Obama wanted to shoot Israeli jets down in 2014... is this what you call an Ally/friend??

The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday, that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli militaryattack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Following Obama's threat, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was reportedly forced to abort the planned Iran attack.
According to Al-Jarida, the Netanyahu government took the decision to strike Iran some time in 2014 soon after Israel had discovered the United States and Iran had been involved in secret talks over Iran’s nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel's back.
The report claimed that an unnamed Israeli minister who has good ties with the US administration revealed the attack plan to Secretary of State John Kerry, and that Obama then threatened to shoot down the Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva


Obama is a fucking traitor!
Assuming the story is true, how would not capitulating to an israeli desire to start a conflict make obama a traitor?

Do you see the interests of israel as paramount, even to those of the united states?
There are American Jews that voted for Obama. They are staunch Democrats. This is how strong Obama is i.e. he comes first before these good jewish people's faith!
These same Jewish Americans though have relatives that live in Israel.
Constantly under threat by Hamas. All because Israel wanted to be in the land where they started.
The Hamas have had every opportunity to improve their people's lives...but instead build tunnels through which to kill Israelis.
The tunnels into Israel were constructed using the expertise of the Rafah families who have specialized in digging tunnels into Egypt for commerce and smuggling,[20] and have been described by former Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya as representative of "a new strategy in confronting the occupation and in the conflict with the enemy from underground and from above the ground."[19] According to Eado Hecht, an Israeli defence analyst specialising in underground warfare, "[T]hese underground complexes are fairly similar in concept to the Viet Cong tunnels dug beneath the jungles of South Vietnam, though the quality of finishing is better, with concrete walls and roofs, electricity and other required amenities for lengthy sojourn."[21]

The Israeli military has provided estimates that Hamas spent around $30 to $90 million, and poured 600,000 tons of concrete, in order to build three dozen tunnels.[22][23] Some tunnels were estimated to have cost $3 million to construct.[24][25]

So why then wouldn't the Israeli people wonder about Hamas' intentions?

Screen Shot 2015-03-01 at 2.45.56 PM.png
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. We are heading into a time now we need to go on defense.
2. And separate ourselves of islam.
3. Its due time.
Well, now you know what ISIS kills off the Christians. You and they think the same. Congrats on that.

1. I didn't say we need to kill them I said we need to export them back to their historical lands, and the Jews need to as well, and all of Europe.
2. Thats my plan, and I will have it.
3. They are supposed to all go back because they are being called back, and its part of Gods plan.
4. Setting the table for the prophet they are all awaiting for.


Really now. And if they've been in America, or Europe for generations then where exactly are their historical lands? You are proposing stripping thousands of American Citizens of their citizenship and deporting them to foreign countries where they know not the language, the customs or anything.

An experiment like that was tried. First they just identified them and kept records. Then, when they decided the only "rational" (if it can be called that) thing to do to save their "culture" was to deport them to the lands they originally came from (albeit centuries ago) or countries willing to take them. Of course they were dealing, ultimately, with millions of people so they had to set up "camps" and "processing centers" and no countries would take them.

The experiment failed. And the human cost was beyond calculation.

Maybe you should rethink this idea of yours.

1. Its the only way and I will have it.
2. Its decided already.
3. This is my plan and it will take place.
4. Those who do not denounce islam will have to go, period.
5. If they do they get to stay, and we keep an eye on them for 50 years, if they stay away from islam for fifty years we accept them.
6. Tear down and destroy anything made for and by islam.
7. Forbid that form of government to enter our borders.
8. Thats what I will have.
9. I said it, and I believe it will take place now.


Exactly how are you going to move millions of people? What will you do if no country will take them?
And in spite of the above proof Hamas with the support of Iran want as their Hamas Covenant calls for ....
The charter claims that the Jews deserve God’s/Allah’s enmity and wrath because they received the Scriptures but violated its sacred texts, disbelieved the signs of Allah, and slew their own prophets.[28] It quotes a saying of Muhammad from a hadith:
"The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say,
'O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Only the Gharkad tree would not do that, because it is one of the trees of the Jews."Hamas Covenant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But of course you people like the Hamas hate the Jews and want to see them exterminated...as your hero Hitler tried to do.
Way to go you anti-Semites and that includes Obama as he would kill Israelis first before allowing any Iranian nuclear facilities be destroyed!
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. We are heading into a time now we need to go on defense.
2. And separate ourselves of islam.
3. Its due time.
Well, now you know what ISIS kills off the Christians. You and they think the same. Congrats on that.

