Obamacare's revenge: The IRS will not process your tax return unless you tell them whether you .....

Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Dear Penelope
1. Faith healing is DIFFERENT from spiritual healing
2. Some forms of faith healing require REJECTING science and medicine.
So I reject dangerous forms of faith healing as you also complain about.
You and I agree to reject false faith healing that is dangerous, bad and wrong, deprives people of treatment, and is fraud, malpractice and results in abuse, negligent homicide etc.
3. Spiritual Healing I support is proven by medical studies to ENHANCE and FACILITATE the medical, psychological and other treatments that it works WITH not against.

You have never understood the difference between these two.
So you keep confusing Spiritual Healing with false faith healing.

Penelope at this point I will ask the Mods about
if you do NOT REMOVE BUT keep repeating a DANGEROUS
SLANDEROUS/LlBELOUS statement about me.


it is like saying I believe in murdering someone
when I do not believe in that.


If you do not correct this statement,
I will ask the Mods what steps do I have to take legally to protect
I consider this a legal violation because it is SO DANGEROUS
to confuse spiritual healing with "faith healing that is false"
and continue to post this SLANDEROUS/LIBELOUS statement
that defames my character and misrepresents me.

Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!
Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Is this it.
Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) is an affordable, biblical, and compassionate faith-based healthcare cost solution for Christians in all 50 states and around the world.

Christian Healthcare Ministries: Home
Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Well just say its against your religion.

Penelope I did explain this several times.
1. that faith healing goes against and violates
the proper way of doing spiritual healing
2. as for my religion, I am Constitutionalist
and also Universalist.

If other people want to practice faith healing
they should be fully informed why this is dangerous and deadly.
Otherwise it is negligence to misinform people.

Then they will either naturally choose spiritual healing that
saves lives as opposed to faith healing that endangers and costs lives.

Or if they are mentally impaired and cannot understand the
difference, that could be grounds for legal incompetence.

Penelope can you understand the difference between
faith healing and spiritual healing?

Or are you mentally or legally incompetent?
If you are not competent, I would be wasting my money to sue you
if you do not even know that you have committed any wrong
because you are "too stupid" to know the difference.

If you are "wilfully ignorant" and do know right from wrong
and continue to do wrong, that's different.

Since you accuse others of being "too stupid"
I am guessing this applies to you.

Thus, I apologize for thinking you were legally competent
to be held responsible for your own actions,
if indeed you are simply "too stupid to understand}"
and it isn't your fault.

Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Well just say its against your religion.

Penelope I did explain this several times.
1. that faith healing goes against and violates
the proper way of doing spiritual healing
2. as for my religion, I am Constitutionalist
and also Universalist.

If other people want to practice faith healing
they should be fully informed why this is dangerous and deadly.
Otherwise it is negligence to misinform people.

Then they will either naturally choose spiritual healing that
saves lives as opposed to faith healing that endangers and costs lives.

Or if they are mentally impaired and cannot understand the
difference, that could be grounds for legal incompetence.

Penelope can you understand the difference between
faith healing and spiritual healing?

Or are you mentally or legally incompetent?
If you are not competent, I would be wasting my money to sue you
if you do not even know that you have committed any wrong
because you are "too stupid" to know the difference.

If you are "wilfully ignorant" and do know right from wrong
and continue to do wrong, that's different.

Since you accuse others of being "too stupid"
I am guessing this applies to you.

Thus, I apologize for thinking you were legally competent
to be held responsible for your own actions,
if indeed you are simply "too stupid to understand}"
and it isn't your fault.


Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Well just say its against your religion.

Penelope I did explain this several times.
1. that faith healing goes against and violates
the proper way of doing spiritual healing
2. as for my religion, I am Constitutionalist
and also Universalist.

If other people want to practice faith healing
they should be fully informed why this is dangerous and deadly.
Otherwise it is negligence to misinform people.

Then they will either naturally choose spiritual healing that
saves lives as opposed to faith healing that endangers and costs lives.

Or if they are mentally impaired and cannot understand the
difference, that could be grounds for legal incompetence.

Penelope can you understand the difference between
faith healing and spiritual healing?

Or are you mentally or legally incompetent?
If you are not competent, I would be wasting my money to sue you
if you do not even know that you have committed any wrong
because you are "too stupid" to know the difference.

If you are "wilfully ignorant" and do know right from wrong
and continue to do wrong, that's different.

Since you accuse others of being "too stupid"
I am guessing this applies to you.

Thus, I apologize for thinking you were legally competent
to be held responsible for your own actions,
if indeed you are simply "too stupid to understand}"
and it isn't your fault.


Why not enlighten us, what is the difference between faith healing and spiritual healing???
Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Well just say its against your religion.

Penelope I did explain this several times.
1. that faith healing goes against and violates
the proper way of doing spiritual healing
2. as for my religion, I am Constitutionalist
and also Universalist.

If other people want to practice faith healing
they should be fully informed why this is dangerous and deadly.
Otherwise it is negligence to misinform people.

