obama birth certificate: mara zebests latest report


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
this is worthy of a new thread because it is an empirical offering. this is what i have been waiting to see. the more experts that look at this the better. not just "oh the president says it's all fine"... we've all heard that already. it's not a character assassination, or an attempt to intimidate or ridicule decent people, so they don't ask questions about their president.

the fact that mara zebest and the rest of the real working birthers haven't given up on this, is a clue to me, perhaps a harbinger. so let's all take this as a challenge to find the truth about the whitehouse pdf and all of the stalling and gameplaying that brought us to this point.

the fact is, that the one fact that no one disputes, is that there is, contained in a vault in hawaii, an original birth certificate. and the the people not permitted by the government to see it.

that's a red flag America.

Articles: New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers

New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers

July 20, 2012

The layers have been the most damning and problematic evidence of file-manipulation, and the defenders of Obama are quick to respond with a plethora of explanations to justify the presence of layers. The excuses range from OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software to the more predominant excuse of optimization — both of which have been debunked in my previous report for the Cold Case Posse press conference.

Many Obama defenders have conceded that OCR is not a factor and admit that OCR was never applied to the PDF file. However, arguments for optimization still persist. Optimization refers to a file-saving process in which the goal is to reduce the file size while maintaining (or optimizing) the quality of the image (as best as possible depending on the settings applied).

Those who insist on the optimization argument either do not understand what attributes need to be present for this argument to hold water — or they are hoping the general public does not understand. It’s probably a little of both. The defenders certainly count on the ignorance of the average citizen when it comes to understanding the differences in layers produced from an automated process (such as optimization) compared to a manual choice to manipulate the file. One goal of the report is to offer a deeper understanding for recognizing the two patterns of layering (and to avoid being deceived or bamboozled). The report adds additional proof along the way that the optimization excuse fails miserably and can be completely ruled out as a justification for layers.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com
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I can not, with any authority, tell you that Obama was not really born in America but my gut feeling is that he was not born in America but in Kenya. I can say, with authority, that the birth certificate that was released by the White House is fake due to the 57 different layers that are truly present if you have a look at it with Photo Shop.

There is also no doubt in my mind that he is in fact a Muslim.
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I can not, with any authority, tell you that Obama was not really born in America but my gut feeling is that he was not born in America but in Kenya. I can say, with authority, that the birth certificate that was released by the White House is fake due to the 57 different layers that are truly present if you have a look at it with Photo Shop.

There is also no doubt in my mind that he is in fact a Muslim.

thanks, i agree. to me this has always been about putting a jigsaw puzzle together, which i think most people by now agree even the obama portrait of himself is sketchy.

this is about science, stuff that can be forensically proven. it may take time, jeez its already taken what seems like forever.

i'm leary of those who are so quick to close the case and move on, because i know they wouldn't.

there are too many genuine anomalies when it comes to the obamas, and since he decided to run for and win the presidency, i think that, as an american that alone makes it my business. i know there is an election coming, but if romney wins, that doesn't kill my curiosity about the obama story. why would it.

i know it pisses people off, that's not my intention. but it's also not my fault if they were taken at the polls, and cast their hard earned vote for a democrat imposter.

fo·ren·sic (f-rnsk, -zk)
1. Relating to, used in, or appropriate for courts of law or for public discussion or argumentation.
2. Of, relating to, or used in debate or argument; rhetorical.
3. Relating to the use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law: a forensic laboratory.

and i look forward to frank arduini's (fogbow) response of this second report. he and john woodman didn't do a very good job with mara's first report. so let's see.

i don't think it's unreasonable to ask for the science and the law to come together on this issue.
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Obama is American, born in Hawaii, and a life-long Christian.

Those who disagree are either ignorant as to the evidence, mentally feeble, or motivated by malignance, or are a combination of any or all three possibilities.

The story is not Obama, but the corruption and illness of birferism and birfers. These issues will be the historical issues, not Obama's parentage or heritage, by historians of the future.
The issues have been laid to rest.

The debate continues about cultural illness of birferism and the mental illness of birfers. Those will be the prominent issues the historians will explore.
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i'm starting to hear "so what if it's a made up composite birth certificate, it's virtual and digital, so it's not a real document, so it doesn't matter if it's genuine."

"it's not like it's a forged paper document, that would be bad..... so leave president obama alone."

this goes along with "he already been president for almost a whole term, so it don't matter if he was born in this country."

this is interesting...:




7 up, 1 down

citizens who have totally had enough of "birthers" and are ready to end that shit now

Join the "after-birthers movement" now, you know who we are after.

buy after-birthers mugs & shirts

birthers movement berthers anti-birthers end that shit now
by donym Aug 4, 2009 share this add a video



1049 up, 583 down

Birthers are criminally insane, low-IQ conservative religious fanatic, wide stanced, knuckle dragging morons who believe that Obama's parents knew he would be president when he was born and had a fake birth certificate made up indicating he was born in the U.S.

