIR PRIVACY

Obama ordered it----they defend it---easy as that.
why are these children HERE?
and none of you so worried about their privacy seems to give a shit about that...

where are their parents? how did all these children GET HERE

what the hell is going on and all you libs can say is they NEED THEIR PRIVACY

They are here from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Huge powerful gangs were created in the 80's with the influx of weapons and the drug trade which came along with Iran/Contra. Those gangs were like toothpaste out of the tube and have never been put under control.
Children, especially females are routinely taken from parents to be used in the sex trade and as drug mules. The parents are desperate to get their children away from certain abuse and short lives of misery. Many of them perish on the journey through Mexico. Often, a parent, usually the father, but sometimes a child is taken as a hostage to be held for ransom by Mexican gangs.
That is where they are coming from.
Something needs to be done about this. America's money is stretched enough as it is we can't afford the added burden of these kids and their families.

However the last thing those poor children need is a Fox News vulture in their faces trying to get a soundbite.

Fox News vultures :lmao: the alphabet news(?) weasels are the ones going bonkers over not getting access to those kids.

besides....., how the hell are these "chilllllldren" some needing diaper changes getting here in the first place ?

"No recording devices will be allowed (We may ask you to leave your cellphone in our vehicle)
No questions will be allowed during the tour, but questions will be addressed later
No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
We will provide photos of the facility after the tour"

This is how Iran used to provide nuclear facility tours.

Read more: Immigrant Facility Invite Comes With Many Rules | The Daily Caller

sounds pretty bad

but i suppose it is a lot harder

to airbrush this out of history

if there are pesky pictures floating about
obama doesn't want anyone photographing the warehouses for the same reason the Nazis forbade photographing the concentration camps. He wants to control the narrative that these children are better off and well taken care of.

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