Obama and McCain Debate: Round 2

I don't know the questions ahead of time. I anticipate. Every case has a predictable set of questions. When I haven't got answer, I think on my feet. That is what McCain is doing as well. He has mostly rehearsed answers, as does Obama.

Well of course they have mostly rehearsed answers if they are answering the same questions everyday for months to the same topics.

I'd like to see some topics that never get asked to be brought up but I'm doubtful.
Absolutely...but it looks a bit silly when compared to his putting his fingers in his ears and screaming "la la la I can't hear you" about the surge.
The question then becomes however, whose responsibility is it to provide the healthcare...and what responsibilities do those who have this right to healthcare have in return?

And that's what seperates these two. I agree with Obama's plan more then McCain's plan because McCain's plan is very flawed.
Did McCain suggest a spending freeze at the same time he suggested buying up all mortgages? His age is getting the best of him.
I decided to go for it tonight... and i have plunged for "my friends".

Your a brave man to actually be drinking for everytime he says that.

Too bad you'll run out of alcohol first before the debate is over.
Absolutely...but it looks a bit silly when compared to his putting his fingers in his ears and screaming "la la la I can't hear you" about the surge.

because ultimately, had there been any type of rational judgment about Iraq, there wouldn't have been a need for a "surge". We shouldn't have been there in the first place. And if we DID insist on going in, the "surge" should have been our troop level on day one after entering baghdad.
Did McCain suggest a spending freeze at the same time he suggested buying up all mortgages?

He also suggests we can solve Social Security and Energy at the same time.

You can't have a spending freeze and spend money.

Mumbles doesn't get that logic I suppose. But that's coming from the man who thought interest rates being zero was a great idea.
I don't know the questions ahead of time. I anticipate. Every case has a predictable set of questions. When I haven't got answer, I think on my feet. That is what McCain is doing as well. He has mostly rehearsed answers, as does Obama.

the old saying..dont ask a question you dont know the answer too...comes to mind
He also suggests we can solve Social Security and Energy at the same time.

You can't have a spending freeze and spend money.

Mumbles doesn't get that logic I suppose. But that's coming from the man who thought interest rates being zero was a great idea.

McCain is getting slaughtered. This is almost like what I hoped the VP debate to be like last week.

I predict Alabama will become a swing state.
because ultimately, had there been any type of rational judgment about Iraq, there wouldn't have been a need for a "surge". We shouldn't have been there in the first place. And if we DID insist on going in, the "surge" should have been our troop level on day one after entering baghdad.

So your argument (not Obama's, ironically) is that the surge was bad because the war itself was bad?

Horrible logic. We made a mistake. McCain at least supported an idea that helped fix the mistake, instead of sitting around pointing fingers going, "They did it!"
Both plans are flawed. But at least McCain's plan doesn't have me paying for everyone else's healthcare.

You must still be on your Daddy's health insurance.

Your Daddy IS paying for the uninsured now. You think when the uninsured go to the emergency room, its just a freebie? LOL. That cost gets passed on to your daddy's insurance premiums.

If you get the uninsured covered, it ends up costing your daddy less.

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