Obama says 'no greater threat to planet than climate change'

The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

If they don't adapt they won't. Or when you have environmentalist nutjobs running your governments like California does, humans might not survive. which I think would be fine with them
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

If they don't adapt they won't. Or when you have environmentalist nutjobs running your governments like California does, humans might not survive. which I think would be fine with them
I agree with you on, "if they don't adapt, they won't"....

At this point, we really should focus on that...how to adapt.
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

If they don't adapt they won't. Or when you have environmentalist nutjobs running your governments like California does, humans might not survive. which I think would be fine with them
I agree with you on, "if they don't adapt, they won't"....

At this point, we really should focus on that...how to adapt.

agree, and be done with all the FEAR mongering from these politicians like Obama and his ilk
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

Why not? When the last ice age ended the majority of the human population lived in areas that are now hundreds of feet under water. If stone age people could survive it, why on earth do you think modern man can't?

You global warming alarmists are truly out of touch with reality. History says you're wrong. Geology says you're wrong. Paleoclimatology says you're wrong. Archaeology says you're wrong. Basically, in every scientific filed save climatology, the warming of the world has always been a good thing.

You folks bleat about the end of the world but the only end I see coming is your easy gravy train of money.
Obama says 'no greater threat to planet than climate change'
15 hours ago

"Today, there's no greater threat to our planet than climate change," Obama said in his weekly address, which had an environmental theme to mark Earth Day on April 22.

"Climate change can no longer be denied, or ignored," he added, noting that 2014 was the hottest year on record.

The United States is the second largest greenhouse gas emitter after China, and Obama has pledged to reduce US climate pollution by 26-28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025.

"This is an issue that's bigger and longer-lasting than my presidency," Obama said.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-04-obama-greater-threat-planet-climate.html#jCp

I'd say Asteroids are very close! If he was serious he'd double fusion funding with a new manhatten project for fusion!

We need to mandate solar installions on all new homes also as we should be taking advantage of all this solar energy.
Maybe, if Obama sends in the Al-Qaeda, pollution will decrease. Isn´t Al-Qaeda the new universal solution to the US gov´t?
Gosh, Stephanie, I had no idea you felt so strongly about our President. In what way do you find him freakish and what was the lie of the year?

Obama Kneepad Brigade never cares about facts.

Neither does the AGWCult, no wonder there's so much membership overlap
Obama and fucktard liberals proving yet again that no lie, no matter how foolish, is off limits. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary they will still spout the lie as if it were truth... The cult is brain dead and they chant for their own destruction... FOOL's every one!
Im laughing.......has anybody else noticed that whenever Seotero talks about months or years being the "hottest" he never, ever defines "hottest"??!!!! :up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Of course, he knows the suckers fall for the faux presentation of vague words and phrases!!!

Stanley knows the score................

I don't believe it is the end. Just that it is a good idea to be ready for a shift in climate.
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

If they don't adapt they won't. Or when you have environmentalist nutjobs running your governments like California does, humans might not survive. which I think would be fine with them
I agree with you on, "if they don't adapt, they won't"....

At this point, we really should focus on that...how to adapt.

Takes MONEY to adapt and the loserterian believes we should all convert back to savages as civilization is bad. Civilization is simply helping each other out and guess what that takes government which takes MONEY. They hate spending money.
You are an enigma Matthew.......how the fuck does anybody get to be such a staunch defender of 2nd amendment rights but get suckered into the fake, phony, fraud world of the AGW climate crusaders? WTF s0n........that's seriously fucked up!!!:coffee:

NASA!!! LMAO.......... Wagging the Moondoggie Part 1
Some in here think Soetero is a king. Assholes............this is America = kings not allowed. The chances of Soetero getting congress to pass ANY climate legislation is ZERO!! Which means, the people don't care. He has to do this shit via executive fiat = ghey = king shit.

Progressives might be careful here........all this kink stuff going on with Soetero.......leaves the door WIDE open for a conservative to pull king shit of their own. But I don't support that because I think the constitution should be followed. Progressives don't give a rats ass about the constitution..............not when a progressive guy is in there. But lest face it......fair is fair so we could be seeing a kick to the progressives nut sacks via executive fiat in the future. How about this.........drilling in the backyard of every single liberal in America. Fuck yeah........and they couldn't say dick!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

fucking sheep...............:desk:
Every FRICKEN day it's :

Obama say this. Obambam says that. blaaa blaaa bla a BLA

They just go on and on and on and on and on
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

If they don't adapt they won't. Or when you have environmentalist nutjobs running your governments like California does, humans might not survive. which I think would be fine with them
I agree with you on, "if they don't adapt, they won't"....

