Obama most polarizing president in modern history

Republicans have been trained to reply FAIL to any question relating to Obama

Can't expect more than 9%

He is polarizing whether you care to believe it or not.
Millions of Americans are furious about divisive issues, such as Obamacare, and his latest attempts at amnesty for illegals. Both of these issues by themselves are enough to warrant serious calls for impeachment.

No question he is divisive

Republicans declared that he must fail since the day he took office. When you are forced to deal with a political party that refuses to compromise on any issue, polarization is what you get

We hope he fails because we have a huge disagreement with his agenda.
We did indeed want him out from day one, because we could see from his personal background, and who he aligned himself with that he was going to be at least as liberal as the disastrous Jimmy Carter.
So yes, from the day he entered office we hoped he failed bigtime since we knew what him being successful meant.

Let me give you an example.....

Shortly after Obama took office, The banks and auto companies needed a TARP extension to prevent bankruptcy. Obama asked for the same TARP that was granted to Bush with Democratic support. The same Republicans who voted for TARP when Bush was asking voted no when Obama asked

Now tell me who is polarizing
Bet you never saw this one coming, right ?

You're blaming the wrong person:

GOP Approves ‘Most Conservative Platform In Modern History’

"A week from the 2012 Republican National Convention, Republican committee members spent Tuesday articulating and affirming the principles they stand for in a draft of the official party platform. Led by Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-VA) and featuring other Tea Party stars like Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), the committee approved a draft of the platform McDonnell said “will reflect the heart and soul of the Republican Party” and one committee member called “the most conservative platform in modern history.”
Bet you never saw this one coming, right ?

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating may be on the upswing, but he remains one of the most polarizing presidents in modern history, according to a new Gallup analysis.

Gallup found that over Obama's sixth year in office, an average of 79% of Democrats and just 9% of Republicans approved of the job he was doing, in a report out Friday.

That 70% gap in approval from the parties ties for the fifth-most polarized year for a president in the past 60.

With the economy continuing to improve and the political battles of the midterms safely behind him, Obama has enjoyed slightly higher approval ratings in recent months.

RELATED: Obama heads into State of the Union on ratings uptick

But his tenure has been one of the most polarizing overall of any modern president. Each of his six years in office have ranked in the top 10 most polarized since 1953, with President George W. Bush taking the other four slots.

And as an election looms, the polarization escalates.

Obama's most polarized year was his fourth, when average Democratic approval was at 86%, while Republicans approved of him at an average of 10%. Bush's year heading into his reelection fight was also his most polarizing.

Obama most polarizing president in modern history - CNN.com

That wrongly assumes that the President causes the polarization.

One could as easily make the case that the Republicans have been the most polarizing out of power party of any in modern history.

Learn to think, 'nuts.

I am thinking, and as I've already pointed out Obama has pushed very divisive issues that is guaranteed to create a climate of polarization, so it's no surprise what the results of this poll show.
There is a lot of hate in the GOP right now. Slightly more than the Dems had 14-6 years ago.

Wrong! The far left hates anything that is not far left that is still happening today by example of your far left propaganda post..

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush Gallup Historical Trends

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama Gallup Historical Data Trends

I still think the GOP hate Obama more than the DEMs hated Bush

Looking at both W's and O's numbers, I'd say the hate was pretty evenly dispersed.
I will say that I think the divide between both parties is the widest it's been during my lifetime.
I blame the media talking heads for this crazy polarization. Those people preach hate and intolerance towards the politicians of the other side. People listen/read what these hate-mongers have to say and unfortunately eat it right up. These are the "dividers," and they have driven the polarization of America and it's all for thickening their wallet. I see these dividers as enemies of America. I have zero respect for the people who follow every word these hate-mongers throw out.
Regarding Bush and Obama, neither one did even a fair job. I disagree/disagreed with both men more often than not. It's too bad that party not country dictates policy and has since 2001. Prior to that, we had scwables between the two but we also had compromise. Since the demise of compromise, I've seen the US trend downwards.
I think that the state of lack of cooperation between the two parties has led to the record growth of the Independent Voter and voter apathy as we saw with the last election.
Whatever happened to adult thinking?
Democrats who were willing to give Bush a chance,
Now that's hilarious.

Thanks for the humor break on a Monday morning.

Personally, I approved the job Bush was doing after he got elected. I didn't like all his policies but gave him the same benefit of the doubt all new Presidents deserve. After 9-11, I rallied around my President like all Americans

He didn't lose my support till he invaded Iraq

Obama was never given the same courtesy by Republicans

President Bush enjoy mostly an above 50 approval rating from Democrats for a year or so after 9-11.

Even after OBL was killed Republicans couldn't bring themselves to support the CiC.

Bad example.

