Obama directly responsible for Oregon shooting

Mother black, father white?

he and Obama could have been brothers

Guy was Republican.......black sheep of the family

No wonder he went bad

So that Liberal education isn't working out too well for you, huh???

Now someone even marginally literate might have read this

As to why the Obama regime and their propaganda media lapdogs are disguising the truth from the American people about this horrific act of Islamic terror against them, especially to the families of the dead and wounded, it is not known—but shouldn’t really surprise anyone as that government has been nothing but a mountain of lies for years.

and wondered - "Who let the crackhead near the keyboard?", USMB tweakers are on it like stink on poo.....

his Internet personal profile was changed from his true identity as an ISIS/ISIL terror supporter to one of his being a “white conservative Republican”. [Русский]

Look at the screenshot of the MySpace page.....where does it say "WHITE, conservative, republican"?


they're following their script...try to pin anything they can on "white" "supremacists"...take the lie and run with it...

The gunman was described Friday as a “hate-filled” individual with anti-religion and white supremacist leanings...

Death in a classroom: Oregon shooter targeted his English class

but...but..he was half negro..... so THAT won't fly...time to change the script..the cat is out of the bag...people are waking up..
Given your posting history, and that of most other conservatives, you're in no position to accuse others of 'lying.'

Indeed, with the lies propagated by the right concerning 'Benghazi,' 'Planned Parenthood,' and now the Oregon shootings, it's clear the conservative credo is to repeat a lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'
What kind of sick fucking piece of shit are you?

So you want Feds to arrest 87,000 people because the Russians told you so...

This is not like Bush being told guys are learning how to fly and not land, how about you answer that first...

But he was a self admitted conservative and republican... Maybe Obama should just arrest them, that's a list too...

A few boys in germany in 1930s had a list too...

Did you read the article? Do you think our govt is smart to ignore terrorist warnings no matter where they come from? The boston bombers were also identified by the russians, and those warnings were also ignored.

Are you so far up obama's ass that you cannot see reality?

So you are going to arrest people on Russia's say so...

Are you saying 87,000 people should be arrested?

for the second time...LMAO..you get shut down and then come back later and post the same thing as if nothing happened...

no one said to arrest anyone..let alone 80,000...russia never suggested we arrest anyone..that distortion is only coming from you..
when a foreign nation warns you that there are dangerous people on a watch list that have entered your country...you should..WATCH them....you hyperpartisan obstructionists are pretty comical..you twist yourself into all kinds of distorted shapes to prop up your party.....instead of working to make america better...

Actually, Ol' Ted isn't "working to make America better"...

If you check his profile, he's from Ireland, "Home of the IRA"....

Now someone even marginally literate might have read this

As to why the Obama regime and their propaganda media lapdogs are disguising the truth from the American people about this horrific act of Islamic terror against them, especially to the families of the dead and wounded, it is not known—but shouldn’t really surprise anyone as that government has been nothing but a mountain of lies for years.

and wondered - "Who let the crackhead near the keyboard?", USMB tweakers are on it like stink on poo.....

his Internet personal profile was changed from his true identity as an ISIS/ISIL terror supporter to one of his being a “white conservative Republican”. [Русский]

Look at the screenshot of the MySpace page.....where does it say "WHITE, conservative, republican"?


they're following their script...try to pin anything they can on "white" "supremacists"...take the lie and run with it...

The gunman was described Friday as a “hate-filled” individual with anti-religion and white supremacist leanings...

Death in a classroom: Oregon shooter targeted his English class

but...but..he was half negro..... so THAT won't fly...time to change the script..the cat is out of the bag...people are waking up..
Given your posting history, and that of most other conservatives, you're in no position to accuse others of 'lying.'

Indeed, with the lies propagated by the right concerning 'Benghazi,' 'Planned Parenthood,' and now the Oregon shootings, it's clear the conservative credo is to repeat a lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'

hahahaha..trying to change the subject and talk about me now that you've been cornered....comical...and ineffective..no one is distracted...
What kind of sick fucking piece of shit are you?

So you want Feds to arrest 87,000 people because the Russians told you so...

This is not like Bush being told guys are learning how to fly and not land, how about you answer that first...

But he was a self admitted conservative and republican... Maybe Obama should just arrest them, that's a list too...

A few boys in germany in 1930s had a list too...

Did you read the article? Do you think our govt is smart to ignore terrorist warnings no matter where they come from? The boston bombers were also identified by the russians, and those warnings were also ignored.

Are you so far up obama's ass that you cannot see reality?

So you are going to arrest people on Russia's say so...

Are you saying 87,000 people should be arrested?

for the second time...LMAO..you get shut down and then come back later and post the same thing as if nothing happened...

no one said to arrest anyone..let alone 80,000...russia never suggested we arrest anyone..that distortion is only coming from you..
when a foreign nation warns you that there are dangerous people on a watch list that have entered your country...you should..WATCH them....you hyperpartisan obstructionists are pretty comical..you twist yourself into all kinds of distorted shapes to prop up your party.....instead of working to make america better...

