Obama supporters, your long night watch is almost over, lay down your burden...

2008 to peak

So the "housing collapse" is back on again? We've just re-assigned the consequences?

True Cause of housing crash is often discussed, but hardly the blame of GWB? so I took it out (Catastrophic one-time event) to see what normal numbers look like. Things were OK all but that.
FYI: Crude price Chart. Big dip in 08. Economy? or GWB announced some offshore crap?

He could have stopped fracking if he wanted to

Obamas energy policy brought us $2 a gallon gas, Bush's energy policy brought us $4 a gallon gas
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.
Offshore leases never would have produced oil during Bush's term

Gas rose to $4 in Bush's term so that he could pay off his oil company benefactors

Remember Republicans apologizing to BP because Obama made them clean up their mess?
They wouldn't have had to produce oil during Bush's term. The potential for enhancement impacts price immediately. Like a cold snap in Florida impacts the price of oranges long before any harvest.

You're an idiot........seriously...........I mean that.......
But you couldn't respond with points. That speaks for itself.

How about some math......

The price of gas dropped by more than 60% in 5 months......That would suggest a substantial proportion of the world's future supply...

The price hit bottom in Dec, and then proceeded to recover to about 2.70 the following summer...

What happened to all that supply in a matter of a year?
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.
Offshore leases never would have produced oil during Bush's term

Gas rose to $4 in Bush's term so that he could pay off his oil company benefactors

Remember Republicans apologizing to BP because Obama made them clean up their mess?
They wouldn't have had to produce oil during Bush's term. The potential for enhancement impacts price immediately. Like a cold snap in Florida impacts the price of oranges long before any harvest.

You're an idiot........seriously...........I mean that.......
But you couldn't respond with points. That speaks for itself.

How about some math......

The price of gas dropped by more than 60% in 5 months......That would suggest a substantial proportion of the world's future supply...

The price hit bottom in Dec, and then proceeded to recover to about 2.70 the following summer...

What happened to all that supply in a matter of a year?
It's about potential supply as much as realized supply. I won't repeat it again. You're on your own.
FYI: Crude price Chart. Big dip in 08. Economy? or GWB announced some offshore crap?

View attachment 105723
It couldn't have been the economy because the economy didn't improve during that spike period.
What happened was Obama re-stifling potential domestic supply.

Q4 2008 was the worst for GDP and by April 2009 the pace of job losses had begun to slow...
Going from bad to worse at a slower pace is not improvement.
Offshore leases never would have produced oil during Bush's term

Gas rose to $4 in Bush's term so that he could pay off his oil company benefactors

Remember Republicans apologizing to BP because Obama made them clean up their mess?
They wouldn't have had to produce oil during Bush's term. The potential for enhancement impacts price immediately. Like a cold snap in Florida impacts the price of oranges long before any harvest.

You're an idiot........seriously...........I mean that.......
But you couldn't respond with points. That speaks for itself.

How about some math......

The price of gas dropped by more than 60% in 5 months......That would suggest a substantial proportion of the world's future supply...

The price hit bottom in Dec, and then proceeded to recover to about 2.70 the following summer...

What happened to all that supply in a matter of a year?
It's about potential supply as much as realized supply. I won't repeat it again. You're on your own.

Not for 60% of the retail price of gasoline, it isn't........you'd have to show some PUD.........(look it up)
FYI: Crude price Chart. Big dip in 08. Economy? or GWB announced some offshore crap?

View attachment 105723
It couldn't have been the economy because the economy didn't improve during that spike period.
What happened was Obama re-stifling potential domestic supply.

Q4 2008 was the worst for GDP and by April 2009 the pace of job losses had begun to slow...
Going from bad to worse at a slower pace is not improvement.

Then explain why the markets started turning around in March, 2009......
Here is a chronology of gas price events leading up to and after Obama policy...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

You're a bit of a credulous fool, aren't you?

The Innertubes are anxious to indulge every conceivable bias......

There was a temporary ban in the spring of 2010 following the BP spill, it was temporarily lifted before being reinstated in mid to late 2011...
I just gave you the chronology and you remain in denial. You're like Monty Python's Black Knight.
The price averaged $3.50+ during Obama's first six years.
any questions?

Excuse me Ice, but yes....sigh. Questions. From "your charts"......

from GWB 2000 to peak (ignore the housing collapse for now).

2000 to peak
GDP: 12.4 to 15 (20%)
JOBs: 131 to 140 (6.8%)

2008 to peak
GDP: 14.4 to 16.4 (14%)
JOBs: 133 to 142.5 ( 7%)

(ignore the housing collapse for now


2008 to peak

So the "housing collapse" is back on again? We've just re-assigned the consequences?
The price dropped before the housing market collapse and went way up before the economy recovered. That renders the housing collapse as a blip and a poor excuse for Obama failed economic policy driven by economically-stifling Obama energy policy.

