Obama Presidency, may Bankrupt America for many years into the Future.

Check your facts before you start spouting off about the frugal GOP.

Deficit - dKosopedia

Kennedy-Johnson Administrations (FY1962-FY1969)
During the eight years of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations (FY1962-1969), the budget was in deficit for seven years. The largest deficit was $110.1 billion in FY1968. The only surplus was $13.4 billion in FY1969. The Kennedy-Johnson budgets added $250.9 billion to the national debt and averaged a yearly budget deficit of $31.36 billion.

Nixon-Ford Years (FY1970-FY1977)
The Nixon and Ford administrations ran deficits for each of their eight years. The highest deficit was $188 billion in FY1976. The lowest deficit was $11.1 billion in FY1970. The Nixon-Ford budgets added $702.7 billion to the national debt and averaged a yearly deficit of $87.84 billion.

Carter Years (FY1978-FY1981)
The Carter administration ran a deficit in each of its four years. The highest deficit was $136.6 billion in FY1980 and the lowest was $83.1 billion in FY1979. The Carter budgets added $482.8 billion to the national debt and averaged yearly budget deficits of $120.7 billion.

The Reagan Years (FY1982-FY1989)
The Reagan administration ran budget deficits in each of its eight years. The lowest deficit was $188.6 billion in FY1989 and the highest was $311 billion in FY1983. The Reagan years added $1.94 trillion to the national debt and averaged annual deficits of $242.23 billion.

The Bush (George Herbert Walker) Years (FY1990-FY1993)
The Bush administration ran deficits in each of its four years. The highest deficit was $318.5 bilion in FY1992. The lowest was $261.9 billion in FY1990. The Bush years added $1.16 trillion to the national debt and averaged a yearly deficit of $289.68 billion.

The Clinton Years (FY1994-FY2001)
The Clinton administration ran deficits in each of its first four years and surpluses in each of the last four years. The largest deficit was $213 billion in FY1994 and the largest surplus was $219 billion in FY2000. The Clinton years paid down a net $14.2 billion of national debt and averaged a surplus of $1.78 billion.

· Only 5 of the past 40 budgets have been surpluses. All 5 were by Democratic presidents.
· The twenty years of budgets prepared by Republican presidents increased the national debt by $3,800,000,000,000. The average yearly deficit under Republican budgets was $190 billion.
· The twenty years of budgets prepared by Democratic presidents increased the national debt by $719,500,000,000. The average yearly deficit under Democratic budgets was $36 billion.

If you look at the 60+ year record of debt since the end of WWII, starting with Truman’s term, the difference between the two parties’ contributions to our national debt level change considerably. Since 1946, Democratic presidents increased the national debt an average of only 3.2% per year. The Republican presidents stay at an average increase of 9.2% per year. Republican Presidents out borrowed and spent Democratic presidents by a three to one ratio.

As President Reagan entered office in 1981 he repeatedly called for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, yet never submitted a balanced budget himself[7]. Many on the right reflexively blame the Democratically controlled Congress for the “big spending” during his administration, even though Republicans controlled the Senate for the first six years of his two terms. Only during the last two years of the Reagan administration was the Congress completely controlled by Democrats, and the records show that the growth of the debt slowed during this period. It appears that the frequently referenced Reagan’s Conservative mythology is contrary to the truth, he was an award winning, record setting liberal spender and government grower.

5. In the past 60 years when Republicans were in control of the presidency and both Houses of Congress, neither debt, nor government spending was ever reduced. The last time a Republican Congress reduced the national debt was in 1947, under Truman’s leadership

It is interesting to note who controlled Congress versus what party was in the presidency during the seven years that the debt was reduced throughout the terms of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy. Three times the Democratic Party controlled both Houses of Congress and the Presidency (1948, 1951 & 1961). The other four years all had a mix of control, with Republicans in the White House (1956 & 1957), in charge of Congress (1946 & 1947), but never both. At no time since 1945 when Republicans have been in total charge of both elected branches of government have they ever reduced spending. They talk about it a lot, but they never deliver.

United Stated National Debt
Bush had a surplus, a smaller deficit, smaller national debt, etc. etc. etc.
Uh, Rayboy check this out:
Federal receipts, outlays, and debt | Economic Indicators | Find Articles at BNET
In the first seven months of fiscal 2008, there was a deficit of $152.2
billion, compared with a deficit of $80.8 billion a year earlier.

[Billions of dollars]
2006 2,407.3 2,655.4 -248.2
2007 2,568.2 2,730.2 -162.0
2008 (estimates) 2,521.2 2,931.2 -410.0
2009 (estimates) 2,699.9 3,107.4 -407.4
Uh, who do we blame for this? Isn't Congress responsible for the nations budget? Remind me who's been in charge of Congress these last few years? That would be the Democrats right?
Do you know of any Obama cost cutting ideas he has? He scrubbed his website so honestly I don't know.
We are in a heep of mess and the public will rely on Obama to do something. And he knows something. Why is he ready to enforce a National Civilian Security? Our Economy may even go down further then before and our rights with it. I just pray we all start taking back our powers.
Er, perhaps you weren't paying attention the past eight years but George W Bush tacked on more debt than most non-war time Presidents in the history of the United States, and its going to get worse with the bailout.
But your forgetting that both Obama and Clinton caused the subprime mortgage meltdown that started the ball rolling...should i post the links???:eek:
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except for the illegal immigrant (am I still allowed to say that?) children in the High School where I work get free lunch every day.

Who's paying for that dilloduck?

So therefore you are wrong, There IS free lunch folks lol
Socialist wealth spreading... Dam GiGi your avatar is distracting lol...

One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
Winston Churchill
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