Actually, Ol' Ted isn't "working to make America better"...

If you check his profile, he's from Ireland, "Home of the IRA"....

ahhh..I see....well no WONDER he's an "expert" on american interests.....LMAO...

So he was a registered Republican but he call himself conservative and republican.
No, he was a registered Independent, Dipshit.....

Really, if you don't understand American politics, you should quit making an ass of yourself.

So he was a registered Republican but he call himself conservative and republican.
No, he was a registered Independent, Dipshit.....

Really, if you don't understand American politics, you should quit making an ass of yourself.

What you find upsetting that he described himself as Republican...

So now you want to watch 87,000 Americans because the Russians told you so...

You know the Russians are scum, RWers have to stop idolising corrupts war criminal Russians

So he was a registered Republican but he call himself conservative and republican.
No, he was a registered Independent, Dipshit.....

Really, if you don't understand American politics, you should quit making an ass of yourself.

What you find upsetting that he described himself as Republican...

So now you want to watch 87,000 Americans because the Russians told you so...

You know the Russians are scum, RWers have to stop idolising corrupts war criminal Russians
Those same Russians that Obozo is working with in the ME????
What kind of sick fucking piece of shit are you?

So you want Feds to arrest 87,000 people because the Russians told you so...

This is not like Bush being told guys are learning how to fly and not land, how about you answer that first...

But he was a self admitted conservative and republican... Maybe Obama should just arrest them, that's a list too...

A few boys in germany in 1930s had a list too...

Did you read the article? Do you think our govt is smart to ignore terrorist warnings no matter where they come from? The boston bombers were also identified by the russians, and those warnings were also ignored.

Are you so far up obama's ass that you cannot see reality?

So you are going to arrest people on Russia's say so...

Are you saying 87,000 people should be arrested?
With the patriot act that he kept, he could've monitored him. It could've saved this massacre from happening.

So he was a registered Republican but he call himself conservative and republican.
No, he was a registered Independent, Dipshit.....

Really, if you don't understand American politics, you should quit making an ass of yourself.

What you find upsetting that he described himself as Republican...

So now you want to watch 87,000 Americans because the Russians told you so...

You know the Russians are scum, RWers have to stop idolising corrupts war criminal Russians
He couldn't be republican, then Obama's IRS would have monitored him.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that also on a big long list of people? In other words it wasn't a call from the Russians saying "hey watch out for these two guys" it was more like here's X thousands of people you need to watch because we think they might be up to something. For all you know YOU might have been on that list ......I just want to make sure that the morons in Washington don't go off on a tangent and wreck the lives of innocent citizens just because some foreign source gives them a list of names.

No one is saying that everyone on the list should be arrested and thrown into Gitmo. But the govt should be monitoring the people on the list, watching where they travel, etc. If they had done that the boston bombers might have been stopped and the oregon shooter might not have been free to buy guns and kill innocents.

I see your point but that would mean that the Federal Government would potentially be "monitoring" innocent citizens which is not only unconstitutional but also could lead to innocents getting wrongly penalized. Would you want to be "monitored" by the Federal Government simply because the Russians said you were a threat? The fourth amendment dictates that the Feds get a warrant before they start "monitoring" citizens and I don't think any court worth it's salt is going to (or should) issue a warrant on a foreign sources say so, especially when we're talking about tens of thousands of people.

The patriot act already allows that, and such monitoring has saved american lives.
The Patriot Act? You mean that Constitution shredding piece of authoritarian nonsense that allows for the Feds to violate the rights of the citizenry whenever it feels like it? You can claim that such "monitoring" has "saved American lives" but there is no evidence of that since you cannot prove that without it XYZ would have happened and resulted in X number of lives being lost, not to mention that saving lives isn't a justification for the creation of a police state.

Don't worry, they arenot watching you as you look at porn sites 20 hours per day.
Yes well, I see that you have devolved into offering up baseless insults which generally means that you have no effective counter argument, so I'll bid you a good day and leave you to your own devices.

your concession of defeat is accepted.

Have you found any reference to "white, republican, conservative" on the screen shot of the MySpace page?
There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???

Do you doubt it? Propaganda is the major product of the current administration.
I am a bit skeptical yes. I think any rational person would have a degree of skepticism. I need more proof.

How many dead americans would constitute proof for you?

So what should be done with the white feral savages?
There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???

Do you doubt it? Propaganda is the major product of the current administration.
I am a bit skeptical yes. I think any rational person would have a degree of skepticism. I need more proof.

How many dead americans would constitute proof for you?

So what should be done with the white feral savages?
The half black ones???

What do YOU suggest, since we have one parked in the White House now???.

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