ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.

Hell. The whole POS is a landmine.

When folks get a load of their deductables believe me, they will not be happy and the Dems will be kissing their asses goodby along with those cushy Govt jobs.

Bye Bye.

This is exactly right, and it may ultimately be the biggest problem the law creates. But who cares? It's just the evil greedy providers and hospitals being evil and greedy.

The surprise will come when providers who were within a few years of retirement will say "to hell with it" and get out, when many stop accepting these plans, and when we see smaller hospitals shutting down. There are two large primary care Medicare docs here who have already done it, and their patients are having a difficult time finding a replacement. And why would kids who wanted to go into medicine want to risk it now?

There can be no way their writers of this thing didn't know this. There can also be no way they didn't see the damage it will cause as we transition to where we were to the ACA to single payer. The patients just caught in the middle of this mess will just be collateral damage in the cause.

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Hell. The whole POS is a landmine.

When folks get a load of their deductables believe me, they will not be happy and the Dems will be kissing their asses goodby along with those cushy Govt jobs.

Bye Bye.

If high deductible policies were "sub standard" before Obamacare, what does that say about Obamacare policies, that people are forced to buy?
Obamacare is like the Producers of government programs. If you set out to draft the worst,most expensive, least efficient program you coudln't do worse than this. Then again, Dems did it so no surprise.

Who pays the next dollar after the deductible is met? And the next. And the next.....and so on?

You dummies act like people will only get sick or injured....leading to thousands of dollars of medical bills....if they buy insurance under the ACA.

Your logic is flawed.

Who pays the next dollar after the deductible is met? And the next. And the next.....and so on?

You dummies act like people will only get sick or injured....leading to thousands of dollars of medical bills....if they buy insurance under the ACA.

Your logic is flawed.

Lone Laughter, Jake and friends discussing ObamaCare

I know precisely what I'm facing. I've known it since I received the September 26 letter from my health insurer. As to what I'm going to do? No clue. Either come up with an extra $800/month to maintain a similar level of coverage (ain't gonna happen), or accept a shit policy to keep the premiums at a manageable level. Either way I'm fucked.
I know precisely what I'm facing. I've known it since I received the September 26 letter from my health insurer. As to what I'm going to do? No clue. Either come up with an extra $800/month to maintain a similar level of coverage (ain't gonna happen), or accept a shit policy to keep the premiums at a manageable level. Either way I'm fucked.

An extra $800 to maintain a similar plan, huh? I guess that option was in the letter you received. Have you looked on the exchnge yet?

Who pays the next dollar after the deductible is met? And the next. And the next.....and so on?

You dummies act like people will only get sick or injured....leading to thousands of dollars of medical bills....if they buy insurance under the ACA.

Your logic is flawed.

Apparently you have never heard of co-insurance, why does this not surprise me?
I know precisely what I'm facing. I've known it since I received the September 26 letter from my health insurer. As to what I'm going to do? No clue. Either come up with an extra $800/month to maintain a similar level of coverage (ain't gonna happen), or accept a shit policy to keep the premiums at a manageable level. Either way I'm fucked.

An extra $800 to maintain a similar plan, huh? I guess that option was in the letter you received. Have you looked on the exchnge yet?

What about Obama's claim that we can keep our current policies?

Oh yeah, . . . that was a damn lie.

Who pays the next dollar after the deductible is met? And the next. And the next.....and so on?

You dummies act like people will only get sick or injured....leading to thousands of dollars of medical bills....if they buy insurance under the ACA.

Your logic is flawed.

Prior to Obama, it was our insurance company, and they started paying a lot sooner than they will after Obama.

Apparently you don't understand the concept of a "deductible."
And there is a simple solution. Repeal obamacare and go back to what we had just a year ago. It worked pretty well. Obozo loves to declare something is "broken" and the govt must step in and give us a whole new system.

Who pays the next dollar after the deductible is met? And the next. And the next.....and so on?

You dummies act like people will only get sick or injured....leading to thousands of dollars of medical bills....if they buy insurance under the ACA.

Your logic is flawed.

Apparently you have never heard of co-insurance, why does this not surprise me?

But....I have heard of a max out of pocket......and it is to be 12,700 for a family plan under the ACA.

And....you seem to be implying that paying 20 or 30% of the amount above the deductible and below that max is worse than paying 100% of it. You know, the amount you will pay if YOU DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE!
Once again. My health insurance from my employer went from traditional Kaiser, to high deductable Kaiser. And because that saved my employer considerable amount of money, those savings were passed on to me, and no health care money will come out of my paycheck. That represents a savings of over $1000 next year. The downside? Went from a $250 deductable per incident to a $750. From a yearly max of $2500 to one of $6750.

Now the other side of the coin. As things were, if I were to have retired, there is no way that we could have insured my wife because of pre-existing conditions. Not for the whole of the amount of the SS and pension. But, under the ACA, we can do that for less than $250 a month. In other words, were I to retire and my wife get sick, I won't face certain bankruptcy now. That would have been the case prior to the ACA.

This is exactly right, and it may ultimately be the biggest problem the law creates. But who cares? It's just the evil greedy providers and hospitals being evil and greedy.

The surprise will come when providers who were within a few years of retirement will say "to hell with it" and get out, when many stop accepting these plans, and when we see smaller hospitals shutting down. There are two large primary care Medicare docs here who have already done it, and their patients are having a difficult time finding a replacement. And why would kids who wanted to go into medicine want to risk it now?

