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The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.

Obama to speak on health law enrollment - POLITICO.com

‘Armageddon has not arrived'

This is on the heels of a stock market which is up, corporate profits, which are up, the Unemployment Numbers, which are down and a MONTH of no military deaths due to combat.

Conservatives had a strange reaction to this..

Ryan released a budget which most everyone is calling ludicrous.


And the Heritage foundation started a conservative outreach to women that plainly states, "Just get married".

Dana Milbank: Conservatives to women: Lean back - The Washington Post

This is probably a huge turning point. I hope Democrats capitalize on it and kick the bums out of congress..
Well, to be honest, the impact of Obamacare will take a long time to appear. Long after he has left office.
Well, to be honest, the impact of Obamacare will take a long time to appear. Long after he has left office.

Actually, this country has already realized savings from ObamaCare.

I sat on a jury where a newly formed unit (as a result of looking for medicare fraud) of police and medicare investigators did a sting operation on a pharmacy. That was part of a early implementation of the law rooting out corruption.

And parts of the law gets rid of redundant medical procedures and cracks down on all sorts of nuttiness.

It's been saving the government a bundle.
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.
It amazes me that people think ObamaCare is a good thing.

At least 5 maybe 6 million people lose their coverage.
Then 7 million sign up...
But there were 48 million that needed it and have not signed up.

So the bottom line is we have a law that's over 2 thousand pages and all the craziness we went through....all that to insure a few million people....

And Obama and the Democrats are doing a victory dance?

This is beyond crazy...
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.

the left has nothing else to run on as we can see and notice it's not a good day for, WE THE PEOPLE

For them it's a good day, FOR Obama...how sick are the citizens in this country?

so it's OscamCare, (a new government ENTITLEMENT that cost us TRILLIONS of dollars) that is going to be RAMMED down our throats as some sort of SUCCESS for their Dear leader, the same way it's was when it was passed on us

so lets all take a moment to ALL HAIL OBAMA

what a sad TIMES for our country
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Well, to be honest, the impact of Obamacare will take a long time to appear. Long after he has left office.

Actually, this country has already realized savings from ObamaCare.

I sat on a jury where a newly formed unit (as a result of looking for medicare fraud) of police and medicare investigators did a sting operation on a pharmacy. That was part of a early implementation of the law rooting out corruption.

And parts of the law gets rid of redundant medical procedures and cracks down on all sorts of nuttiness.

It's been saving the government a bundle.

I'm not sure Obamacare is really just about making savings. Also, govts can make savings which in the future cost the country more. So, short-termizm isn't really a good indicator of much.
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.
Whoever told you it is going to be repealed lied to you. Changed yes, made better surely, but repealed, not a chance.
the left has nothing else to run on as we can see and notice it's not a good day for, WE THE PEOPLE

For them it's a good day, FOR Obama...how sick are the citizens in this country?

so it's OscamCare, (a new government ENTITLEMENT that cost us TRILLIONS of dollars) that is going to be RAMMED down our throats as some sort of SUCCESS for their Dear leader, the same way it's was when it was passed on us

so lets all take a moment to ALL HAIL OBAMA

what a sad TIMES for our country

It's sad because one of the only countries in the world that doesn't see healthcare as something essential, basically thinks the right of big corporations to make money is the main thing. Probably because those big companies pay the politicians a shed load of money, so why would the politicians want to change this? The companies that make a lot of money out of the whole health care thing then spend loads of money telling you all why it's a bad idea to have universal healthcare and you buy it hook line and sinker.

The US govt spends the same per GDP as the UK govt on healthcare. That doesn't include the health insurance that people need to buy.

So, you're paying double what you need to for healthcare. And maybe you get a better service, but not THAT much better. And a lot of this money simply goes on corruption, on companies using the more expensive drugs and charging your insurance company for nice stays in the hospital that are a waste of time. I cut part of my finger off and was told I needed to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks. I told them to get lost, I couldn't afford to stay in hospital so long, even if I could pay for the hospital treatment. So they sewed my finger up and I was back at work the same day, and nothing more.

