Obama Polling below 50% in EVERY poll; Romney above and at 50% in 10 polls

Here's Real Clear Politics Electoral breakdown.. they need to go ahead and place both Va and Fla in Romneys column.. Both will go to Romney.. I think everyone agrees on that. That's 42 more in Romney column.. That gives Romney a solid 233. They also have my state, NC, as a TOSS up which is a JOKE! Our state is polling above the error% for Romney and has been for weeks. That's 15 more in the Romney column-- takes us to 248 solid. Romney is winning every poll in both Colorado and New Hampshire..that's 13 more.. we're now at 261.

Romney can win this thing several ways without Ohio.. I see Romney topping 300 in the electoral college.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Really gotta love these retro posts.:razz:
I guess this is more fun that talking about life under Obama's Sequester

Not sure why you guys are complaining about life under the sequester...

I thought you said you wanted to slash government spending.

We wanted a budget too

Obama was the one who proposed the brutal Sequester

Because Republicans held the credit rating hostage if he didn't.

While I think both sides acted badly in 2011, I'm just having a hard time understanding your whining now. You guys got what you wanted. Draconian cuts in spending. Oh, wait. People are upset with you now.
draconian spending cuts...hahahahahahahaha!!!

What a way to butcher adjectives in the english language, and misrepresent conservative economics.
lol, I think I fell into the wayback machine. This reminds me of a song:

Mr. Romney, what goes on in your head
Mr. Romney, did you baptize the dead
(Oh) your success to me seems so pyrrhic
With the farce of it all
You fooled all those people with rhetoric
(Yeah) Waited on the Koch Brothers' call

Mr. Disarming, do you think that you're pure
Mr. Alarming, in the Christian Right's rapport
blurring the lines that are sacred, between the realms of this world
Denying the wall of separation
Yeah you became a fringe lunatic tool.

Mr. Romney, are you destined the 'White Horse'?
Mr. Romney, it's symbolic of course
An emperor lurks under the plastic
Listening to the war-hawk's call
Ready to take measures so drastic
Even to the empire's fall


Are you prophetically sent?
All oughta hear what is meant
All oughta know
All oughta know what it meant, yeah!

my apologies to Ozzy :eusa_whistle:
draconian spending cuts...hahahahahahahaha!!!

What a way to butcher adjectives in the english language, and misrepresent conservative economics.

Guy, the only people misrepresenting conservative economics are conservatives.

Here's why you guys are sooooo full of shit on spending.

You never once propose cutting a program you like.
obama is down in the polls at 46 percent now, but he'll go back up, because the people who still support the idiot will still stand beside their man. They are mentally incapable of seeing things or what this Obama is doing to them and to all of us. What a shame. we need those people who support Obama to come over to the peoples side not with their party affliation and Obama. They have no clue what they are causing by still supporting this idiot we have in the white hosue

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