Glug...glug...yuk...yep, i reckon that filthy neeger was born in Kenya and his salt and pepper folks knew he was da anti-christ way ahead of time. Hey! Who are ya callin' birthers?

buy birthers mugs & shirts

republican redneck tea-bag fetal alcohol syndrome nascar pedophile dueling banjos
by Running out of patience Oct 6, 2009 share this add a video



2091 up, 940 down

A derogatory slang term for hetereosexuals and heterosexual couples. Primarily used within the male homosexual community in the 1980s and early 1990s and, to a lesser extent, by fervent pro-population control advocates who deliberately choose not to have children.

This definition has been eclipsed by the contemporary use of the term "birther" to describe those who question President Obama's citizenship/eligibility to be President. However, it now has a double entendre "inside joke" aspect to it when used by gays (and to a lesser extent, lesbians) in reference to conservative "birther" (anti-Obama) activists.

As acceptance of homosexuality has become more mainstream since the 1990s, this derogatory term for straights/straight-couples has fallen out of use in all but the most hard-core gay circles.

The birthers who passed Proposition 8 in California are all conservative religious fundamentalists who need to keep their Bible out of politics.

China's "one-child" policy is the only way to keep those birthers from destroying Gaia (Mother Earth).

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gay lesbian homosexual straight birthers
by SmurfLaw Jan 9, 2011 share this add a video



1 thumb up

a contraceptive pill.

She takes anti-birthers on a regular basis.

buy anti-birther mugs & shirts

contraceptive pill contraception pregnancy family planning family spacing
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here is another point of view on the technical debate. compression ??

there has to be a difinitve scientic explaination at the end of all of this.

or is it too nebulous/obscure to originate because it's in the virtual arena. but this is good.
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THe State of Hawaii saying that he was born there and has a BC. , weighs more heavily than the evidence you have not provided.
Just can't believe Americans elected a black man as president, can you? Hahahahaha.

I am glad it happened. Just be glad Obama does not treat white people the way that white people have treated the Afro-American community in the past 200 years.
wash cannot handle that a black man is president is all this is, buds.
Obama is American, born in Hawaii, and a life-long Christian.

Those who disagree are either ignorant as to the evidence, mentally feeble, or motivated by malignance, or are a combination of any or all three possibilities.

The story is not Obama, but the corruption and illness of birferism and birfers. These issues will be the historical issues, not Obama's parentage or heritage, by historians of the future.

Yes, Yes, oh and also we will be we will give every American a Million $ check, just for believing this CRAP...Christian, that man is not a Christian!! He is a Kenyan born Muslim. He had to be coached during a interview not to talk about his Muslim faith...
Obama is American, born in Hawaii, and a life-long Christian.

Those who disagree are either ignorant as to the evidence, mentally feeble, or motivated by malignance, or are a combination of any or all three possibilities.

The story is not Obama, but the corruption and illness of birferism and birfers. These issues will be the historical issues, not Obama's parentage or heritage, by historians of the future.

I don't know for sure about him being an American, or born in Hawaii....my gut feelings are he isn't and he wasn't, but nobody really knows...yet.

But i can say with conviction that he is NOT A CHRISTIAN.
Obama is American, born in Hawaii, and a life-long Christian.

Those who disagree are either ignorant as to the evidence, mentally feeble, or motivated by malignance, or are a combination of any or all three possibilities.

The story is not Obama, but the corruption and illness of birferism and birfers. These issues will be the historical issues, not Obama's parentage or heritage, by historians of the future.

Yes, Yes, oh and also we will be we will give every American a Million $ check, just for believing this CRAP...Christian, that man is not a Christian!! He is a Kenyan born Muslim. He had to be coached during a interview not to talk about his Muslim faith...

A Christian would NOT mistakenly call himself a muslim.....that was one BIG screw-up!!! Lol!
Obama is American, born in Hawaii, and a life-long Christian.

Those who disagree are either ignorant as to the evidence, mentally feeble, or motivated by malignance, or are a combination of any or all three possibilities.

The story is not Obama, but the corruption and illness of birferism and birfers. These issues will be the historical issues, not Obama's parentage or heritage, by historians of the future.

Yes, Yes, oh and also we will be we will give every American a Million $ check, just for believing this CRAP...Christian, that man is not a Christian!! He is a Kenyan born Muslim. He had to be coached during a interview not to talk about his Muslim faith...

A Christian would NOT mistakenly call himself a muslim.....that was one BIG screw-up!!! Lol!

it's like peeling the strong onion.
The historians will peel the perversion that infects birefers and birferism.

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