1. I didn't say we need to kill them I said we need to export them back to their historical lands, and the Jews need to as well, and all of Europe.
2. Thats my plan, and I will have it.
3. They are supposed to all go back because they are being called back, and its part of Gods plan.
4. Setting the table for the prophet they are all awaiting for.


Really now. And if they've been in America, or Europe for generations then where exactly are their historical lands? You are proposing stripping thousands of American Citizens of their citizenship and deporting them to foreign countries where they know not the language, the customs or anything.

An experiment like that was tried. First they just identified them and kept records. Then, when they decided the only "rational" (if it can be called that) thing to do to save their "culture" was to deport them to the lands they originally came from (albeit centuries ago) or countries willing to take them. Of course they were dealing, ultimately, with millions of people so they had to set up "camps" and "processing centers" and no countries would take them.

The experiment failed. And the human cost was beyond calculation.

Maybe you should rethink this idea of yours.

1. Its the only way and I will have it.
2. Its decided already.
3. This is my plan and it will take place.
4. Those who do not denounce islam will have to go, period.
5. If they do they get to stay, and we keep an eye on them for 50 years, if they stay away from islam for fifty years we accept them.
6. Tear down and destroy anything made for and by islam.
7. Forbid that form of government to enter our borders.
8. Thats what I will have.
9. I said it, and I believe it will take place now.


Exactly how are you going to move millions of people? What will you do if no country will take them?

1. They will be moved out in families, aircraft, military, or commercial.
2. They will be flown, dumped into non hostile areas of the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, those from Iraq, Afghanistan, and war torn countries will get their chance to go back to their homeland or be put into a lottery for other muslim countries where there is no war presently going on, all the sorted countries from which they came.
3. They will be *bought out* if they own homes and businesses, market values.
4. Not one hair shall be hurt, they will simply be removed from our shores.

Last edited:
Now for you anti-Semites read this following screed against Israel and the USA ...

Does Hamas provoke Israel to attack Gaza?
Palestinians as a diverse society are neither reducible to Hamas nor can they be denied the right to resist occupation
Given the sophisticated defence system Israel possesses, courtesy of US taxpayers, none of these rockets hit any targets and fortunately no Israeli man, woman, or child has lost any life or limb because of them. This fact has scarcely bothered BBC, CNN, or any other shamelessly pro-Israeli outlet that always seeks to "balance" their reporting on Gaza by mentioning the fact that Hamas has also shot some rockets towards the Jewish state.

In one particularly nefarious example, Diane Sawyer of ABC showed a picture of Palestinians enduring Israeli bombing but told her American audience these were the pictures of Israelis under attack by Hamas rockets.

Does Hamas provoke Israel to attack Gaza - Al Jazeera English

Now for those of you that believe the above garbage...
1) not one mention of the 3 dozen tunnels built by Hamas at a cost of over $90 million into Israel!
2) Not ONE mention of these DEATHS from nearly 4,000 rockets in just the first 8 months in 2014!
Here is what this author said about the rocket attacks...
the fact that Hamas has also shot some rockets towards the Jewish state.
that Hamas does shoot some rockets towards Israel, and though these rockets scarcely harm anyone does not diminish their intent, which is to hit somewhere or harm someone. So the Hamas operation intends to harm people but they cannot do as they wish for their military wherewithal is not outsourced to the United States.
Screen Shot 2015-03-01 at 3.05.45 PM.png

You see why most thinking people have a problem with any compassion for a group that wants to destroy Israelites???
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Well, now you know what ISIS kills off the Christians. You and they think the same. Congrats on that.

1. I didn't say we need to kill them I said we need to export them back to their historical lands, and the Jews need to as well, and all of Europe.
2. Thats my plan, and I will have it.
3. They are supposed to all go back because they are being called back, and its part of Gods plan.
4. Setting the table for the prophet they are all awaiting for.


Really now. And if they've been in America, or Europe for generations then where exactly are their historical lands? You are proposing stripping thousands of American Citizens of their citizenship and deporting them to foreign countries where they know not the language, the customs or anything.

An experiment like that was tried. First they just identified them and kept records. Then, when they decided the only "rational" (if it can be called that) thing to do to save their "culture" was to deport them to the lands they originally came from (albeit centuries ago) or countries willing to take them. Of course they were dealing, ultimately, with millions of people so they had to set up "camps" and "processing centers" and no countries would take them.

