Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling'

You and Sallow may have but I don't see anyone else agreeing with you. But I'm sure now that I said that...we will.

The president can't raise the debt ceiling. He does not have the authority to do so. It requires Congress. So anyone who says that he plans to do so unilaterally is either a fool or a liar.

Just out of curiosity, did you think that Mark Levin had become the personal confidant of Mr. Obama giving him a unique insight into the presidential plans? I guess the more appropriate question would be..., did you think?

Listen you sarcastic douchebag. He explained it already and if you can't reply without the ad hominem attack, which I returned in kind, then don't bother to reply, to me at least.... at all.

As far as requiring being a confidant of Obama to speculate then you just about discounted about every media outlet and person, dipshit!

So you are saying the problem is that you misquoted him.
The president can't raise the debt ceiling. He does not have the authority to do so. It requires Congress. So anyone who says that he plans to do so unilaterally is either a fool or a liar.

Just out of curiosity, did you think that Mark Levin had become the personal confidant of Mr. Obama giving him a unique insight into the presidential plans? I guess the more appropriate question would be..., did you think?

Listen you sarcastic douchebag. He explained it already and if you can't reply without the ad hominem attack, which I returned in kind, then don't bother to reply, to me at least.... at all.

As far as requiring being a confidant of Obama to speculate then you just about discounted about every media outlet and person, dipshit!

So you are saying the problem is that you misquoted him.

Did I? Show me where?
Debt "celing," "limit," same thing... Debt Limit

... The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow...

... Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

...Congress must act to increase the debt limit...

So, historically, it has ALWAYS been CONGRESS that must raise the debt ceiling. If obama circumvents that, it will be the first time in HISTORY a president does, and it SURELY will raise questions as to IF he has the power to do so, and that is the topic of this thread.
is this more or less important than his birth certificate?

i need to calibrate my outrage
No commander, in chief or otherwise, has any authority to summarily execute any US citizen when there is no imminent threat or outside of a combat zone.

Thank me later for educating your sorry ass on the basics of civics.

We have three branches and zero kings for a reason.


And that's not what happened.

al-Awlaki, like Osama Bin Laden before him, was directly involved in several plots against the American homeland, that, thankfully failed.

He was a wanted man. He chose not to answer warrants..and instead, fled to Yemen.

While plotting his next attack on America..he was killed.

And thankfully..any more plots against our country that would have been launched by this scumbag died along with him.

Thanks for playing.

There are door prizes.
OBL wasn't an American citizen. Just so you know.

No one...that's NO one...has the authority to summarily execute an American citizen when there is no imminent threat and outside of a combat zone, without judicial review.

The POTUS is not king, and our founders knew how to set up government where there is no concentration of power....ESPECIALLY where US citizens' lives are concerned.

It's unconstitutional.

You folks basically lost this argument with your support of the handling of the Padilla, Lindh, and Manning.

But for the record, al-Awlaki trashed his citizenship when he took up with Al Qaeda against the US. He was a legal target under the AUMF.

It was you folks that constructed the whole "Enemy Combatant" thing.
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The debt "ceiling".............

What a comical concept, our debt limit should be limitless

For the common good
Last night, radio host Mark Levin said that President Obama plans to unilaterally and unconstitutionally lift the debt ceiling, thereby circumventing Congress and avoiding negotiations with them. Levin also stated that President Obama plans to play the “catch me if you can, take me to the court” game by taking this unilateral action, because he will be able to get away with it by the time it reaches the Supreme Court.

“We’ve never had a president that’s spent like this ever. Ever. That’s why, in particular right now, the debt ceiling is so crucial, because there’s no other way to stop him.

“But let me be the first to tell you what he’s planning. And I was the first to tell you about this when he was planning it two summers ago and thinking about it.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution. That’s what he’s saying, right here.

“All you backbenchers out there, you can repeat this tomorrow. He’s going to violate the Constitution.

