Obama Stole His Latest Idea of Forced Housing Redistribution Straight from Marxist Handbook


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Just think you voted it

When Barack Obama promised to reshape America- the most successful, advanced, wealthy and selfless nation in history- he wasn’t kidding.

In July 2013 Barack Obama announced his plans to punish white neighborhoods for their “lack of inclusion.”

In order to accomplish this plan of “racial and economic justice” Barack Obama has been collecting a myriad of personal information on American citizens for his secret race database.
The New York Post reported on this Orwellian-style program put into motion by Barack Obama.

Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

This Orwellian-style stockpile of statistics includes a vast and permanent network of discrimination databases, which Obama already is using to make “disparate impact” cases against: banks that don’t make enough prime loans to minorities; schools that suspend too many blacks; cities that don’t offer enough Section 8 and other low-income housing for minorities; and employers who turn down African-Americans for jobs due to criminal backgrounds.

Big Brother Barack wants the databases operational before he leaves office, and much of the data in them will be posted online.

So civil-rights attorneys and urban activist groups will be able to exploit them to show patterns of “racial disparities” and “segregation,” even if no other evidence of discrimination exists.

Read more on this disturbing and secretive Obama program here.

Of course, housing and economic redistribution has always been central to Marxist movements.

all of it here:
Obama Stole His Latest Idea of Forced Housing Redistribution Straight from Marxist Handbook - The Gateway Pundit
more good news

For the masses he loves to control, Obama delivered radical change but deep despair instead of promised hope.
Obama’s secret database forces ‘racist’ smear on innocent citizens
By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives July 19, 2015

A government obsessed with imaginary racism is the soul-killing legacy Barack Obama is leaving Americans.

Obama has come up with an ongoing plan in which the 330 million American population will be corralled into a cattle pasture from which there doesn’t seem to be any escape.

In the nightmare world of the Fundamental Transformation of America, although Obama will be through as president on January 20, 2017—he will remain in malevolent spirit.

Lingering in spirit even after his departure is the biggest ego boost Obama will ever have.

If you happened to be a born white conservative, you were always a natural “racist” to the race-obsessed Obama. The only difference now is that he’s managed to make it official.

When the nation’s police kept statistics showing black crime on the rise, they were openly accused of ‘profiling’ by the mainstream media. The meme, pushed by both Barack and Michelle Obama during their speeches both at home and abroad was that the police only stop young black motorists, and that’s the theme that was picked up and repeated by the media.

The Obama administration is profiling the entire population in a rigid new world where people will be catalogued as racists—not because they really are but all because their government tagged them that way.

It’s a system where innocence of the charge doesn’t count.

In a society where every white American is tagged a racist, citizen life will become a Soviet-like living nightmare
In a society where every white American is tagged a racist, citizen life will become a Soviet-like living nightmare.

While Obama has kept public attention on ObamaCare; the flooding of illegal aliens, including criminals and potential terrorists across the open southern border; while hollowing out the military and giving nuclear power to Iran, he has been surreptitiously building a data base that keeps all American citizens on file.

Obama’s Orwellian data base will affect every facet of citizen life. Your every move will be kept on file. The data base mounted by the president includes a housing database, a mortgage database, a credit and employment database.

Your children, already tracked through school by Common Core, will be millions of statistics in Obama’s educrat-run school database.

Both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the overbearing IRS got nothing on Obama’s citizen cattle-branding database.

How can citizens fight charges of racism when the government has branded them racists in permanent electronic files?

“A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.” (New York Post, July 18, 2015)

all of it here:
Obama s secret database forces racist smear on innocent citizens
In order to accomplish this plan of “racial and economic justice” Barack Obama has been collecting a myriad of personal information on American citizens for his secret race database.

He has it stashed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls front porch...
while hollowing out the military and giving nuclear power to Iran, he has been surreptitiously building a data base that keeps all American citizens on file.

Hollowing out the military, is he having a vacuum affect?

