Obama captures Africa Al Qaeda leader

He will be read his rights by an elite FBI team....here we go again...where is Bush when we need him???

Do you mean the shrub, the man who allowed Bin Laden to escape Tora Bora....

Do you mean the former deserter-in-chief who had problem with Pakistan giving Bin Laden safe haven?

Do you mean georgie porgie who said, "I really don't think about him" when asked about Bin Laden?

Bin Laden is dead, killed under Obama Administration, bush let him go and did not care about him...
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Wait ...there is another thread saying Obama captured this guy????

Shoddy reporting by the media...again.
Nothing pisses off a 'Conservative' like the present administration executing a successful operation against an enemy of this nation. They would rather see dead Americans than see President Obama succeed.

thats a really despicable thing to say, especially since no one said anything that would in any way shape or form inspire such a thing......
Except with Benghazi...

Obama took responsibility for everything that happened.


Well ain't that special? Of course he is responsible for the unnecessary murder of 4 Americans. It was only the anniversary of 9/11 and anyone with the sense God gave a goose would have stepped up security instead of lessening it. But really, at this point, what difference does it make? It was only 4 American lives and since it was your heroes who did the murdering, I'm sure you feel those Americans were legitimate military targets.
Your guys had seven long years to get Bin Laden. And failed, because the President just didn't give a damn. Far more interested on starting a war with Iraq based on lies.

Now we have a President that has stated that he will do what ever it takes to protect Americans. And is doing precisely that. And you idiots are stating you would rather see Americans die than our President succeed. What patriots your are.
Nothing pisses off a 'Conservative' like the present administration executing a successful operation against an enemy of this nation. They would rather see dead Americans than see President Obama succeed.

thats a really despicable thing to say, especially since no one said anything that would in any way shape or form inspire such a thing......

Like hell you have not. You people are truly despicable. Make a statement and then deny it. But then it is "Not a concern of yours".
Dear Hoffstra Bozman et al:
Thank you for your good points on both sides.

I think it is equally hard to credit both parties and leaders
for the good as well as the bad, so I APPRECIATE the efforts
to point these out, and check biases on both sides. Thanks for this!

In general, it does seem hypocritical for Obama to get
voted in by support of constituents by promising things
like ending war and not following the same Bush policies
which he couldn't deliver either. So he had to say one thing to
get elected by the left, and do other things for sake of national security
which previously Bush had been blamed for. If that's what it takes
to get elected, that's what people keep voting for by supporting these party games.
Blame the other party to get elected, and then do whatever it takes including the same policies.

On the other hand, I think it helps that his race and pro-Muslim attitude
show that it is NOT because the President is "White Christian" like Bush.

If Bush had taken out Bin Laden instead of Obama
there would have been more uproar about it.

So because people have biases, somehow it helps to have
an African American Muslim sympathetic President to
do some things that couldn't be done under Bush without creating disruption.

It's like even though it is wrong to elect someone based on race
because so many people do identify with Obama as a role model,
it does serve to help people get motivated to start learning and participating
in the public process than before when so many never considered that
they could get any representation in govt, good or bad!

You have to start somewhere.

So many groups who identify with Obama are generations behind,
the learning curve of political education and involvement, it will
take many more cycles and stages to catch up with people
who have been following politics for years and years, and
understand the Constitution and political process where
others had never studied either one because they didn't think govt was accessible.

So it's not where we want to be as a nation
but at least whole sectors of the populations
are now having to get educated in order to participate responsibly.

Some are voting for the first time,
while others have long realized that isn't enough.
And others are learning to run for office to make sure
the work gets done.

So I don't agree with electing or excusing Obama based on
race, but recognize that is a factor in people taking interest
by actually identifying with him based on race religion or political views.

I don't agree with a lot of the views, but understand it is part of the
learning curve to start somewhere, where you first get involved in politics
and govt representation at all, before moving toward independence and self-govt.
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I find this idea put fourth by the left that people on the right are unhappy when a terrorist is killed or captured under the Obama administration laughable considering how many of you wanted to Blame Bush for 9-11 hell more than a few of you even claimed he planned it.
Any pictures of your hero playing spades while the mission was going down??? Or was he asleep? Most likely they didn't bother to tell him...Val would have told him to call it off.
New American policy and doctrine towards terrorist since Obama took office as President:

Hunt them
Find them
Chase them
No exceptions
I saw reports that have not been confirmed that Obama led the attack as was instrumental in it's success.
I'm sure there will be more then a wrapped candy from Michelle on Obama's pillow tonight when he gets back from this daring mission....

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