Obama captures Africa Al Qaeda leader

Conservatives get very unhappy when Obama has successes against our enemies.

What's amazing is here I am as a progressive Democrat,
and I had more disdain for Clinton and Obama than my
boyfriend who is moderate independent, leaning conservative,
hates liberals and considered Obama a threat, but he will
point out where he AGREES with actions and policies that Clinton and Obama
pursue correctly. Instead he will blame liberals for blaming Bush for
war, when Clinton initiated more military actions than Bush.
So he won't blame the Democrat Presidents but WILL recognize when
they make right decisions, but he will blame "liberal
groups and media" as hypocrites for excusing them while accusing Republican Presidents for war.
Only a complete moron believes this latest obozo lie. He lies about everything cause he knows the controlled media will always support him.
Proud eh? Why would anyone be "proud" of a government that creates military havoc across the world to sustain the empire? Do people like you ever study history to see how we ended up here, or are you just statists who really don't give a damn as long as the status quo keeps on chugging along?

"Creates havic"?:cuckoo: there's always a conflict between good and evil what side are you on?

Don't get angry with me until I try to help you understand. I believe good and evil is a matter of perspective, number 1. Number 2, the United States doesn't fight wars to stop evil.
Obama captures Africa Al Qaeda leader

Did he go in alone? Was it a HALO drop?

What a fucking STUD!

Oh, and anyone who believes the search for bin Laden stopped and stopped being a priority when Goofus Bush said he wasn't worried about him, you're fucking naïve.
He will be read his rights by an elite FBI team....here we go again...where is Bush when we need him???

Do you mean the shrub, the man who allowed Bin Laden to escape Tora Bora....

Do you mean the former deserter-in-chief who had problem with Pakistan giving Bin Laden safe haven?

Do you mean georgie porgie who said, "I really don't think about him" when asked about Bin Laden?

Bin Laden is dead, killed under Obama Administration, bush let him go and did not care about him...

No asshole....I mean the guy who tortured the muslim pigs until they coughed up info...and their nuts.....ooooorah!! Now GFY.
Proud eh? Why would anyone be "proud" of a government that creates military havoc across the world to sustain the empire? Do people like you ever study history to see how we ended up here, or are you just statists who really don't give a damn as long as the status quo keeps on chugging along?

"Creates havic"?:cuckoo: there's always a conflict between good and evil what side are you on?

Don't get angry with me until I try to help you understand. I believe good and evil is a matter of perspective, number 1. Number 2, the United States doesn't fight wars to stop evil.

Bullshit..and no good and evil is not perspective.... Liberal talk
I find this idea put fourth by the left that people on the right are unhappy when a terrorist is killed or captured under the Obama administration laughable considering how many of you wanted to Blame Bush for 9-11 hell more than a few of you even claimed he planned it.

This reminds me of the Occupy protestors who were warning people that Obama was pushing more draconian measures than Bush was protested for.
And couldn't get any support or response from liberal pro-Obama anti-conservative activists.
John Cusack was practically screaming over twitter: Where are the Democrats?
and couldn't find fellow supporters to stand up for the Constitution, out of fear
of going against their man in office.

So I find more of the party bias going the other way.

There was Republican dissension against Bush for extreme measures they deemed to be
govt waste and/or unconstitutional and they were silenced by party politics also.

Perhaps it is fear of breaking ranks or supporting members of other parties
that people can't align on issues or points we actually agree on?

In the Democrat Party the elected positions sign an agreement not to speak out in endorsement of other candidates of other parties when there is an incumbent or candidate from their party. so at some point this becomes cultish and restriction on free speech.
when bad things happen, Obama is at fault.

when good things happen, Obama had nothing to do with it.

^^^^^^^ Conservative logic.
He will be read his rights by an elite FBI team....here we go again...where is Bush when we need him???

Bush would never of caught the guy. Instead he would have attacked a country that had nothing to do with it & sacrificed over 4,000 American souls to a grand geopolitical strategy that was developed a decade prior and insulated from democratic review.

But it doesn't stop there. He would proceed to create a 24/7 color coded War on Terrorism where the American people would be constantly manipulated with strategically overblown threats. And any time someone opposed to his policies, he would accuse them of hating the troops whom he so easily sacrificed. If the dems failed to approve any one of his seven debt limit increases, he would accuse them of giving comfort to our enemies.

But it doesn't stop there. He would then go on to turn the largest budget surplus in 70 years into the largest deficit in in the nation's history to that date.

But it doesn't stop there. He would manipulate American fear in order to construct a massive Surveillance Bureaucracy. He would shred the Constitution of the United States of America by allowing the federal government to illegally spy on American citizens. He would continue the program even when warned by his Attorney General that he was violating the Constitution. He would put in place the largest, most expensive, most centralized, most secretive, most wasteful federal agency in history - Homeland Security. He would create the ground work for Washington to spy upon and protect itself from the American People, the real threat to his concentrated power.

But it doesn't stop there. He would allow the formation of the largest and most dangerous bubble in national history. Even when begged to pressure Greenspan to raise rates and burst the bubble before it became a nuclear bomb, he persisted to fuel a dead economy with an artificial housing bubble.

But it doesn't stop there. He would lose the Financial Sector, which would blow up on his watch. He would lose the banking system and credit markets. And then he would construct the largest bailout of capitalism in world history - TARP. He would lord over a system which foreclosed on middle class homeowners but bailed out his donors in Big Finance.

He would lead the United State of America from a position of financial strength and vigorous economic growth into the biggest hole in 70 years.

But sure . . . where is Bush when we need him.
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It helps to have a smart president.

Let me know when we elect one...

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 49 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
I applaud both administrations, Bush and Obama, for taking the fight to AQ overseas.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 49 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

I give him a B rating.

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