Traditionally this nation has reduced it military forces after a war, why should this president be any different than the last 44?
Can you say sequester?
Stephanie is lost in some imaginary world. I am reading the book quoted below and even though I lived through those times I find so much more in a closer look at the reality of our country and our time. Steph et al could learn a bit, check it out. Covers lots as good narrative histories do.

"A closer look at causes and effects held out little hope for the near future. Real incomes had fallen so steeply that even a large increase in the number of working wives and mothers failed to improve the grim figures. In T975, 47.4 percent of women with children were in the workforce, a figure that by 1988 had risen to 65 percent. By 1990 "Median weekly family earnings from wages and salaries, adjusted for inflation, went from $516 in 1979 down to $471 in 1981, up to $537 in 1988 and then fell precipitously, to $50T today, according to the Labor Department." Even before the recession many families barely scraped by. Between 1969 and 1989 median household income in constant dollars had risen from $28,344 to $28,906, which actually constituted a decline owing to the great increase in working mothers. For white males with high school diplomas but no college education, wages had fallen by about 20 percent. Few corporations handed out cost living increases anymore, mostly because few could afford to, given the absence of serious productivity gains. For reasons economists did not understand, during the seventies and eighties productivity-the output of the economy per hour of work-increased at only half the rate of the 1950S and 1960s, except in the ever-shrinking manufacturing sector.

In most other industrial nations Strong unions protected the income of workers, as they once had in the United States. But the trade union movement as a whole had become a shell of its former self. In some cases this resulted from union-busting campaigns, in others entire unionized industries like steel had shriveled away, victims of cheap imports and lower production costs overseas. As late as 1975 steel had employed half a million workers, but by 1992 only 120,000 steelworkers still had jobs in the industry, and their numbers continued to dwindle. In the private sector as a whole, the percentage of jobs held by unionized workers had fallen from its all-time high of 35.7 percent in 1953 to 12 percent in 1990. If not for modest gains in the public sector, this figure would have been smaller stilt In the service industry conditions, only fair at best, had also worsened. In the 19805, when services added some 20 million jobs and employed almost four of five workers, the debate turned on whether these were desirable jobs, but steady growth could be taken for granted. Except for health services, by January 1992 this assumption had ceased to be valid. In this recession, service industries suffered more than during earlier downturns. More managers and professionals were let go than in the 1981-1982 recession. Retailers had been laying off workers for 22 consecutive months." p36,37 "A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' William L. O'Neill
Stephanie is lost in some imaginary world. I am reading the book quoted below and even though I lived through those times I find so much more in a closer look at the reality of our country and our time. Steph et al could learn a bit, check it out. Covers lots as good narrative histories do.

"A closer look at causes and effects held out little hope for the near future. Real incomes had fallen so steeply that even a large increase in the number of working wives and mothers failed to improve the grim figures. In T975, 47.4 percent of women with children were in the workforce, a figure that by 1988 had risen to 65 percent. By 1990 "Median weekly family earnings from wages and salaries, adjusted for inflation, went from $516 in 1979 down to $471 in 1981, up to $537 in 1988 and then fell precipitously, to $50T today, according to the Labor Department." Even before the recession many families barely scraped by. Between 1969 and 1989 median household income in constant dollars had risen from $28,344 to $28,906, which actually constituted a decline owing to the great increase in working mothers. For white males with high school diplomas but no college education, wages had fallen by about 20 percent. Few corporations handed out cost living increases anymore, mostly because few could afford to, given the absence of serious productivity gains. For reasons economists did not understand, during the seventies and eighties productivity-the output of the economy per hour of work-increased at only half the rate of the 1950S and 1960s, except in the ever-shrinking manufacturing sector.