The experiment failed. And the human cost was beyond calculation.

Maybe you should rethink this idea of yours.

1. Its the only way and I will have it.
2. Its decided already.
3. This is my plan and it will take place.
4. Those who do not denounce islam will have to go, period.
5. If they do they get to stay, and we keep an eye on them for 50 years, if they stay away from islam for fifty years we accept them.
6. Tear down and destroy anything made for and by islam.
7. Forbid that form of government to enter our borders.
8. Thats what I will have.
9. I said it, and I believe it will take place now.


Exactly how are you going to move millions of people? What will you do if no country will take them?

1. They will be moved out in families, aircraft, military, or commercial.
2. They will be flown, dumped into non hostile areas of the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, those from Iraq, Afghanistan, and war torn countries will get their chance to go back to their homeland or be put into a lottery for other muslim countries where there is no war presently going on, all the sorted countries from which they came.

Ok...so you propose taking men, women, children and babies and "dumping them". The way the real world works, you can't just dump people in foreign countries - you need permission, the country has to be willing to take them.

What will you do if no country, or not enough countries are willing to take them?

3. They will be *bought out* if they own homes and businesses, market values.

In otherwords, they will be stripped of citizenship, lose all their investments and business' that they built themselves to someone's idea of "fair market values". This did not work well for the Japanese we interned. They lost everything. And unlike the Japanese-Americans, our Muslims number around 2.6 million. Where will you get the money?

4. Not one hair shall be hurt, they will simply be removed from our shores.

That comes back to the question of - what will you if no country takes them or not enough countries take them?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I didn't say we need to kill them I said we need to export them back to their historical lands, and the Jews need to as well, and all of Europe.
2. Thats my plan, and I will have it.
3. They are supposed to all go back because they are being called back, and its part of Gods plan.
4. Setting the table for the prophet they are all awaiting for.


Really now. And if they've been in America, or Europe for generations then where exactly are their historical lands? You are proposing stripping thousands of American Citizens of their citizenship and deporting them to foreign countries where they know not the language, the customs or anything.

An experiment like that was tried. First they just identified them and kept records. Then, when they decided the only "rational" (if it can be called that) thing to do to save their "culture" was to deport them to the lands they originally came from (albeit centuries ago) or countries willing to take them. Of course they were dealing, ultimately, with millions of people so they had to set up "camps" and "processing centers" and no countries would take them.

The experiment failed. And the human cost was beyond calculation.

Maybe you should rethink this idea of yours.

1. Its the only way and I will have it.
2. Its decided already.
3. This is my plan and it will take place.
4. Those who do not denounce islam will have to go, period.
5. If they do they get to stay, and we keep an eye on them for 50 years, if they stay away from islam for fifty years we accept them.
6. Tear down and destroy anything made for and by islam.
7. Forbid that form of government to enter our borders.
8. Thats what I will have.
9. I said it, and I believe it will take place now.


Exactly how are you going to move millions of people? What will you do if no country will take them?

1. They will be moved out in families, aircraft, military, or commercial.
2. They will be flown, dumped into non hostile areas of the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, those from Iraq, Afghanistan, and war torn countries will get their chance to go back to their homeland or be put into a lottery for other muslim countries where there is no war presently going on, all the sorted countries from which they came.

Ok...so you propose taking men, women, children and babies and "dumping them". The way the real world works, you can't just dump people in foreign countries - you need permission, the country has to be willing to take them.

What will you do if no country, or not enough countries are willing to take them?

3. They will be *bought out* if they own homes and businesses, market values.

In otherwords, they will be stripped of citizenship, lose all their investments and business' that they built themselves to someone's idea of "fair market values". This did not work well for the Japanese we interned. They lost everything. And unlike the Japanese-Americans, our Muslims number around 2.6 million. Where will you get the money?

4. Not one hair shall be hurt, they will simply be removed from our shores.

That comes back to the question of - what will you if no country takes them or not enough countries take them?
Sorry bout that,

1. They will go, and those Nations will take them.
2. Some war torn countries need fighters, so they will gladly take them back.
3. Most will have to be sent to Egypt first then sent to prospect countries.
4. We will inspire them to return to the homelands, and let them know we will support their efforts to democratize their lands.
5. If they fear to go back to their homelands then we will get them located to other islamic lands.
6. Through the lottery.
7. Egypt will have first crack at anyone who doesn't want to go back to their original homelands.
8. If they want them and they want to stay there then ok, if not they go into the lottery.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Really now. And if they've been in America, or Europe for generations then where exactly are their historical lands? You are proposing stripping thousands of American Citizens of their citizenship and deporting them to foreign countries where they know not the language, the customs or anything.