“Remember, Mr. Producer, when I discussed how they were playing with the language about whether Congress actually has the power over the debt, or whether the President can unilaterally act? Remember how I talked about that two years ago? Well that’s where he’s headed.

“He’s going to get a Justice Department – which is not a Justice Department, which is an injustice, an unjustice department – prepare a legal memorandum telling him he can violate the Constitution.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution, unilaterally lift the debt ceiling, and say ‘catch me if you can, take me to the court,’ and he figures by then maybe he’ll have another appointment or two to the Supreme Court by the time it winds its way there, or maybe John Roberts will help him out again. You never know.

“But he’s more than happy, more than happy to have 12, 18, 24 months of litigation, and by the time that’s done he will have already done what he will have already done.

“So I am telling you – it’s not a prediction. It’s reality. I’m telling you what he’s talking about right here. He’s not playing that game anymore, ladies and gentlemen, because he’s going to defy the rule of law, and on his own lift the debt ceiling.

“That’s what he’s going to do. [Senator] Schumer wants him to do it. All the Leftists want him to do it, and that’s what he’s going to do.”

Levin: Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling' | CNS News

No wonder you dopes are so fucking stupid, you listen to lying assholes who lie to you.

And you're too angry and racist to check out the fact, do some critical thinking.

You want so bad to hate President Obama, your President for the next four years, that you'll believe anything RW media tells you.

I blame inbreeding.

What in any of his posts could in any way be deemed racist you fucking moron?
And that's not what happened.

al-Awlaki, like Osama Bin Laden before him, was directly involved in several plots against the American homeland, that, thankfully failed.

He was a wanted man. He chose not to answer warrants..and instead, fled to Yemen.

While plotting his next attack on America..he was killed.

And thankfully..any more plots against our country that would have been launched by this scumbag died along with him.

Thanks for playing.

There are door prizes.
OBL wasn't an American citizen. Just so you know.

No one...that's NO one...has the authority to summarily execute an American citizen when there is no imminent threat and outside of a combat zone, without judicial review.

The POTUS is not king, and our founders knew how to set up government where there is no concentration of power....ESPECIALLY where US citizens' lives are concerned.

It's unconstitutional.

You folks basically lost this argument with your support of the handling of the Padilla, Lindh, and Manning.

But for the record, al-Awlaki trashed his citizenship when he took up with Al Qaeda against the US. He was a legal target under the AUMF.

It was you folks that constructed the whole "Enemy Combatant" thing.
"Trashed his citizenship"?


And, there were THREE US Citizens killed by Obama without judicial review.

Unconstitutional. That is the assumption as the burden is on Obama to prove that he had cause to summarily execute US citizens with no imminent threat and outside a combat zone. <---- That's why there are no kings in the USA...judicial branch review.

Currently, there are several FOIA requests into the administration for information about why US citizens were executed. The administration refuses to respond, still. So, now there are suits on Obama, Panetta, etc. Courtesy of the ACLU.

They are on my Christmas list.
Last night, radio host Mark Levin said that President Obama plans to unilaterally and unconstitutionally lift the debt ceiling, thereby circumventing Congress and avoiding negotiations with them. Levin also stated that President Obama plans to play the “catch me if you can, take me to the court” game by taking this unilateral action, because he will be able to get away with it by the time it reaches the Supreme Court.

Obama is our supreme ruler. There is no power denied him.

“We’ve never had a president that’s spent like this ever. Ever. That’s why, in particular right now, the debt ceiling is so crucial, because there’s no other way to stop him.

Obama has transcended "president" and is supreme ruler of America.

“But let me be the first to tell you what he’s planning. And I was the first to tell you about this when he was planning it two summers ago and thinking about it.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution. That’s what he’s saying, right here.

The constitution has no meaning to Obama, he alone is the law.

“All you backbenchers out there, you can repeat this tomorrow. He’s going to violate the Constitution.

