Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government

Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
Sorry PH, this is an Obama Shutdown. If I can't get what I want, I won't sign the funding bill, Wah!!!!!!!
You should ask yourself why the GOP would rather shut down the government than pass an immigration reform bill that provides amnesty to illegals in accordance with the overwhelming will of the American people.

You should ask yourself why this president cannot work with Congress yet AGAIN and takes jobs away from American citizens in favor of illegal aliens.
Court ruling challenges Obama immigration action Watchdog.org
The "illegals steal jobs" meme is total bullshit.

Perhaps you heard of the economic crash which occurred a few years ago? It was in all the papers.

We had full employment before that, with the same number of illegals in the US as we have now, maybe even more.

Only a severely retarded rube would believe it is immigrants who are the reason for the plunge in employment..

The illegals aren't stealing the jobs, they are being given the jobs by our fearful leader.
Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
Sorry PH, this is an Obama Shutdown. If I can't get what I want, I won't sign the funding bill, Wah!!!!!!!
You should ask yourself why the GOP would rather shut down the government than pass an immigration reform bill that provides amnesty to illegals in accordance with the overwhelming will of the American people.

You should ask yourself why this president cannot work with Congress yet AGAIN and takes jobs away from American citizens in favor of illegal aliens.
Court ruling challenges Obama immigration action Watchdog.org
The "illegals steal jobs" meme is total bullshit.

Perhaps you heard of the economic crash which occurred a few years ago? It was in all the papers.

We had full employment before that, with the same number of illegals in the US as we have now, maybe even more.

Only a severely retarded rube would believe it is immigrants who are the reason for the plunge in employment..

The illegals aren't stealing the jobs, they are being given the jobs by our fearful leader.
What's really cool is the illegals are exempt from the Obama care mandates so any business that doesn't want to provide insurance gets a pass on any fines if they hire the illegals.
The GOP does not like to do hard work.

They'd rather not pass an immigration bill. It is easier to just not do it and try to defund Obama's deferred deportation instead.

They are cowards. Hostages. Stockholm Syndrome.

How do you defund deferred deportation? Cut back on Border Patrol guards?

Brilliant plan.

Do you know what Stockholm Syndrome is? That didn't make any sense.
Stockholm Syndrome is when a hostage is beholden to those who took them captive.

It fits the GOP leadership perfectly. They are sucking off the bigots holding them hostage.
They take the point of view of the hostages.
They take the point of view of their captors, dipshit.
lol, that's what I meant.
I am going to make a prediction. And it is going to grind your guts when it comes true.

Sooner or later, the GOP Congress is going to write an immigration reform bill which will grant amnesty to the illegals. The very same illegals for whom Obama has just deferred deportation.

This shutdown bullshit is theater for the rubes so the GOP can pretend it isn't in favor of doing what it will do.

The GOP knows it is going to grant amnesty, but they have to play this little game first for you idiots out there.
I am going to make a prediction. And it is going to grind your guts when it comes true.

Sooner or later, the GOP Congress is going to write an immigration reform bill which will grant amnesty to the illegals. The very same illegals for whom Obama has just deferred deportation.

This shutdown bullshit is theater for the rubes so the GOP can pretend it isn't in favor of doing what it will do.

The GOP knows it is going to grant amnesty, but they have to play this little game first for you idiots out there.

It's all in the nasty little details.

Better Anarchy than what we have now. More importantly what would replace it is the small, localized Government that was supposed to be the foundation of this country's Governmental system.
I am going to make a prediction. And it is going to grind your guts when it comes true.

Sooner or later, the GOP Congress is going to write an immigration reform bill which will grant amnesty to the illegals. The very same illegals for whom Obama has just deferred deportation.

This shutdown bullshit is theater for the rubes so the GOP can pretend it isn't in favor of doing what it will do.

The GOP knows it is going to grant amnesty, but they have to play this little game first for you idiots out there.

It's all in the nasty little details.

Amnesty is amnesty.

But John Boehner/Mitch McConnell will hold a press conference after they have given amnesty to the illegals, and they will toss out key trigger phrases and words to satisfy the rubes. "Security", "tough", "border fence", etc.
Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
Sorry PH, this is an Obama Shutdown. If I can't get what I want, I won't sign the funding bill, Wah!!!!!!!
You should ask yourself why the GOP would rather shut down the government than pass an immigration reform bill that provides amnesty to illegals in accordance with the overwhelming will of the American people.

You should ask yourself why this president cannot work with Congress yet AGAIN and takes jobs away from American citizens in favor of illegal aliens.
Court ruling challenges Obama immigration action Watchdog.org
The "illegals steal jobs" meme is total bullshit.

Perhaps you heard of the economic crash which occurred a few years ago? It was in all the papers.

We had full employment before that, with the same number of illegals in the US as we have now, maybe even more.

Only a severely retarded rube would believe it is immigrants who are the reason for the plunge in employment..

The illegals aren't stealing the jobs, they are being given the jobs by our fearful leader.
No. They're being given jobs by greedy republicans who don't want to pay taxes or pay a higher salary.

