Obama supporters, your long night watch is almost over, lay down your burden...

Yeah, liberal hacks who call themselves historians. Trump is president because of Obama's disastrous record. Simple.

All historians and all scientists and all the media are against Republicans
Not all, but anybody in academia or the media who dares speak out, immediately gets ostracized by the fascist left. So why would anybody be stupid enough to jeopardize their job or prestige?
Actually, presidential scholars take their jobs quite seriously

Why else would they rate Reagan as high as they do?
Hussein isn't fit to shine Reagan's shoes.
President Obama was given an economy much worse than Reagan's and two shooting wars.

He ended up with a lower unemployment rate
Ha ha ha ho ho ho. Good joke.
Are you insane?
He caused 8 years of economic decline with his energy policy. The fracking that he and his green-scam ilk opposed actually saved his ass -- a little.
Obamagas was under $2 a gallon

Guess again
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

What was it 6 months prior to his inauguration?
You mean before dems in congress acquiesced to Bush requests (and voter pressure) and allowed offshore drilling moratoriums to expire and drop the price under $2?

Never happened........Gas dropped to $2/gall because demand CRATERED, in the wake of The Great Recession.....not to mention the nearly 8 million people who stopped driving to work.....
Idiotic brainwashed talking points parrot. The stupid moronic argument that Obama apologists use about economic hardship causing gas prices to fall fails miserably because the economy never recovered which means by that (il)logic the price would stayed low.
Morons. The league of morons.
Obamagas was under $2 a gallon

Guess again
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

Yea...we heard that
We stopped hearing once it dropped below $2

Can't wait to see what Trumpgas will cost. Bush gas spent more time above $4 than it did under $2
It dropped below $2 because Obama couldn't stop fracking on lands leased out of his jurisdiction. Meanwhile OPEC maintains enough leverage to have driven it significantly above $2 again. That leverage wouldn't exist if not for Obama energy policy.

He could have stopped fracking if he wanted to

Obamas energy policy brought us $2 a gallon gas, Bush's energy policy brought us $4 a gallon gas
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.

Bush could not drop the price of oil or gasoline, you idiot........those prices are established be the market, not fiat....

Did you graduate from high school?

Was it accredited?
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?
Because they bought into the partisanshit illusion the power structure sells and they can't figure out the reality of this half century utterly bipartisan societal trajectory.
Obama is a top ten President who will be sandwiched between two of the worst Presidents in history
Haha! He is the top ten WORST lol. The Worst more like it!

Obama May Become First President Since Hoover Not to See 3% GDP Growth
By Terence P. Jeffrey | July 29, 2016 | 1:21 PM EDT


President Barack Obama may become the first president since Herbert Hoover not to serve during a year in which the growth in real GDP was at least 3 percent.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated the annual Gross Domestic Product going back to 1929and annual growth in real GDP since 1930.

In the 86 years from 1930 through 2015 for which BEA has calculated the annual growth in real GDP, the United States has seen 14 presidents serve in the White House. Of the 13 who served during those years and have completed their service, Hoover is the only who did not see a year in which growth in real GDP was 3.0 percent or better.

President Obama—who was inaugurated in January 2009 and will leave office in January 2017—has not yet seen a year in which real GDP grew by as much as 3.0 percent."

Obama May Become First President Since Hoover Not to See 3% GDP Growth
3 percent GDP is an arbitrary threshold created by Republicans

Obama stopped a depression and gave us steady growth for eight years

You complain about Obama not averaging three percent while you ignore Bush being negative GDP for five quarters

I'll take Obama at 2-3 percent constant growth over Bush's NEGATIVE seven percent GDP any day

So let's keep it objective.....

Compare the economic performance of Obama to that of his predecessor....

Wanna start with jobs?


The Deficit?

Note that I don't give a shit about your feels......just the numbers....
"Economic performance" and Hussein Obama shouldn't be used together. He was so great that the entire rust belt told him to fuck off. How are those numbers, by the actual people of this country. States that hadn't voted republican for four decades turned red. Wake up and smell the rejection. The Left's propaganda failed.

Was the some part of "I don't give a shit about your feels" that you are struggling?

Do you have any idea what happened to unemployment in rust belt states since 2009?

Would you even know where to look? (NO, NOT CNS!)
Sure, president Hussein Shithead, Hillary, the media p, and the Democraps refused to own up to their dismal record and kept telling the country how great things were, and the people were watching their cities, jobs, and neighborhoods crumble. Right.

Here's the record on REAL GDP and Nominal employment...


here's what "dismal" looks like...(I'm gonna guess that you enabled it with 2 enthusiastic votes)


any questions?
You're an idiot and a hack. Hussein created the environment which produced the disastrous 1% growth.
Obama is all fail. And even Slim knows it. It just rubs his underdeveloped amygdala raw to admit that Obama sucked at being president.
Are you insane?
He caused 8 years of economic decline with his energy policy. The fracking that he and his green-scam ilk opposed actually saved his ass -- a little.
Obamagas was under $2 a gallon

Guess again
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.

