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Obama: Vietnam Leader Ho Chi Minh Was Inspired by Founding Fathers

WHOA!… Obama Links Founding Fathers to Communist Tyrant and Murderer Ho Chi Minh

by Jim Hoft
July 25, 2013

What did we do to deserve this?
We now have a sitting president linking our Founding Fathers to a Communist tyrant, murderer and enemy of America.

ho chi ------------- washington​

Barack Obama believes communist and murderer Ho Chi Minh was influenced by our Founding Fathers.

Has Barack ever heard of the Killing Fields?

Bridget Johnson at the PJ Tatler reported:

President Obama hailed hard-core communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh today as a pretty open guy who was actually inspired by the Founders.

Obama took a break from his jobs-pivot speeches to meet Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang at the White House. The pair held joint remarks in the Oval Office afterward.

Obama said their first bilateral meeting “represents the steady progression and strengthening of the relationship between our two countries.”

Read more:
WHOA!? Obama Links Founding Fathers to Communist Tyrant and Murderer Ho Chi Minh | The Gateway Pundit

Will Obama next claim he carries Mao Zedong's "Little Red Book" in his pocket rather than the Constitution?

This is more "Progressive Propaganda Bullshit" that is trying to convince others just how bad the Founding Fathers were, and hoping more gullible people will drink the Kool-Aid and join their ranks.


America was designed by geniuses, and now it's being runned by idiots.


Yup.....in 2013, our country has simply been populated with too many that have the IQ of a small soap dish or are otherwise caught up on doing their shit on their stupidPhones. But the wizard of OZ stuff has now been exposed as can be seen by looking at polling numbers amongst the independents = 22% approval or in that ballpark. This will end up being a blip on the screen in our history. Let this guy keep talking all he wants for the next 4 years while not doing dick........its all good in the long run.:up:
why are obama supporters avoiding this thread?

Because conservatards have gone Full Retard on Obama so often - he's a Kenyan, he is Satan, he's a communist, he's a fascist, etc. - it's hard to take any of what the hard right says about him seriously.
This thread is a classic example of trying to make history fit our political beliefs.
To make it fit we have to change history a might and put a different slant on a few items, but when we finish we can use history to prove Obama is a bad president or good president depending on our politics.

The first time I read the Ho's Declaration and compared it to our 1776 document, it was easy to see that that Jefferson was a communist, and every fourth of July America celebrated a communist holiday. I knew that equal-stuff had to be commie propaganda written by Marx, and it really meant a redistribution of wealth.
This is insanity. Is Obama that ignorant or just that determined to kiss the butts of dictators?

I thought Obama studied the constitution. How did he see it as a thumbs up to dictatorship?

Stirewalt believes that the comments were either a gaffe and that the president didn't know about the atrocities committed by Ho Chi Minh or that he was being "morally flexible" to make his guest feel at home.

Obama: Vietnam Leader Ho Chi Minh Was Inspired by Founding Fathers

Read more: President Obama Says That Vietnam?s Communist Dictator Ho Chi Minh Was Inspired by Founding Fathers | Fox News Insider

Well, sorry to say that I hate to disappoint the reactionaries; but that does have some basis in fact.

"The phrase can also be found in Chapter III, Article 13 of the 1947 Constitution of Japan, and in President Ho Chi Minh's 1945 declaration of independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. "

"On August 30, 1945, Hồ Chí Minh invited several people to contribute their ideas toward his Proclamation of Independence. OSS officers met repeatedly with Ho Chi Minh and other Viet Minh officers during late August and Archimedes Patti claims to listened to Ho read to him a draft of the Proclamation which he believed sounded very similar to the American Declaration of Independence.[3]

On September 2, 1945, Hồ Chí Minh read the Proclamation during a public meeting in front of thousands of people, at what is now Ba Đình Square, Hà Nội, announcing the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the country's independence from France."


thats already been established there 4 pages of posts before yours, I don't think anyone is arguing different......hello.
His point was him and the vietnamese President discussed how Ho Chi Minh was influenced by our founding fathers.
That is all he said, that was his point. Get over it.