You are lying......the price dropped after July 2008.......

It stopped dropping in Dec 2008 and hit 2.70 in the summer of 2009...

Those are facts....
FYI: Crude price Chart. Big dip in 08. Economy? or GWB announced some offshore crap?

View attachment 105723

The principal argument of your fellow U2TSVI relates to the price of gasoline.......but we can certainly look at oil as well...

The biggest dip is from well after Scrub's announcement to Dec......coinciding quite neatly with the accelerating collapse of the US and world economies...
2008 to peak

So the "housing collapse" is back on again? We've just re-assigned the consequences?

True Cause of housing crash is often discussed, but hardly the blame of GWB? so I took it out (Catastrophic one-time event) to see what normal numbers look like. Things were OK all but that.

No......You took it out for one part of the comparison, but left the consequences to affect the other.......

If you want to compare the two "trough to peak", I can put those graphs together for you....while you decide, here's one for employment...

any questions?

Excuse me Ice, but yes....sigh. Questions. From "your charts"......

from GWB 2000 to peak (ignore the housing collapse for now).

2000 to peak
GDP: 12.4 to 15 (20%)
JOBs: 131 to 140 (6.8%)

2008 to peak
GDP: 14.4 to 16.4 (14%)
JOBs: 133 to 142.5 ( 7%)

(ignore the housing collapse for now


2008 to peak

So the "housing collapse" is back on again? We've just re-assigned the consequences?
The price dropped before the housing market collapse and went way up before the economy recovered. That renders the housing collapse as a blip and a poor excuse for Obama failed economic policy driven by economically-stifling Obama energy policy.

You are lying......the price dropped after July 2008.......

It stopped dropping in Dec 2008 and hit 2.70 in the summer of 2009...

Those are facts....
The price dropped initially in July 08. Road trips for work attest to that. The price bottomed out in December and stayed low until shitihead was inaugurated.
I drove from DC to LA beginning Jan 11 with the price in the $1.30's. I returned home on Jan 23 with the the price at $1.79. In between was Obama inauguration and pronouncements of reimposing drilling restrictions. The world did not consume enough gasoline in two weeks to effect supply into a 40% increase in cost. By April it was over $2 and climbing. This is about future production and potential supply.
Here is a chronology of gas price events leading up to and after Obama policy...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

You're a bit of a credulous fool, aren't you?

The Innertubes are anxious to indulge every conceivable bias......

There was a temporary ban in the spring of 2010 following the BP spill, it was temporarily lifted before being reinstated in mid to late 2011...
I just gave you the chronology and you remain in denial. You're like Monty Python's Black Knight.
The price averaged $3.50+ during Obama's first six years.

Your source is an idiot.....
any questions?

Excuse me Ice, but yes....sigh. Questions. From "your charts"......

from GWB 2000 to peak (ignore the housing collapse for now).

2000 to peak
GDP: 12.4 to 15 (20%)
JOBs: 131 to 140 (6.8%)

2008 to peak
GDP: 14.4 to 16.4 (14%)
JOBs: 133 to 142.5 ( 7%)

(ignore the housing collapse for now


2008 to peak

So the "housing collapse" is back on again? We've just re-assigned the consequences?
The price dropped before the housing market collapse and went way up before the economy recovered. That renders the housing collapse as a blip and a poor excuse for Obama failed economic policy driven by economically-stifling Obama energy policy.

You are lying......the price dropped after July 2008.......

It stopped dropping in Dec 2008 and hit 2.70 in the summer of 2009...

Those are facts....
The price dropped initially in July 08. Road trips for work attest to that. The price bottomed out in December and stayed low until shitihead was inaugurated.
I drove from DC to LA beginning Jan 11 with the price in the $1.30's. I returned home on Jan 23 with the the price at $1.79. In between was Obama inauguration and pronouncements of reimposing drilling restrictions. The world did not consume enough gasoline in two weeks to effect supply into a 40% increase in cost. By April it was over $2 and climbing. This is about future production and potential supply.

Let's try this again....

On what date did Obama announce the temporary moratorium on off shore drilling?
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?
Trumps problem is he is given a 4.7% unemployment rate. And Obama created 11 million jobs

He can only make it worse

Obama created a 70% increase in food stamp use.

What was the increase under his predecessor?

Not to the total that Obama put it. Record numbers you ignore while claiming he created jobs. If jobs are created and food stamp users still go up, tells me the jobs you take credit for him creating weren't worth a shit and you only use the numbers to take about lower unemployment.

By the way, YOUR BITCH LOST. Keep crying while Trump is nominated. We do need the rain where I live.

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