Then they will either naturally choose spiritual healing that
saves lives as opposed to faith healing that endangers and costs lives.

Or if they are mentally impaired and cannot understand the
difference, that could be grounds for legal incompetence.

Penelope can you understand the difference between
faith healing and spiritual healing?

Or are you mentally or legally incompetent?
If you are not competent, I would be wasting my money to sue you
if you do not even know that you have committed any wrong
because you are "too stupid" to know the difference.

If you are "wilfully ignorant" and do know right from wrong
and continue to do wrong, that's different.

Since you accuse others of being "too stupid"
I am guessing this applies to you.

Thus, I apologize for thinking you were legally competent
to be held responsible for your own actions,
if indeed you are simply "too stupid to understand}"
and it isn't your fault.


Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Well just say its against your religion.

Penelope I did explain this several times.
1. that faith healing goes against and violates
the proper way of doing spiritual healing
2. as for my religion, I am Constitutionalist
and also Universalist.

If other people want to practice faith healing
they should be fully informed why this is dangerous and deadly.
Otherwise it is negligence to misinform people.

Then they will either naturally choose spiritual healing that
saves lives as opposed to faith healing that endangers and costs lives.

Or if they are mentally impaired and cannot understand the
difference, that could be grounds for legal incompetence.

Penelope can you understand the difference between
faith healing and spiritual healing?

Or are you mentally or legally incompetent?
If you are not competent, I would be wasting my money to sue you
if you do not even know that you have committed any wrong
because you are "too stupid" to know the difference.

If you are "wilfully ignorant" and do know right from wrong
and continue to do wrong, that's different.

Since you accuse others of being "too stupid"
I am guessing this applies to you.

Thus, I apologize for thinking you were legally competent
to be held responsible for your own actions,
if indeed you are simply "too stupid to understand}"
and it isn't your fault.


Why not enlighten us, what is the difference between faith healing and spiritual healing???

As I posted on several threads and even a BULLRING thread
the last time this came up Penelope
1. faith healing doesn't involve the real forgiveness and healing process.
it just depends on people "declaring themselves healed" without changing
anything. this becomes dangerous and deadly when people insist on relying
on faith healing or faith healers and deny medical care and treatment that
could have saved their health and lives.
(added damages caused by this are the people reject the spiritual healing that WOULD have worked and saved their lives just because the false faith healing fails. And also people like YOU Penelope
get the WRONG impression of spiritual healing because of false faith healing that doesn't work.)

2. spiritual healing works WITH science and medicine and doesn't reject but invites and includes ALL AVAILABLE resources and means of effective treatment, healing and cure. It FACILITATES and enhances recovery by INCREASING the natural immunity and healing process, by IDENTIFYING and REMOVING mental and spiritual blocks to the mind and body that otherwise obstruct healing and recovery.

Spiritual healing has been documented in medical cases and studies to help patients with healing cure and recovery of conditions, including diseases deemed otherwise incurable by medicine alone.

As an ADDED benefit, the people who undergo the forgiveness therapy and counseling in order for spiritual healing to work also improve the relationships with people around them, because the same mental and spiritual blocks to healing also causes problems in relations with other people.

In the cases of Schizophrenic patients cured by applying spiritual healing, their demonic obsessions were removed, so that as a result, they could COMPLY with doctors and medical treatment instead of rejecting them and refusing help from family and professionals.

So the spiritual healing not only saved their minds that returned to normal, but allowed them to accept and comply with medical treatment to save their lives. It saved their minds first, then normalized relations with family and doctors they rejected before, then allowed the medical treatment as needed.

In some cases the Schizophrenia is completely cured.
There are other diseases and cases where spiritual healing allowed COMPLETE CURE,
whereas medical treatment alone only placates and reduces the symptoms.

3. as for the greater benefits of spiritual healing,
R&D in these methods can replicate successful Diagnosis, Treatment and Cure
in cases of dangerous diseases that medicine alone is not enough to manage.

For example, Penelope, with cases of deadly
criminal illness and "demonic obsessions" in the minds of serial killers like Coral Eugene Watts, or SHOOTERS like the one in Texas or the Charleston Church, Colorado or Arizona, etc. these "schizophenic" and obsessed people are the very type
who have been cured by spiritual healing applied to remove the "demonic voices"
by getting to the root of the hatred and sickness driving them to stay stuck in madness.

If medical researchers can develop scientifically streamlined procedures for diagnosing
and monitoring dangerous conditions like these, as the spiritual healing
teams are able to conduct effectively,
there is hope to PREVENT such dangerous sick people and conditions
from going undetected and unchecked!

That is another benefit possible through spiritual healing R&D
that is not possible through faith healing that doesn't work on changing
people internally by identifying and removing the cause of the sick conditions and obsessions.

Spiritual Healing has more applications than this, from
RA that was documented in a medical study funded by the Templeton Foundation
to other cases of cancer, diabetes, suicidal depression or other mental and physical diseases.