An experiment like that was tried. First they just identified them and kept records. Then, when they decided the only "rational" (if it can be called that) thing to do to save their "culture" was to deport them to the lands they originally came from (albeit centuries ago) or countries willing to take them. Of course they were dealing, ultimately, with millions of people so they had to set up "camps" and "processing centers" and no countries would take them.

The experiment failed. And the human cost was beyond calculation.

Maybe you should rethink this idea of yours.

1. Its the only way and I will have it.
2. Its decided already.
3. This is my plan and it will take place.
4. Those who do not denounce islam will have to go, period.
5. If they do they get to stay, and we keep an eye on them for 50 years, if they stay away from islam for fifty years we accept them.
6. Tear down and destroy anything made for and by islam.
7. Forbid that form of government to enter our borders.
8. Thats what I will have.
9. I said it, and I believe it will take place now.


Exactly how are you going to move millions of people? What will you do if no country will take them?

1. They will be moved out in families, aircraft, military, or commercial.
2. They will be flown, dumped into non hostile areas of the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, those from Iraq, Afghanistan, and war torn countries will get their chance to go back to their homeland or be put into a lottery for other muslim countries where there is no war presently going on, all the sorted countries from which they came.

Ok...so you propose taking men, women, children and babies and "dumping them". The way the real world works, you can't just dump people in foreign countries - you need permission, the country has to be willing to take them.

What will you do if no country, or not enough countries are willing to take them?

3. They will be *bought out* if they own homes and businesses, market values.

In otherwords, they will be stripped of citizenship, lose all their investments and business' that they built themselves to someone's idea of "fair market values". This did not work well for the Japanese we interned. They lost everything. And unlike the Japanese-Americans, our Muslims number around 2.6 million. Where will you get the money?

4. Not one hair shall be hurt, they will simply be removed from our shores.

That comes back to the question of - what will you if no country takes them or not enough countries take them?
Sorry bout that,

1. They will go, and those Nations will take them.

How do you know they will take them? Look, for example, at the millions and millions of Muslims currently languishing in refugee camps in war torn regions because no one will take them. Why do you think other nations will take 2.6 million Muslims from America? You can't force a country to take non-citizens.

2. Some war torn countries need fighters, so they will gladly take them back.

The majority of our Muslim population is like the majority of our Christian population. In otherwords - ordinary people. Doctors, lawyers, small businessmen, teachers, kids etc. They aren't fighters. They certainly don't want to be thrust into a war torn country and forced to fight for something they no nothing about in a language they don't even speak not to mention their wives and daughters, in some of those lands being forced into abusive relationships. These are Americans after all, they did not grow up in those cultures any more than you or I did.

So you are essentially saying you will happily send them to their death.

3. Most will have to be sent to Egypt first then sent to prospect countries.

Why would Egypt take 2.6 million foreign people when they aren't even taking many Syrian refugees, for example.

4. We will inspire them to return to the homelands, and let them know we will support their efforts to democratize their lands.

How will you inspire them? What would inspire YOU enough to leave America, lose your citizenship forever, and be stuck in a foriegn country who's culture is utterly alien to you? What would inspire a 76 yr old woman? What would inspire a 9 yr old child who's biggest dream at the moment is going to Disney Land?

5. If they fear to go back to their homelands then we will get them located to other islamic lands.
6. Through the lottery.
7. Egypt will have first crack at anyone who doesn't want to go back to their original homelands.
8. If they want them and they want to stay there then ok, if not they go into the lottery.


#5 - again, a country has to be willing to take them.
#6 - the lottery for what? You can't force countries to take them.

What will you do if not enough countries are willing to take them...or no countries?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Its the only way and I will have it.
2. Its decided already.
3. This is my plan and it will take place.
4. Those who do not denounce islam will have to go, period.
5. If they do they get to stay, and we keep an eye on them for 50 years, if they stay away from islam for fifty years we accept them.
6. Tear down and destroy anything made for and by islam.
7. Forbid that form of government to enter our borders.
8. Thats what I will have.
9. I said it, and I believe it will take place now.


Exactly how are you going to move millions of people? What will you do if no country will take them?

1. They will be moved out in families, aircraft, military, or commercial.
2. They will be flown, dumped into non hostile areas of the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, those from Iraq, Afghanistan, and war torn countries will get their chance to go back to their homeland or be put into a lottery for other muslim countries where there is no war presently going on, all the sorted countries from which they came.

