Obama Needs Some Good News!

Obama's numbers are low, his plan is more popular than he, but yet we GOP cannot come up with a signature solution to our economic challenges other than "end Obamacare" and ultra sound wands.

The first can't happen now, and the second is simply stupid.

You should do some research before posting nonsense as fact. That way you can avoid 2 things: looking stupid & exposing yourself as a hardcore lefty
Obama's numbers are low, his plan is more popular than he, but yet we GOP cannot come up with a signature solution to our economic challenges other than "end Obamacare" and ultra sound wands.

The first can't happen now, and the second is simply stupid.

You should do some research before posting nonsense as fact. That way you can avoid 2 things: looking stupid & exposing yourself as a hardcore lefty

Jake, looks like Grampa murked you. Again.
There are some interesting points to the Republican healthcare proposals. Which ones do you like versus don't like?

No. You're asking a serious question of one of the most brain dead posters on this site. He hasn't looked at any GOP proposals. He believes the GOP healthcare plan is not to get sick. And if you get sick, die quickly (which is actually the Obamacare plan). He denies there has ever been a GOP proposal, despite the dozens that have been linked on this site over the years every time he or his brain dead buddies make the claim.
You're wasting bandwidth on this loser.

There is no Republican proposal. Actually, I take that back....there was one Republican plan. And we actually implemented it. It's called the Affordable Care Act.

Youre such a joker.
Wait, you weren't joking??
I could use a little good news myself. After getting two letters from BCBS stating that they support the ACA, the finally proved it to me. My out of pocket deductible was increased by $1000, and all my copays and deductibles were also increased. Well, I guess it isn't PC for them to say "Merry Christmas", but they could have wished me a happy New Year! Maybe they didn't have the gall to do that! LOL. That would be my guess.

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