Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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Do you Have an original document that is from 1961 that has not been revised? I understand you have a hard time understanding that the state government is still an American government. I said state or federal. keep trying one day it might sink in your pea brian.

Let try again, have you found official government race identifiers for the following from documents that you have presented as original:

That lists Korean as a race identifier, and

That lists German as a race identifier, and

That lists Portuguese as a race identifier, and

That lists English as a race identifier?​


Yes let'S try it again shall we? Have you found a document from 1961 that has not been revised that show's any U.S. government state or federal that uses African as a racial identifier?

Yes let'S try it again shall we? 1961 is not my question to you. Can you supply official race identifers from the time period of the document YOU provided...

That lists Korean as a race identifier, and

That lists German as a race identifier, and

That lists Portuguese as a race identifier, and

That lists English as a race identifier?​

Why are you so unwilling to support and substantiate a document that YOU have provided multiple times?

Where are the racial identifiers for Korean, German, English, and Portuguese listed on official state or federal government documents?

Let try again, have you found official government race identifiers for the following from documents that you have presented as original:

That lists Korean as a race identifier, and

That lists German as a race identifier, and

That lists Portuguese as a race identifier, and

That lists English as a race identifier?​


Yes let'S try it again shall we? Have you found a document from 1961 that has not been revised that show's any U.S. government state or federal that uses African as a racial identifier?

Yes let'S try it again shall we? 1961 is not my question to you. Can you supply official race identifers from the time period of the document YOU provided...

That lists Korean as a race identifier, and

That lists German as a race identifier, and

That lists Portuguese as a race identifier, and

That lists English as a race identifier?​

Why are you so unwilling to support and substantiate a document that YOU have provided multiple times?

Where are the racial identifiers for Korean, German, English, and Portuguese listed on official state or federal government documents?


Here's the rule you do not answer a question with a question I have asked you for almost 30 pages and all you do is repeat the same shitSo I will ask you again

Have you found a document from 1961 that has not been revised that show's any U.S. government state or federal that uses African as a racial identifier
How is this document a fraud in this video you will be shown how it was done.

WTF !!
This was already debunked by WW.


National Review - a conservative organization started by William F. Buckly, weighs in on the conspiracy.

PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online


More willful ignorance on your part.
ww has a hard time finding that document he has been in search of for Racial identifer African 1961 America. both of you are full of shit. Layering of a docuemnt is not an orignal document sorry both of you fail.

Hate to tell you this, I'm not trying to find a document of racial identifiers from 1961 until you show me racial identifiers for the document YOU posted (multiple times) showing Korean, German, English, and Portuguese as racial identifiers.

It makes perfect sense to me that a person born and raise in Kenya, who was instructed by the Kenyan government to use "African" as a racial identifier, would fill in "African" on a fill in the blank worksheet which had no restrictions on what the person wrote in.

This was already debunked by WW.

More willful ignorance on your part.
ww has a hard time finding that document he has been in search of for Racial identifer African 1961 America. both of you are full of shit. Layering of a docuemnt is not an orignal document sorry both of you fail.

Hate to tell you this, I'm not trying to find a document of racial identifiers from 1961 until you show me racial identifiers for the document YOU posted (multiple times) showing Korean, German, English, and Portuguese as racial identifiers.

It makes perfect sense to me that a person born and raise in Kenya, who was instructed by the Kenyan government to use "African" as a racial identifier, would fill in "African" on a fill in the blank worksheet which had no restrictions on what the person wrote in.

I asked you first shithead either put up or shut the fuck up.
Can't find the document? We aren't in Kenya no kenyan government workers filled the document out in 1961, an America did who would have wrote exactly what the race was for a black person in 1961. obama Sr did not fill the document out obama's mother did. His mother signature is on the BC So you have nothing unless you can produce a document that using African as a race in America 1961 was an acceptable use as a racial identifier.
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HONOLULU -- Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.

Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public.

