Obama's face on the flag ?

They certainly showed they are not proud American citizens by doing so.

Can't blame 'em for that, I for one am certainly not "proud" of what this country has been transformed into, we have a citizenry engaged in constant warfare over which partisan crime family gets the privilege of robbing them blind, a government that engages in mass slaughter and oppression on a global scale, gigantic banking and corporate cabals that use government to rob the citizenry blind, politicians the constantly lie to their constituents, a never ending erosion of the liberty of the people. What the hell is there to be proud of? That we the people took one of the most noble experiments in human liberty and mangled it into a modern day version of European feudalism?

Yeah folks let's all pat ourselves on the back for bowing in reverence to a flag that doesn't stand for anything anymore.
The flags are inappropriate, in my opinion, but legal and protected by the 1st Amendment

Then so is burning the same flag then.

Anybody got a match......................

Doesn't work that way, you don't get the burn said flag unless you happen to own it. So if you're dead set on burning one you'll need to manufacture or buy one first, a self-defeating exercise if you ask me. :dunno:

Is it my fault I was holding a candle in protest to what was going on and the idiot waved his flag over the flame and the flag caught fire?

They certainly showed they are not proud American citizens by doing so.

Can't blame 'em for that, I for one am certainly not "proud" of what this country has been transformed into, we have a citizenry engaged in constant warfare over which partisan crime family gets the privilege of robbing them blind, a government that engages in mass slaughter and oppression on a global scale, gigantic banking and corporate cabals that use government to rob the citizenry blind, politicians the constantly lie to their constituents, a never ending erosion of the liberty of the people. What the hell is there to be proud of? That we the people took one of the most noble experiments in human liberty and mangled it into a modern day version of European feudalism?

Yeah folks let's all pat ourselves on the back for bowing in reverence to a flag that doesn't stand for anything anymore.

While I agree with you completely about where this country has gone, I love my country and have heart-felt sorrow in regards to the "leaders" we have placed in Washington. I can still be proud of my country buy angry at the direction that corruption in Washington has taken it.

But you make a good point.

So, cutting out the stars and sewing is this POS image is not desecration?



So you witnessed the flag being cut? Is that the latest propaganda story from the right? LMAO!!!:lol:

So, you are assuming it wasn't?

Would be nice to know what factory is producing these. I will research


Well, that didn't take long. I stand corrected. Someone is manufacturing this. Still inappropriate but whatever.


Buy US Obama (face) National Flag 3 X 5 ft. for sale
someone should take it and burn it...It's the most disgusting thing I have ever seen

It sounds like you oppose the flag being run down, is that it? You would oppose it being displayed upside down, burned, marked on, etc.??
Why does it have to be 'the same'?

Is scribbling on a flag desecration or not?

IT ISN'T HER FACE imposed on the flag...of course you think a picture of her standing next our flag is desecrating it...so go on with your ugly self

gotta cover for the Dear Leader...all Hale Obama

This is actual desecration of the flag. It's an actual flag and Sarah is scribbling her name on it. Perhaps the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief might be forgiven for doing this, but Sarah was nothing more than a regular citizen and took it upon herself to desecrate the flag because....why? Is she something special and have special exemption to desecrate the flag. She also used it as drapery in an advertisement, two violations in one photo.

Yeah, an advertisement for her worn out cameltoe.

then there's this:


A desecration hat trick!!!!!!!
IT ISN'T HER FACE imposed on the flag...of course you think a picture of her standing next our flag is desecrating it...so go on with your ugly self

gotta cover for the Dear Leader...all Hale Obama

This is actual desecration of the flag. It's an actual flag and Sarah is scribbling her name on it. Perhaps the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief might be forgiven for doing this, but Sarah was nothing more than a regular citizen and took it upon herself to desecrate the flag because....why? Is she something special and have special exemption to desecrate the flag. She also used it as drapery in an advertisement, two violations in one photo.