Why don't you proceed to remove any remaining doubt......explain how this is so....
Because Obama drove the price up immediately upon entering office by reimposing offshore drilling restrictions that had expired the September before he was elected and by scrapping Bush plans to explore and drill offshore.
Do you live under a rock?

You're an idiot.........Oil prices are set on THE WORLD MARKET.......the lifting of the off shore drilling ban had NO EFFECT on either oil or gasoline prices.......it isn't enough to move the needle...

If you have an argument, bring the facts.........what you think you know is all wrong...
You're the moron. Of course prices are global. That's why OPEC is still able to manipulate the market. Thanks to Obama stifling supply side here in the US.
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

Yea...we heard that
We stopped hearing once it dropped below $2

Can't wait to see what Trumpgas will cost. Bush gas spent more time above $4 than it did under $2
It dropped below $2 because Obama couldn't stop fracking on lands leased out of his jurisdiction. Meanwhile OPEC maintains enough leverage to have driven it significantly above $2 again. That leverage wouldn't exist if not for Obama energy policy.

He could have stopped fracking if he wanted to

Obamas energy policy brought us $2 a gallon gas, Bush's energy policy brought us $4 a gallon gas
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.

Bush could not drop the price of oil or gasoline, you idiot........those prices are established be the market, not fiat....

Did you graduate from high school?

Was it accredited?
Supply side economics in commodities fluctuate due to potential circumstances as much as realized circumstances.
Obamagas was under $2 a gallon

Guess again
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

Yea...we heard that
We stopped hearing once it dropped below $2

Can't wait to see what Trumpgas will cost. Bush gas spent more time above $4 than it did under $2
It dropped below $2 because Obama couldn't stop fracking on lands leased out of his jurisdiction. Meanwhile OPEC maintains enough leverage to have driven it significantly above $2 again. That leverage wouldn't exist if not for Obama energy policy.

He could have stopped fracking if he wanted to

Obamas energy policy brought us $2 a gallon gas, Bush's energy policy brought us $4 a gallon gas
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.
Offshore leases never would have produced oil during Bush's term

Gas rose to $4 in Bush's term so that he could pay off his oil company benefactors

Remember Republicans apologizing to BP because Obama made them clean up their mess?
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

Yea...we heard that
We stopped hearing once it dropped below $2

Can't wait to see what Trumpgas will cost. Bush gas spent more time above $4 than it did under $2
It dropped below $2 because Obama couldn't stop fracking on lands leased out of his jurisdiction. Meanwhile OPEC maintains enough leverage to have driven it significantly above $2 again. That leverage wouldn't exist if not for Obama energy policy.

He could have stopped fracking if he wanted to

Obamas energy policy brought us $2 a gallon gas, Bush's energy policy brought us $4 a gallon gas
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.
Offshore leases never would have produced oil during Bush's term

Gas rose to $4 in Bush's term so that he could pay off his oil company benefactors

Remember Republicans apologizing to BP because Obama made them clean up their mess?
They wouldn't have had to produce oil during Bush's term. The potential for enhancement impacts price immediately. Like a cold snap in Florida impacts the price of oranges long before any harvest.
Obamagas was under $2 a gallon

Guess again
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

What was it 6 months prior to his inauguration?
You mean before dems in congress acquiesced to Bush requests (and voter pressure) and allowed offshore drilling moratoriums to expire and drop the price under $2?

Never happened........Gas dropped to $2/gall because demand CRATERED, in the wake of The Great Recession.....not to mention the nearly 8 million people who stopped driving to work.....
Idiotic brainwashed talking points parrot. The stupid moronic argument that Obama apologists use about economic hardship causing gas prices to fall fails miserably because the economy never recovered which means by that (il)logic the price would stayed low.
Morons. The league of morons.

You have absolutely no idea what determines pricing for either product.....

A primary driver of gasoline pricing is refinery capacity.......

Since bottoming out in Feb 2010, payrolls have grown by 15.5 million.....
Yea...we heard that
We stopped hearing once it dropped below $2

Can't wait to see what Trumpgas will cost. Bush gas spent more time above $4 than it did under $2
It dropped below $2 because Obama couldn't stop fracking on lands leased out of his jurisdiction. Meanwhile OPEC maintains enough leverage to have driven it significantly above $2 again. That leverage wouldn't exist if not for Obama energy policy.

He could have stopped fracking if he wanted to

Obamas energy policy brought us $2 a gallon gas, Bush's energy policy brought us $4 a gallon gas
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.
Offshore leases never would have produced oil during Bush's term

Gas rose to $4 in Bush's term so that he could pay off his oil company benefactors

Remember Republicans apologizing to BP because Obama made them clean up their mess?
They wouldn't have had to produce oil during Bush's term. The potential for enhancement impacts price immediately. Like a cold snap in Florida impacts the price of oranges long before any harvest.