I'll get over it when you tell me why he made the remark..... it was clearly meant as a positive....he would not have said it as an insult or to demean ..right..?

how would that conversation have gone? "hey you know Jefferson inspired ho, he quoted from our declaration of indy.....but he never employed any of the meaning"..:eusa_hand:...

So why mention even a very small part of a document where in the man who wrote it never ever lived up to any of the tenets Jefferson and our declaration encompassed and expressed?
How long did it finally take Our country to live up to those tenets???

seeing how HO never lived up to or employed any of the few he mentioned, I don't see your point. You know, if you're going to jump into a thread without reading whats been written I am not going repeat myself......
Best friend the NLF ever had was Walter Cronkite....that asshole saw what we did to them during the Tet and yet called them the winners. My team was assigned to show ol Walter the area around Dak To that had been deforrested....pulled us off something important to bodyguard his ass on a dog and pony bit for CBS....he never showed....drunk on his ass in a Saigon bar. Meanwhile a the line-unit we were supposed to do a recon for got hit and chewed on pretty good....that's on him.

Yeah, right.

Hey, guy, you can't blame the media or the hippies or anyone else who just pointed out the absurdity of the thing.

The reality was, Vietnamese saw Ho Chi Mihn as a hero who had fought against the hated French and Japanese, and the guys WE propped up, when they weren't murdering each other, were collaborators.

The reason why Tet was so devastating was that the Army lied to the Press for years about how they had everything under control, and they were making progress, and the NFL caught them with their pants around their ankles.

Listen ya leftist turd, they violated their own cease-fire for their own holiday, and came out of their tunnels to fight us.....we tore their asses apart in both part one and part two. That's it....I was there, you were not there. They were DONE as a viable fighting force, but instead of taking the fight north, LBJ quit on us thanks to shitheels like Cronkite reporting it backwards. Trash like you can believe what you like, but you will not tell your lies around those of us who were there.
Not to defend Ho Chi Minh, but he had a problem with the French being in his homeland and fought against their control when he returned. Wasn't Vietnam a French colony?
Didn't Jefferson fight against being a British colony? Didn't he fight for the US independence?

It doesn't take much to connect how Minh was inspired by Jefferson. Marx praised Lincoln, doesn't mean anyone would suggest he was anything close to Lincoln. And stating Marx praised him isn't disrespecting civil war vets etc..

This isn't an issue which is the point, you, West, and Trajan are too wrapped in your hate for Obama to see that.

he actually had a bigger problem with the original plan of Chinese nationalists ( Chiang Kai-shek) disarming the Japanese....Ho once said- “I prefer to sniff French shit for five years than eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life" translated loosely;)

and thats a good point except- you can show what Jefferson did, not just his words on paper....Ho? :eusa_shhh:

I am not trying to compare Ho Chi Minh, I am just pointing out how he could be inspired by Jefferson.

I've already addressed that.

Either way it doesn't matter, all Obama said was they discussed it. It's not an issue.

its not an issue becasue you apparently don't apply much of a yardstick to the inane ramblings of our gov. officials. I posted commentary becasue it was imho, inane and frankly dumb.....I'll give you another example I spoke to in the same vein at the time;

Obama: “China is making investments in the future, they’re making investments in clean energy, they’re making investments in infrastructure…we used to have the best infrastructure in the world…had the best roads, the best airports, the best ports, the best highways, the best internet service, now we’re second, we’re third, we’re fifteenth, we’re twenty-first, we can’t win that way…listen Abraham Lincoln helped to build the intercontinental railroad in the middle of the Civil War...”


"Right now China is building hundreds of thousands of miles of new roads. Over the next 10 years it plans to build dozens of new airports. Over the next 20 it could build as many as 170 new mass transit systems. Everywhere else they are thinking big, they are creating jobs today, but they are also planning to win tomorrow," said President Obama.

now thats fine as it goes, we need to bulk up infrastructure, I have no issue with that, but, why on earth mention china as some comparative value? they employ their own special brand of savage central planning and mgt. that doesn't recognize property rights, the rule of law as it applies re; wage and worker protection practices, has a complete disregard for the environment etc. ...china may think they are being fair, or give lip service to employing say, eminent domain, but please, theres no equivalence to how we employ same what so ever..... It was an inane comparison or benchmark and I feel same here, there is no equivalence, or connection between Ho's words and Jeffersonian principals etc. other than hot air and some document he posted those words upon..........*shrugs*

Listen ya leftist turd, they violated their own cease-fire for their own holiday, and came out of their tunnels to fight us.....we tore their asses apart in both part one and part two. That's it....I was there, you were not there. They were DONE as a viable fighting force, but instead of taking the fight north, LBJ quit on us thanks to shitheels like Cronkite reporting it backwards. Trash like you can believe what you like, but you will not tell your lies around those of us who were there.

