Obama and McCain Debate: Round 2

because ultimately, had there been any type of rational judgment about Iraq, there wouldn't have been a need for a "surge". We shouldn't have been there in the first place. And if we DID insist on going in, the "surge" should have been our troop level on day one after entering baghdad.

The US conducted wargames in the late 90's to see how many troops it would take to invade Iraq in case of something like this and how long it would take.

It ended up being around 250,000-280,000 troops and we'd only be there between two and six years.

We never had anything near that number at any point. The surge also only brought troop levels back to where they were the year before.

We also made a mistake in rushing to Baghdad in order to look good and go take down a statue. Meanwhile the terrorists went back to their bunkers and forts that were set up that we ran past without setting up the perimeter correctly.

Bush wanted his "Mission Accomplished" so damn badly that he didn't give a damn about how he got it. The invasion of Iraq despite how wrong it was could of worked if done right.

However, Dubya must of been thinking ahead for all his oil and defense contract friends whom he gave no-bid contracts to.
And this is for you McCain:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DmYLrxR0Y8]YouTube - WAR - WHY CAN'T WE BE FRIENDS[/ame]
Jillian Wrote:
because ultimately, had there been any type of rational judgment about Iraq, there wouldn't have been a need for a "surge". We shouldn't have been there in the first place. And if we DID insist on going in, the "surge" should have been our troop level on day one after entering baghdad.

While mistakes were made in the planning and carrying out of the war in Iraq, it is undeniable that McCain fought for the surge that has brought true hope and a reduction in violence - putting his own candidacy on the line during the primary race. Obama, on the other hand, ignored the statements of the commanders on the ground and would have gladly lost the war completely, rather than try the surge - which he refused, like a child, to admit was working despite, again, the word from commanders on the ground and even the main-stream media that it was wildly successful.

He practically had to be tied down and beaten before he begrudgingly admitted that it worked. Not very professional NOR bipartisan.

There was no reason why Obama could not have continued to state that the war should not have been fought the way it was...AND state that the surge was a success.

The fact that he was so incapable of doing so is an indication of his inability and/or unwillingness to give credit to the other side when it might make him look like he had been wrong. Not a strong character trait in a wannabe president.

For someone like you, Jillian, who has spent the last 8 years angry about a President who made up his mind and then refused to listen to others when they expressed opposing views...I would think that this would trouble you. Obama ignored people with more information and experience than him - in order to continue to forward his own, incorrect and partisan beliefs.
You must still be on your Daddy's health insurance.

Your Daddy IS paying for the uninsured now. You think when the uninsured go to the emergency room, its just a freebie? LOL. That cost gets passed on to your daddy's insurance premiums.

If you get the uninsured covered, it ends up costing your daddy less.

Wow, it's nice when people try to insult someone by stating complete bullshit. I haven't been on my parent's insurance since I was 18 years old. I've had my own health insurance plan since right out of high school. Now, I don't even pay for my health insurance because my company pays for it.

Believe it or not, some uninsured people who go into emergency rooms actually do pay their bills. Believe it or not, not all uninsured people need healthcare. But under Obama's plan, we're going to pay for insurance for all of them. The fact that Obama's plan mostly benefits people who already get government handouts is enough reason for me not to support it. When I was making $20,000 a year, I could afford health insurance. It was expensive, but guess what, I budgeted for it. It's not my fault that not every American understands their own financial burdens.
The security of your young men and women who are serving in the military are my first priority right after our nation's security.

What about the economy, John McCain? What about unemployment, John McCain? What about energy, John McCain? GODDAMNIT you embarass the fuck out of the Republican party.
Jillian Wrote:

While mistakes were made in the planning and carrying out of the war in Iraq, it is undeniable that McCain fought for the surge that has brought true hope and a reduction in violence - putting his own candidacy on the line during the primary race. Obama, on the other hand, ignored the statements of the commanders on the ground and would have gladly lost the war completely, rather than try the surge - which he refused, like a child, to admit was working despite, again, the word from commanders on the ground and even the main-stream media that it was wildly successful.

He practically had to be tied down and beaten before he begrudgingly admitted that it worked. Not very professional NOR bipartisan.

There was no reason why Obama could not have continued to state that the war should not have been fought the way it was...AND state that the surge was a success.

The fact that he was so incapable of doing so is an indication of his inability and/or unwillingness to give credit to the other side when it might make him look like he had been wrong. Not a strong character trait in a wannabe president.

For someone like you, Jillian, who has spent the last 8 years angry about a President who made up his mind and then refused to listen to others when they expressed opposing views...I would think that this would trouble you. Obama ignored people with more information and experience than him - in order to continue to forward his own, incorrect and partisan beliefs.

Yet McCain seems to ignore what his buddy David Petraeus is saying, Afghanistan is the biggest threat. Iraq was never a threat in the first place, but the terrorists in those countries are now even no longer the biggest threat because of the piss poor job we've done in Afghanistan.
The security of your young men and women who are serving in the military are my first priority right after our nation's security.

What about the economy, John McCain? What about unemployment, John McCain? What about energy, John McCain? GODDAMNIT you embarass the fuck out of the Republican party.

Trust me, those things fall in line where they should. What good is an economy when we have people blowing us up?
For someone like you, Jillian, who has spent the last 8 years angry about a President who made up his mind and then refused to listen to others when they expressed opposing views...I would think that this would trouble you. Obama ignored people with more information and experience than him - in order to continue to forward his own, incorrect and partisan beliefs.

No. It doesn't particularly trouble me. Because I think that the 'surge' is a mixed thing, myself. I, personally, think of it as "wack-a-mole" Put troops in location a..quell the violence there. move them out of area B... violence goes up. Then we paid off the sectariaan loonies to stop attacking our troops. So, I don't think the characterization of Obama as rigid is accurate. What I do think is that after the last campaign, and the whole BS "he voted for it before he voted against it", someone who wanted the presidency would have a difficult time engaging in a nuanced discussion on the issue. So I don't really fault him.

I find far more fault with someone who thinks judicial review should be done away with. I find far more fault with someone who supported Bush 90% of the time and now has the chutzpa to talk about change. I find far more fault with someone who says we should de-regulate health care after seeing the mess de-regulation made in banking. I find far more fault with someone who won't acknowledge that had anyone listened to him, our social security money would now be in the stock market and worth about 1/4 today of what it would have been worth two weeks ago.

So I guess it's about what tweaks us.
McCain just said Obama is right.

*Watches all the Republicans still supporting McCain flip out*

Sung to the tune of Barbra Ann - by the Beach Boys...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXyhD5yiY6s]YouTube - BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB IRAN (The John McCain Dance)![/ame]


McCain busting a move.

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