The difference between a company that gets paid by insurance companies and one that doesn't is massive. Insurance companies hike up their fees so YOU pay for all this corruption, and no one seems to care that not only do they pay the taxes, then they pay the insurance and it costs twice as much.
the left has nothing else to run on as we can see and notice it's not a good day for, WE THE PEOPLE

For them it's a good day, FOR Obama...how sick are the citizens in this country?

so it's OscamCare, (a new government ENTITLEMENT that cost us TRILLIONS of dollars) that is going to be RAMMED down our throats as some sort of SUCCESS for their Dear leader, the same way it's was when it was passed on us

so lets all take a moment to ALL HAIL OBAMA

what a sad TIMES for our country

It's sad because one of the only countries in the world that doesn't see healthcare as something essential, basically thinks the right of big corporations to make money is the main thing. Probably because those big companies pay the politicians a shed load of money, so why would the politicians want to change this? The companies that make a lot of money out of the whole health care thing then spend loads of money telling you all why it's a bad idea to have universal healthcare and you buy it hook line and sinker.

The US govt spends the same per GDP as the UK govt on healthcare. That doesn't include the health insurance that people need to buy.

So, you're paying double what you need to for healthcare. And maybe you get a better service, but not THAT much better. And a lot of this money simply goes on corruption, on companies using the more expensive drugs and charging your insurance company for nice stays in the hospital that are a waste of time. I cut part of my finger off and was told I needed to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks. I told them to get lost, I couldn't afford to stay in hospital so long, even if I could pay for the hospital treatment. So they sewed my finger up and I was back at work the same day, and nothing more.

The difference between a company that gets paid by insurance companies and one that doesn't is massive. Insurance companies hike up their fees so YOU pay for all this corruption, and no one seems to care that not only do they pay the taxes, then they pay the insurance and it costs twice as much.

well, you got the Democrats talking points down pat
In a FREE country health care is a right, but it's the right of the citizens to choose it...now they get to be forced by the Federal Government (and that means YOUR CHILDREN who are just starting in life) to purchase insurance to take care of those of you who thinks you have A RIGHT to LIVE OFF OF THEM

Now lets all HAIL our Guberment...you think they have a right to FORCE US to purchase something (expensive insurance) while holding a gun to our heads...(pay a fine if we don't)
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It amazes me that people think ObamaCare is a good thing.

At least 5 maybe 6 million people lose their coverage.
Then 7 million sign up...
But there were 48 million that needed it and have not signed up.

So the bottom line is we have a law that's over 2 thousand pages and all the craziness we went through....all that to insure a few million people....

And Obama and the Democrats are doing a victory dance?

This is beyond crazy...

7 million signed up on the Federal exchange...that number does not include state exchange enrollments. 9 million more people have health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, and those people you are talking about didn't "lose" their insurance...they still have and can get insurance...what they lost was their Pinto that exploded when it was rear ended. Cars still drive the roads.
It amazes me that people think ObamaCare is a good thing.

At least 5 maybe 6 million people lose their coverage.
Then 7 million sign up...
But there were 48 million that needed it and have not signed up.

So the bottom line is we have a law that's over 2 thousand pages and all the craziness we went through....all that to insure a few million people....

And Obama and the Democrats are doing a victory dance?

This is beyond crazy...

7 million signed up on the Federal exchange...that number does not include state exchange enrollments. 9 million more people have health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, and those people you are talking about didn't "lose" their insurance...they still have and can get insurance...what they lost was their Pinto that exploded when it was rear ended. Cars still drive the roads.

1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, 16.000 more federal IRS AGENTS hired, countless more federal workers hired and for, 7MILLION PEOPLE out of 360 million...all done in this horrible ECOMONY...and your care about those who lost their insurance because of this law is touching

and you crow that as some sort of success

You don't care about taxpayers or their how their money is spent by government...you only care you can crow this some sort of success's for Obama and Democrats

you all have become the saddest citizens in this country
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After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.* * * *


ObumblerCare had "hit its numbers" eh?


Why do you say such silly things? Because a lap dog propaganda fully credulous "media" dutifully scribbled down that which the self-serving Adminsitration spooned out to them?

I thought the basis for "passing" ObumblerCare had sumpin to do with the 50 or so million Americans who were uninsured? How do the ALLEGED 7 million enrollees compare with THAT claimed number?


And HOW many of the newly signed-up enrollees have yet paid even the first "premium" due for this remarkable "coverage?"

The Bumbler in Chief might choose for cheap political "reasons" to claim some kind of victory and might engage in essentially campaign activity to celebrate the pretend "win," but there's no reason for anybody else to be as gullible as the unquestioning sycophant main stream media, Sallow.

"Victory lap." :lmao:

You're all funny and shit.
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.
Whoever told you it is going to be repealed lied to you. Changed yes, made better surely, but repealed, not a chance.