At this point, we really should focus on that...how to adapt.

Takes MONEY to adapt and the loserterian believes we should all convert back to savages as civilization is bad. Civilization is simply helping each other out and guess what that takes government which takes MONEY. They hate spending money.

You're so worried over all this you should be preparing for the end day for yourself. check out the prepper's. they can give some ideas


I don't live on a coast it's not my problem

you think WE ARE all made of money or something
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

Why not? When the last ice age ended the majority of the human population lived in areas that are now hundreds of feet under water. If stone age people could survive it, why on earth do you think modern man can't?

You global warming alarmists are truly out of touch with reality. History says you're wrong. Geology says you're wrong. Paleoclimatology says you're wrong. Archaeology says you're wrong. Basically, in every scientific filed save climatology, the warming of the world has always been a good thing.

You folks bleat about the end of the world but the only end I see coming is your easy gravy train of money.
Because during the Stone age we did not have cities on the water with millions in each of them, with high rises and government offices and homes, and bridges and electricity and water plants, and so and and so forth....

it will take a major catastrophe for these goons in gvt to think ahead and adapt.

Start the "move" 50 years ahead of time on whatever the solution may be, whether the city needs dikes, or if spending to build a new highway, or road, build it up higher instead of just repaving it at the same level, and if rebuilding a bridge, build it higher than you need now, and if you need a sea wall replaced, replace it with a higher one or whatever it takes for whatever particular city that can foresee a problem with higher water...if any of these solutions would even work...even moving the city, little by little inland, and don't allow new buildings to go up right on the water's edge anymore....

By no means am I an expert on any of this, but I do know they can ADAPT, it's just whether they do so in a timely manner and before half of them are destined to get killed. Some big cities probably need to hire a few Dutch engineers as consultants to learn about the problems they went through...
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

Why not? When the last ice age ended the majority of the human population lived in areas that are now hundreds of feet under water. If stone age people could survive it, why on earth do you think modern man can't?

You global warming alarmists are truly out of touch with reality. History says you're wrong. Geology says you're wrong. Paleoclimatology says you're wrong. Archaeology says you're wrong. Basically, in every scientific filed save climatology, the warming of the world has always been a good thing.

You folks bleat about the end of the world but the only end I see coming is your easy gravy train of money.
Because during the Stone age we did not have cities on the water with millions in each of them, with high rises and government offices and homes, and bridges and electricity and water plants, and so and and so forth....

it will take a major catastrophe for these goons in gvt to think ahead and adapt.

Start the "move" 50 years ahead of time on whatever the solution may be, whether the city needs dikes, or if spending to build a new highway, or road, build it up higher instead of just repaving it at the same level, and if rebuilding a bridge, build it higher than you need now, and if you need a sea wall replaced, replace it with a higher one or whatever it takes for whatever particular city that can foresee a problem with higher water...if any of these solutions would even work...even moving the city, little by little inland, and don't allow new buildings to go up right on the water's edge anymore....

By no means am I an expert on any of this, but I do know they can ADAPT, it's just whether they do so in a timely manner and before half of them are destined to get killed. Some big cities probably need to hire a few Dutch engineers as consultants to learn about the problems they went through...

No, we didn't. Conversely the water level is only going to rise a few feet....not hundreds. And, we have technology the ancients couldn't even dream of. I do agree with you that mitigation is smarter, and cheaper to accomplish. These wild claims that the warmists make are simply ridiculous. The world has been much warmer in the not too distant past (within written history) and at no time have any of the disasters the warmists whine about ever occurred. They simply didn't occur.
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

Why not? When the last ice age ended the majority of the human population lived in areas that are now hundreds of feet under water. If stone age people could survive it, why on earth do you think modern man can't?

You global warming alarmists are truly out of touch with reality. History says you're wrong. Geology says you're wrong. Paleoclimatology says you're wrong. Archaeology says you're wrong. Basically, in every scientific filed save climatology, the warming of the world has always been a good thing.