We might have won the battles, but we never won the hearts and minds...

That was the point.

The Vietnamese were never going to have a Coke and a Smile while we were raping their country.

And the reason why LBJ didn't take the fight north was because if he did, China and Russia would have gotten into the war.

Yeah, that would probably have been bad.


Listen ya leftist turd, they violated their own cease-fire for their own holiday, and came out of their tunnels to fight us.....we tore their asses apart in both part one and part two. That's it....I was there, you were not there. They were DONE as a viable fighting force, but instead of taking the fight north, LBJ quit on us thanks to shitheels like Cronkite reporting it backwards. Trash like you can believe what you like, but you will not tell your lies around those of us who were there.

We might have won the battles, but we never won the hearts and minds...

That was the point.

The Vietnamese were never going to have a Coke and a Smile while we were raping their country.

And the reason why LBJ didn't take the fight north was because if he did, China and Russia would have gotten into the war.

Yeah, that would probably have been bad.


Read the "Survivalist" post about hearts and minds in this thread. You don't want to look at what the communists did to the Vietnamese people. You don't want to admit that Ho was a butcher and a madman. You don't want to know he slaughtered half a million with "hearts and minds" enough to fight like tigers against his kind. I lived amongst the Bahnar tribesmen and know the stories. I saw their prison camps. I saw the body parts they left behind as warnings to those who resisted them, and I was fortunate enough to send several of them to their graves.....educate yourself for a change instead of swallowing what you're fed from those who hate the USA....particularly the muslim moron in the WH....what he said about Ho Chi Minh is even more offensive than bowing to the jap emperor.....there is no honor with him...no dignity.
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Read the "Survivalist" post about hearts and minds in this thread. You don't want to look at what the communists did to the Vietnamese people. You don't want to admit that Ho was a butcher and a madman. You don't want to know he slaughtered half a million with "hearts and minds" enough to fight like tigers against his kind. I lived amongst the Bahnar tribesmen and know the stories. I saw their prison camps. I saw the body parts they left behind as warnings to those who resisted them, and I was fortunate enough to send several of them to their graves.....educate yourself for a change instead of swallowing what you're fed from those who hate the USA....particularly the muslim moron in the WH....what he said about Ho Chi Minh is even more offensive than bowing to the jap emperor.....there is no honor with him...no dignity.

You went there. You got your ass kicked. Get over it.
Not to call you a liar, but the French were not in his homeland when he gave the speech. The "Vietnamese Declaration of Independence" was delivered after Ho Chi Min led a coup against the legitimate government of Vietnam.

You should get your information from someplace other than the website of the communist party.

Did I claim he did? You can't call me a liar because I never stated that and Vietnam was a French colony when Ho Chi Minh he returned to Vietnam. Was Vietnam not a French colony when Ho Chi Minh returned?
Like usual, you are trying to put words in my mouth, and looking like an idiot.
Also like I stated when I posted the link I don't like Mother Jones and today was the first time I read the site in probably a year.
Instead of trying to act intelligent read what people post instead of going full retard.

You just said that Ho Chi Min fought against the control of the French, he didn't. The "August Revolution" was a lot more like Iraq would have been like if we had gone in, took down Saddam Hussein, and left. There was a massive power vacuum after we beat Japan in WWII, and the Viet Minh stepped in and seized the government offices, forcing the Emperor to abdicate. It was after this that Ho Chi Minh gave his little speech which was not a Declaration of Independence so much as it was an announcement of the plan to nationalize all foreign businesses and an excuse to torture foreigners and everyone he declared to be an enemy of the state. If you want to know who inspired him I suggest you look to Stalin, not Jefferson.