So far this month, only The Associated Press and one other person had looked at the binder, according to a sign-in sheet viewed Wednesday in the state Department of Health building. The sheet showed about 25 names of people who have seen the document since March 2010, when the sign-in sheet begins.

Those documents complement newspaper birth announcements published soon after Obama's Aug. 4, 1961 birth and a "certification of live birth" released by the Obama campaign three years ago, the only type of birth certificate the state issues.

Some Obama birth records made public for years - Inside Bay Area

As a matter of fact, I'm sick of this topic. From BOTH sides.

One sides swears he's not American and the other does. NEITHER have any proof.

So what I am going to do from now is this ... I already put the threads questioning his birth in Conspiracy Theories.

I think it's just as good a place for those swearing he was born in the US until he DOES produce a birth certificate.

See what I mean, World Watcher? You've asked him multiple times, and Big Rebecca refuses to answer your simple question.
That's because it is okay to self-identify as a Brit, Portuguese, Korean, or German. But it isn't okay to self-identify as an African.

wouldn't identifying ones self as an african be like identifying ones self as a european?

Probably, which seems kind of silly to us raised in American, but we aren't talking about someone raised in America. We are talking about someone raise in Kenya where the government instructed people at the time to identify their race as "African".

Especially on fill in the blank worksheets that don't give a predefined list.


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Yes let'S try it again shall we? Have you found a document from 1961 that has not been revised that show's any U.S. government state or federal that uses African as a racial identifier?
See what I mean, World Watcher? You've asked him multiple times, and Big Rebecca refuses to answer your simple question.

Moron I asked him first he has yet too produce what was asked of him move along now.

I never said "African" was used on any government list of racial identifiers, so why should I produce a list that I never claimed exists.

You on the other hand have repeatedly said that "Race" on birth certificates was limited to a list of predefined categories. So I've supplied some categories from a birth certificate YOU provided and have asked you to show the list that supports YOUR position.

Where is the list that shows Korean, German, English, and Portuguese as racial identifiers for the document YOU have used.


Moron much?

It seems you have asked WW to produce evidence he never claimed to have. He, on the other hand, has asked you about evidence you have already used to try and make an argument.

As I recall, you have been told multiple times that the reason African could be on Obama's birth records is that the parents fill out the forms and his father may well have self-identified as African rather than black. You have claimed this is not possible for various reasons. On the other hand, you have not explained how it is that African could not be on a birth certificate's race box but German, Korean, etc. could be, since they are on evidence you have claimed to be real in this thread.

Are you having trouble understanding? If Obama's BC cannot be trusted because it lists African as the race of his father, your evidence cannot be trusted because of the listing of various non-racial identifiers in the race column. If the evidence you use to bolster your arguments cannot be trusted, perhaps your arguments themselves cannot be trusted; perhaps you cannot be trusted.

See how that works? Do you understand why it would make sense for you to answer the question if you actually are attempting to change anyone's opinion on the matter? Otherwise it appears your argument about African being on Obama's BC is foolish, since you have shown a supposedly valid BC with non-racial identifiers used for race. If it is ok on your own evidence, it seems sensible to conclude it is ok on Obama's.

<I'm not sure why I bother to engage here>

It seems you have asked WW to produce evidence he never claimed to have.

It was his claim that African was a racial identifer in America 1961 so shut the fuck up.

Please show us the post were I claimed that "African" was an official racial designation used on restrictive government documents. I never did. I said that an individual from Kenya, whose government did use "African" as a racial identifier, would very logically use it on a free-form document where they self-identified race.

Your statement about my claim is false.

i think this next week may change the face of american politics, i'm through now, enjoy the show.
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As a matter of fact, I'm sick of this topic. From BOTH sides.

One sides swears he's not American and the other does. NEITHER have any proof.

So what I am going to do from now is this ... I already put the threads questioning his birth in Conspiracy Theories.

I think it's just as good a place for those swearing he was born in the US until he DOES produce a birth certificate.