When 9/11 occured the country was so traumatized, it would not have mattered who was in office, ALL Americans looked to our leader for guidance and would have rallied around whoever it was.
No I believe that Abe Lincoln was the most polarizing..They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Lincoln was elected Nov. 5, 1860. He did not take office until Inauguration Day, March 4, 1861.

The southern states started leaving the union in December 1860, and the Confederacy was established in February 1861. Lincoln didn't even arrive in Washington DC until Feb. 23, and didn't take office until March.

And yet the liberals today are desperately trying to blame Lincoln for being the polarizing factor who "started the Civil War???

These people are either appallingly ignorant, or appallingly disingenuous.

They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Here the liberals accidentally reveal a hint of the truth. "They" hated him so much, they started the war. And who are "they"?

Democrat slavery advocates who fired on Ft. Sumter in Charleston.

The did it just a month after Lincoln took office, ignoring his major efforts to keep the union together, promising he was not going to free the slaves, etc.

Only years later, when the south continued its war and heightened the abuse of its slaves, did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves as a means of disrupting the economy of the warmongers in the South.

Lincoln wasn't the "polarizing figure" who started the Civil War. Southern Democrats were. They practiced some of the most horrible abuse of human rights ever seen in this country, and kept it up for generations, long before Lincoln was elected, even as decent people (including Lincoln) tried to calm the waters.

As always, the Democrats lie, spin, and rewrite history, trying to pretend they weren't the problem then and aren't the problem now.
They is the people that were not them....
Once again the far left peddles that if you disagree with Obama, then you are a hate filled racist

I've disagreed with President Obama since day one of his administration. If you woke up on Nov. 5 2008 and said "I can't believe the country just elected a Ni@@er". You might be a hate filled racist.
The day after the election, I had several people in town walk up to me and state that....I guess trying to see what I would say....
No I believe that Abe Lincoln was the most polarizing..They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Lincoln was elected Nov. 5, 1860. He did not take office until Inauguration Day, March 4, 1861.

The southern states started leaving the union in December 1860, and the Confederacy was established in February 1861. Lincoln didn't even arrive in Washington DC until Feb. 23, and didn't take office until March.

And yet the liberals today are desperately trying to blame Lincoln for being the polarizing factor who "started the Civil War???

These people are either appallingly ignorant, or appallingly disingenuous.

They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Here the liberals accidentally reveal a hint of the truth. "They" hated him so much, they started the war. And who are "they"?

Democrat slavery advocates who fired on Ft. Sumter in Charleston.

The did it just a month after Lincoln took office, ignoring his major efforts to keep the union together, promising he was not going to free the slaves, etc.

Only years later, when the south continued its war and heightened the abuse of its slaves, did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves as a means of disrupting the economy of the warmongers in the South.

Lincoln wasn't the "polarizing figure" who started the Civil War. Southern Democrats were. They practiced some of the most horrible abuse of human rights ever seen in this country, and kept it up for generations, long before Lincoln was elected, even as decent people (including Lincoln) tried to calm the waters.

As always, the Democrats lie, spin, and rewrite history. Trying to pretend they weren't the problem then and aren't the problem now.
No I believe that Abe Lincoln was the most polarizing..They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Lincoln was elected Nov. 5, 1860. He did not take office until Inauguration Day, March 4, 1861.

The southern states started leaving the union in December 1860, and the Confederacy was established in February 1861. Lincoln didn't even arrive in Washington DC until Feb. 23, and didn't take office until March.

And yet the liberals today are desperately trying to blame Lincoln for being the polarizing factor who "started the Civil War???

These people are either appallingly ignorant, or appallingly disingenuous.

They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Here the liberals accidentally reveal a hint of the truth. "They" hated him so much, they started the war. And who are "they"?

Democrat slavery advocates who fired on Ft. Sumter in Charleston.

The did it just a month after Lincoln took office, ignoring his major efforts to keep the union together, promising he was not going to free the slaves, etc.

Only years later, when the south continued its war and heightened the abuse of its slaves, did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves as a means of disrupting the economy of the warmongers in the South.

Lincoln wasn't the "polarizing figure" who started the Civil War. Southern Democrats were. They practiced some of the most horrible abuse of human rights ever seen in this country, and kept it up for generations, long before Lincoln was elected, even as decent people (including Lincoln) tried to calm the waters.

As always, the Democrats lie, spin, and rewrite history. Trying to pretend they weren't the problem then and aren't the problem now.

Yeah, those Democrats! Oh, that was 150 years ago!:disbelief:
Get a life.
Once again the far left peddles that if you disagree with Obama, then you are a hate filled racist

I've disagreed with President Obama since day one of his administration. If you woke up on Nov. 5 2008 and said "I can't believe the country just elected a Ni@@er". You might be a hate filled racist.
The day after the election, I had several people in town walk up to me and state that....I guess trying to see what I would say....

