Obama Is Never Going To Be "Our" President


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Because of Obama's ideology he's never going to represent the interests of all Americans. His tactics are designed specifically to help what is popularly called the oppressed classes in this country. He does not represent or support the desires or the needs of all of us. He never will. He will never be a good president concerned with jobs or national security. He's only concerned with hot-button topics that help small segments of the demographic population.

According to his ideology, Obama's only goal is to become a champion for the downtrodden minority. This is why he supports same-sex marriage and racial equality. Both issues that weren't even considered a problem. Right now the media, which is under the control of the WhiteHouse, is blasting to the world that America is a racist country. Anyone who's been to any other country in the world knows this is total hogwash. We are one of if not the least racist countries in the world. The fact that we have such a diverse racial mix in this country is proof of this. Try living in just about any other country and if you aren't the same race as the majority of people that live there, you draw stares. For example, Mexico by law doesn't allow more than a specific percentage of non-Mexicans to live in any region for fear that they may take over their local governments. Their immigration laws are draconian by comparison to Americas', yet they dare to lecture us about ours.

Obama is perpetrating several frauds. This constant barrage of racial accusations is by design. It's called pushing a negative till it becomes a positive. Until it becomes more popular to be saying that America is a racist country than it is to say it is not, race-baiters will continue to push this down our throats. If you're not down for the struggle you're a racist. Attempting to meld into society instead of becoming a major pain in the ass means you're an Uncle Tom or a sellout. So essentially, being non-racial means you become a target. The best thing that can happen to the race-baiters is for some Dylan Roof type to murder 9 blacks in a church. This allows them sympathy and thus a major leap in accomplishing their goals. And one of their goals is to prove that America is racist.

The same goes for those who don't believe in same-sex marriage. If you're not happy about gays getting married you're a homophobe. There is no difference to the LBGHT radical left between someone who doesn't believe in people of the same sex getting married and someone who would like to walk into a Gay pride parade and open up with an assault weapon. This is pushing a negative till it becomes a positive. The problem is enough minds have to be changed for it for it to work. So train our kids how to be more conscious of sexuality and teach them to be more accepting of transgenders. The same exact tactic has been used against Global Warming deniers. The EPA Administrator said the other day that anyone who doesn't believe in man-made Global Warming is not normal. EPA Chief Climate Deniers Aren t Normal Human Beings The Daily Caller

Obama doesn't focus on what really matters in America. He hasn't the time. He's too busy establishing his bonafides with his target groups to be concerned with issues that effect everyone. That's why jobs and national security are barely mentioned in this administration. It doesn't matter that your future and your family's future is in doubt. For the first time in American history our children feel that there is little hope of living a better life than their parents. The hopes or promise of a better life has been replaced with a depressive thought that the best they can expect is living off of entitlements. This is the hope and change that Obama promised. No hope.....and that is the change. He says that the greatest threat to the world and thus America is Global Warming, not terrorism.

Obama means to become the new MLK and the father of the Gay movement in America. His future is guaranteed. Once he's finally gone from the WhiteHouse he wants to be highly thought of by small segments of the population, but what the rest feels doesn't matter to him. Anyone who tries to punish him for his various acts of fraud and deception will come under all-out assault by his followers. Obama needed this Supreme Court decision to solidify his base with the LBGHT community. He also needs a major victory with respect to race. That is why we haven't heard the last of all of the racism accusations. This is only the beginning of all of the riots that are planned in the future.
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President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.

I see no more hate towards Obama than I saw towards Bush. Check your race card at the door and acknowledge that we are a sharply divided country. In my lifetime (since Lyndon Johnson), the most unifying President we had was Bill Clinton; and this is coming from a guy who voted against him twice but also supported him on many issues. Back to Obama and Bush, 16 years combined between them, I am hopeful the next President has more unified support.......if it is Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, then we are in for at least another 4 years of hate and division.
Obama Is Never Going To Be "Our" President

That's what all the anti-Americans say. That's why they fly the confederate flag. That's also why the MAJORITY won't vote for their nominee for POTUS. Down in flames.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.

I see no more hate towards Obama than I saw towards Bush. Check your race card at the door and acknowledge that we are a sharply divided country. In my lifetime (since Lyndon Johnson), the most unifying President we had was Bill Clinton; and this is coming from a guy who voted against him twice but also supported him on many issues. Back to Obama and Bush, 16 years combined between them, I am hopeful the next President has more unified support.......if it is Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, then we are in for at least another 4 years of hate and division.
You see more hate toward Obama because you want to ignore all of the movies about Bush getting assassinate, or Sitcoms based around Bush bashing, or Bush's head placed on a lance in Game Of Thrones.

What did Bush do?

Try to stop terrorist attacks like 911.

He was accused of mistreating the troops because of peeling paint and mold in showers.

Obama has killed almost as many soldiers in Afghanistan yet nobody knows it thanks to the media. Afghanistan troops were shooting our soldiers left and right and Obama's response was just to tell them to turn their desks to toward the door so they'll see it coming next time. His Rules Of Engagement ties their hands in a fight and puts them in grave danger. Any soldier caught pissing on the body of a dead enemy gets worse treatment than a terrorist who murders our Ambassador. He has let the Veteran's Administration become a mess. Veterans are literally dying waiting to be treated. Yet Bush mistreated the troops.