You folks bleat about the end of the world but the only end I see coming is your easy gravy train of money.
Because during the Stone age we did not have cities on the water with millions in each of them, with high rises and government offices and homes, and bridges and electricity and water plants, and so and and so forth....

it will take a major catastrophe for these goons in gvt to think ahead and adapt.

Start the "move" 50 years ahead of time on whatever the solution may be, whether the city needs dikes, or if spending to build a new highway, or road, build it up higher instead of just repaving it at the same level, and if rebuilding a bridge, build it higher than you need now, and if you need a sea wall replaced, replace it with a higher one or whatever it takes for whatever particular city that can foresee a problem with higher water...if any of these solutions would even work...even moving the city, little by little inland, and don't allow new buildings to go up right on the water's edge anymore....

By no means am I an expert on any of this, but I do know they can ADAPT, it's just whether they do so in a timely manner and before half of them are destined to get killed. Some big cities probably need to hire a few Dutch engineers as consultants to learn about the problems they went through...

No, we didn't. Conversely the water level is only going to rise a few feet....not hundreds. And, we have technology the ancients couldn't even dream of. I do agree with you that mitigation is smarter, and cheaper to accomplish. These wild claims that the warmists make are simply ridiculous. The world has been much warmer in the not too distant past (within written history) and at no time have any of the disasters the warmists whine about ever occurred. They simply didn't occur.
Only a few feet. And how far would that 'few' feet be? 5? 20? 50?

At no time in history, period, have we had 7 billion + humans on this planet. At no time in history have we had the kind of infrastructure we presently have in out port cities. You simply do not just move water and sewage systems. Same for the docks and machinery attendent to the docks. And you also have the farms and aquifers that would be rendered unusable by that rise of a 'few' feet.

Your claim that we had significantly warmer climate within the period of written history worldwide needs some credible sourcing. Link? Now there was a warmer period than at present about 7000 or 8000 years ago, but that was not within written history.
The planet will survive, humans on the coastal regions may not...

Why not? When the last ice age ended the majority of the human population lived in areas that are now hundreds of feet under water. If stone age people could survive it, why on earth do you think modern man can't?

You global warming alarmists are truly out of touch with reality. History says you're wrong. Geology says you're wrong. Paleoclimatology says you're wrong. Archaeology says you're wrong. Basically, in every scientific filed save climatology, the warming of the world has always been a good thing.

You folks bleat about the end of the world but the only end I see coming is your easy gravy train of money.
Because during the Stone age we did not have cities on the water with millions in each of them, with high rises and government offices and homes, and bridges and electricity and water plants, and so and and so forth....

it will take a major catastrophe for these goons in gvt to think ahead and adapt.

Start the "move" 50 years ahead of time on whatever the solution may be, whether the city needs dikes, or if spending to build a new highway, or road, build it up higher instead of just repaving it at the same level, and if rebuilding a bridge, build it higher than you need now, and if you need a sea wall replaced, replace it with a higher one or whatever it takes for whatever particular city that can foresee a problem with higher water...if any of these solutions would even work...even moving the city, little by little inland, and don't allow new buildings to go up right on the water's edge anymore....

By no means am I an expert on any of this, but I do know they can ADAPT, it's just whether they do so in a timely manner and before half of them are destined to get killed. Some big cities probably need to hire a few Dutch engineers as consultants to learn about the problems they went through...

Of course!!

Our level of technology is far, far beyond what people know the state of the art to be now..........no worries.( see early 1970's quotes from Kissinger and Brewzinski on the internet :ack-1:). The ruling class knows the threat from climate change is hugely trumped up.

Too......what proof is there that cutting CO2 emissions contains warming?


Finally, you can put millions of people out of work due to an educated guess!!! Wont happen:coffee:

Investors in the green industry will continue to take their whopping profits but the science still wont matter in the bigger picture. Volumes of proof of that here >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Soetero owes the far left k00ks who are OCD on climate change a lot so once in awhile, he's gotta make a statement about climate change and keep them happy. The Congress doesn't give a crap about climate change and anybody who thinks they'll do anything more than a token gesture on it has the political IQ of a small soap dish. The people...............have spoken!!:funnyface::fu::funnyface:
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