Obama still leads nationally

I guess all that furor over Palin was just from the base.

Gallup Daily: Obama?s Lead Now at 4 Points

All the sheeple out there that aren't sure who they are going to vote for are going to take the chance and vote for obama. When it comes down to it, the democrats own the issues. People are going to have hesitations voting in the new guy, especially a young black guy, but ultimately, they will vote for Obama.

We even know what people like about mccain, and most of the things they like, he has flipped positions on. They just don't know it yet.

Wait for the debates. Mccain can't dodge every question with I Was A Pow.

Obama will be the next president. The gop knows it, the media, the corporations. They're all just hoping for a miracle.
All the sheeple out there that aren't sure who they are going to vote for are going to take the chance and vote for obama. When it comes down to it, the democrats own the issues. People are going to have hesitations voting in the new guy, especially a young black guy, but ultimately, they will vote for Obama.

We even know what people like about mccain, and most of the things they like, he has flipped positions on. They just don't know it yet.

Wait for the debates. Mccain can't dodge every question with I Was A Pow.

Obama will be the next president. The gop knows it, the media, the corporations. They're all just hoping for a miracle.

When people come to their senses, they will realize that McCain is a corporate tool. How can you fight lobbyists, when lobbyists make up his campaign staff? This is just moronic! McCain thinks we are stupid, and can't figure this stuff out. I am also concerned with McCain's intelligence. Most people think Bush is dumber than a sack full of bricks. I have even greater concern about McCain. His VP Palin is an extremist right wing nut job. She tried to ban books from the local library. That is simply unacceptable, and un-American! She is against a woman's right to choose in every aspect. I also have serious concerns with McCain's mental stability. Palin might be indited at the end of Oct. She is quickly becoming a huge liability and a distraction for McCain. :eusa_whistle:
And just the other day when McCain lead you were one of those insisting polls meant nothing. Just as i said, as soon as you found one he was ahead in, it is important again. There is a word for that.
That wasn't me. But thanks for playing.

did you really say "sheeple"??

I talk to them at work all the time. They don't pay enough attention to make an educated vote. These are the people that decide our elections. Its not the die hard left or right.

They don't watch the speeches, listen to the interviews, go to the candidates websites and they don't know what led us into this recession.

Many of them will actually believe republicans when they say is the dem congress in power now. The gop even knows these voters are clueless. Why else do they boldly lie to them in their commercials?

Or how else can mccain think he can flip on every issue?

Many sheeple I know still think mccain is the same guy he was in 2000.

It doesn't help that in 1997 clinton signed the media deregulations act. The gop/corporations bought up and took over all the mainstream media. Now we don't even learn what's going on when we do watch the news. At least not the mainstream.

Venesuela and russia sensor their media, so do we. We're just doing it under the disguise of free markets.

I just heard McCain got a 10 point bump! No freakin way!!!

Nope... no way a 10 point bump. Even with McCain still in the throes of his "convention bump" and Obama's over since last week, they're even according to the Repub pollsters at Rasmussen:

In the first national polling results based entirely on interviews conducted after Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech, Barack Obama gets 46% of the vote and so does John McCain. When "leaners" are included, it’s all even at 48%

Rasmussen Reports: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.

According to Zogby, McCain has a SLIGHT POST-CONVENTION EDGE, but it's a tight race with both sides consolidating support.

Zogby International

All that's happened is the right wingers got their girl and decided to pony up support for the "lib'ral" McCain. That won't make a difference because the red states were always going to be red states and the bible belt wasn't ever voting for Barack Obama.

And the electoral college map is still not a pretty thing for the repubs...


Obama 260; McCain 173; Too Close To Call 105.


Now she's got to actually go through the debates. Personally, I think she's a shrewd politico (there's a reason she's Sarah Barracuda).. but she's out of her league.

On the other hand the right wing loonies like when you run someone you can have a beer with (as long as she doesn't want the beer you're drinking, anyway).
Nope... no way a 10 point bump. Even with McCain still in the throes of his "convention bump" and Obama's over since last week, they're even according to the Repub pollsters at Rasmussen:

Rasmussen Reports: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.

According to Zogby, McCain has a SLIGHT POST-CONVENTION EDGE, but it's a tight race with both sides consolidating support.

Zogby International

All that's happened is the right wingers got their girl and decided to pony up support for the "lib'ral" McCain.

Now she's got to actually go through the debates. Personally, I think she's a shrewd politico (there's a reason she's Sarah Barracuda).. but she's out of her league.

On the other hand the right wing loonies like when you run someone you can have a beer with (as long as she doesn't want the beer you're drinking, anyway).

Since the Republicans closed their convention Thursday, the two have been campaigning hard both against Obama and their own party in a bid to separate themselves from President George W. Bush, a fellow Republican who is deeply unpopular with voters of both parties.

I got this from the McCain moves ahead of Obama in new poll - Decision '08 - MSNBC.com

What's that? They are campaigning against their own party??? Wasn't McCain going along with his party telling us for the last 8 years that everything was fine? I can remember two times he said it. 1. The fundamentals of our economy are strong. 2. We are better off now than we were 4 or 8 years ago. That was 2 times he put his foot in his mouth.

Can Obama make these kinds of mistakes?

McCain doesn't know enough about the economy to know that it was crashing and we're going to let him run things?

Even if he is better than the rest of his party, he sucks.
Unless it's a landslide the GOP will rig it. I don't think it will be a landslide so I reckon McCain/Palin FTW.
Since the Republicans closed their convention Thursday, the two have been campaigning hard both against Obama and their own party in a bid to separate themselves from President George W. Bush, a fellow Republican who is deeply unpopular with voters of both parties.