In most other industrial nations Strong unions protected the income of workers, as they once had in the United States. But the trade union movement as a whole had become a shell of its former self. In some cases this resulted from union-busting campaigns, in others entire unionized industries like steel had shriveled away, victims of cheap imports and lower production costs overseas. As late as 1975 steel had employed half a million workers, but by 1992 only 120,000 steelworkers still had jobs in the industry, and their numbers continued to dwindle. In the private sector as a whole, the percentage of jobs held by unionized workers had fallen from its all-time high of 35.7 percent in 1953 to 12 percent in 1990. If not for modest gains in the public sector, this figure would have been smaller stilt In the service industry conditions, only fair at best, had also worsened. In the 19805, when services added some 20 million jobs and employed almost four of five workers, the debate turned on whether these were desirable jobs, but steady growth could be taken for granted. Except for health services, by January 1992 this assumption had ceased to be valid. In this recession, service industries suffered more than during earlier downturns. More managers and professionals were let go than in the 1981-1982 recession. Retailers had been laying off workers for 22 consecutive months." p36,37 "A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' William L. O'Neill

ah, no that would be you lost in some imaginary Obama world. I don't care if you believe any of it. you are a faithful Obot through and through....and is your duty here to troll others?
and we'd like to know if you get paid and why are we suppose to care about some book you're reading?
Last edited:
Just think you voted it

When Barack Obama promised to reshape America- the most successful, advanced, wealthy and selfless nation in history- he wasn’t kidding.

In July 2013 Barack Obama announced his plans to punish white neighborhoods for their “lack of inclusion.”

In order to accomplish this plan of “racial and economic justice” Barack Obama has been collecting a myriad of personal information on American citizens for his secret race database.
The New York Post reported on this Orwellian-style program put into motion by Barack Obama.

Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

This Orwellian-style stockpile of statistics includes a vast and permanent network of discrimination databases, which Obama already is using to make “disparate impact” cases against: banks that don’t make enough prime loans to minorities; schools that suspend too many blacks; cities that don’t offer enough Section 8 and other low-income housing for minorities; and employers who turn down African-Americans for jobs due to criminal backgrounds.

Big Brother Barack wants the databases operational before he leaves office, and much of the data in them will be posted online.

So civil-rights attorneys and urban activist groups will be able to exploit them to show patterns of “racial disparities” and “segregation,” even if no other evidence of discrimination exists.

Read more on this disturbing and secretive Obama program here.

Of course, housing and economic redistribution has always been central to Marxist movements.

all of it here:
Obama Stole His Latest Idea of Forced Housing Redistribution Straight from Marxist Handbook - The Gateway Pundit


Geee i didn't know you knew about marx!! Did they teach you about him the the GED class?
oh yeah, the clowns are here to ruin another thread

aren't we so lucky?
Damn fair housing for negro folk, why they belong in their own part of town...
oh darn. he LIED to your face again. can't be

Obama Administration Has Hosted Regular Meetings With Lobbyists As Part of ‘External Outreach’

BY: Morgan Chalfant
July 17, 2015 12:05 pm

Though President Obama promised when he took office in 2009 to “close the revolving door” admitting lobbyists into the White House, his administration has hosted regular communications meetings with about two dozen Democrats — several of whom are registered lobbyists — who regularly defend the president in the mainstream media.

all of it here:
Obama Administration Has Hosted Regular Meetings With Lobbyists As Part of External Outreach Washington Free Beacon
oh darn. he LIED to your face again. can't be

Obama Administration Has Hosted Regular Meetings With Lobbyists As Part of ‘External Outreach’

BY: Morgan Chalfant
July 17, 2015 12:05 pm

Though President Obama promised when he took office in 2009 to “close the revolving door” admitting lobbyists into the White House, his administration has hosted regular communications meetings with about two dozen Democrats — several of whom are registered lobbyists — who regularly defend the president in the mainstream media.

all of it here:
Obama Administration Has Hosted Regular Meetings With Lobbyists As Part of External Outreach Washington Free Beacon
But did he ever mention income inequality?
How long will it be before obama decides that a single person shouldn't be living alone in a 5 bedroom and orders black families to move in?

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