It was the collective sigh heard across across the southern tier of states.
No I believe that Abe Lincoln was the most polarizing..They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Lincoln was elected Nov. 5, 1860. He did not take office until Inauguration Day, March 4, 1861.

The southern states started leaving the union in December 1860, and the Confederacy was established in February 1861. Lincoln didn't even arrive in Washington DC until Feb. 23, and didn't take office until March.

And yet the liberals today are desperately trying to blame Lincoln for being the polarizing factor who "started the Civil War???

These people are either appallingly ignorant, or appallingly disingenuous.

They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Here the liberals accidentally reveal a hint of the truth. "They" hated him so much, they started the war. And who are "they"?

Democrat slavery advocates who fired on Ft. Sumter in Charleston.

The did it just a month after Lincoln took office, ignoring his major efforts to keep the union together, promising he was not going to free the slaves, etc.

Only years later, when the south continued its war and heightened the abuse of its slaves, did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves as a means of disrupting the economy of the warmongers in the South.

Lincoln wasn't the "polarizing figure" who started the Civil War. Southern Democrats were. They practiced some of the most horrible abuse of human rights ever seen in this country, and kept it up for generations, long before Lincoln was elected, even as decent people (including Lincoln) tried to calm the waters.

As always, the Democrats lie, spin, and rewrite history. Trying to pretend they weren't the problem then and aren't the problem now.
Once again the far left peddles that if you disagree with Obama, then you are a hate filled racist

I've disagreed with President Obama since day one of his administration. If you woke up on Nov. 5 2008 and said "I can't believe the country just elected a Ni@@er". You might be a hate filled racist.
The day after the election, I had several people in town walk up to me and state that....I guess trying to see what I would say....

It was the collective sigh heard across across the southern tier of states.
Even though I am in the Midwest, southern Mizzouri is just like Northern Arkanass...
No I believe that Abe Lincoln was the most polarizing..They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Lincoln was elected Nov. 5, 1860. He did not take office until Inauguration Day, March 4, 1861.

The southern states started leaving the union in December 1860, and the Confederacy was established in February 1861. Lincoln didn't even arrive in Washington DC until Feb. 23, and didn't take office until March.

And yet the liberals today are desperately trying to blame Lincoln for being the polarizing factor who "started the Civil War???

These people are either appallingly ignorant, or appallingly disingenuous.

They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Here the liberals accidentally reveal a hint of the truth. "They" hated him so much, they started the war. And who are "they"?

Democrat slavery advocates who fired on Ft. Sumter in Charleston.

The did it just a month after Lincoln took office, ignoring his major efforts to keep the union together, promising he was not going to free the slaves, etc.

Only years later, when the south continued its war and heightened the abuse of its slaves, did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves as a means of disrupting the economy of the warmongers in the South.

Lincoln wasn't the "polarizing figure" who started the Civil War. Southern Democrats were. They practiced some of the most horrible abuse of human rights ever seen in this country, and kept it up for generations, long before Lincoln was elected, even as decent people (including Lincoln) tried to calm the waters.

As always, the Democrats lie, spin, and rewrite history. Trying to pretend they weren't the problem then and aren't the problem now.

Yeah, those Democrats! Oh, that was 150 years ago!:disbelief:
Get a life.
No I believe that Abe Lincoln was the most polarizing..They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Lincoln was elected Nov. 5, 1860. He did not take office until Inauguration Day, March 4, 1861.

The southern states started leaving the union in December 1860, and the Confederacy was established in February 1861. Lincoln didn't even arrive in Washington DC until Feb. 23, and didn't take office until March.

And yet the liberals today are desperately trying to blame Lincoln for being the polarizing factor who "started the Civil War???

These people are either appallingly ignorant, or appallingly disingenuous.

They hated him so much it started a civil war...
Here the liberals accidentally reveal a hint of the truth. "They" hated him so much, they started the war. And who are "they"?

Democrat slavery advocates who fired on Ft. Sumter in Charleston.

The did it just a month after Lincoln took office, ignoring his major efforts to keep the union together, promising he was not going to free the slaves, etc.

Only years later, when the south continued its war and heightened the abuse of its slaves, did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves as a means of disrupting the economy of the warmongers in the South.

Lincoln wasn't the "polarizing figure" who started the Civil War. Southern Democrats were. They practiced some of the most horrible abuse of human rights ever seen in this country, and kept it up for generations, long before Lincoln was elected, even as decent people (including Lincoln) tried to calm the waters.

As always, the Democrats lie, spin, and rewrite history. Trying to pretend they weren't the problem then and aren't the problem now.
They, the south,in case you need clarification, also stated what it would do if he(Lincoln) were elected, and they, the south, did just that....not all at once, but gradually, in case you needed clarification....
Bet you never saw this one coming, right ?