Well done sir. This whole argument is crap. My god, I just agreed with Gunny. :lol:
Oh, and here's a very interesting article on Conspiracy Theories, and why they spread:

CSI | The Conspiracy Meme

Here's an excerpt:

Conspiracy theories are easy to propagate and difficult to refute. Having long flourished in politics and religion, they have also spread into science and medicine. It is useful to think of conspiracy theorizing as a meme, a cultural invention that passes from one mind to another and thrives, or declines, through a process analogous to genetic selection (Dawkins 1976). The conspiracy meme competes with other rhetorical memes, such as the fair debate meme, the scientific expertise meme, and the resistance to orthodoxy meme.

The central logic of the conspiracy meme is to question, often on speculative grounds, everything the &#8220;establishment&#8221; says or does and to demand immediate, comprehensive, and convincing answers to all questions. Unconvincing answers are taken as proof of conspiratorial deception. A good example is the film Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup (Avery 2009), which started out as a short fictional 2005 video about the World Trade Center attacks that was marketed as if it were a truth-seeking documentary. The 2005 video went viral on the Internet and has been viewed by over ten million people. Loose Change raises a long series of questions illustrated by tendentious information, such as the fact that the fires in the World Trade Center were not hot enough to melt steel. But no one had claimed that the steel had melted, only that it had gotten hot enough to weaken and collapse, which it did. The video presents the fact that the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is keeping certain people's tax returns secret, set to an ominous musical background suggestive of evildoing-despite the well-known fact that the IRS keeps everyone's tax returns secret.

When an alleged fact is debunked, the conspiracy meme often just replaces it with another fact. One of the producers of Loose Change, Korey Rowe, stated, &#8220;We don't ever come out and say that everything we say is 100 percent [correct]. We know there are errors in the documentary, and we've actually left them in there so that people [will] discredit us and do the research for themselves&#8221; (Slensky 2006).

(And, don't be ashamed if you don't know what a "meme" is. It's a relatively new term, and I had to look it up myself)

Yesterday National Review...

........................................Today Fox News...

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit

It didn’t take long for some of President Obama’s doubters to claim the long-awaited birth certificate posted online by the White House on Wednesday had been altered or might be a fake.

But a leading software expert says there’s no doubt about its authenticity, and he dismisses claims of fraud as flat-out wrong.

The doubters have latched onto the idea that Adobe Illustrator — the premier program for computer graphic artists — “reveals” evidence of document manipulation in the Obama birth certificate. They note Illustrator reveals nine separate layers of the document, and claim it’s “proof” the file has been altered.

But that’s not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

Read more: Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit - FoxNews.com

One good conspiracy deserves another.

I always thought Obama was born here. Especially since the Republican Governor of Hawaii said he was.

I never thought Bush knew about 9/11, even though he said he watched the FIRST plane hit the WTC.

But if the right wing is going to say our President is:

an illegal alien
a Marxist
a Fascist
a Manchurian Candidate
a Muslim
a Terrorist sympathizer
a gay drug addict
a child molester
non educated
a liar about his education

We need to take a second look at Bush crimes. And not just those, but remember, from 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. We are giving subsidies to oil companies thanks to the Bush energy policy. We need to investigate all Republicans in congress.

It's only "fair"

Yesterday National Review...

........................................Today Fox News...

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit

It didn’t take long for some of President Obama’s doubters to claim the long-awaited birth certificate posted online by the White House on Wednesday had been altered or might be a fake.

But a leading software expert says there’s no doubt about its authenticity, and he dismisses claims of fraud as flat-out wrong.

The doubters have latched onto the idea that Adobe Illustrator — the premier program for computer graphic artists — “reveals” evidence of document manipulation in the Obama birth certificate. They note Illustrator reveals nine separate layers of the document, and claim it’s “proof” the file has been altered.

But that’s not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

Read more: Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit - FoxNews.com


That doesn't dismiss the lack of Chromatic Aberrations in the White house's version of the BC. Basically it says that that document was created and has never left a computer.

That thing is so fake its absurd!

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