Obama’s Tangled Web…. Unraveling

Still looking for a shred of evidence against Obama

More diversions from Conservatives. Pay no attention to Trumps fumbling performance on Coronavirus


Not hardly, petunia, looking for more evidence. We already have him with his hand in the cookie jar. We're hunting the stash of cookies he has hidden in other places.

And Sheriff Barr has a 100 cookie sniffing hounds on the trail. The scent was picked up a long time ago.
What exactly did Obama do?

Trump doesn’t know, do you?
Illegally spying on Americans.


May 8, 2017

Did the FBI spy on the Trump Campaign?

James Comey: No.

May 3, 2017

Lindsey Graham: Do you stand by your House testimony of March 20th that there was no surveillance of the Trump campaign that you’re aware of?

James Comey: Correct.


December 11, 2019

Michael Horowitz: The surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate.

December 11, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Mr. Papadopoulos, he was actually being surveilled by the FBI. Is that correct?

Michael Horowitz: If you’re talking about the confidential human source…

Lindsey Graham: Yes.

Michael Horowitz: …operations, yes.


James Comey A Liar Under Oath Said No Trump Campaign Surveillance | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

But Trump says when the President does stuff in an election campaign to go after the other side and get himself or his party re-elected, it's for the good of the country and it's not illegal. Like getting help from Russian, or getting the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

If it's not illegal for Trump to do this stuff, why is it illegal for Obama to do it?

At this point, everyone knows it was Hillary who got help from Russia.....the dossier proves it......as does this:

Except of course for the facts- that Russia specifically targetted Clinton and promoted Donald Trump.

Oh and that Trump sought out help from Russia to attack Clinton.

Except for that.

They did no such thing.

They paid off both Clintons.

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

Here you have it from Putin's own lips: He wanted Trump to win. He directed his people to help make that happen:



Every builder was sued.

"Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy," Clinton said on Monday night.

Clinton And Trump Clash In Tense First Presidential Debate

Trump responded to Clinton by emphasizing that the case was settled with no admission of guilt.

"Yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company — had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens," Trump said. "And we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country — it was a federal lawsuit — were sued. We settled the suit with zero, with no admission of guilt."

"Although some of the allegations were damning, the majority of those interviewed in the investigation said they were unaware of discrimination, according to Politico.

Trump eventually filed a $100 million countersuit, accusing the government of defamation, alleging that they were saying “such outrageous lies.” Trump said that although the company wanted to avoid renting to welfare applicants, he'd never discriminated based on race.

In 1975, Trump agreed to a consent decree, whereby no admission of wrongdoing would be given, however, his management company was ordered to take out ads telling ethnic minorities that they were welcome to seek housing at Trump properties."
Lets remember Obama is a thug from Chicago. He knifed Hillary in the back repeatedly during the 2008 Dem primary. It doesn't surprise me at all that he was spying on the Trump campaign and going after Trump cabinet picks because that's the kind of guy Obama is, thug.

Yeah to Blueslegend- a black guy with a law degree from Harvard Law- is just another thug. '

While the white guy who was defrauding students at his own 'University' is a 'stand up guy'

He organized an attempted coup to usurp the right of the American electorate to select the President they wanted.

Where did they teach that in law school?

Is the Beijing School of law?

The guy is a do nothing lazy clown I called it way back in the 2008 Dem primary. Obama's resume is damn near blank after he graduated law school. He accomplished nothing of note until he went on the public dole as a state senator.

Dear Hussein........
Could you help me please find these things, sir?

Your Occidental College records
Your Columbia College records
Your Columbia Thesis paper
Your Harvard College records
Your Selective Service Registration
Your medical records
Your Illinois State Senate records
Your Illinois State Senate schedule
Your Law practice client list
A Certified Copy of your original Birth certificate
Your embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth
Your Harvard Law Review articles that were published
Your University of Chicago scholarly articles
Your Record of baptism
You mean all of the same things you have never cared about for Donald Trump?