But I believe one of the biggest impacts will be on reforming the criminal justice system
(by researching cases such as demonic criminal sickness in serial killers such as David Berkowitz who credits Christian healing for the recovery of his mind by removing the satanic obsession and voices)
So that the BILLIONS in resources saved by curing the cause of crime to prevent it at greater rates, will mean redirecting those resources and facilities for medical services for the greater population, instead of wasting that all on crime and its exorbitant costs to taxpayers.

So it would have impact on being able to
set up means for affordable and sustainable
"Universal medical care", by applying spiritual healing
to drastically cut the costs of crime and disease.
Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Well just say its against your religion.

Penelope I did explain this several times.
1. that faith healing goes against and violates
the proper way of doing spiritual healing
2. as for my religion, I am Constitutionalist
and also Universalist.

If other people want to practice faith healing
they should be fully informed why this is dangerous and deadly.
Otherwise it is negligence to misinform people.

Then they will either naturally choose spiritual healing that
saves lives as opposed to faith healing that endangers and costs lives.

Or if they are mentally impaired and cannot understand the
difference, that could be grounds for legal incompetence.

Penelope can you understand the difference between
faith healing and spiritual healing?

Or are you mentally or legally incompetent?
If you are not competent, I would be wasting my money to sue you
if you do not even know that you have committed any wrong
because you are "too stupid" to know the difference.

If you are "wilfully ignorant" and do know right from wrong
and continue to do wrong, that's different.

Since you accuse others of being "too stupid"
I am guessing this applies to you.

Thus, I apologize for thinking you were legally competent
to be held responsible for your own actions,
if indeed you are simply "too stupid to understand}"
and it isn't your fault.


Christian Health Share ministries
offers 45 a month plans that count for exemptions.
That's the lowest cost I found to be exempted.
It's still not constitutional for federal govt to require
you to buy membership in a religious organization
approved under govt regulations in order to be exempt from a tax fine.

That is clearly discrimination by creed, and govt regulating on the basis of
religion, by basing penalties on citizens on paid membership
in religious groups approved by govt regulations.

But that was the lowest cost for getting exempted
from this unconstitutional mandate until it is finally corrected.
The people who passed it and enforced it should be sued,
so if Congress doesn't repeal it, I will petition Cruz and other
Congress reps for help to sue to change the mandate to
be optional and constitutional. This has gone on too long.
If it isn't corrected by the next Congressional vote, now pending
in the Senate, then I already have one other friend ready to
push for a lawsuit. We allowed for the given remedies,
and if this isn't corrected, then I call to sue the officials in govt
who continued to vote for and enforce unconstitutional mandates.

Yes, just say you are into faith healing.

Penelope why would I say that because that would be a lie!
faith healing is not the same as spiritual healing but
in dangerous cases the opposite. faith healing has been
used to kill people who would have lived otherwise.
spiritual healing has been used to save people who would have died.

Learn the difference.
please do not accuse me of any more slanderous/libelous
statements asserting that I believe in things that would
defame my character and which misrepresent my
principles to be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I have reported your post asking it to be removed
to prevent slander and libel and legal action if
you make such statements.

Your statement above is worded in such a way
it may still be questionable.

Penelope if you cross the line and make any
false, defamatory, slanderous or libelous statement,
YES I will ask the Mods and board's permission to
seek legal action against you to remove such a false statement.

Faith healing is NOT THE SAME as spiritual healing.
If you FALSELY STATE that I believe or support or endorse
in any way "faith healing" instead of distinguishing it
from SPIRITUAL HEALING, yes I will sue you because
faith healing is DANGEROUS and DEALDLY and such
a false statement would DEFAME my character.

Please do not commit slander or libel by making
any such false statement. Thank you,
please let us correct this matter so you do not make
this mistake!!!

Well just say its against your religion.

Penelope I did explain this several times.
1. that faith healing goes against and violates
the proper way of doing spiritual healing
2. as for my religion, I am Constitutionalist
and also Universalist.

If other people want to practice faith healing
they should be fully informed why this is dangerous and deadly.
Otherwise it is negligence to misinform people.

Then they will either naturally choose spiritual healing that
saves lives as opposed to faith healing that endangers and costs lives.

Or if they are mentally impaired and cannot understand the
difference, that could be grounds for legal incompetence.

Penelope can you understand the difference between
faith healing and spiritual healing?

Or are you mentally or legally incompetent?
If you are not competent, I would be wasting my money to sue you
if you do not even know that you have committed any wrong
because you are "too stupid" to know the difference.

If you are "wilfully ignorant" and do know right from wrong
and continue to do wrong, that's different.

Since you accuse others of being "too stupid"
I am guessing this applies to you.

Thus, I apologize for thinking you were legally competent
to be held responsible for your own actions,
if indeed you are simply "too stupid to understand}"
and it isn't your fault.


Why not enlighten us, what is the difference between faith healing and spiritual healing???

Really think this side discussion needs a thread of it's own. It's not really about health insurance. Pick an appropriate forum and discuss it. emilynghiem Penelope

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