It will be repealed. We are going to give back those 6 million people who lost their coverage and had to sign up for this ACA bullshit their old policies back. Democrats are going to lose if they think they can run on "fix it". That was proven in Florida just recently. You guys screwed the pooch big-time! Ha ha ha!
Obamacare numbers coming in huge: Here's a guide to GOP excuse-making

"How many have paid?" (Also known as "The statistics are full of deadbeats"):[...]

Figures from states that track this metric, including California and Vermont, show that 85% to 90% of enrollees have paid on time, which secures them the coverage they applied for.

"Most of them were already insured"

[...]The few states that do break out their own numbers, moreover, contradict McKinsey. Kentucky says that some 75% of its exchange enrollees were previously uninsured. New York says that about 60% of its exchange enrollees were previously uninsured. That number has been rising over time, raising the prospect that the March surge will include an even higher ratio of uninsured customers; Gaba, who has calculated a time series of New York enrollments based on the state's monthly news releases, calculates that of enrollees in mid-February, at least 92% had been uninsured.

"More people got cancellations than signed up"

The numbers never supported this claim, and the latest estimates make it even more of a fantasy. It's based on the wave of reports late last year of insurance companies canceling old policies that didn't meet ACA standards, which led to hysterical claims that as many as 17 million Americans were being left uninsured.

Rand's figures support earlier estimates that fewer than 1 million people who had health plans in 2013 are now uninsured because of cancellations. Insurance companies that issued the cancellation notices say they've retained "the vast majority" of their old customers, mostly by moving them into new, compliant, plans.

"The White House is 'cooking the books'"

[...]If the feds are cooking the books, they've cooked them to look worse, not better -- the 36 states that dumped their enrollment responsibilities on the federal government are clustered at the bottom of the list, most of them with enrollment rates of 20% or less of eligible citizens. Many of these are states that actively discouraged or interfered with enrollments of their citizens in health insurance plans -- behavior that should be grounds for impeachment or recall of their governors and legislators.

Of course, even the enrollment of 7 million Americans in ACA exchanges doesn't mean Obamacare is a certified success. There's a lot of work to be done to fix the inevitable flaws in any law as far-reaching as this one. As Noam Levey reported, it amounts to the largest expansion of health coverage for Americans since the enactment of Medicare half a century ago, but many more people need to be signed up in coming years.

The apparent success of the first annual open enrollment period, however, should show Republican naysayers that this law is here to stay, with all its customer-protection provisions intact. It's time they recognized that the rhetoric about Obamacare's failure has gotten them nowhere. It's gotten the country nowhere. It's time for them to get behind the law, to help get their fellow citizens the coverage they need, and to help fix what needs to be fixed.
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.

You are not completely correct on the first count and completely wrong on the second count.

The fraud investigation unit that participated in the sting was a hybrid of Medicare investigators and New York City Police and it was set up after the law was enacted. In fact, this was the first case for that unit.

Secondly? Those numbers come from the CBO.

ObamaCare is a success. It's even moreso one considering the unprecedented lengths Republicans went to kibosh it.
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.

You are not completely correct on the first count and completely wrong on the second count.

The fraud investigation unit that participated in the sting was a hybrid of Medicare investigators and New York City Police and it was set up after the law was enacted. In fact, this was the first case for that unit.

Secondly? Those numbers come from the CBO.

ObamaCare is a success. It's even moreso one considering the unprecedented lengths Republicans went to kibosh it.
Losing this fight for them is as bad as losing on gay marriage. The only direction is forward boys. We'll drag you kicking and screaming if we have to but that's actually not required. All that needs to be done is to prove that another option exist and that the world doesn't end when it's tried.

The GOP approach did in the boy who cried wolf but you still scream like schoolgirls when someone mentions "change". That is your undoing because change is necessary and can even be for the better...
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.

You are not completely correct on the first count and completely wrong on the second count.

The fraud investigation unit that participated in the sting was a hybrid of Medicare investigators and New York City Police and it was set up after the law was enacted. In fact, this was the first case for that unit.

Secondly? Those numbers come from the CBO.

ObamaCare is a success. It's even moreso one considering the unprecedented lengths Republicans went to kibosh it.

And rightfully so. It's all good. As soon as the pubs get the senate they will reduce the subsidies and the rest will be history.

The final nail in the coffin of a really bad idea

What we have to ask is- With all the Obama lies which of his words are we to believe?
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