Obama throws Sony Pictures under the bus


I am starting to have second thoughts about this episode of total weirdness.

Suppose, for a moment, that North Korea was not involved in the hacking. It was someone else. There is plenty of evidence that there is more here than meets the eye. Why would the NORKs insist on cancelling a movie their own people do not have access to? Why would the President berate a major campaign donor? Why is the NSA/CIA/Pentagon info-industrial complex silent? Why hasn't anyone connected with the leaks died in unusual circumstances?

There are enough red flags right here to question the popular narrative. Something is rotten in Denmark with this one..

Just how many of his allies and mentors has Obama thrown under the bus? I've lost count.

In the latest episode, Obama throws Sony Pictures aka Hollywood, one of his biggest supporters and probably the reason he became president in the first place, under the bus.

Obama falsely accuses Sony for "making the wrong decision" when during the Sony pictures' CNN interview of it's CEO, he clearly states that is not at all what happened. Now either Obama is ignorant of what actually happened, which is, the theaters backed out, or, he jumped on the trash-Sony bandwagon because that was the popular narrative (although false) out there.

What a piece of shit spineless president we have.
Sony belongs to the Japanese, just thought I'd mention it.
Obammys empty statements aside. No matter what Roudy and the others say they did pull the movie. There are plenty of theaters who would run it including where I am. Sony will not let them have a copy.

That's not what the Sony CEO said, he said they were insisting that the movie be played until their buyers pulled out. And he sounded believable. Listen to the interview on CNN and get back to me.

Sony doesn't deal directly with the small theaters. That's not how the movie business works. It is a highly controlled environment. Studios like Sony have their normal distribution chanels which would include large national theater chains and other vetted domestic and international distributors which would then sell it to the smaller theaters.
I understand you really want to make a story out of this but sorry. Sony cut everyone off. If they really meant what they said they could release it directly on cable as a buy now option. But they won't. And even months from now when we revisit this you will still be denying it.
Elephant ears Obammy said nothing and will do nothing he is still butt hurt over what was in Sony's emails. The one thing one should never do is openly bash King Obama.
I am proud of Sony openly calling obama a bald faced liar.

obama said that no one from Sony notified the white house of the breach. Sony said that was a lie. They tried a dozen times.
Obammys empty statements aside. No matter what Roudy and the others say they did pull the movie. There are plenty of theaters who would run it including where I am. Sony will not let them have a copy.

That's not what the Sony CEO said, he said they were insisting that the movie be played until their buyers pulled out. And he sounded believable. Listen to the interview on CNN and get back to me.

Sony doesn't deal directly with the small theaters. That's not how the movie business works. It is a highly controlled environment. Studios like Sony have their normal distribution chanels which would include large national theater chains and other vetted domestic and international distributors which would then sell it to the smaller theaters.
I understand you really want to make a story out of this but sorry. Sony cut everyone off. If they really meant what they said they could release it directly on cable as a buy now option. But they won't. And even months from now when we revisit this you will still be denying it.

Sony is releasing the film free on their Crackle streaming service.
Obammys empty statements aside. No matter what Roudy and the others say they did pull the movie. There are plenty of theaters who would run it including where I am. Sony will not let them have a copy.

That's not what the Sony CEO said, he said they were insisting that the movie be played until their buyers pulled out. And he sounded believable. Listen to the interview on CNN and get back to me.

Sony doesn't deal directly with the small theaters. That's not how the movie business works. It is a highly controlled environment. Studios like Sony have their normal distribution chanels which would include large national theater chains and other vetted domestic and international distributors which would then sell it to the smaller theaters.
I understand you really want to make a story out of this but sorry. Sony cut everyone off. If they really meant what they said they could release it directly on cable as a buy now option. But they won't. And even months from now when we revisit this you will still be denying it.

Sony is releasing the film free on their Crackle streaming service.

Holy cow ... they have switched sides and are now Romney stooges...

