Obama commutted Bradley Manning's sentence

breaking new..

what an asshole. all this talk about russia and leaks and you commute the sentence of someone who stole government secrets who then gave them to someone who released them?

C'mon, surely you can locate more rage somehwere.

Chelsea Manning in 2010.
Maybe you should ask it out for dinner...
Should have been done long before now, but it's still one of the few good things to come from Obama's administration.
Obama is himself a fag who used to frequent the gay bathhouse scene in Chicago, so this doesn't surprise me that he would commute the sentence of a traitor because he's a tranny.
breaking new..

what an asshole. all this talk about russia and leaks and you commute the sentence of someone who stole government secrets who then gave them to someone who released them?
That FUCKING Traitor. ==> Obama.
A new low for the Hussein. What a treasonous piece of shit.
The perfect left wrong-wing hat trick. Mr. Obama has long made it clear that he was on the side of criminals, traitors, and perverts, against that of decent, loyal, law-abiding Americans. How could he pass up the chance to demonstrate all three with one action?
Cain't have no truth tellers walking around free.

You mean like the people who leaked the DNC and Podesta's Emails? That was all truth too...

You're going to have to find someone else for this partisanshit bub, take care.
# Hypocrisy. At least you're intelligent enough to recognize the two viewpoints are irreconcilable. Kudos for not trying to defend it.

Stay partisan my friend.

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