Obama adviser ‘architect’ of showdown:


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
ah yes, the truth is coming out...but they wouldn't dare play games with your lives...they're saints remember...lol



President Obama’s top adviser Valerie Jarrett was behind a plan to force a showdown with Republicans over ObamaCare as part of a strategy to regain Democratic control of the House next year, claims author Ed Klein.

Klein — who wrote a provocative biography about Obama last year entitled “The Amateur” — said White House insiders refer to Jarrett as “The Night Stalker” because she is the only presidential aide who frequently spends time in the family quarters and dines with the Obamas.

Klein, who is conducting a research for a new Obama tome scheduled for next spring, called Jarrett the “architect” of Obama’s take-no- prisoners approach when it comes to his signature domestic policy initiative.

It was Jarrett who advised Obama that voters would mostly blame Republicans if the federal government ground to a halt, providing a golden opportunity to swing back control of the House to Democrats in the 2014 mid-term elections, according to Klein.

A Democratic House would give Obama an opportunity to pass immigration and other legislation blocked by the current Republican majority.

“It was during one of those nightly sessions that Jarrett devised the no-negotiating strategy that Obama has employed in his fight with the GOP over the government shutdown,” Klein said, citing sources within the administration.

“Valerie came up with the concept late at night, after the kids and grandma and were gone.”

“She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014 .

. . Valerie also came with the idea of using the words `hostage’, and `ransom,’ and `terrorists’ against the Republicans,’” Klein said.

Jarrett, who like the Obamas hails from Chicago, has deep ties to the president, First Lady Michelle and the extended family.

all of it here
Obama adviser ?architect? of showdown: author | New York Post
The TeaPs walked right into thinking, still!, that mainstream Americans think they (TeaPs) are acceptable.
" Valerie Jarrett is the real terrorist. And with an Iranian background, she certainly would know all about hostage taking."

She is a witch, pure and simple....no secrets there.
The TeaPs walked right into thinking, still!, that mainstream Americans think they (TeaPs) are acceptable.

can't have a thread without you that so called, responsible Republican derailing it..you haven't hated on the Tea party enough or what?
ah yes, the truth is coming out...but they wouldn't dare play games with your lives...they're saints remember...lol



President Obama’s top adviser Valerie Jarrett was behind a plan to force a showdown with Republicans over ObamaCare as part of a strategy to regain Democratic control of the House next year, claims author Ed Klein.

Klein — who wrote a provocative biography about Obama last year entitled “The Amateur” — said White House insiders refer to Jarrett as “The Night Stalker” because she is the only presidential aide who frequently spends time in the family quarters and dines with the Obamas.

Klein, who is conducting a research for a new Obama tome scheduled for next spring, called Jarrett the “architect” of Obama’s take-no- prisoners approach when it comes to his signature domestic policy initiative.

It was Jarrett who advised Obama that voters would mostly blame Republicans if the federal government ground to a halt, providing a golden opportunity to swing back control of the House to Democrats in the 2014 mid-term elections, according to Klein.

A Democratic House would give Obama an opportunity to pass immigration and other legislation blocked by the current Republican majority.

“It was during one of those nightly sessions that Jarrett devised the no-negotiating strategy that Obama has employed in his fight with the GOP over the government shutdown,” Klein said, citing sources within the administration.

“Valerie came up with the concept late at night, after the kids and grandma and were gone.”

“She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014 .

. . Valerie also came with the idea of using the words `hostage’, and `ransom,’ and `terrorists’ against the Republicans,’” Klein said.

Jarrett, who like the Obamas hails from Chicago, has deep ties to the president, First Lady Michelle and the extended family.

all of it here
Obama adviser ?architect? of showdown: author | New York Post

Pretty obvious she's Obama's nut sack
it was all just a game for Democrats folks...they didn't give two shits about any of you...unfortunately they know they have certain percentage of their base and lapdog MEDIA who will spread their games and hate around for them so they don't care...

vote Democrat you like games being played with your lives


Dan Pfeiffer was the man with a plan

By Amie Parnes - 10/16/13 06:00 AM ET

Dan Pfeiffer’s fingerprints are all over the White House’s strategy of not negotiating with congressional Republicans over the government shutdown and debt ceiling.

The senior adviser to President Obama has been plotting the White House’s every move, and is described by some within the administration as the “relentless guardian” of Obama’s no-negotiations stance.

“He’s been the most ferocious on that principle,” one senior administration official said. “He was quite adamant and relentless about this. And on the face of it, it’s not an easy argument to make.”

Even before the shutdown began on Oct. 1, Republicans had turned their fire on Obama, criticizing him for not negotiating.

But a string of recent national polls on the budget battle show Republicans have taken the worst of the public opinion backlash by far.

A Gallup survey registered the GOP’s lowest approval rating ever in the poll’s history, while a few polls during the fight have actually showed Obama’s approval ratings climbing, largely because of support from within his own party.

