Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling'

Where's the words "Debt Ceiling"?


My but you're a stupid one.

You were supposed to do your homework.

So, how many cans of spray paint have you huffed this morning.

You get an F for failure.

You got some homework.

Find the debt ceiling in the constitution.

It's right next to the right to abortion.

{Article I

Section. 8.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Clause 2: To borrow Money on the credit of the United States; }

CONGRESS alone sets the debt limit - back when we were a nation of laws.

I understand that Obama is our supreme dictator and the constitution has no meaning.

There's no debt limit or ceiling in there.

Try again.
Last night, radio host Mark Levin said that President Obama plans to unilaterally and unconstitutionally lift the debt ceiling, thereby circumventing Congress and avoiding negotiations with them. Levin also stated that President Obama plans to play the “catch me if you can, take me to the court” game by taking this unilateral action, because he will be able to get away with it by the time it reaches the Supreme Court.

“We’ve never had a president that’s spent like this ever. Ever. That’s why, in particular right now, the debt ceiling is so crucial, because there’s no other way to stop him.

“But let me be the first to tell you what he’s planning. And I was the first to tell you about this when he was planning it two summers ago and thinking about it.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution. That’s what he’s saying, right here.

“All you backbenchers out there, you can repeat this tomorrow. He’s going to violate the Constitution.

“Remember, Mr. Producer, when I discussed how they were playing with the language about whether Congress actually has the power over the debt, or whether the President can unilaterally act? Remember how I talked about that two years ago? Well that’s where he’s headed.

“He’s going to get a Justice Department – which is not a Justice Department, which is an injustice, an unjustice department – prepare a legal memorandum telling him he can violate the Constitution.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution, unilaterally lift the debt ceiling, and say ‘catch me if you can, take me to the court,’ and he figures by then maybe he’ll have another appointment or two to the Supreme Court by the time it winds its way there, or maybe John Roberts will help him out again. You never know.

“But he’s more than happy, more than happy to have 12, 18, 24 months of litigation, and by the time that’s done he will have already done what he will have already done.

“So I am telling you – it’s not a prediction. It’s reality. I’m telling you what he’s talking about right here. He’s not playing that game anymore, ladies and gentlemen, because he’s going to defy the rule of law, and on his own lift the debt ceiling.

“That’s what he’s going to do. [Senator] Schumer wants him to do it. All the Leftists want him to do it, and that’s what he’s going to do.”

Levin: Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling' | CNS News

I notice in this long post there is not a single shred of evidence that Obama plans on raising the debt ceiling unconstitutionally. You just have some heavily biased partisan pundit saying Obama will.

So please provide that evidence.


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Last night, radio host Mark Levin said that President Obama plans to unilaterally and unconstitutionally lift the debt ceiling, thereby circumventing Congress and avoiding negotiations with them. Levin also stated that President Obama plans to play the “catch me if you can, take me to the court” game by taking this unilateral action, because he will be able to get away with it by the time it reaches the Supreme Court.

“We’ve never had a president that’s spent like this ever. Ever. That’s why, in particular right now, the debt ceiling is so crucial, because there’s no other way to stop him.

“But let me be the first to tell you what he’s planning. And I was the first to tell you about this when he was planning it two summers ago and thinking about it.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution. That’s what he’s saying, right here.

“All you backbenchers out there, you can repeat this tomorrow. He’s going to violate the Constitution.

“Remember, Mr. Producer, when I discussed how they were playing with the language about whether Congress actually has the power over the debt, or whether the President can unilaterally act? Remember how I talked about that two years ago? Well that’s where he’s headed.

“He’s going to get a Justice Department – which is not a Justice Department, which is an injustice, an unjustice department – prepare a legal memorandum telling him he can violate the Constitution.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution, unilaterally lift the debt ceiling, and say ‘catch me if you can, take me to the court,’ and he figures by then maybe he’ll have another appointment or two to the Supreme Court by the time it winds its way there, or maybe John Roberts will help him out again. You never know.

“But he’s more than happy, more than happy to have 12, 18, 24 months of litigation, and by the time that’s done he will have already done what he will have already done.

“So I am telling you – it’s not a prediction. It’s reality. I’m telling you what he’s talking about right here. He’s not playing that game anymore, ladies and gentlemen, because he’s going to defy the rule of law, and on his own lift the debt ceiling.

“That’s what he’s going to do. [Senator] Schumer wants him to do it. All the Leftists want him to do it, and that’s what he’s going to do.”

