Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

This. Its the same for all conspiracy theories, some people have already come to thier conlcusion, and no evidence to the contrary will make them change thier mind.

Ace of Spades had a good post on this type of thinking, except with regards to the whole Trig Palin not being Palin's kid. He also goes into birtherism.

Ace of Spades HQ
Marc, not all Reps believe in the birther BS and some will vote for OL'BO regardless of that issue.

As for why politicians do what they do?? Self interest big time.

So you're suggesting that you believe that you believe that there are Republicans out there now that would actually vote for Obama?!??

Really? How do you figure that?

Also, HOW would Bachmann find walking this thing back to be in her self-interest? That doesn't make sense. She's spent about 2+ years INVESTING in the Birther nonsense to trump up her base. Wouldn't suddenly walking this nonsense back now be more hurtful?

I struggle to see the logic in your statements Claudette.

Help me out here.
WH releases Obama's BC, Pres to make statement 9:45 am.

Apparently the long form is going to be released. Trump stirred things up and now Obama is going to release the long form.

Original vault BC to be released.

Breaking now on tv, no links.

Verrrry interesting. . . .
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Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I will repeat it again....

Stop asking about it.... and stick to some real issues. Such as how are we going to cut the debt. Hell, there are a million more important things Obama needs to answer for. His BC is the least of them as far as I am concerned.

Shit.... The Fed is going to hold a press conference for the 1st time in 97 YEARS!!!!!!
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Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

Exactly.... thats why it needs to be dropped like a hot potatoe.
I've said for at least three years Obama was waiting for someone important to go out on that birfer limb, so he could saw it off. Surprised at the timing though, this would have made for a great "October Surprise" after a birfer got the GOP nomination.
Just heard about that on the radio. Obama is finally caving to pressure. Reminds me of when his Administration was attacking Fox news and their ratings went through the roof. In the end, he appeared on Fox news. Watching Obama is like watching a spoiled little brat.
Can of worms...

It will lead to more questions about some obscure error or demands for more irrelevant information
Just weird. He could have shut up all those dingalings a few years ago. Why now?
Hundreds dying weekly in Libya.
Deficit on a rampage towards sinking our nation.
National debt is an out of control train wreck waiting to happen.
Brutal storms hitting the midwest and south east.
One of the worst natural disasters in history just hit Japan.
There's a nuclear crisis across the Pacific.
Syria is in turmoil with tanks in the streets and the military killing civilian protestors.
Nigeria is being torn apart.
The drug crisis in Mexico is about to engulf the whole sub-continent of Central America.
American cities are rotting and the "Age of America" is ending according to the IMF.
The situation in Afghanistan has been slowly deteriorating for years.

BUT... congradulations birthers you've successfully forced Obama to show us his birth certificate.:clap2:

You all deserve a pat on the back!

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