Obama Polling below 50% in EVERY poll; Romney above and at 50% in 10 polls

Even the Country's top Newspaper are favoring Romney and giving them their endorsement.. In fact, many SWITCHED their choice from Obama to ROMNEY!

Here are the stats. As of today, 11 newspapers that endorsed Obama in 2008 have now endorsed Mitt Romney:

•The New York Daily News;
•Long Island Newsday;
•Houston Chronicle;
•Fort Worth Star-Telegram;
•Orlando Sentinel;
•Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel;
•Nashville Tennessean;
•Des Moines Register;
•Illinois Daily Herald;
•Los Angeles Daily News;
•Los Angeles Press-Telegram.

The only newspaper that endorsed McCain in 2008 and has switched to Obama now is the San Antonio Express-News. Meanwhile, another seven papers that endorsed Obama in 2008 have switched to no endorsement

Eleven Newspapers Switch To Romney, Just One to Obama

Click on that link. Is that the face of a loser? Listen to him speak. His voice breaks, he's out of control.
I'd like to see the 10 national polls that Romney was at 50% or more, in the week Rove is talking about.

btw, Obama was at 50% in the national journal poll last week so Rove is lying right there.
Even the Country's top Newspaper are favoring Romney and giving them their endorsement.. In fact, many SWITCHED their choice from Obama to ROMNEY!

Here are the stats. As of today, 11 newspapers that endorsed Obama in 2008 have now endorsed Mitt Romney:

•The New York Daily News;
•Long Island Newsday;
•Houston Chronicle;
•Fort Worth Star-Telegram;
•Orlando Sentinel;
•Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel;
•Nashville Tennessean;
•Des Moines Register;
•Illinois Daily Herald;
•Los Angeles Daily News;
•Los Angeles Press-Telegram.

The only newspaper that endorsed McCain in 2008 and has switched to Obama now is the San Antonio Express-News. Meanwhile, another seven papers that endorsed Obama in 2008 have switched to no endorsement

Eleven Newspapers Switch To Romney, Just One to Obama

Wow. Maybe the flailing old dead tree press has some sense of self preservation after all. I would not have guessed it.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania is definitely not a toss up State and is going to President Obama for 100% sure no doubt about it. I'd bet David Axelrod's mustache on it.

In unrelated news, President Obama will hit the Keystone State in a last minute campaign stop and Bill Clinton will tour Pennsylvania Monday making multiple stops in the aforementioned non-swing State. Clearly, Romney's Pennsylvania play is pure madness.

Bill Clinton doing four events on Monday — in Pennsylvania « The Greenroom
Take the RCP electoral map, add IA MI WI PA OH and Obama wins, and that's with NH CO NV undecided and Romney winning all the other toss-ups.
Here's Real Clear Politics Electoral breakdown.. they need to go ahead and place both Va and Fla in Romneys column.. Both will go to Romney.. I think everyone agrees on that. That's 42 more in Romney column.. That gives Romney a solid 233. They also have my state, NC, as a TOSS up which is a JOKE! Our state is polling above the error% for Romney and has been for weeks. That's 15 more in the Romney column-- takes us to 248 solid. Romney is winning every poll in both Colorado and New Hampshire..that's 13 more.. we're now at 261.

Romney can win this thing several ways without Ohio.. I see Romney topping 300 in the electoral college.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Romney is losing every poll except for one in NH and 2 in CO. I don't know what you're talking about.
I'd like to see the 10 national polls that Romney was at 50% or more, in the week Rove is talking about.

btw, Obama was at 50% in the national journal poll last week so Rove is lying right there.

So, I guess we can't see those 10 polls? Might that be because they don't exist, or is there some other plausible explanation?
Here's Real Clear Politics Electoral breakdown.. they need to go ahead and place both Va and Fla in Romneys column.. Both will go to Romney.. I think everyone agrees on that. That's 42 more in Romney column.. That gives Romney a solid 233. They also have my state, NC, as a TOSS up which is a JOKE! Our state is polling above the error% for Romney and has been for weeks. That's 15 more in the Romney column-- takes us to 248 solid. Romney is winning every poll in both Colorado and New Hampshire..that's 13 more.. we're now at 261.

Romney can win this thing several ways without Ohio.. I see Romney topping 300 in the electoral college.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Romney is losing every poll except for one in NH and 2 in CO. I don't know what you're talking about.