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating may be on the upswing, but he remains one of the most polarizing presidents in modern history, according to a new Gallup analysis.

Gallup found that over Obama's sixth year in office, an average of 79% of Democrats and just 9% of Republicans approved of the job he was doing, in a report out Friday.

That 70% gap in approval from the parties ties for the fifth-most polarized year for a president in the past 60.

With the economy continuing to improve and the political battles of the midterms safely behind him, Obama has enjoyed slightly higher approval ratings in recent months.

RELATED: Obama heads into State of the Union on ratings uptick

But his tenure has been one of the most polarizing overall of any modern president. Each of his six years in office have ranked in the top 10 most polarized since 1953, with President George W. Bush taking the other four slots.

And as an election looms, the polarization escalates.

Obama's most polarized year was his fourth, when average Democratic approval was at 86%, while Republicans approved of him at an average of 10%. Bush's year heading into his reelection fight was also his most polarizing.

Obama most polarizing president in modern history - CNN.com
I'm not worried about Obabble...he'll be gone soon. It's the assholes that voted for him that are my concern. Their stink will linger.
Bet you never saw this one coming, right ?

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating may be on the upswing, but he remains one of the most polarizing presidents in modern history, according to a new Gallup analysis.

Gallup found that over Obama's sixth year in office, an average of 79% of Democrats and just 9% of Republicans approved of the job he was doing, in a report out Friday.

That 70% gap in approval from the parties ties for the fifth-most polarized year for a president in the past 60.

With the economy continuing to improve and the political battles of the midterms safely behind him, Obama has enjoyed slightly higher approval ratings in recent months.

RELATED: Obama heads into State of the Union on ratings uptick

But his tenure has been one of the most polarizing overall of any modern president. Each of his six years in office have ranked in the top 10 most polarized since 1953, with President George W. Bush taking the other four slots.

And as an election looms, the polarization escalates.

Obama's most polarized year was his fourth, when average Democratic approval was at 86%, while Republicans approved of him at an average of 10%. Bush's year heading into his reelection fight was also his most polarizing.

Obama most polarizing president in modern history - CNN.com
I'm not worried about Obabble...he'll be gone soon. It's the assholes that voted for him that are my concern. Their stink will linger.
That's your upper lip you smell...
Bet you never saw this one coming, right ?

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating may be on the upswing, but he remains one of the most polarizing presidents in modern history, according to a new Gallup analysis.

Gallup found that over Obama's sixth year in office, an average of 79% of Democrats and just 9% of Republicans approved of the job he was doing, in a report out Friday.

That 70% gap in approval from the parties ties for the fifth-most polarized year for a president in the past 60.

With the economy continuing to improve and the political battles of the midterms safely behind him, Obama has enjoyed slightly higher approval ratings in recent months.

RELATED: Obama heads into State of the Union on ratings uptick

But his tenure has been one of the most polarizing overall of any modern president. Each of his six years in office have ranked in the top 10 most polarized since 1953, with President George W. Bush taking the other four slots.

And as an election looms, the polarization escalates.

Obama's most polarized year was his fourth, when average Democratic approval was at 86%, while Republicans approved of him at an average of 10%. Bush's year heading into his reelection fight was also his most polarizing.

Obama most polarizing president in modern history - CNN.com
I'm not worried about Obabble...he'll be gone soon. It's the assholes that voted for him that are my concern. Their stink will linger.

Do they have to, do they have to, do they have to let it linger ?
Democrats who were willing to give Bush a chance,
Now that's hilarious.

Thanks for the humor break on a Monday morning.

Personally, I approved the job Bush was doing after he got elected. I didn't like all his policies but gave him the same benefit of the doubt all new Presidents deserve. After 9-11, I rallied around my President like all Americans

He didn't lose my support till he invaded Iraq

Obama was never given the same courtesy by Republicans
I couldn't.
Right out of the gate he was bent on pushing his agenda regardless of the costs. He and his D friends isolated themselves and pushed 'forward'.
How do you make yourself rally around that kind of narcissism?
Democrats who were willing to give Bush a chance,
Now that's hilarious.

Thanks for the humor break on a Monday morning.

Personally, I approved the job Bush was doing after he got elected. I didn't like all his policies but gave him the same benefit of the doubt all new Presidents deserve. After 9-11, I rallied around my President like all Americans

He didn't lose my support till he invaded Iraq

Obama was never given the same courtesy by Republicans
I couldn't.
Right out of the gate he was bent on pushing his agenda regardless of the costs. He and his D friends isolated themselves and pushed 'forward'.
How do you make yourself rally around that kind of narcissism?
Interesting.....you opposed EVERY single policy put forth by Obama
Even the ones formerly imposed by Republicans such as tax cuts for economic stimulus and TARP bailouts

Let me guess.....you watch Fox don't you?

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