Obama says Fox news has destroyed American politics.

Obama puts his typical spin on it. It's kinda like being ignorant of what's going on behind the curtain, but once Toto pulled back the curtain you see all the bells and whistles, smoke and mirrors, so Oz blames the dog. Typical Obama.
Excellent point. That turd was at least once something good. Obama has been a piece of shit his entire life.
Apology accepted!

I have never cared what that meat puppet faggot had to say. The first things I heard it say, like having been to 57 states, were enough to prove to me it is a fucking retard. The sound of it's voice irritates me and I either turn the sound off, or get away from the source.
O thrived on divisiveness. Outside of Trump, there likely isn’t a more divisive potus.

It wasn't Trump's fault the left decided to separate themselves from the rest of the country. They would have been better off today if they hadn't done that.
I have never cared what that meat puppet faggot had to say. The first things I heard it say, like having been to 57 states, were enough to prove to me it is a fucking retard. The sound of it's voice irritates me and I either turn the sound off, or get away from the source.
Well this is a little late getting this sort of spot on advice?
Where were you 15 years ago!!

All those years of suffering, and for what?
I have never cared what that meat puppet faggot had to say. The first things I heard it say, like having been to 57 states, were enough to prove to me it is a fucking retard. The sound of it's voice irritates me and I either turn the sound off, or get away from the source.

I couldn't stand listening to the turd either. Every time he opened that fuckhole on his face it was like "Let me be perfectly clear.....I.....me.....my.....mine...."
Rush Limbaugh was often asked if there was a Left Wing counterpart to his daily show. His response was as obvious as it was profound: HE was the counterpart to, basically, everyone else. CNN, NPR, MSNBC, ABC/NBC/CBS...are all Left Wing facilitators, and have been for decades.

Fox, like Limbaugh, leans Right, but it also brings to light stories that the Other Side simply ignores.

As for President O'Bama, he has no credibility with honest, rational observers, just like every other Leftist luminary (Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc.).
You watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC/NBC/CBS? Listen to NPR?

Of course you don't. But somehow you know the stories they broadcast...right?
I hate no one, but Don and O were both very divisive. Do you deny this?
I gotta say, divisive is not a strong enough word.

We need another.

Something more malignant and destructive.

Come on Dims, stop with creating your never ending list of gender pronouns and help create another word here.
Are you saying Obama is a soulless, mindless, partisan hack?

And a big cry baby. When the news media said the least little bit critical thing about him a senior member of the White House press corps said Obama "flew into a profanity laced tirade".
I love the smell of racist anger in the morning!!!
We know, you are a democrat after all.

Maybe torch a few babies in dumpsters behind a Planned Parenthood as well

That should send you into a feeding frenzy.
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And a big cry baby. When the news media said the least little bit critical thing about him a senior member of the White House press corps said Obama "flew into a profanity laced tirade".

I know of others that have done the same.

Barack Obama reflected Thursday on what he could do when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in the early 2000s that he most likely couldn’t do now — because of Fox News and social media.
In an interview with “The Daily Show,” the former president recalled campaigning in rural, mainly conservative areas and still connecting with voters on a personal level, even though they were skeptical of his progressive ideas.
“There wasn’t the filter that has been created by Fox News or the media infrastructure, the right-wing conspiracy theory folks, and so they came at me with an open mind,” he told host Trevor Noah.

“I could listen to them and they could listen to me and at the end of the day, they might say, ‘Well he’s a little liberal for our taste, but we have something in common,’ ― like the love they have for their children,” Obama continued. “There was some sense of connection.”


Just think, at one time the black Obama was able to connect well enough with the systemically racist country, the US of A, to get elected..........twice

But alas, Fox news destroyed it all

Who knew?

I think Orange man should at least been blamed instead.

Besides, January 6th.

They listened to him and voted for him twice, and their plight became worse.

That has nothing to do with media, media can try and shape optics but they can't change the reality of what people are experiencing day to day. He failed them and provided the conditions for a Trump presidency and legacy.

Barack Obama reflected Thursday on what he could do when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in the early 2000s that he most likely couldn’t do now — because of Fox News and social media.
In an interview with “The Daily Show,” the former president recalled campaigning in rural, mainly conservative areas and still connecting with voters on a personal level, even though they were skeptical of his progressive ideas.
“There wasn’t the filter that has been created by Fox News or the media infrastructure, the right-wing conspiracy theory folks, and so they came at me with an open mind,” he told host Trevor Noah.

“I could listen to them and they could listen to me and at the end of the day, they might say, ‘Well he’s a little liberal for our taste, but we have something in common,’ ― like the love they have for their children,” Obama continued. “There was some sense of connection.”


Just think, at one time the black Obama was able to connect well enough with the systemically racist country, the US of A, to get elected..........twice

But alas, Fox news destroyed it all

Who knew?

I think Orange man should at least been blamed instead.

Besides, January 6th.

Fox News has said they are news analysts not reporters and they are about entertainment.
Give an example or two of how Obama contributed.
How about feeding into the notion that law enforcement was systemically racist, even during a time when white police officers were routinely being assassinated all over the country after the Fergusen event.

Meanwhile, asshat would not so much as mention the term, "Islamic terrorist" when someone who was Islamic and a terrorist committed a terrorist act, so as to protect innocent Muslim Americans.

He is a fecal wonder of an asshat.

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