Ok...so you propose taking men, women, children and babies and "dumping them". The way the real world works, you can't just dump people in foreign countries - you need permission, the country has to be willing to take them.

What will you do if no country, or not enough countries are willing to take them?

3. They will be *bought out* if they own homes and businesses, market values.

In otherwords, they will be stripped of citizenship, lose all their investments and business' that they built themselves to someone's idea of "fair market values". This did not work well for the Japanese we interned. They lost everything. And unlike the Japanese-Americans, our Muslims number around 2.6 million. Where will you get the money?

4. Not one hair shall be hurt, they will simply be removed from our shores.

That comes back to the question of - what will you if no country takes them or not enough countries take them?
Sorry bout that,

1. They will go, and those Nations will take them.

How do you know they will take them? Look, for example, at the millions and millions of Muslims currently languishing in refugee camps in war torn regions because no one will take them. Why do you think other nations will take 2.6 million Muslims from America? You can't force a country to take non-citizens.

2. Some war torn countries need fighters, so they will gladly take them back.

The majority of our Muslim population is like the majority of our Christian population. In otherwords - ordinary people. Doctors, lawyers, small businessmen, teachers, kids etc. They aren't fighters. They certainly don't want to be thrust into a war torn country and forced to fight for something they no nothing about in a language they don't even speak not to mention their wives and daughters, in some of those lands being forced into abusive relationships. These are Americans after all, they did not grow up in those cultures any more than you or I did.

So you are essentially saying you will happily send them to their death.

3. Most will have to be sent to Egypt first then sent to prospect countries.

Why would Egypt take 2.6 million foreign people when they aren't even taking many Syrian refugees, for example.

4. We will inspire them to return to the homelands, and let them know we will support their efforts to democratize their lands.

How will you inspire them? What would inspire YOU enough to leave America, lose your citizenship forever, and be stuck in a foriegn country who's culture is utterly alien to you? What would inspire a 76 yr old woman? What would inspire a 9 yr old child who's biggest dream at the moment is going to Disney Land?

5. If they fear to go back to their homelands then we will get them located to other islamic lands.
6. Through the lottery.
7. Egypt will have first crack at anyone who doesn't want to go back to their original homelands.
8. If they want them and they want to stay there then ok, if not they go into the lottery.


#5 - again, a country has to be willing to take them.
#6 - the lottery for what? You can't force countries to take them.

What will you do if not enough countries are willing to take them...or no countries?

1. Oh they will be forced to take them, those Nations will either take them back of wish they had.
2. We will get them to them, one way or another, if they are not accepted in the regular channels then we will rough ride them in on military trucks.
3. EIther way they go.
4. And are dumped off.

Sorry bout that,

1. The UN over sees it, they take responsibility as soon as they leave our shores.
2. The UN has their bank accounts as well, in order to safely get them planted back into their prospect Nations, wether back in their original homelands or in a new land.
3. Thats when the UN becomes useful for once.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Exactly how are you going to move millions of people? What will you do if no country will take them?

1. They will be moved out in families, aircraft, military, or commercial.
2. They will be flown, dumped into non hostile areas of the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, those from Iraq, Afghanistan, and war torn countries will get their chance to go back to their homeland or be put into a lottery for other muslim countries where there is no war presently going on, all the sorted countries from which they came.

Ok...so you propose taking men, women, children and babies and "dumping them". The way the real world works, you can't just dump people in foreign countries - you need permission, the country has to be willing to take them.

What will you do if no country, or not enough countries are willing to take them?

3. They will be *bought out* if they own homes and businesses, market values.

In otherwords, they will be stripped of citizenship, lose all their investments and business' that they built themselves to someone's idea of "fair market values". This did not work well for the Japanese we interned. They lost everything. And unlike the Japanese-Americans, our Muslims number around 2.6 million. Where will you get the money?

4. Not one hair shall be hurt, they will simply be removed from our shores.

That comes back to the question of - what will you if no country takes them or not enough countries take them?
Sorry bout that,

1. They will go, and those Nations will take them.

How do you know they will take them? Look, for example, at the millions and millions of Muslims currently languishing in refugee camps in war torn regions because no one will take them. Why do you think other nations will take 2.6 million Muslims from America? You can't force a country to take non-citizens.