Mitt Romney MittRomney Twitter
Obammys empty statements aside. No matter what Roudy and the others say they did pull the movie. There are plenty of theaters who would run it including where I am. Sony will not let them have a copy.

That's not what the Sony CEO said, he said they were insisting that the movie be played until their buyers pulled out. And he sounded believable. Listen to the interview on CNN and get back to me.

Sony doesn't deal directly with the small theaters. That's not how the movie business works. It is a highly controlled environment. Studios like Sony have their normal distribution chanels which would include large national theater chains and other vetted domestic and international distributors which would then sell it to the smaller theaters.

Aaand getting back to you. I said there were theaters willing to show it. Now the CEO has been forced to admit that they were the ones who held the movie back. And that they will be releasing the film to the theaters that are willing to show it on Christmas.
There are enough red flags right here to question the popular narrative. Something is rotten in Denmark with this one..
What's the possibility Sony hacked itself as a publicity stunt or low morale within the company due to employee downsizing, and production cuts?
"The times we live in are so dangerous and so distorted in public perception that propaganda is no longer, as Edward Bernays called it, an 'invisible government'.

"It is the government.

"It rules directly without fear of contradiction and its principal aim is the conquest of us: our sense of the world, our ability to separate truth from lies.

CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda Print
Obammys empty statements aside. No matter what Roudy and the others say they did pull the movie. There are plenty of theaters who would run it including where I am. Sony will not let them have a copy.

That's not what the Sony CEO said, he said they were insisting that the movie be played until their buyers pulled out. And he sounded believable. Listen to the interview on CNN and get back to me.

Sony doesn't deal directly with the small theaters. That's not how the movie business works. It is a highly controlled environment. Studios like Sony have their normal distribution chanels which would include large national theater chains and other vetted domestic and international distributors which would then sell it to the smaller theaters.

Aaand getting back to you. I said there were theaters willing to show it. Now the CEO has been forced to admit that they were the ones who held the movie back. And that they will be releasing the film to the theaters that are willing to show it on Christmas.

Because they found other theaters and online clients interested in showing it. In other words, their original customers backed out, and they had to renegotiate new contracts in a matter of days. So the president should have kept his mouth shut.
There are enough red flags right here to question the popular narrative. Something is rotten in Denmark with this one..
What's the possibility Sony hacked itself as a publicity stunt or low morale within the company due to employee downsizing, and production cuts?
"The times we live in are so dangerous and so distorted in public perception that propaganda is no longer, as Edward Bernays called it, an 'invisible government'.

"It is the government.

"It rules directly without fear of contradiction and its principal aim is the conquest of us: our sense of the world, our ability to separate truth from lies.

CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda Print
Looney tunes chimes in.
Because they found other theaters and online clients interested in showing it. In other words, their original customers backed out, and they had to renegotiate new contracts in a matter of days. So the president should have kept his mouth shut.

Only reason they bothered was because Obama shamed them into do it.

So Obama unjustly went after Sony and threw them under the bus, during probably the worst time in the company's history, when they were on their knees, trying to survive a state sponsored hacking.

What are "friends" for, after all.
Because they found other theaters and online clients interested in showing it. In other words, their original customers backed out, and they had to renegotiate new contracts in a matter of days. So the president should have kept his mouth shut.

Only reason they bothered was because Obama shamed them into do it.

So Obama unjustly went after Sony and threw them under the bus, during probably the worst time in the company's history, when they were on their knees, trying to survive a state sponsored hacking.

What are "friends" for, after all.

Kind of their own fault.

They were the ones who decided to make this film, which i'm told is about as funny as a North Korean famine.

They were the ones who failed to secure their networks after already being the victims of a massive hack in 2011 in the games division.

They were the ones who pulled the movie, and after being jeered by everyone (not just the President) they backed off and will release it now.
Tell the Top Jew that Israel gets all the support it needs and then some from the USA.

No, BHO did the right thing.

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