There can be no way their writers of this thing didn't know this. There can also be no way they didn't see the damage it will cause as we transition to where we were to the ACA to single payer. The patients just caught in the middle of this mess will just be collateral damage in the cause.


That's already been happening where I am in NJ. Lots of doctors just don't take insurance anymore. They have a staff of 15-20 people just handling the MESS the insurance companies have made and they are tired of paying salaries to fight the insurance companies and get paid.

These things mentioned by this BLOGGER have been going on for years. The ACA will exacerbate the process that the big corporate insurers, whose sole purpose is to create a profit from their health policies, have been doing this for 20 years.

Obama should have stuck to his initial proposal of single payer and just said fuck it when the Republicans shoved their insurance company lobbyists down his throat.
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This is exactly right, and it may ultimately be the biggest problem the law creates. But who cares? It's just the evil greedy providers and hospitals being evil and greedy.

The surprise will come when providers who were within a few years of retirement will say "to hell with it" and get out, when many stop accepting these plans, and when we see smaller hospitals shutting down. There are two large primary care Medicare docs here who have already done it, and their patients are having a difficult time finding a replacement. And why would kids who wanted to go into medicine want to risk it now?

There can be no way their writers of this thing didn't know this. There can also be no way they didn't see the damage it will cause as we transition to where we were to the ACA to single payer. The patients just caught in the middle of this mess will just be collateral damage in the cause.


That's already been happening where I am in NJ. Lots of doctors just don't take insurance anymore. They have a staff of 15-20 people just handling the MESS the insurance companies have made and they are tired of paying salaries to fight the insurance companies and get paid.

These things mentioned by this BLOGGER have been going on for years. The ACA will exacerbate the process that the big corporate insurers, whose sole purpose is to create a profit from their health policies, has been doing this for 20 years.

Obama should have stuck to his initial proposal of single payer and just said fuck it when the Republicans shoved their insurance company lobbyists down his throat.

So much for compromise, I guess.
I know precisely what I'm facing. I've known it since I received the September 26 letter from my health insurer. As to what I'm going to do? No clue. Either come up with an extra $800/month to maintain a similar level of coverage (ain't gonna happen), or accept a shit policy to keep the premiums at a manageable level. Either way I'm fucked.

An extra $800 to maintain a similar plan, huh? I guess that option was in the letter you received. Have you looked on the exchnge yet?

Many people can not as the website is still down.

Also the exchanges are not cheaper than what people had before they are more expensive on average. Thus, the promises of Obamacare are false. Anyone still believing in Obamacare might as well become a part of the truther movement.
Once again. My health insurance from my employer went from traditional Kaiser, to high deductable Kaiser. And because that saved my employer considerable amount of money, those savings were passed on to me, and no health care money will come out of my paycheck. That represents a savings of over $1000 next year. The downside? Went from a $250 deductable per incident to a $750. From a yearly max of $2500 to one of $6750.

Now the other side of the coin. As things were, if I were to have retired, there is no way that we could have insured my wife because of pre-existing conditions. Not for the whole of the amount of the SS and pension. But, under the ACA, we can do that for less than $250 a month. In other words, were I to retire and my wife get sick, I won't face certain bankruptcy now. That would have been the case prior to the ACA.

I am very glad to hear this and I wish your wife well.

This is exactly right, and it may ultimately be the biggest problem the law creates. But who cares? It's just the evil greedy providers and hospitals being evil and greedy.

The surprise will come when providers who were within a few years of retirement will say "to hell with it" and get out, when many stop accepting these plans, and when we see smaller hospitals shutting down. There are two large primary care Medicare docs here who have already done it, and their patients are having a difficult time finding a replacement. And why would kids who wanted to go into medicine want to risk it now?

There can be no way their writers of this thing didn't know this. There can also be no way they didn't see the damage it will cause as we transition to where we were to the ACA to single payer. The patients just caught in the middle of this mess will just be collateral damage in the cause.


That's already been happening where I am in NJ. Lots of doctors just don't take insurance anymore. They have a staff of 15-20 people just handling the MESS the insurance companies have made and they are tired of paying salaries to fight the insurance companies and get paid.

These things mentioned by this BLOGGER have been going on for years. The ACA will exacerbate the process that the big corporate insurers, whose sole purpose is to create a profit from their health policies, has been doing this for 20 years.

Obama should have stuck to his initial proposal of single payer and just said fuck it when the Republicans shoved their insurance company lobbyists down his throat.

So much for compromise, I guess.

The far left does not care about compromise all they care about is getting their way like spoiled two year olds.

Who pays the next dollar after the deductible is met? And the next. And the next.....and so on?

You dummies act like people will only get sick or injured....leading to thousands of dollars of medical bills....if they buy insurance under the ACA.

Your logic is flawed.

Apparently you have never heard of co-insurance, why does this not surprise me?

But....I have heard of a max out of pocket......and it is to be 12,700 for a family plan under the ACA.

And....you seem to be implying that paying 20 or 30% of the amount above the deductible and below that max is worse than paying 100% of it. You know, the amount you will pay if YOU DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE!

you just don't get it. People are being told they must pay more up front than before, when they already had better insurance that was suitable for them. If they have an illness, they suddenly have higher deductibles and co-insurance that must be paid, which they didn't before along with higher premiums! Tell me where that is better for anyone?

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