Obama Embarrassed Himself Today Lying To His Base / Liberals

Again when was the last time you ever witnessed a politician with their lips moving that wasn't lieing?
Obama tried to take credit for the Trump economy then after he was heckled he had a meltdown..."If you support the other candidates, then you should go support the other candidates. Don't be here. One of the things I never understood was why if you're supporting the other guy, you come to my rally. Go to their rally."
Free country. That's what the left said when their hecklers showed up to harass Trump.
Obama even went back in time to claim that 'the GOP IS POLLUTING THE AIR AND WATER' - NO SH!T!


Trump has sold out our environmental protections to the highest bidder
Bullcorn. What has Trump sold out regarding environmental protections?

76 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump
You ruined it by using the NY Times as your source. Sorry, no can do.
The lying weasel is still trying to take credit for the economy. Typical bureaucrat, every success is his and every failure is someone else's.


Hypocrite extraordinaire!:mad:

I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
You're so cute. In what year will Easy realize that Obama is no longer President or anything else?
i think there are valid times to reference him in comparing policies and differences sure. but constantly following him around to find something to rag on is in the same vein as when liberals dog on trumps every word and make it something bad.
Obama even went back in time to claim that 'the GOP IS POLLUTING THE AIR AND WATER' - NO SH!T!


Trump has sold out our environmental protections to the highest bidder
Bullcorn. What has Trump sold out regarding environmental protections?

76 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump
You ruined it by using the NY Times as your source. Sorry, no can do.

Bullshit. That's a cop-out. Hell, Trump has openly bragged about all the regulations he has done away with. And he even said he did it for "business". What do you think a "sell-out" is? Those rollbacks make it easier for companies to externalize their costs. That means they transfer their costs, like the health costs associated with dirty air, to YOU AND ME. Again, just what do you think a sell-out is?

Damn Trump supporters are dumber than a rock.
Obama even went back in time to claim that 'the GOP IS POLLUTING THE AIR AND WATER' - NO SH!T!


Trump has sold out our environmental protections to the highest bidder
Bullcorn. What has Trump sold out regarding environmental protections?

76 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump
You ruined it by using the NY Times as your source. Sorry, no can do.

Bullshit. That's a cop-out. Hell, Trump has openly bragged about all the regulations he has done away with. And he even said he did it for "business". What do you think a "sell-out" is? Those rollbacks make it easier for companies to externalize their costs. That means they transfer their costs, like the health costs associated with dirty air, to YOU AND ME. Again, just what do you think a sell-out is?

Damn Trump supporters are dumber than a rock.
Many regulations need to be done away with. They're cumbersome and costly and do absolutely nothing to help the environment.
You're so cute. In what year will Easy realize that Obama is no longer President or anything else?
Is that the best defense you could mou t of Barry's BS and embarrassing theatrics, trying to claim the last President who has come out to attack the more successful current President is 'irrelevant'?!

Trump is the greatest liar we have ever had as president. Poor Trumpers can't defend their prevaricating perv they support so they tell lies about Obama. When the foundation of Trumpism is lies, well lies is what you expect and lies is what you get. It can't come soon enough when Trumpism is flushed away into the sewer of history where it belongs.
Trump is the greatest liar we have ever had as president. Poor Trumpers can't defend their prevaricating perv they support so they tell lies about Obama. When the foundation of Trumpism is lies, well lies is what you expect and lies is what you get. It can't come soon enough when Trumpism is flushed away into the sewer of history where it belongs.
When hasn't Typhoid Barry embarrassed himself and lied? That's the spoiled punk's standard state of existence! He has always been a lying embarrassment to the human race, the son of a literal whore.
Obama increased the Debt by $30,000 per living soul in the US during his admin.

This is the same pos cvnt that said it was unpatriotic to increase the debt while he was a Senator.

Fuck Obama...twice.

He was the worst President. Worse than Willam Henry Harrison who died a month after the inauguration.

How do you say it’s unpatriotic to increase the debt, then increase the debt by $10 trillion?

I guess he intentionally was unpatriotic.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
The GOP isn’t even running on their tax cuts because wages are not growing and the cuts are not trickling down. Exactly what everyone predicted would happen happened; stock buybacks and wild acceleration of the income gap.
They certainly are running on their tax cut bill, moron.
Obama even went back in time to claim that 'the GOP IS POLLUTING THE AIR AND WATER' - NO SH!T!


Trump has sold out our environmental protections to the highest bidder
Yeah, because everyone wants environmental regulations that bring industry to a grinding halt without producing any noticeable improvement in the environment.
Obama even went back in time to claim that 'the GOP IS POLLUTING THE AIR AND WATER' - NO SH!T!


Trump has sold out our environmental protections to the highest bidder
Yeah, because everyone wants environmental regulations that bring industry to a grinding halt without producing any noticeable improvement in the environment.

We should probably spend elenventy bazillion dollars to fight global warming, most of it should go to Al Gore.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
There is only one true statement in that spittle spraying screed.

Yes, the most Americans in history are indeed working, because right now we have the most Americans ever in history.

Well one out of 8-10 points (your post got a little run-on there at the end) isn't bad for a tRumpkin.
You're so cute. In what year will Easy realize that Obama is no longer President or anything else?

Not that He ever was.

Or would never have been had anybody being paying attention to the rules laid down in The U.S. Constitution......
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
LOL. You are a bootlicker extraordinaire, Twinkle Toes.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
Did the Great Obama mention that Trump is living off the Obama economy?

Did Obama mention that during the Obama years more people were living on welfare?
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend

He comes off like he is begging. The blow to the Token half negro’s who will be awesome. Bet he don’t do any interviews after, lol.

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