Obama won't attend Judge Scalia's funeral. Only to pay their respects at the high court.

President Obama should attend a gay wedding in honor of Justice Scalia that day

Kind of a Jiggery pokery tribute to Scalia
Perhaps the scummiest president in history.
Your sore loser butthurt is always good for a chuckle. Thanks!
1. Proves you're an illiterate stooge if you think Obama is going.
2. Equating a State if the Union speech with a mans funeral. You're as classy as the little whiny girl we have as President.

Scalia openly did not like Obama

Why should Obama attend his funeral?

I don't know maybe something about being a leader rather than a petulant child

You might have a point if there was a tradition where the President always attends the funerals of Supreme Court Justices

There isn't

I'm sure those presidents were criticized as well as they should have been

Four out of the past seven funerals for a Supreme Court justice have either had the president or vice president in attendance.

Which means three had neither.

But ODS reigns supreme as usual. Supreme...ha ha.
of course you ignore the pattern with our current president.

but that's OK with me. Live your hypocritical life as you wish.....you know...."it is bad to hate one based on their ideology if they are gay....but OK to bash those that think differently than you do...such as conservatives."

You know what I mean.

But please....enjoy.
No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.

It just shows how immature the Frat Boy in Chief is. He fundamentally disagreed with Scalia. Scalia wouldn't bend to Obama's uber-liberal agenda. Obama doesn't even understand checks and balances. What tyrant would? Think about it. He's saying to the world by refusing to bend to Scalia, even upon his death "I demand 100% fidelity to my extreme ideas". Stalin, Caligula and Hitler had the same level of tolerance for a political body. Tyrants always view themselves as outside the political body; above it, not part of it.

I was so friggin' disappointed when Obama won the dem nomination in 2008. I've met so many uber liberals raised in single mother hippie homes like he was. They don't think clearly on balance because, missing a father in their life, they never had balance themselves. So a life out of balance is what they think is normal. "My way or the highway" is what a boy learns to do if a father isn't around to check his burgeoning ego now and then.
President Obama should send Al Gore to represent him

Just to thank Scalia for stealing the Presidency in 2000
1. Proves you're an illiterate stooge if you think Obama is going.
2. Equating a State if the Union speech with a mans funeral. You're as classy as the little whiny girl we have as President.

Scalia openly did not like Obama

Why should Obama attend his funeral?

I don't know maybe something about being a leader rather than a petulant child

You might have a point if there was a tradition where the President always attends the funerals of Supreme Court Justices

There isn't

I'm sure those presidents were criticized as well as they should have been

You can be sure they weren't

The rightwing media condemns him if he goes and condemns him if he doesn't

If he went, the story would be "Obama is politicizing the funeral"

I doubt he would be condemned if he went and of that's his reason for not going then we're back to the petulant child bit again
The President is very aware of what a circus any event becomes when he is in attendance. Secret Service, wanding everyone for weapons, etc. etc. Maybe he just wants to spare the Scalia family that during his funeral.
No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

1. your source is questionable at best.
2. scalia never went to the state of the union.

i'd say they're even

now please go off on another obama deranged rant.
Did the thugs who were killed in the commission of their thuggery attend the state of the union?

Good to see you admit Obama is just playing a childish game & "getting even"
The President is very aware of what a circus any event becomes when he is in attendance. Secret Service, wanding everyone for weapons, etc. etc. Maybe he just wants to spare the Scalia family that during his funeral.
Pure delusional bullshit
Scalia openly did not like Obama

Why should Obama attend his funeral?

I don't know maybe something about being a leader rather than a petulant child

You might have a point if there was a tradition where the President always attends the funerals of Supreme Court Justices

There isn't

I'm sure those presidents were criticized as well as they should have been

You can be sure they weren't

The rightwing media condemns him if he goes and condemns him if he doesn't

If he went, the story would be "Obama is politicizing the funeral"

I doubt he would be condemned if he went and of that's his reason for not going then we're back to the petulant child bit again

Maybe he just thinks Scalia was an asshole and doesn't deserve it
The President is very aware of what a circus any event becomes when he is in attendance. Secret Service, wanding everyone for weapons, etc. etc. Maybe he just wants to spare the Scalia family that during his funeral.
Pure delusional bullshit
Could be. But I'm not opposed to entertaining that our President might be doing something thoughtful. He did when the 9-11 memorial was opened.
I don't know maybe something about being a leader rather than a petulant child

You might have a point if there was a tradition where the President always attends the funerals of Supreme Court Justices

There isn't

I'm sure those presidents were criticized as well as they should have been

You can be sure they weren't

The rightwing media condemns him if he goes and condemns him if he doesn't

If he went, the story would be "Obama is politicizing the funeral"

I doubt he would be condemned if he went and of that's his reason for not going then we're back to the petulant child bit again

Maybe he just thinks Scalia was an asshole and doesn't deserve it

Now we're back to the leadership and setting an example thing
You might have a point if there was a tradition where the President always attends the funerals of Supreme Court Justices

There isn't

I'm sure those presidents were criticized as well as they should have been

You can be sure they weren't

The rightwing media condemns him if he goes and condemns him if he doesn't

If he went, the story would be "Obama is politicizing the funeral"

I doubt he would be condemned if he went and of that's his reason for not going then we're back to the petulant child bit again

Maybe he just thinks Scalia was an asshole and doesn't deserve it

Now we're back to the leadership and setting an example thing
Is there a precedent for a POTUS to do so?

Doesn't seem so.

>> Four out of the past seven funerals for a Supreme Court justice have either had the president or vice president in attendance.

Former President George W. Bush attended the funeral for Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

Former President Bill Clinton attended the funerals for former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justice William Brennan but did not attend the funerals for Justices Harry Blackmun or Lewis F. Powell Jr.

Former Vice President Al Gore attended the funeral for Justice Thurgood Marshall. << --- NBC Nooz

The Vice President is attending, so no new precedent is being set here.

Though it is very odd Obama is not attending.
And if Obama did go you'd bitch about that too.
They'd find something disrespectful about his tie or the way his eyes moved, or manufacture some bullshit about the pinkie on his left hand making the sign of the Devil. Something. No doubt.
No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

1. your source is questionable at best.
2. scalia never went to the state of the union.

i'd say they're even

now please go off on another obama deranged rant.
yea, but his SOTU wasn't his funeral. It was just the funeral of America.. ;)
Too bad Obama won't go.....he could have sung Amazing Grace

Maybe Biden can hum a few bars

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