Hypocrisy your name is PC.

I bet you don't want to ask who Obama spied on, again, huh?

Sure put a cork in your pie hole.

Still waiting for any evidence that Obama spied on anyone.

Certainly he didn't order any 'wiretap' of Trump.

But hey- you can go back to lying about Obama's Harvard record- lying is what you are known for.

When Obama said he was going to ‘fundamentally transform’ America, he didn’t let on that he meant into East Germany and the Stasi.

"...the Stasi, the East German secret police, who previously had considered themselves the "shield and sword" of the party. ...Stasi informers, the inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IMs).... identified as IMs, or 2.5 percent of the total population between the ages of 18 and 60.

"The Stasi was much, much worse than the Gestapo, if you consider only the oppression of its own people," .... The Gestapo had 40,000 officials watching a country of 80 million, while the Stasi employed 102,000 to control only 17 million."

They had noting on Hussein Obama.

He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the NYTimes, the Associated Press, Fox News, CBS News, Sharyl Attkisson, James Risen, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, President Trump, Angela Merkle, on and on.

Spying was a way of life, pro form, for Obama and his thugs.

Jake Tapper

stated on January 2, 2014 in a broadcast of CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper":

"The Obama administration has used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers who leaked to journalists ... more than all previous administrations combined."

PolitiFact - CNN's Tapper: Obama has used Espionage Act more than all previous administrations

“…Plante reminded viewers of how horrible President Obama was to the press and the First Amendment, despite the media’s infatuation with him. “But for eight years, President Obama racked up what has to be, and what the ACLU described as one of the worst First Amendment records and presidential history,” he said. “The ACLU described him as a terrible First Amendment president, all right. A terrible First Amendment president.Chris Plante: The Liberal Media Is ‘Tube Feeding’ Lies to America

“Former ACLU president and author Nadine Strossen made the remark during a phone interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation about the ACLU’s efforts with regard to free speech on college campuses going back to the 1990s.

“I still think a lot of liberals aren’t aware [of] what a terrible president [Obama] was,” Strossen told TheDCNF, alluding to the fact that the former president used the Espionage Act to pursue whistleblowers more times than all previous presidents had combined.” Former ACLU President: Obama Was ‘Terrible President’ On Free Speech Issues
Firing him was a political decision.

Flynn was doing exactly what the job required.
Tell Trump to release transcripts of the Flynn-Kislyak call:

"On December 29, Kislyak called Flynn, and they spoke:

Michael Flynn - Wikipedia

"The conversation was intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies who routinely monitor Kislyak.[115]

"Transcripts of the Flynn-Kislyak conversations exist, but the Department of Justice under the Trump administration declined to make them public as of June 2019.[123]

"Flynn, in discussing the recent sanctions, gave advice to Kislyak that the Russian government should not escalate the situation.[124][125]

"Flynn later told the Daily Caller that in his conversation with Kislyak, he told Kislyak he was aware of the expulsion of the 35 Russians, and that: 'We'll review everything.'"

Nothing wrong with any discussion with Kislyak.

That's his job, dunce.
No- it wasn't his job yet.

Just another PC lie.

I caught you in another lie.

Donald Trump appoints retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as national security adviser: report

NOV 17, 2016 | 12:24 AM


Was General Flynn the National Security Adviser of the United States when he spoke with the Russian Ambassador?

No he was not.

Just as Trump was not the President of the United States when he spoke with Kislyak.

Again- you are just lying.

Donald Trump appoints retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as national security adviser: report

NOV 17, 2016 | 12:24 AM

Donald Trump appoints retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as national security adviser: report
The appointment of Flynn comes as the Trump transition team is experiencing several shakeups.

Now......what was the date of that phone call, you liar????????
Still looking for a shred of evidence against Obama

More diversions from Conservatives. Pay no attention to Trumps fumbling performance on Coronavirus


Not hardly, petunia, looking for more evidence. We already have him with his hand in the cookie jar. We're hunting the stash of cookies he has hidden in other places.