This is history, try reading it sometime. If pointing out the truth when you say something that is patently false is putting words in your mouth, get over it because people will always be putting words in your mouth.

Omg all I said was how he could have been inspired by Jefferson. I never said he acted like Jefferson, implemented any policies that were Jefferson like, led his life like Jefferson etc.. I know what Ho Chi Minh was like. The point is he claimed to be inspired by him, which is what they discussed. Fuck!

As for the French and the August Revolution. Try taking a history class and not looking up Wikipedia.
he actually had a bigger problem with the original plan of Chinese nationalists ( Chiang Kai-shek) disarming the Japanese....Ho once said- “I prefer to sniff French shit for five years than eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life" translated loosely;)

and thats a good point except- you can show what Jefferson did, not just his words on paper....Ho? :eusa_shhh:

I've already addressed that.

Either way it doesn't matter, all Obama said was they discussed it. It's not an issue.

its not an issue becasue you apparently don't apply much of a yardstick to the inane ramblings of our gov. officials. I posted commentary becasue it was imho, inane and frankly dumb.....I'll give you another example I spoke to in the same vein at the time;

Obama: “China is making investments in the future, they’re making investments in clean energy, they’re making investments in infrastructure…we used to have the best infrastructure in the world…had the best roads, the best airports, the best ports, the best highways, the best internet service, now we’re second, we’re third, we’re fifteenth, we’re twenty-first, we can’t win that way…listen Abraham Lincoln helped to build the intercontinental railroad in the middle of the Civil War...”


"Right now China is building hundreds of thousands of miles of new roads. Over the next 10 years it plans to build dozens of new airports. Over the next 20 it could build as many as 170 new mass transit systems. Everywhere else they are thinking big, they are creating jobs today, but they are also planning to win tomorrow," said President Obama.

now thats fine as it goes, we need to bulk up infrastructure, I have no issue with that, but, why on earth mention china as some comparative value? they employ their own special brand of savage central planning and mgt. that doesn't recognize property rights, the rule of law as it applies re; wage and worker protection practices, has a complete disregard for the environment etc. ...china may think they are being fair, or give lip service to employing say, eminent domain, but please, theres no equivalence to how we employ same what so ever..... It was an inane comparison or benchmark and I feel same here, there is no equivalence, or connection between Ho's words and Jeffersonian principals etc. other than hot air and some document he posted those words upon..........*shrugs*

Why are we bringing up China now?
They discussed Ho Chi Minh, and having to be diplomatic Obama mentioned what they discussed. It's called being polite to foreign leaders. That is what Presidents do.
No matter what other examples you or QW mention it doesn't change that. QW can try to make up what I said, argue that the French were not apart of the August Revolution, or that Ho was more like Stalin. That all does not matter.
The President of Vietnam discussed how Ho was inspired by Jefferson and Obama mentioned they discussed it.
Do you have a problem with diplomacy? Or should we just be assholes to everyone we trade with?
Recently register. I like this site. You guys will argue about anything. Being a rightwing leftest gun loving that likes socialist programs sprinkled into a capitalist system, I don't know if I will fit, but I do know that Ho expected the USA to support Vieatnams independence after our defeat of our mutual enemy, Japan. Worst mistake in American policy was to go along with the French after WWll and allow them to recolonizs IndoChina. So, ya, anyhow, Ho was inspired by the Founding Fathers in 1945 and the idea of our democracy and constitution, but as soon as we sided with the French things changed as he was pushed into obtaining aid from the communist to fight the French.
Pretty close. Ho chi Minh actually admired the United States, before he went full blown crazy.
I am seriously beginning to question the comprehension skills of a lot of people on this forum.

Are all of you so 'knee jerk' that anything Obama says is immediately attacked without taking a micro second to stop and think about what IS being said, NOT what you think he'll say?

I have every reason to dislike Obama, but come on people. It is a historical fact that Minh admired the US and its Constitution. Simply because he made poor choices in accepting help from Russia and China, and then became a brutal murderer does not reflect upon us, or Obama.

If Obama had said that he admired the career and methods of Minh, then we all would have issue.