Yeah, an advertisement for her worn out cameltoe.

then there's this:


A desecration hat trick!!!!!!!

you're a disgusting idiot and a puke..a loyal Obama subject though...wear it proud
IT ISN'T HER FACE imposed on the flag...of course you think a picture of her standing next our flag is desecrating it...so go on with your ugly self

gotta cover for the Dear Leader...all Hale Obama

President Obama had nothing to do with the flag in the OP. Why are you blaming him?

OMG, go bow to his picture..not playing your games

Why don't you just kiss it for us so it has that Godly touch?
Why does it have to be 'the same'?

Is scribbling on a flag desecration or not?

IT ISN'T HER FACE imposed on the flag...of course you think a picture of her standing next our flag is desecrating it...so go on with your ugly self

gotta cover for the Dear Leader...all Hale Obama

This is actual desecration of the flag. It's an actual flag and Sarah is scribbling her name on it. Perhaps the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief might be forgiven for doing this, but Sarah was nothing more than a regular citizen and took it upon herself to desecrate the flag because....why? Is she something special and have special exemption to desecrate the flag. She also used it as drapery in an advertisement, two violations in one photo.

I would think it more important and obsidious if a president did it, who should know better. Palin doesn't know chit, but she has nice bobbies.:lol: Yeah, when it is the president doing it himself, it sheds a whole new light on rightwing hypocrisy!!!


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"The flag should never be drawn back or bunched up in any way."

"The flag should never touch anything beneath it."

Sarah is allowed to desecrate the flag. Her uneducated misinformed brainwashed idiot followers said so. Getting them to admit Sarah has ever done a wrong thing is useless. They have an endless list of excuses.

such a nice person...you find this compared with a Presidents face on the flag no different .. it is you who is uneducated misinformed brainwashed IDIOT...
now off to church with you so you can run down others..try the church Obama attended, they feel the same about the people in this country as you do

The Presidents face was not on a flag. To desecrate a flag you have to have an actual flag to start with. Without the stars that is not an actual flag. If an actual flag had been used and the Presidents face printed over it, that would be desecration. You make my point. You can not admit that Sarah made a mistake and did something wrong. She may not have intended to desecrate the flag, or perhaps she thought she was so special that she was allowed to desecrate the flag, but she did it. In front of God, country, family, friends,TV, video cam's and everyone and anyone with eyes and wasn't totally blind. Yet, you deny she desecrated the flag. Something is put in front of you that is absolute fact and not debatable, something that is proven fact and can not be argued, and yet you debate and argue. That is the definition of being brainwashed.
Sarah is allowed to desecrate the flag. Her uneducated misinformed brainwashed idiot followers said so. Getting them to admit Sarah has ever done a wrong thing is useless. They have an endless list of excuses.

such a nice person...you find this compared with a Presidents face on the flag no different .. it is you who is uneducated misinformed brainwashed IDIOT...
now off to church with you so you can run down others..try the church Obama attended, they feel the same about the people in this country as you do

The Presidents face was not on a flag. To desecrate a flag you have to have an actual flag to start with. Without the stars that is not an actual flag. If an actual flag had been used and the Presidents face printed over it, that would be desecration. You make my point. You can not admit that Sarah made a mistake and did something wrong. She may not have intended to desecrate the flag, or perhaps she thought she was so special that she was allowed to desecrate the flag, but she did it. In front of God, country, family, friends,TV, video cam's and everyone and anyone with eyes and wasn't totally blind. Yet, you deny she desecrated the flag. Something is put in front of you that is absolute fact and not debatable, something that is proven fact and can not be argued, and yet you debate and argue. That is the definition of being brainwashed.

oh it wasn't, I guess we aren't seeing what we are seeing...
as for your long winded bs, save it..you are the ugly uneducated brainwashed idiot when you have to take a thread on Obama and TURN on someone else
now go bow to Obama, it's Sunday
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Very proud of my family heritage indeed. Thanks for pointing it out


The Confederate flags are symbols of American dishonor and treason, and they are always treated as such by patriotic Americans.

I beg to differ, and who gives a rip what others think?


No it's, who give a shit about how that pathetic waste of human flesh feels about and his sorry ass pathetic piece of vile garbage opinion of the Confederate battle flag.

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