2. Some war torn countries need fighters, so they will gladly take them back.

The majority of our Muslim population is like the majority of our Christian population. In otherwords - ordinary people. Doctors, lawyers, small businessmen, teachers, kids etc. They aren't fighters. They certainly don't want to be thrust into a war torn country and forced to fight for something they no nothing about in a language they don't even speak not to mention their wives and daughters, in some of those lands being forced into abusive relationships. These are Americans after all, they did not grow up in those cultures any more than you or I did.

So you are essentially saying you will happily send them to their death.

3. Most will have to be sent to Egypt first then sent to prospect countries.

Why would Egypt take 2.6 million foreign people when they aren't even taking many Syrian refugees, for example.

4. We will inspire them to return to the homelands, and let them know we will support their efforts to democratize their lands.

How will you inspire them? What would inspire YOU enough to leave America, lose your citizenship forever, and be stuck in a foriegn country who's culture is utterly alien to you? What would inspire a 76 yr old woman? What would inspire a 9 yr old child who's biggest dream at the moment is going to Disney Land?

5. If they fear to go back to their homelands then we will get them located to other islamic lands.
6. Through the lottery.
7. Egypt will have first crack at anyone who doesn't want to go back to their original homelands.
8. If they want them and they want to stay there then ok, if not they go into the lottery.


#5 - again, a country has to be willing to take them.
#6 - the lottery for what? You can't force countries to take them.

What will you do if not enough countries are willing to take them...or no countries?

1. Oh they will be forced to take them, those Nations will either take them back of wish they had.

How will you force them?

List of Islamic majority countries: Islam by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the process of "forcing them" - what are you going to do with 2.6 million Muslims?

2. We will get them to them, one way or another, if they are not accepted in the regular channels then we will rough ride them in on military trucks.

Are you about taking people (presumably without even their possessions) and dumping them over the border of some foriegn country...like the human traffickers do with illegal immigrants in the desert? Just leaving them there?

3. EIther way they go.
4. And are dumped off.


2.6 million people will take a long time for you to move. What will you do in the meantime?
Liberals are a huge threat to us during any conflict.

They always want us to fight with one hand tied behind our backs.

Every effect weapon system we have ends up being declared illegal. Napalm, White Phosphorus, you name it and our liberals feel it's too destructive.

So Obama grew up with this treasonous mindset and he can't help providing aid and support to our enemies. If had done so in the Soviet Union he would have been shot.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. They will be moved out in families, aircraft, military, or commercial.
2. They will be flown, dumped into non hostile areas of the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, those from Iraq, Afghanistan, and war torn countries will get their chance to go back to their homeland or be put into a lottery for other muslim countries where there is no war presently going on, all the sorted countries from which they came.

Ok...so you propose taking men, women, children and babies and "dumping them". The way the real world works, you can't just dump people in foreign countries - you need permission, the country has to be willing to take them.

What will you do if no country, or not enough countries are willing to take them?

3. They will be *bought out* if they own homes and businesses, market values.

In otherwords, they will be stripped of citizenship, lose all their investments and business' that they built themselves to someone's idea of "fair market values". This did not work well for the Japanese we interned. They lost everything. And unlike the Japanese-Americans, our Muslims number around 2.6 million. Where will you get the money?

4. Not one hair shall be hurt, they will simply be removed from our shores.

That comes back to the question of - what will you if no country takes them or not enough countries take them?
Sorry bout that,

1. They will go, and those Nations will take them.

How do you know they will take them? Look, for example, at the millions and millions of Muslims currently languishing in refugee camps in war torn regions because no one will take them. Why do you think other nations will take 2.6 million Muslims from America? You can't force a country to take non-citizens.

2. Some war torn countries need fighters, so they will gladly take them back.

The majority of our Muslim population is like the majority of our Christian population. In otherwords - ordinary people. Doctors, lawyers, small businessmen, teachers, kids etc. They aren't fighters. They certainly don't want to be thrust into a war torn country and forced to fight for something they no nothing about in a language they don't even speak not to mention their wives and daughters, in some of those lands being forced into abusive relationships. These are Americans after all, they did not grow up in those cultures any more than you or I did.

So you are essentially saying you will happily send them to their death.

3. Most will have to be sent to Egypt first then sent to prospect countries.

Why would Egypt take 2.6 million foreign people when they aren't even taking many Syrian refugees, for example.

4. We will inspire them to return to the homelands, and let them know we will support their efforts to democratize their lands.

