Obama says Illegals "are as american as any of us in attitude and love of country"

There isn't a single doubt that illegal immigrants have love of country. This just isn't the country that they love.
Look at the last 40 years. No one can honestly say Republicans love this country. Not after all the damage they cause.
even all those Republicans in the Military who have died in some 3rd world shithole?......if there is anyone who hates this Country Dean its people with your mindset....you cant say you love the Country but hate 70-80% of its people......not possible.....
even all those Republicans in the Military who have died in some 3rd world shithole?......if there is anyone who hates this Country Dean its people with your mindset....you cant say you love the Country but hate 70-80% of its people......not possible...

This is exactly why Republicans hate this country. They even send their own children over to some, how did you put it? Some 3rd world shithole and gained nothing. Sending kids off to die doesn't prove you love this country. It proves you are crazy.

Who has done more damage to this country in the last 40 years? al Qaeda or Republicans. al Qaeda brought down two buildings.
Republicans brought down the economy. They let thousands die in Iraq. A country that had NOTHING to do with al Qaeda. al Qaeda attacks us so Republicans attack some random country? What the Fuck?
And how many tens of thousands of Americans are maimed for life for no reason? How many trillions will that cost taking care of those people for the next 50 or 60 years. They could have had lives. They could have spent their time building a better country. This country. Only Republicans didn't let that happen. Republicans give tax breaks to billionaires and squatshit on middle class America. That doesn't prove they love this country. It means they are mean bastards. Look at how they protected BP after the Gulf Oil Spill. They even shut down the government costing billions.

And a moron such as yourself and the nerve to decide who loves the country? You're the problem, not the solution.

seriously Dean?....you are saying that after what you said in post 37?......."Look at the last 40 years. No one can honestly say Republicans love this country.

Dean you are not only a dumbass......you are a hypocrite....and part of the problem.....here let me give you one of these.....

What a bunch of horse piffle. If they loved america they'd come here the legal way. Fact is they hate america and are proud of stealing jobs, govt benefits and IDs from american citizens. Hang them all i say.

Obama Defends Amnesty On Facebook Illegal Immigrants Are American As Any Of Us

nov 21 2014
In a new Facebook video released by the White House, President Obama reflects on his historic immigration reform speech by reminding Americans why he had to act to give illegal immigrants amnesty.

“You hear stories about young people who were brought here when they were two or three years old - are as American as any of us in attitude and love of country but don’t have the right papers and as a consequence they can’t apply for scholarships or they can’t travel because they are fearful that it might mean that they were deported,” he argued. “What you realize is that’s not what America is about.”

Obama asserted that his unprecedented executive decision was a “common sense solution that most Americans would believe in.”

Let me make this as clear as I can. Very few of these "immigrants" come here for "love of America" and those that do are generally from Europe. The vast majority of these parasites come here for one reason and ONLY one reason - the pickings. They are no more interested in becoming "Americans" that I am in becoming a polar bear.

Tell me....why would these parasites want to come out of the shadows? To get SS cards? So money is deducted from their "under the table" cash pay? Baloney. So they can get driver;s licenses? Hell, states are already issuing them or they simply ignore the law and drive anyway. How many times have Americans been killed by these assholes that were driving drunk and before court, they simply walk back across the border to avoid prosecution. How many of these criminal "angels" have been deported repeatedly and yet they come back and commit crime after crime?

Ever walk into a grocery store on a Friday afternoon and seen 30-40 or more of these clowns standing in line to send money via Western Union to family back in Mexico?

Again, these people are no more interested in becoming Americans than they were concerned about bettering their own piece of shit country. Keep that in mind when you are sitting, with your sick child in the ER and there are 40 of these "freeloaders" in front of you getting their care for free.
30 or 40 Randall?....lol....i dont even see that many down here doing that.........

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