Obamacare from 10,000 feet - Easy Call


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Do you trust the food of a cook who wont eat his own cooking?

What does it say when the President isn't going to be on Obamacare, nor Congress nor their Union political supporters and thousands of Democrat money donors and supporters a huge number of whom have received waivers to be exempted?

It says that shit is poison or they would be fighting to get covered, lol, instead.

The politicians mouths lie incessantly but their feet always speak the truth.
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Affects individuals with incomes over $200,000, $250,000 for couples...
The Rich and Sick Taxed to Pay for Health Care Reform
September 04, 2013 — Last week, the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued final regulations on the individual shared responsibility provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with few changes to the provisions of the proposed regulations.
"Most people associate the ACA solely with the creation of the healthcare exchanges and the individual and employer insurance mandates," says Lindsey Buchholz, a tax lawyer and a lead analyst in The Tax Institute at H&R Block. "However, the ACA also alters "how much taxpayers owe, how much they can put in a flexible spending account and how much they can deduct in medical expenses – not just their insurance."

The health care law includes several changes to income taxes, most of which affect individuals with incomes over $200,000, $250,000 for couples, but some of which affects taxpayers who have high medical expenses. The government has placed a $2,500 limit to salary reduction contributions per employee per year under health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). Married couples can each allocate up to $2,500 to an FSA, notes James H. Guarino, a CPA at MFA-Moody, Famiglietti & Andronico. Starting in 2014, the limit will be adjusted for inflation.

The change will negatively impact parents who have special needs children and who use FSA funds to help pay for tuition in special needs schools, says Xavier Epps, owner of XNE Financial Advising. "The lose-it-or-use it feature of FSAs still applies for 2013 and later," says Michael D'Addio, principal at Marcum, an accounting firm. "In the old days [prior to 2011], you could always go to a drug store and stock up on over-the-counter items to use up any balance so that the funds would not be lost. Under the current rules, this strategy does not work, since these items are not considered qualified medical expenses."

Granny says it gonna drive ever'body to the poorhouse...
Obamacare: ‘Morally Unacceptable...to Allow This Law to Continue to be Implemented’
September 12, 2013 -- Sen. Mike Lee (R.-Utah), who has been a leading advocate for Congress to prohibit funding for Obamacare, told CNSNews.com on Thursday that it would be “morally unacceptable” for Congress to vote for the funding to allow Obamacare to continue to be implemented.
Lee also said he believes that Obamacare, as the administration is planning to implement it, violates the freedom of religion by forcing individuals to buy health insurance plans that cover abortion-inducing drugs even if doing so is against the teachings of their faith. Lee’s assertion on funding Obamacare, and thus allowing the administration to continue to implement it, came in response to a question about whether he believed it was morally acceptable for Congress to vote to give the administration the money to implement an Obamacare regulation that will force Christians and other Americans to buy coverage for abortion-inducing drugs or to provide Americans with subsidies they can use to buy health plans that cover abortions.

“Do you think it is morally acceptable for members of Congress to vote to give money to the administration to force Christians to act against their faith by providing abortion coverage and to force all Americans to subsidize abortions through insurance plans? Is that morally acceptable?” CNSNews.com asked. “No,” said Lee. “No, and for a whole host of reasons it is morally unacceptable, and unacceptable as a matter of public policy, to allow this law to continue to be implemented.”

The continuing resolution (CR) that is now funding the government will expire on Sept. 30, the last day of the fiscal year. For the government to be funded after that date, Congress must pass a new CR or other appropriations legislation. Lee has called for the Republican-majority House to include language in that new funding legislation to prohibit the implementation of Obamacare. In an interview in July, Lee told CNSNews.com that he was drafting an amendment to attach to the CR when it came to the Senate that would in fact do that.

Does anyone want to be under the Obamacare laws?


While praising the overall legislation, the delegates overwhelmingly passed a sharply worded resolution that demanded changes to some of its regulations, although Mr. Trumka made sure to strip out some proposals that called for repealing the legislation.

At the convention, though, several labor leaders spoke their minds.

“If the Affordable Care Act is not fixed and it destroys the health and welfare funds that we have fought for and stand for, then I believe it needs to be repealed,” said Terence M. O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America. “We don’t want it to be repealed. We want it to be fixed, fixed, fixed.

“We’ve had our asses kicked on retirement security and we know our health funds are under siege,” he added. “We ask the president and Congress to do the right thing for the men and women we represent.”

The resolution asserts that the law, by offering tax credits to workers seeking insurance from for-profit and other companies in the exchanges, will place some responsible employers at a competitive disadvantage and destabilize the employment-based health care system.

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