Stop arguing simply for the sake of disagreement. If you can't do that, seek help.
I am seriously beginning to question the comprehension skills of a lot of people on this forum.

Are all of you so 'knee jerk' that anything Obama says is immediately attacked without taking a micro second to stop and think about what IS being said, NOT what you think he'll say?

I have every reason to dislike Obama, but come on people. It is a historical fact that Minh admired the US and its Constitution. Simply because he made poor choices in accepting help from Russia and China, and then became a brutal murderer does not reflect upon us, or Obama.

If Obama had said that he admired the career and methods of Minh, then we all would have issue.

Stop arguing simply for the sake of disagreement. If you can't do that, seek help.

But he turned into a murderer with his admiration...as it did with Pol Pot...History bears this out my friend...that is why the outrage by some regarding the O's comments and the comparison. The O is touting a murderer and likening him to our own Founders...there is no comparison...it's what you do with liberty that counts, Minh can roast in Hell.
I am seriously beginning to question the comprehension skills of a lot of people on this forum.

Are all of you so 'knee jerk' that anything Obama says is immediately attacked without taking a micro second to stop and think about what IS being said, NOT what you think he'll say?

I have every reason to dislike Obama, but come on people. It is a historical fact that Minh admired the US and its Constitution. Simply because he made poor choices in accepting help from Russia and China, and then became a brutal murderer does not reflect upon us, or Obama.

If Obama had said that he admired the career and methods of Minh, then we all would have issue.

Stop arguing simply for the sake of disagreement. If you can't do that, seek help.

But he turned into a murderer with his admiration...as it did with Pol Pot...History bears this out my friend...that is why the outrage by some regarding the O's comments and the comparison. The O is touting a murderer and likening him to our own Founders...there is no comparison...it's what you do with liberty that counts, Minh can roast in Hell.
Here is the problem. He was not likening them to our founding fathers. He was specifically addressing Minh's perception of America and our founding fathers. Yes, Minh turned into a brutal and savage killer of his own people. His evil has rarely been duplicated (thank the lord) and cannot be ignored.

However, it does not change the fact that prior to his going bat shit crazy and one of the worlds most brutal killers, he reached out to the United States because he admired our form of government.

In the end, that does not reflect upon us. It is just a historical fact.
I am seriously beginning to question the comprehension skills of a lot of people on this forum.

Are all of you so 'knee jerk' that anything Obama says is immediately attacked without taking a micro second to stop and think about what IS being said, NOT what you think he'll say?

I have every reason to dislike Obama, but come on people. It is a historical fact that Minh admired the US and its Constitution. Simply because he made poor choices in accepting help from Russia and China, and then became a brutal murderer does not reflect upon us, or Obama.

If Obama had said that he admired the career and methods of Minh, then we all would have issue.

Stop arguing simply for the sake of disagreement. If you can't do that, seek help.

But he turned into a murderer with his admiration...as it did with Pol Pot...History bears this out my friend...that is why the outrage by some regarding the O's comments and the comparison. The O is touting a murderer and likening him to our own Founders...there is no comparison...it's what you do with liberty that counts, Minh can roast in Hell.
Here is the problem. He was not likening them to our founding fathers. He was specifically addressing Minh's perception of America and our founding fathers. Yes, Minh turned into a brutal and savage killer of his own people. His evil has rarely been duplicated (thank the lord) and cannot be ignored.

However, it does not change the fact that prior to his going bat shit crazy and one of the worlds most brutal killers, he reached out to the United States because he admired our form of government.

In the end, that does not reflect upon us. It is just a historical fact.

And that's fine he reached out...in his effort to rid his country of the French...his problem? Communism.
Ho Chi Minh was inspired by the US founding fathers. They both led independence movements.

Why is this a "scandal" ?

If US troops suffered at the hands of Ho Chi Minh's soldiers, IT'S BECAUSE THE US TROOPS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE.
Ho Chi Minh was inspired by the US founding fathers. They both led independence movements.

Why is this a "scandal" ?

If US troops suffered at the hands of Ho Chi Minh's soldiers, IT'S BECAUSE THE US TROOPS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE.

Scandal is one word: COMMUNISM.

Simple. He was on the wrong side.

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