Neither does anyone else.
I'd like to see the 10 national polls that Romney was at 50% or more, in the week Rove is talking about.

btw, Obama was at 50% in the national journal poll last week so Rove is lying right there.

So, I guess we can't see those 10 polls? Might that be because they don't exist, or is there some other plausible explanation?

No, they’re magic polls only conservatives can see…
Here's Real Clear Politics Electoral breakdown.. they need to go ahead and place both Va and Fla in Romneys column.. Both will go to Romney.. I think everyone agrees on that. That's 42 more in Romney column.. That gives Romney a solid 233. They also have my state, NC, as a TOSS up which is a JOKE! Our state is polling above the error% for Romney and has been for weeks. That's 15 more in the Romney column-- takes us to 248 solid. Romney is winning every poll in both Colorado and New Hampshire..that's 13 more.. we're now at 261.

Romney can win this thing several ways without Ohio.. I see Romney topping 300 in the electoral college.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Romney is losing every poll except for one in NH and 2 in CO. I don't know what you're talking about.

Being you know so much, SHow us EVERY SNGLE poll and how Romney is losing every single one of them. Thanks!
I'd like to see the 10 national polls that Romney was at 50% or more, in the week Rove is talking about.

btw, Obama was at 50% in the national journal poll last week so Rove is lying right there.

So, I guess we can't see those 10 polls? Might that be because they don't exist, or is there some other plausible explanation?

No, they’re magic polls only conservatives can see…

Rove had dozens of polls in 2006 that he insisted were proof that the GOP was not going to lose the House and Senate.
Even the Country's top Newspaper are favoring Romney and giving them their endorsement.. In fact, many SWITCHED their choice from Obama to ROMNEY!

Here are the stats. As of today, 11 newspapers that endorsed Obama in 2008 have now endorsed Mitt Romney:

•The New York Daily News;
•Long Island Newsday;
•Houston Chronicle;
•Fort Worth Star-Telegram;
•Orlando Sentinel;
•Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel;
•Nashville Tennessean;
•Des Moines Register;
•Illinois Daily Herald;
•Los Angeles Daily News;
•Los Angeles Press-Telegram.

The only newspaper that endorsed McCain in 2008 and has switched to Obama now is the San Antonio Express-News. Meanwhile, another seven papers that endorsed Obama in 2008 have switched to no endorsement

Eleven Newspapers Switch To Romney, Just One to Obama

I've seen another list of 21 that didn't include 2 that I know of, one which is on your list, the other is the Dallas Morning News. Never thought that would ever be possible in a million years.
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Oh! Here is a 3rd one I know of, the South FLorida Sun-Sentinel has switched as well Romney this time around. That one is very telling as well.
wow, turns out the South Florida Sun-Sentinel has also switched to endorse Romney this time around. Very telling.
And the most shocking? The Palm Beach Post is declining an endorsement for the Presidential race this go round.
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I see Romney taking the election.

FL, NC, VA, OH, and CO are all predominantly Republican states that just happened to vote for Obama last year. Logic has it that they won't be voting for him again this year.

That's not even counting PA which is now polling as a tie, despite having voted democrat the last 4 years. Romney takes it either way.
I see Romney taking the election.

FL, NC, VA, OH, and CO are all predominantly Republican states that just happened to vote for Obama last year. Logic has it that they won't be voting for him again this year.

That's not even counting PA which is now polling as a tie, despite having voted democrat the last 4 years. Romney takes it either way.

The last poll in PA which had Romney in the lead was in February. Obama has lead every poll in 43 of the last 44 in PA except one, which was a tie.


So if Romney wins PA, not only will he probably win the Presidency but the polls were terribly inaccurate.
He said himself that he wasn't qualified when the proposition to run for the office was first offered to him.
Only damn time he's told us the truth and we didn't listen!
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If there's one thing Karl Rove gets and supremely understands, it's the NUMBERS- POLLS.

My prediction -- Mitt Romney will be our next president | Fox News

I too believe Mitt Romney is going to win this election.

I'm sorry, but what are you even talking about?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

RCP Average: Obama: 47.8 Romney: 47.3 (Obama +0.5)

Romney has 51% in ONE poll.

Obama has 50% in two polls.

Other than that, it's all under 50.

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