You're an idiot........seriously...........I mean that.......
any questions?

Excuse me Ice, but yes....sigh. Questions. From "your charts"......

from GWB 2000 to peak (ignore the housing collapse for now).

2000 to peak
GDP: 12.4 to 15 (21%)
JOBs: 131 to 140 (6.9%)

2008 to peak
GDP: 14.4 to 16.4 (14%)
JOBs: 133 to 142.5 ( 7%)
Last edited:
"Economic performance" and Hussein Obama shouldn't be used together. He was so great that the entire rust belt told him to fuck off. How are those numbers, by the actual people of this country. States that hadn't voted republican for four decades turned red. Wake up and smell the rejection. The Left's propaganda failed.

Was the some part of "I don't give a shit about your feels" that you are struggling?

Do you have any idea what happened to unemployment in rust belt states since 2009?

Would you even know where to look? (NO, NOT CNS!)
Sure, president Hussein Shithead, Hillary, the media p, and the Democraps refused to own up to their dismal record and kept telling the country how great things were, and the people were watching their cities, jobs, and neighborhoods crumble. Right.

Here's the record on REAL GDP and Nominal employment...


here's what "dismal" looks like...(I'm gonna guess that you enabled it with 2 enthusiastic votes)


any questions?
You're an idiot and a hack. Hussein created the environment which produced the disastrous 1% growth.
Obama is all fail. And even Slim knows it. It just rubs his underdeveloped amygdala raw to admit that Obama sucked at being president.

I'm just putting up the numbers........to which, it appears, you have no response....

What are the manifestations of an "underdeveloped amygdala"?
Obama gas averaged $3.50 for his first six years as a direct result of his energy policy.
It was $1.35 when he was inaugurated.

What was it 6 months prior to his inauguration?
You mean before dems in congress acquiesced to Bush requests (and voter pressure) and allowed offshore drilling moratoriums to expire and drop the price under $2?

Never happened........Gas dropped to $2/gall because demand CRATERED, in the wake of The Great Recession.....not to mention the nearly 8 million people who stopped driving to work.....
Idiotic brainwashed talking points parrot. The stupid moronic argument that Obama apologists use about economic hardship causing gas prices to fall fails miserably because the economy never recovered which means by that (il)logic the price would stayed low.
Morons. The league of morons.

You have absolutely no idea what determines pricing for either product.....

A primary driver of gasoline pricing is refinery capacity.......

Since bottoming out in Feb 2010, payrolls have grown by 15.5 million.....
The price of refined gas begins with the the price of crude.
It dropped below $2 because Obama couldn't stop fracking on lands leased out of his jurisdiction. Meanwhile OPEC maintains enough leverage to have driven it significantly above $2 again. That leverage wouldn't exist if not for Obama energy policy.

He could have stopped fracking if he wanted to

Obamas energy policy brought us $2 a gallon gas, Bush's energy policy brought us $4 a gallon gas
No, he could not stop the fracking that occurred on land leased before he took office and on land outside of fed jurisdiction. Dems prevented Bush from dropping the price by denying offshore drilling. When they reversed course, the price dropped dramatically. In steps shithead and he reversed the reversal.
Offshore leases never would have produced oil during Bush's term

Gas rose to $4 in Bush's term so that he could pay off his oil company benefactors

Remember Republicans apologizing to BP because Obama made them clean up their mess?
They wouldn't have had to produce oil during Bush's term. The potential for enhancement impacts price immediately. Like a cold snap in Florida impacts the price of oranges long before any harvest.

You're an idiot........seriously...........I mean that.......
But you couldn't respond with points. That speaks for itself.
any questions?

Excuse me Ice, but yes....sigh. Questions. From "your charts"......

from GWB 2000 to peak (ignore the housing collapse for now).

2000 to peak
GDP: 12.4 to 15 (20%)
JOBs: 131 to 140 (6.8%)

2008 to peak
GDP: 14.4 to 16.4 (14%)
JOBs: 133 to 142.5 ( 7%)

(ignore the housing collapse for now


2008 to peak

So the "housing collapse" is back on again? We've just re-assigned the consequences?
any questions?

Excuse me Ice, but yes....sigh. Questions. From "your charts"......

from GWB 2000 to peak (ignore the housing collapse for now).

2000 to peak
GDP: 12.4 to 15 (20%)
JOBs: 131 to 140 (6.8%)

2008 to peak
GDP: 14.4 to 16.4 (14%)
JOBs: 133 to 142.5 ( 7%)

(ignore the housing collapse for now


2008 to peak

So the "housing collapse" is back on again? We've just re-assigned the consequences?
The price dropped before the housing market collapse and went way up before the economy recovered. That renders the housing collapse as a blip and a poor excuse for Obama failed economic policy driven by economically-stifling Obama energy policy.

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