Nope, Bush was hammered for everything under that Sun and Obama skates. Obama falsely announces an agreement with Iran, the greatest sponsor of terrorism on the planet, which is not verifiable, and you guys forget the fact that our status in the world has been severely harmed by Obama's lack of trustworthiness or accountability. He has been caught several times spying on our allies and giving our enemies a heads up to their plans.

As long as he makes the blacks, liberals, illegals, and the Gays happy you guys could care less what else he's guilty of.

You say I should check my race-card at the door yet your throw one down from the get-go.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.

A revealing post: (1) Share debt responsibility with GOP; (2) Proclaim this issue to be unsolvable; (3) Replace it with the issue of "fairness;" and (4) promise unspecified paradise for the masses. Marxist Theology 101.

The ONLY solution to our debt/deficit problems is ECONOMIC GROWTH in the PRIVATE SECTOR, which INCREASES tax revenues and DECREASES government expenditures. But then, Math is a more difficult subject...
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.

A revealing post: (1) Share debt responsibility with GOP; (2) Proclaim this issue to be unsolvable; (3) Replace it with the issue of "fairness;" and (4) promise unspecified paradise for the masses. Marxist Theology 101.

The ONLY solution to our debt/deficit problems is ECONOMIC GROWTH in the PRIVATE SECTOR, which INCREASES tax revenues and DECREASES government expenditures. But then, Math is a more difficult subject...

Never claimed it was unsolvable....just that politicians cannot seriously say they are the party that can fix it.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.

A revealing post: (1) Share debt responsibility with GOP; (2) Proclaim this issue to be unsolvable; (3) Replace it with the issue of "fairness;" and (4) promise unspecified paradise for the masses. Marxist Theology 101.

The ONLY solution to our debt/deficit problems is ECONOMIC GROWTH in the PRIVATE SECTOR, which INCREASES tax revenues and DECREASES government expenditures. But then, Math is a more difficult subject...
Yup....Obama offers a small but highly influential segment of the electorate a warm fuzzy feeling....and offers nothing but false promises to the people that make this country work.

No jobs.
No security.
Nothing but deception and lies.
And a promise that your most wildest dreams will come true if he gives you one thing you've always wanted, and that is supposed to solve everything.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.

A revealing post: (1) Share debt responsibility with GOP; (2) Proclaim this issue to be unsolvable; (3) Replace it with the issue of "fairness;" and (4) promise unspecified paradise for the masses. Marxist Theology 101.

The ONLY solution to our debt/deficit problems is ECONOMIC GROWTH in the PRIVATE SECTOR, which INCREASES tax revenues and DECREASES government expenditures. But then, Math is a more difficult subject...
Yup....Obama offers a small but highly influential segment of the electorate a warm fuzzy feeling....and offers nothing but false promises to the people that make this country work.

No jobs.
No security.
Nothing but deception and lies.
And a promise that your most wildest dreams will come true if he gives you one thing you've always wanted, and that is supposed to solve everything.

I have a job.
OBL is dead, GM is alive.
Deception and lies is your department.
President Obama thanks you for your assistance in getting him reelected twice by landslide. Without your silly lame assed antics and one-of-a-kind ability to sow hatred and expose only the worst qualities of the opposition, he truly could not have done it without you.
That is actually true, which doesn't say much for the President's accomplishments. I think Democrats need to better than simply relying on Republicans to do worse.

Very true. But while you have this divided government, there isn't alot either party can point to. With $18T in debt and both parties being responsible, you can't really seriously say you're going to solve the issue.

Pretty much the only thing you can say that you'll do differently is promote a social agenda of fairness. Obama has done this and as our court system has begun to hear the cases at the federal level, you see it starting to bear fruit for all Americans.

A revealing post: (1) Share debt responsibility with GOP; (2) Proclaim this issue to be unsolvable; (3) Replace it with the issue of "fairness;" and (4) promise unspecified paradise for the masses. Marxist Theology 101.

The ONLY solution to our debt/deficit problems is ECONOMIC GROWTH in the PRIVATE SECTOR, which INCREASES tax revenues and DECREASES government expenditures. But then, Math is a more difficult subject...
Yup....Obama offers a small but highly influential segment of the electorate a warm fuzzy feeling....and offers nothing but false promises to the people that make this country work.

No jobs.
No security.
Nothing but deception and lies.
And a promise that your most wildest dreams will come true if he gives you one thing you've always wanted, and that is supposed to solve everything.

I have a job.
OBL is dead, GM is alive.
Deception and lies is your department.

I guess you're forgetting these lies pushed by the Obama Administration:

"If you like your doctor.....you can keep your doctor....period."
The ACA won't increase the deficit a dime.
The ACA will lower health care premiums $2500.
The ACA fee is not a tax.
The ACA will pay for itself.
Illegals will not be covered under the ACA.
"You didn't build that."
Benghazi was the result of an impromptu protest over a disgusting video.
"I said Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the beginning."
America is a racist country.
"There is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS."
“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.”
“I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration”
My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years.
American oil production is the highest that it’s been in eight years.
I’ve done more for Israel’s security than any President ever.
I'm the closest thing to a Jew that's ever been POTUS.
This is the worst economy since the Great Depression.
I didn't know how bad the economy was until I became president.

The rich don't pay their fair share.
No boots on the ground in Libya.
No boots on the ground in Iraq.
Keeping your tires inflated will save you $8000 in gas.
My plan will create millions of shovel-ready jobs.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

And there is this whopper that later was changed because he claimed to evolved.

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