White House officials argue the polls underline the success of their messaging.
The White House began planning its messaging strategy for the fiscal fights in the summer, with weekly meetings to discuss the looming crisis, senior administration officials say.

ALL of it here
Read more: Dan Pfeiffer was the man with a plan - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com
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ah yes, the truth is coming out...but they wouldn't dare play games with your lives...they're saints remember...lol



President Obama’s top adviser Valerie Jarrett was behind a plan to force a showdown with Republicans over ObamaCare as part of a strategy to regain Democratic control of the House next year, claims author Ed Klein.

Klein — who wrote a provocative biography about Obama last year entitled “The Amateur” — said White House insiders refer to Jarrett as “The Night Stalker” because she is the only presidential aide who frequently spends time in the family quarters and dines with the Obamas.

Klein, who is conducting a research for a new Obama tome scheduled for next spring, called Jarrett the “architect” of Obama’s take-no- prisoners approach when it comes to his signature domestic policy initiative.

It was Jarrett who advised Obama that voters would mostly blame Republicans if the federal government ground to a halt, providing a golden opportunity to swing back control of the House to Democrats in the 2014 mid-term elections, according to Klein.

A Democratic House would give Obama an opportunity to pass immigration and other legislation blocked by the current Republican majority.

“It was during one of those nightly sessions that Jarrett devised the no-negotiating strategy that Obama has employed in his fight with the GOP over the government shutdown,” Klein said, citing sources within the administration.

“Valerie came up with the concept late at night, after the kids and grandma and were gone.”

“She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014 .

. . Valerie also came with the idea of using the words `hostage’, and `ransom,’ and `terrorists’ against the Republicans,’” Klein said.

Jarrett, who like the Obamas hails from Chicago, has deep ties to the president, First Lady Michelle and the extended family.

all of it here
Obama adviser ?architect? of showdown: author | New York Post

“It was during one of those nightly sessions that Jarrett devised the no-negotiating strategy that Obama has employed in his fight with the GOP over the government shutdown,”

Pillow talk...heh heh...

. . Valerie also came with the idea of using the words `hostage’, and `ransom,’ and `terrorists’ against the Republicans,’”

And every Democrat guest,political pundit,MSNBC host used these catch phrases at every opportunity...

Gotta give them credit they used every tactic known and used a few new ones to win over the low information voter that keeps these folks in power....
ah yes, the truth is coming out...but they wouldn't dare play games with your lives...they're saints remember...lol



President Obama’s top adviser Valerie Jarrett was behind a plan to force a showdown with Republicans over ObamaCare as part of a strategy to regain Democratic control of the House next year, claims author Ed Klein.

Klein — who wrote a provocative biography about Obama last year entitled “The Amateur” — said White House insiders refer to Jarrett as “The Night Stalker” because she is the only presidential aide who frequently spends time in the family quarters and dines with the Obamas.

Klein, who is conducting a research for a new Obama tome scheduled for next spring, called Jarrett the “architect” of Obama’s take-no- prisoners approach when it comes to his signature domestic policy initiative.

It was Jarrett who advised Obama that voters would mostly blame Republicans if the federal government ground to a halt, providing a golden opportunity to swing back control of the House to Democrats in the 2014 mid-term elections, according to Klein.

A Democratic House would give Obama an opportunity to pass immigration and other legislation blocked by the current Republican majority.

“It was during one of those nightly sessions that Jarrett devised the no-negotiating strategy that Obama has employed in his fight with the GOP over the government shutdown,” Klein said, citing sources within the administration.

“Valerie came up with the concept late at night, after the kids and grandma and were gone.”

“She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014 .

. . Valerie also came with the idea of using the words `hostage’, and `ransom,’ and `terrorists’ against the Republicans,’” Klein said.

Jarrett, who like the Obamas hails from Chicago, has deep ties to the president, First Lady Michelle and the extended family.

all of it here
Obama adviser ?architect? of showdown: author | New York Post

“It was during one of those nightly sessions that Jarrett devised the no-negotiating strategy that Obama has employed in his fight with the GOP over the government shutdown,”

Pillow talk...heh heh...

. . Valerie also came with the idea of using the words `hostage’, and `ransom,’ and `terrorists’ against the Republicans,’”

And every Democrat guest,political pundit,MSNBC host used these catch phrases at every opportunity...

Gotta give them credit they used every tactic known and used a few new ones to win over the low information voter that keeps these folks in power....

Val fed instructions into the Dem Collective
its all politics, whomever in the WH says they wanted to, from the git go not negotiate, hey, I have no issue with that, thats why we have a majority and minority, its supposed to be fractious.

Whats galling is the lefty platoon of sand eaters thinks they are on the side of the angels........its always 'them', 'they did it'.....:lol:

there are NO angels in the 'game', period.

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