That, in a nutshell, is why the GOP opposes immigration reform.
An American is not going to leave their suburban tract house, climb into their SUV, and drive from farm to farm over hundreds of miles to pick lettuce for two weeks, then go to another farm to pick apples for two weeks, then go to another farm farther away to pick strawberries for two weeks, and so forth and so on.

It's called migrant work for a reason, and it has been proven time and time again that Americans simply will not do it.

Every prosperous society has a large immigrant cheap labor force that does the shit jobs.

I can guarantee you that when you see some Mexican scrubbing the shit out of a McDonald's toilet, you aren't saying to yourself, "That bastard stole my job!"
Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
Sorry PH, this is an Obama Shutdown. If I can't get what I want, I won't sign the funding bill, Wah!!!!!!!
You should ask yourself why the GOP would rather shut down the government than pass an immigration reform bill that provides amnesty to illegals in accordance with the overwhelming will of the American people.

Americans, overwhelmingly, want the border sealed.
Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
Sorry PH, this is an Obama Shutdown. If I can't get what I want, I won't sign the funding bill, Wah!!!!!!!
You should ask yourself why the GOP would rather shut down the government than pass an immigration reform bill that provides amnesty to illegals in accordance with the overwhelming will of the American people.

Americans, overwhelmingly, want the border sealed.
Americans overwhelmingly want amnesty for illegals. Much more so than those who want the border sealed.

Sorry about that.
If it was supposed to small and local why did they make it national? Were they just stupid?

What they were, was naive. They had this absurd fantasy that you could build a "national" Government that would accept a secondary, lesser role than the Governments of the States that made up the "nation". They also fantasized that without enumerating it in writing, the basic morals, values, and responsibilities of that society and its citizens would be maintained over time.

Of course, that failed. Mr. Lincoln stuck his nose into the business of the States, and everything fell apart from there. He got his just desserts, but the Government was already too far down the road to ruin by that point.
Sorry PH, this is an Obama Shutdown. If I can't get what I want, I won't sign the funding bill, Wah!!!!!!!
You should ask yourself why the GOP would rather shut down the government than pass an immigration reform bill that provides amnesty to illegals in accordance with the overwhelming will of the American people.

You should ask yourself why this president cannot work with Congress yet AGAIN and takes jobs away from American citizens in favor of illegal aliens.
Court ruling challenges Obama immigration action Watchdog.org
The "illegals steal jobs" meme is total bullshit.

Perhaps you heard of the economic crash which occurred a few years ago? It was in all the papers.

We had full employment before that, with the same number of illegals in the US as we have now, maybe even more.

Only a severely retarded rube would believe it is immigrants who are the reason for the plunge in employment..

The illegals aren't stealing the jobs, they are being given the jobs by our fearful leader.
No. They're being given jobs by greedy republicans who don't want to pay taxes or pay a higher salary.

That, in a nutshell, is why the GOP opposes immigration reform.

They're being given jobs by greedy republicans who don't want to pay taxes or pay a higher salary.

Then you should favor sealing the borders, to stick it to those greedy republicans.
Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
Sorry PH, this is an Obama Shutdown. If I can't get what I want, I won't sign the funding bill, Wah!!!!!!!
You should ask yourself why the GOP would rather shut down the government than pass an immigration reform bill that provides amnesty to illegals in accordance with the overwhelming will of the American people.

Americans, overwhelmingly, want the border sealed.
Americans overwhelmingly want amnesty for illegals. Much more so than those who want the border sealed.

Sorry about that.


Sorry about that.
An American is not going to leave their suburban tract house, climb into their SUV, and drive from farm to farm over hundreds of miles to pick lettuce for two weeks, then go to another farm to pick apples for two weeks, then go to another farm farther away to pick strawberries for two weeks, and so forth and so on.

It's called migrant work for a reason, and it has been proven time and time again that Americans simply will not do it.

Every prosperous society has a large immigrant cheap labor force that does the shit jobs.

I can guarantee you that when you see some Mexican scrubbing the shit out of a McDonald's toilet, you aren't saying to yourself, "That bastard stole my job!"

Every prosperous society has a large immigrant cheap labor force that does the shit jobs.

Great. Seal the border, boot the illegals and then set up a temporary worker program, for the shit jobs.
"seal the border" is becoming akin to "a pill that'll make you skinny."
Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
you mean throw the repubs out like they did in the mid-terms? Seems like the last government shut down helped the republicans.
If it was supposed to small and local why did they make it national? Were they just stupid?

What they were, was naive. They had this absurd fantasy that you could build a "national" Government that would accept a secondary, lesser role than the Governments of the States that made up the "nation". They also fantasized that without enumerating it in writing, the basic morals, values, and responsibilities of that society and its citizens would be maintained over time.

Of course, that failed. Mr. Lincoln stuck his nose into the business of the States, and everything fell apart from there. He got his just desserts, but the Government was already too far down the road to ruin by that point.
So your fix is we should no longer be one nation then? Works for me, no one can govern the damn thing anyway. How many nations would you like, 50? 5?
Let the games begin. A always love a good GOP shutdown and so do the American people, when they toss them out at the next election, which they will anyway buy hey, let's have some fun in the meantime.
you mean throw the repubs out like they did in the mid-terms? Seems like the last government shut down helped the republicans.
yep the shutdown cost all them dem seats. Do it again! That's the ticket.

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