How will you inspire them? What would inspire YOU enough to leave America, lose your citizenship forever, and be stuck in a foriegn country who's culture is utterly alien to you? What would inspire a 76 yr old woman? What would inspire a 9 yr old child who's biggest dream at the moment is going to Disney Land?

5. If they fear to go back to their homelands then we will get them located to other islamic lands.
6. Through the lottery.
7. Egypt will have first crack at anyone who doesn't want to go back to their original homelands.
8. If they want them and they want to stay there then ok, if not they go into the lottery.


#5 - again, a country has to be willing to take them.
#6 - the lottery for what? You can't force countries to take them.

What will you do if not enough countries are willing to take them...or no countries?

1. Oh they will be forced to take them, those Nations will either take them back of wish they had.

How will you force them?

List of Islamic majority countries: Islam by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the process of "forcing them" - what are you going to do with 2.6 million Muslims?

2. We will get them to them, one way or another, if they are not accepted in the regular channels then we will rough ride them in on military trucks.

Are you about taking people (presumably without even their possessions) and dumping them over the border of some foriegn country...like the human traffickers do with illegal immigrants in the desert? Just leaving them there?

3. EIther way they go.
4. And are dumped off.


2.6 million people will take a long time for you to move. What will you do in the meantime?

1. We will mandate the end of islam on our shores.
2. Those who refuse will be gathered up, and made ready to ship out.
3. In the mean time we will liquidate their property, and deposit into the UN accounts made ready for their return to where ever the hell they end up.
4. Those who denounce islam will be allowed to stay, and be under observation for the fifty years.
5. If found to still harboring islamic tenants then they will be shipped on out as well.
6. They will be sent to Detroit at first then on to Egypt in the care of the UN as they leave our shores.
7. We will outlaw the governing principles of islam, meaning their book and all its trappings.
8. And we will gather them up and burn.
9. Buildings will be converted into other use, after sold on court house porches across this Nation to the highest bidder.
10. American values and reality will be established again.

The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday, that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli militaryattack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Following Obama's threat, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was reportedly forced to abort the planned Iran attack.
According to Al-Jarida, the Netanyahu government took the decision to strike Iran some time in 2014 soon after Israel had discovered the United States and Iran had been involved in secret talks over Iran’s nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel's back.
The report claimed that an unnamed Israeli minister who has good ties with the US administration revealed the attack plan to Secretary of State John Kerry, and that Obama then threatened to shoot down the Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
I don't believe that. Number one our military would refuse. Number two Obabble has no balls.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Ok...so you propose taking men, women, children and babies and "dumping them". The way the real world works, you can't just dump people in foreign countries - you need permission, the country has to be willing to take them.

What will you do if no country, or not enough countries are willing to take them?

In otherwords, they will be stripped of citizenship, lose all their investments and business' that they built themselves to someone's idea of "fair market values". This did not work well for the Japanese we interned. They lost everything. And unlike the Japanese-Americans, our Muslims number around 2.6 million. Where will you get the money?

That comes back to the question of - what will you if no country takes them or not enough countries take them?
Sorry bout that,

1. They will go, and those Nations will take them.

How do you know they will take them? Look, for example, at the millions and millions of Muslims currently languishing in refugee camps in war torn regions because no one will take them. Why do you think other nations will take 2.6 million Muslims from America? You can't force a country to take non-citizens.

2. Some war torn countries need fighters, so they will gladly take them back.

The majority of our Muslim population is like the majority of our Christian population. In otherwords - ordinary people. Doctors, lawyers, small businessmen, teachers, kids etc. They aren't fighters. They certainly don't want to be thrust into a war torn country and forced to fight for something they no nothing about in a language they don't even speak not to mention their wives and daughters, in some of those lands being forced into abusive relationships. These are Americans after all, they did not grow up in those cultures any more than you or I did.

So you are essentially saying you will happily send them to their death.

3. Most will have to be sent to Egypt first then sent to prospect countries.

Why would Egypt take 2.6 million foreign people when they aren't even taking many Syrian refugees, for example.

4. We will inspire them to return to the homelands, and let them know we will support their efforts to democratize their lands.

How will you inspire them? What would inspire YOU enough to leave America, lose your citizenship forever, and be stuck in a foriegn country who's culture is utterly alien to you? What would inspire a 76 yr old woman? What would inspire a 9 yr old child who's biggest dream at the moment is going to Disney Land?

5. If they fear to go back to their homelands then we will get them located to other islamic lands.
6. Through the lottery.
7. Egypt will have first crack at anyone who doesn't want to go back to their original homelands.
8. If they want them and they want to stay there then ok, if not they go into the lottery.