I got this from the McCain moves ahead of Obama in new poll - Decision '08 - MSNBC.com

What's that? They are campaigning against their own party??? Wasn't McCain going along with his party telling us for the last 8 years that everything was fine? I can remember two times he said it. 1. The fundamentals of our economy are strong. 2. We are better off now than we were 4 or 8 years ago. That was 2 times he put his foot in his mouth.

Can Obama make these kinds of mistakes?

McCain doesn't know enough about the economy to know that it was crashing and we're going to let him run things?

Even if he is better than the rest of his party, he sucks.

The funny thing is I wondered, in listening to McCain's speech how one can demand "change" when one agrees with one's predecessor between 80 and 95% of the time. What change??? Agreee the other 20%???

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what McCain says... the right wants guns, G-d and gays and he's giving it to them with Sarah Barracuda. Luckily, that doesn't change a single blue vote.

It's up for grabs, though. Always was... and anyone who says that EITHER of these guys is a shoe-in is fantasizing.

did you really say "sheeple"??
Sheeple is a term of disparagement, a portmanteau created by combining the words "sheep" and "people." It is often used to denote persons who acquiesce to authority, and thus undermine their own human individuality. The implication of sheeple is that as a collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by authority figures, without processing it to be sure that it is an accurate representation of the real world around them. The term is generally used in a political or religious sense. The singular form of the term is "sherson," however normally applies to large groups.

Now "sherson" is a new one to me,,,,,guess I'm not up on my vocabulary.

The funny thing is I wondered, in listening to McCain's speech how one can demand "change" when one agrees with one's predecessor between 80 and 95% of the time. What change??? Agreee the other 20%???

Stop lying about this shit. Here's the facts: Democrats vote with their Party much more often than Republicans. If you rank who's in lock-step, 31 of the top 32 are all Democrats (the other is the Socialist Bernie Sanders). Obama's 96%, Biden's closer to 97%. McCain is all the way down at 63rd with just over 88%. http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/110/senate/party-voters/ :badgrin:
Stop lying about this shit. Here's the facts: Democrats vote with their Party much more often than Republicans. If you rank who's in lock-step, 31 of the top 32 are all Democrats (the other is the Socialist Bernie Sanders). Obama's 96%, Biden's closer to 97%. McCain is all the way down at 63rd with just over 88%. Senate voting with party scores | 110th Congress | Congress votes database | washingtonpost.com :badgrin:

First, we weren't talking about voting with party. We were talking about supporting the insane failed policies of baby Bush... which you admit McCAIN did 88% of the time. (I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and saying between 80 and 95%...)

Thanks for proving my point. You really suck at this debate thing if you win for your opponent.

Have a good day. Better luck next time. But you gave me a good laugh.

oh...and p.s.... if the dems voted against GWB, then Obama was correct 96% of the time and Biden was correct 97% of the time. I figure that's a good track record. :D

Again, HOW DOES McCAIN demand CHANGE from something he supported 88% of the time (thanks Glockie)??? RAFLMAO.
First, we weren't talking about voting with party. We were talking about supporting the insane failed policies of baby Bush... which you admit McCAIN did 88% of the time. (I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and saying between 80 and 95%...)

Thanks for proving my point. You really suck at this debate thing if you win for your opponent.

Have a good day. Better luck next time. But you gave me a good laugh.

oh...and p.s.... if the dems voted against GWB, then Obama was correct 96% of the time and Biden was correct 97% of the time. I figure that's a good track record. :D

Again, HOW DOES McCAIN demand CHANGE from something he supported 88% of the time (thanks Glockie)??? RAFLMAO.
Wow your train of thought is wobbling all over the place with this post. Looks like I hit a nerve!:badgrin:
In other words, you got beat. .


now go wipe the spittle off of your chin.. buh bye.
Wow you sound like shogun now. Fact is you've got so many conflicting thoughts there's no where for me to start. Try again though, throw your best fastball instead of a handful of marbles, and I'll take your head off with it. :D
Wow your train of thought is wobbling all over the place with this post. Looks like I hit a nerve!:badgrin:

Because week after week it's like starting all over again with your dumb ass. Yes, Dems vote with each other because we are all apposed to Bush's failed policies.

McCain voted with Bush. That's her point. How is McSane change if he votes with Bush 90% of the time?
Wow you sound like shogun now. Fact is you've got so many conflicting thoughts there's no where for me to start. Try again though, throw your best fastball instead of a handful of marbles, and I'll take your head off with it. :D

Here is a little taste of why you are wrong when you suggest the dems are just as bad as the gop:

DeLay had begun keeping a little black book with the names of Washington lobbyists who wanted to come see him. If the lobbyists were not Republicans and contributors to his power base, they didn't get into "the people's House." DeLay not only confirmed the story, he showed me the book. His time was limited, DeLay explained with a genial smile. Why should he open his door to people who were not on the team?

Thus began what historians will regard as the single most corrupt decade in the long and colorful history of the House of Representatives. Come on, you say. How about all those years when congressmen accepted cash in the House chamber and then staggered onto the floor drunk? Yes, special interests have bought off members of Congress at least since Daniel Webster took his seat while on the payroll of a bank. And yes, Congress over the years has seen dozens of sex scandals and dozens of members brought low by financial improprieties. But never before has the leadership of the House been hijacked by a small band of extremists bent on building a ruthless shakedown machine, lining the pockets of their richest constituents and rolling back popular protections for ordinary people. These folks borrow like banana republics and spend like Tip O'Neill on speed.

TOM DELAY'S HOUSE OF SHAME | Newsweek Voices | Newsweek.com

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