“Remember, Mr. Producer, when I discussed how they were playing with the language about whether Congress actually has the power over the debt, or whether the President can unilaterally act? Remember how I talked about that two years ago? Well that’s where he’s headed.

“He’s going to get a Justice Department – which is not a Justice Department, which is an injustice, an unjustice department – prepare a legal memorandum telling him he can violate the Constitution.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution, unilaterally lift the debt ceiling, and say ‘catch me if you can, take me to the court,’ and he figures by then maybe he’ll have another appointment or two to the Supreme Court by the time it winds its way there, or maybe John Roberts will help him out again. You never know.

“But he’s more than happy, more than happy to have 12, 18, 24 months of litigation, and by the time that’s done he will have already done what he will have already done.

“So I am telling you – it’s not a prediction. It’s reality. I’m telling you what he’s talking about right here. He’s not playing that game anymore, ladies and gentlemen, because he’s going to defy the rule of law, and on his own lift the debt ceiling.

“That’s what he’s going to do. [Senator] Schumer wants him to do it. All the Leftists want him to do it, and that’s what he’s going to do.”

Levin: Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling' | CNS News

Again, we are not a constitutional republic. This is a dictatorship and Obama is our ruler. Any farce of a legislature is just theater, Obama decides and does, his word is the only law.
Debt "celing," "limit," same thing...


It's not.


You're wrong.

And now everyone knows you don't have a clue about this issue.


"Under Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution, Congress has the sole power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. From the founding of the United States until 1917 Congress directly authorized each individual debt issuance separately. In order to provide more flexibility to finance the United States' involvement in World War I, Congress modified the method by which it authorizes debt in the Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917.[57] Under this act Congress established an aggregate limit, or "ceiling," on the total amount of bonds that could be issued."

United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Definition of 'Debt Ceiling'
The maximum amount of monies the United States can borrow. The debt ceiling was created under the Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917, putting a "ceiling" on the amount of bonds the United States can issue. As of the end of July, 2011 the debt ceiling was set at $14.3 trillion.

Also known as the "debt limit" or "statutory debt limit."

Investopedia explains 'Debt Ceiling'

Before the debt ceiling was created, the President had free reign on the country's finances. In 1917, the debt ceiling was created during World War I to hold the President fiscally responsible. Over time, the debt ceiling has been raised whenever the United States comes close to hitting the limit. By hitting the limit and missing an interest payment to bondholders, the United States would be in default, lowering its credit rating and increasing the cost of its debt.

There has been controversy over whether the debt ceiling is constitutional. According to the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned." The majority of democratic countries do not have a debt ceiling, with the United States being one of the exceptions.

Read more: Debt Ceiling Definition | Investopedia
OBL wasn't an American citizen. Just so you know.

No one...that's NO one...has the authority to summarily execute an American citizen when there is no imminent threat and outside of a combat zone, without judicial review.

The POTUS is not king, and our founders knew how to set up government where there is no concentration of power....ESPECIALLY where US citizens' lives are concerned.

It's unconstitutional.

You folks basically lost this argument with your support of the handling of the Padilla, Lindh, and Manning.

But for the record, al-Awlaki trashed his citizenship when he took up with Al Qaeda against the US. He was a legal target under the AUMF.

It was you folks that constructed the whole "Enemy Combatant" thing.
"Trashed his citizenship"?


And, there were THREE US Citizens killed by Obama without judicial review.

Unconstitutional. That is the assumption as the burden is on Obama to prove that he had cause to summarily execute US citizens with no imminent threat and outside a combat zone. <---- That's why there are no kings in the USA...judicial branch review.

Currently, there are several FOIA requests into the administration for information about why US citizens were executed. The administration refuses to respond, still. So, now there are suits on Obama, Panetta, etc. Courtesy of the ACLU.

They are on my Christmas list.


You miss the whole AUMF thing?

If you are a terrorist, conspiring with terrorists or are in the general area of terrorists..you are in big trouble.
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