Levin: Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling' | CNS News

I notice in this long post there is not a single shred of evidence that Obama plans on raising the debt ceiling unconstitutionally. You just have some heavily biased partisan pundit saying Obama will.

So please provide that evidence.



Congress can still vote against any spending.

The debt ceiling is completely unnecessary and complete idiocy.
I thought 'uncertainty' was the big impediment to economic growth?

Now, conservatives want another round of uncertainty in a fake fight over the fake opposition to raising the debt ceiling?
Last night, radio host Mark Levin said that President Obama plans to unilaterally and unconstitutionally lift the debt ceiling, thereby circumventing Congress and avoiding negotiations with them. Levin also stated that President Obama plans to play the “catch me if you can, take me to the court” game by taking this unilateral action, because he will be able to get away with it by the time it reaches the Supreme Court.

“We’ve never had a president that’s spent like this ever. Ever. That’s why, in particular right now, the debt ceiling is so crucial, because there’s no other way to stop him.

“But let me be the first to tell you what he’s planning. And I was the first to tell you about this when he was planning it two summers ago and thinking about it.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution. That’s what he’s saying, right here.

“All you backbenchers out there, you can repeat this tomorrow. He’s going to violate the Constitution.

“Remember, Mr. Producer, when I discussed how they were playing with the language about whether Congress actually has the power over the debt, or whether the President can unilaterally act? Remember how I talked about that two years ago? Well that’s where he’s headed.

“He’s going to get a Justice Department – which is not a Justice Department, which is an injustice, an unjustice department – prepare a legal memorandum telling him he can violate the Constitution.

“He’s going to violate the Constitution, unilaterally lift the debt ceiling, and say ‘catch me if you can, take me to the court,’ and he figures by then maybe he’ll have another appointment or two to the Supreme Court by the time it winds its way there, or maybe John Roberts will help him out again. You never know.

“But he’s more than happy, more than happy to have 12, 18, 24 months of litigation, and by the time that’s done he will have already done what he will have already done.

“So I am telling you – it’s not a prediction. It’s reality. I’m telling you what he’s talking about right here. He’s not playing that game anymore, ladies and gentlemen, because he’s going to defy the rule of law, and on his own lift the debt ceiling.

“That’s what he’s going to do. [Senator] Schumer wants him to do it. All the Leftists want him to do it, and that’s what he’s going to do.”

Levin: Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling' | CNS News

I notice in this long post there is not a single shred of evidence that Obama plans on raising the debt ceiling unconstitutionally. You just have some heavily biased partisan pundit saying Obama will.

So please provide that evidence.



Isn't that in part what pundits do...speculate? It's his opinion. He gave his reasons why he thinks as he does.

Did anyone here say he (Obama) unequivocally will do it? Let me know when anyone can prove a prediction. A prediction that he is fully entitled to make and one that he reasoned out as to why he did.
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The world according to Mark Levin is a world that very very very few sane people live in.
I notice in this long post there is not a single shred of evidence that Obama plans on raising the debt ceiling unconstitutionally. You just have some heavily biased partisan pundit saying Obama will.

So please provide that evidence.



Congress can still vote against any spending.

The debt ceiling is completely unnecessary and complete idiocy.

A claim was made. I want to see the evidence.

And yes, Congress is the body that spends all the money, which in turns requires us to borrow that money, which in turn pushes us over the debt ceiling.

So it is the height of hypocrisy for anyone in Congress to bitch and scream about the debt ceiling being raised when they are the ones who spent that money. And it is the height of hypocrisy for any partisan asshole to bitch about the debt ceiling being raised when their party was a full and willing partner in the spending of that money.

Nonetheless, a claim was made. I want to see the evidence. I am sick of this shit.

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I notice in this long post there is not a single shred of evidence that Obama plans on raising the debt ceiling unconstitutionally. You just have some heavily biased partisan pundit saying Obama will.

So please provide that evidence.



Congress can still vote against any spending.

The debt ceiling is completely unnecessary and complete idiocy.

A claim was made. I want to see the evidence.

And yes, Congress is the body that spends all the money, which in turns requires us to borrow that money, which in turn pushes us over the debt ceiling.

So it is the height of hypocrisy for anyone in Congress to bitch and scream about the debt ceiling being raised when they are the ones who spent that money. And it is the height of hypocrisy for any partisan asshole to bitch about the debt ceiling being raised when their party was a full and willing partner in the spending of that money.

Nonetheless, a claim was made. I want to see the evidence. I am sick of this shit.