#5 - again, a country has to be willing to take them.
#6 - the lottery for what? You can't force countries to take them.

What will you do if not enough countries are willing to take them...or no countries?

1. Oh they will be forced to take them, those Nations will either take them back of wish they had.

How will you force them?

List of Islamic majority countries: Islam by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the process of "forcing them" - what are you going to do with 2.6 million Muslims?

2. We will get them to them, one way or another, if they are not accepted in the regular channels then we will rough ride them in on military trucks.

Are you about taking people (presumably without even their possessions) and dumping them over the border of some foriegn country...like the human traffickers do with illegal immigrants in the desert? Just leaving them there?

3. EIther way they go.
4. And are dumped off.


2.6 million people will take a long time for you to move. What will you do in the meantime?

1. We will mandate the end of islam on our shores.

This means you will have to change the Constitution.

2. Those who refuse will be gathered up, and made ready to ship out.

Ok. So you will need holding areas to keep 2.6 million people.
And, again - what will you do if not enough countries offer to take them? How will you "force" foreign soveriegn states to take 2.6 million people?

3. In the mean time we will liquidate their property, and deposit into the UN accounts made ready for their return to where ever the hell they end up.

Ok. That's a change. You were originally going to offer them fair market values.

4. Those who denounce islam will be allowed to stay, and be under observation for the fifty years.

Again, you will need to change the Constitution, not an easy thing.

5. If found to still harboring islamic tenants then they will be shipped on out as well.
6. They will be sent to Detroit at first then on to Egypt in the care of the UN as they leave our shores.

Detroit? Why Detroit?
7. We will outlaw the governing principles of islam, meaning their book and all its trappings.
8. And we will gather them up and burn.
9. Building will be converted into other use.
10. American values and reality will be established again.

Except the Consitution will be shredded...

So...to summarize....

How will you "force" soveriegn states to take people without embroiling us in hundreds of wars?
How will you "inspire" people?
What will you do with all the Muslims you've gathered up if no one will take them?
Sorry bout that,

1. No we will Re-Establish the Constitution.
2. Like I said we will ship them into Detroit first, turn all the structures there into holding cells, or re-population hotels.
3. We will then send them by airplane loads to Egypt where they will then get the chance to stay there if Egypt will have them or be put into a lottery of other muslim Nations who will have to take them.
4. The UN will set them up and give them their American US dollars at that time then get settled, then they will be on their own at that point.
5. islam is here only to subvert the Constitution, my plan ends all that.

Sorry bout that,

1. No we will Re-Establish the Constitution.
2. Like I said we will ship them into Detroit first, turn all the structures there into holding cells, or re-population hotels.
3. We will then send them by airplane loads to Egypt where they will then get the chance to stay their if Egypt will have them or be put into a lottery of other muslim Nations who will have to take them.
4. The UN will set them up and give them their American US dollars at that time then get settled, then they will be on their own at that point.
5. islam is here only to subvert the Constitution, my plan ends all that.


James, you still miss a couple important questions:

How will you force Egypt take anyone?
How will you force ANY nation to take them?
It's only natural the Barack Huseein wanted to shoot Israeli jets down

He is not surrounded by Iranian advisors for nothing.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. No we will Re-Establish the Constitution.
2. Like I said we will ship them into Detroit first, turn all the structures there into holding cells, or re-population hotels.
3. We will then send them by airplane loads to Egypt where they will then get the chance to stay their if Egypt will have them or be put into a lottery of other muslim Nations who will have to take them.
4. The UN will set them up and give them their American US dollars at that time then get settled, then they will be on their own at that point.
5. islam is here only to subvert the Constitution, my plan ends all that.


James, you still miss a couple important questions:

How will you force Egypt take anyone?
How will you force ANY nation to take them?

1. We pay Egypt billions of dollars a year they owe us as much.
2. Otherwise we find a drop off location to create a dispersal encampment.
3. Way south Israel, down in the desert, where they too send their musilms.
4. Tent City would work.

Liberals are a huge threat to us during any conflict.

They always want us to fight with one hand tied behind our backs.

Every effect weapon system we have ends up being declared illegal. Napalm, White Phosphorus, you name it and our liberals feel it's too destructive.

So Obama grew up with this treasonous mindset and he can't help providing aid and support to our enemies. If had done so in the Soviet Union he would have been shot.
Right !

“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.

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