Obama says Fox news has destroyed American politics.

We know, you are a democrat after all.

Maybe torch a few babies in dumpsters behind a Planned Parenthood as well

That should send you into a frenzy.
Trying to change the subject away from the racist rants of your fellow blobbers... I can't blame you.

After your blob getting outvoted by 11M votes in 2 elections and this drubbing you guys suffered last week.... you really need to sing a new tune there.
As usual, President Obama was correct.

MSNBC is just as much to blame though.
Obama ran as a racial unifier

He managed to hide his own racial demons long enough to get elected as a mixed race president

But then he became a black get-even racial divider
How about feeding into the notion that law enforcement was systemically racist, even during a time when white police officers were routinely being assassinated all over the country after the Fergusen event.

Meanwhile, asshat would not so much as mention the term, "Islamic terrorist" when someone who was Islamic and a terrorist committed a terrorist act, so as to protect innocent Muslim Americans.
Wow, could you imagine if any of that were true?

You guys will never get over having had a black president. I hope someone hides all of the sharp objects from you when/if Kamala Harris becomes POTUS....

You're likely to injure yourself.
Fox News has said they are news analysts not reporters and they are about entertainment.
Well those on CNN are anything but entertainers, so you got that much right.

It's like Jimmy Kimmel on Late Night. He has said viewers have really dropped off, and blames his 24/7 political bashing of Trump like you saw on CNN.

Yet he continues. Yet CNN continued as their viewers dropped off.

Democrats are anything but entertaining. They are just boring propagandists.
How about feeding into the notion that law enforcement was systemically racist, even during a time when white police officers were routinely being assassinated all over the country after the Fergusen event.

Meanwhile, asshat would not so much as mention the term, "Islamic terrorist" when someone who was Islamic and a terrorist committed a terrorist act, so as to protect innocent Muslim Americans.

He is a fecal wonder of an asshat.
There is systemic racism in the police force. This is documented fact.

You're simply wrong on this issue.

As for the terrorism schtick, America's biggest terroristic threat stems from white supremacists, and yet I haven't heard a peep about if from your boys on the right. Nor from you, for that matter.

How many people have died from "Islamic terrorism" in America in the last 40 years?
353 electoral votes.... Far more than your blob got. I say he unified quite a few people.

How many terms did he get? How many terms did your blob get? LOL...
And more racial division than before obama got elected
As usual, President Obama was correct.

MSNBC is just as much to blame though.

Do you remember when The Kenyan connected with rural Americans when he accused them of clinging to their guns and religion?
The great United Barry Satoro!
There is systemic racism in the police force. This is documented fact.

You're simply wrong on this issue.

As for the terrorism schtick, America's biggest terroristic threat stems from white supremacists, and yet I haven't heard a peep about if from your boys on the right. Nor from you, for that matter.

How many people have died from "Islamic terrorism" in America in the last 40 years?

The only ones who documented your “Fact”are BLM, Antifa and their cohorts in the MSM.

Barack Obama reflected Thursday on what he could do when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in the early 2000s that he most likely couldn’t do now — because of Fox News and social media.
In an interview with “The Daily Show,” the former president recalled campaigning in rural, mainly conservative areas and still connecting with voters on a personal level, even though they were skeptical of his progressive ideas.
“There wasn’t the filter that has been created by Fox News or the media infrastructure, the right-wing conspiracy theory folks, and so they came at me with an open mind,” he told host Trevor Noah.

“I could listen to them and they could listen to me and at the end of the day, they might say, ‘Well he’s a little liberal for our taste, but we have something in common,’ ― like the love they have for their children,” Obama continued. “There was some sense of connection.”


Just think, at one time the black Obama was able to connect well enough with the systemically racist country, the US of A, to get elected..........twice

But alas, Fox news destroyed it all

Who knew?

I think Orange man should at least been blamed instead.

Besides, January 6th.

Its the Libs who are really lacking in civility.

Not Fox, and not conservatives. Libs in places like Berkeley have actually shouted down and rioted to prevent moderates like Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking.

Even today, and even in conservative venues, conservatives don't riot just because someone is speaking. Are there riots in places like The Villages, Florida, when libs speak there?
Wouldn't that have to mean Fox news was the dominate news sources for America in order to be able to destroy anything?

Last time I saw cnn, MSNBC, cbs, nbc and so on outnumbered Fox news and also were all biased against republicans. And that's just tv, there are also more print news that out number more republican leaning news papers. Plus you had social media like Facebook and Twitter both were shadow banning republicans and fact checking censoring them.

Then you have the white house itself releasing news with conferences, white house reps and so on.

How exactly did Fox news destroy any of those against overwhelming odds? Or is this simply more blame game nonsense?
Wouldn't that have to mean Fox news was the dominate news sources for America in order to be able to destroy anything?

Last time I saw cnn, MSNBC, cbs, nbc and so on outnumbered Fox news and also were all biased against republicans. And that's just tv, there are also more print news that out number more republican leaning news papers. Plus you had social media like Facebook and Twitter both were shadow banning republicans and fact checking censoring them.

Then you have the white house itself releasing news with conferences, white house reps and so on.

How exactly did Fox news destroy any of those against overwhelming odds? Or is this simply more blame game nonsense?
I couldn't stand listening to the turd either. Every time he opened that fuckhole on his face it was like "Let me be perfectly clear.....I.....me.....my.....mine...."
Don't forget the "uhh..." just about every 3rd or 4th word....

The Meat Puppet Faggot said:
Those... uhh... shovel ready... uhh.... jobs uhh... were not as uhh... (giggle) "shovel ready"... uhh... as I... uhh... WE... uhh... thought they... uhh would be....

That fucking piece of shit is just as much of a jabbering retard as Joe Biden and couldn't utter a coherent sentence without Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

Unless he's is in a room he feels comfortable in jabbering at bed wetting sycophants and not under the scrutiny of cameras. Then he can wax on for hours quite eloquently about his admiration of all things marxist and treasonous.

To bad he wasn't the president of Cuba.

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How many people have died from "Islamic terrorism" in America in the last 40 years?
We know 3,000 died on 9/11 and then there were the Muslim shitheads that shot up that workplace in California and the one that killed a bunch of people in Orlando.

I know that is a drop in the bucket compared to all the Black on White and Black on Black crime that is committed every day in the US.
There is systemic racism in the police force. This is documented fact.

You're simply wrong on this issue.

As for the terrorism schtick, America's biggest terroristic threat stems from white supremacists, and yet I haven't heard a peep about if from your boys on the right. Nor from you, for that matter.

How many people have died from "Islamic terrorism" in America in the last 40 years?

So you don't consider Islamic attacks on Americans abroad or Americans serving on other countries because according to you, "We don't belong there", right?

Please feel free to list any non-US terrorist attacks that were carried out against American citizens by those imaginary "white supremacist" boogiemen you're so paranoid about.
So you don't consider Islamic attacks on Americans abroad or Americans serving on other countries because according to you, "We don't belong there", right?

We would drive the military of other countries from the US would we not?
We would drive the military of other countries from the US would we not?

Of course we would, if there existed threats to our own security in those other countries.

Like Ukraine for example: Would you rather wreck their country, or have to fight Russia on our own soil?

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