And I'm just as sick of your daily shit as well. You come in here as some pompous, self-righteous, all-knowing asshole who thinks only his opinion is valid.

Levin made a prediction as to what he "thinks" Obama will do. He gave his reasons why, now.... and in the past.

Now you want evidence and proof. The "big man" demands it!

Give me proof the world will someday end? Time and date. Can't can you? But it will someday.

Stupid assed line of reasoning. Either you agree with what he said or you don't. Evidence of a prediction...fucking jackass.

Now go on about it all day like you usually do and then declare yourself as some kind of "winner" of the thread.

"Jay do we have any parting gifts?" We do Monty and it's a shiny gold star made especially for self proclaimed winners on messageboard threads by Dicker and Dicker of Beverly Hills.
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Mitch McConnell called for an immediate vote to give President Obama the AUTHORITY to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally.

Harry Reid called him on his bluff and the next day called for an immediate vote himself.

McConnell promptly filibustered to prevent the vote.

Classic. McConnell was once gain caught holding his dick in his hands.

I don't know how long it is going to take the GOP piss drinkers to realize that McConnell is one of the biggest reasons they are so consistently getting kicked in the nuts and why Romney lost the election. They absolutely refuse to do any navel gazing and look outwardly for a scapegoat.


If Congress had decided to give Obama the authority to raise the debt ceiling, that is the exact opposite of meaning Obama was going to raise the debt ceiling unconstitutionally.

Congress can still vote against any spending.

The debt ceiling is completely unnecessary and complete idiocy.

Congress can vote, and we can hold our breath. Both will have the same impact. Obama is not restrained by the constitution. We have one man rule.

Hmm, our Forefathers signed a contract that established the Republic and instituted Constitutional Law.

I'm doing MY part by obeying Laws and Paying Taxes, but it seems to me those in power in Washington are not sticking to the terms of the Agreement.

When that happens, it's every mans right to demand the other party adhere to the terms of the contract. And in this case, the Gov't only exists through the good graces of The People. The People are Sovereign, NOT the Gov't.

If not, we have every right to break the contract and Secede.
And I'm jst as sick of your daily shit as well. You come in here as some pompous, self- righteous, all-knowing asshole who thinks only his opinion is valid.

Levin made a prediction as to what he "thinks" Obama will do. He gave his reasons why, now.... and in the past.

Now you want evidence and proof. The "big man" demands it! Give me proof the world will someday end? Can't can you? But it will someday.

Stupid assed line of reasoning. Either yo agree with what he said or you don't. Evidence of a prediction...fucking jackass.

And now YOU have been caught with your dick in your hands passing off a strawman logical fallacy as a "prediction".

You stated it as FACT. Attempting to pass on complete and total bullshit in an attempt to smear Obama as a dictator regardless of whether or not it was true. All that matters is to attack, attack, attack from a position of a complete bankruptcy.

You have nothing, and so had to make shit up. Pathetic.

You have been caught again drinking another puppeteer's piss. How's it taste now?

Try putting some ideas on the table instead of inventing slanderous fables.

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And I'm jst as sick of your daily shit as well. You come in here as some pompous, self- righteous, all-knowing asshole who thinks only his opinion is valid.

Levin made a prediction as to what he "thinks" Obama will do. He gave his reasons why, now.... and in the past.

Now you want evidence and proof. The "big man" demands it! Give me proof the world will someday end? Can't can you? But it will someday.

Stupid assed line of reasoning. Either yo agree with what he said or you don't. Evidence of a prediction...fucking jackass.

And now YOU have been caught with your dick in your hands passing off a strawman logical fallacy as a "prediction".

You stated it as FACT. Attempting to pass on complete and total bullshit in an attempt to smear Obama as a dictator regardless of whether or not it was true. All that matters is to attack, attack, attack from a position of a complete bankruptcy.

You have nothing, and so had to make shit up. Pathetic.

You have been caught again drinking another puppeteer's piss. How's it taste now?

Try putting some ideas on the table instead of inventing slanderous fables.


Where did I state it's fact? Post it all by itself. Reply # and all. Do it, big mouth! I posted an article. You idiots are the ones foaming at the mouths over it. Take a look in the mirror strawman.
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Read the OP. There was no "I think he is going to." There was no "I predict he will."

It was stated as a certainty.

No one is fooled by these partisan pundits.

Well...some people are fooled. Open-mouth piss drinkers are.

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what a strange system we have where congress can authorize spending an then refuse to authorize the debt required for that authorized spending

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