And Sheriff Barr has a 100 cookie sniffing hounds on the trail. The scent was picked up a long time ago.
What exactly did Obama do?

Trump doesn’t know, do you?
Illegally spying on Americans.

Who did Obama illegally spy on?

"Who did Obama illegally spy on?"

Watch me pulverize you again.

When Obama said he was going to ‘fundamentally transform’ America, he didn’t let on that he meant into East Germany and the Stasi.

"...the Stasi, the East German secret police, who previously had considered themselves the "shield and sword" of the party. ...Stasi informers, the inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IMs).... identified as IMs, or 2.5 percent of the total population between the ages of 18 and 60.

"The Stasi was much, much worse than the Gestapo, if you consider only the oppression of its own people," .... The Gestapo had 40,000 officials watching a country of 80 million, while the Stasi employed 102,000 to control only 17 million."

They had noting on Hussein Obama.

He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the NYTimes, the Associated Press, Fox News, CBS News, Sharyl Attkisson, James Risen, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, President Trump, Angela Merkle, on and on.

Spying was a way of life, pro form, for Obama and his thugs.

Jake Tapper

stated on January 2, 2014 in a broadcast of CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper":

"The Obama administration has used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers who leaked to journalists ... more than all previous administrations combined."

PolitiFact - CNN's Tapper: Obama has used Espionage Act more than all previous administrations

“…Plante reminded viewers of how horrible President Obama was to the press and the First Amendment, despite the media’s infatuation with him. “But for eight years, President Obama racked up what has to be, and what the ACLU described as one of the worst First Amendment records and presidential history,” he said. “The ACLU described him as a terrible First Amendment president, all right. A terrible First Amendment president.Chris Plante: The Liberal Media Is ‘Tube Feeding’ Lies to America

“Former ACLU president and author Nadine Strossen made the remark during a phone interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation about the ACLU’s efforts with regard to free speech on college campuses going back to the 1990s.

“I still think a lot of liberals aren’t aware [of] what a terrible president [Obama] was,” Strossen told TheDCNF, alluding to the fact that the former president used the Espionage Act to pursue whistleblowers more times than all previous presidents had combined.” Former ACLU President: Obama Was ‘Terrible President’ On Free Speech Issues

The sad thing is that you post all these things that are really pretty knowable, if you just have a bright and curious mind
Yet they don't

These dolt's are not my target audience......

If you check the stats, there are 5 to 10 times more readers than posters.
Most of them are government school grads who have never been exposed to the truth until they see our posts.

Keep on!

Your target is gullible dolt Trump voters who fall for your lies.

You have yet to find a single lie.

The best you morons can do is "Is not.....isssssssssss noooootttttttt!!!

Every time: you set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

Pointed out more than one- doesn't matter- you just keep lying- its a PC trademark.

I would say you were imitating your Dear Leader but I am pretty sure you have been lying like this even before your head went up Trump's ass.

Every reader of the posts has seen me obliterate you every time.

Learn to live with it.
Still looking for a shred of evidence against Obama

More diversions from Conservatives. Pay no attention to Trumps fumbling performance on Coronavirus


Not hardly, petunia, looking for more evidence. We already have him with his hand in the cookie jar. We're hunting the stash of cookies he has hidden in other places.

And Sheriff Barr has a 100 cookie sniffing hounds on the trail. The scent was picked up a long time ago.
What exactly did Obama do?

Trump doesn’t know, do you?
Illegally spying on Americans.


May 8, 2017

Did the FBI spy on the Trump Campaign?

James Comey: No.

May 3, 2017

Lindsey Graham: Do you stand by your House testimony of March 20th that there was no surveillance of the Trump campaign that you’re aware of?

James Comey: Correct.


December 11, 2019

Michael Horowitz: The surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate.

December 11, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Mr. Papadopoulos, he was actually being surveilled by the FBI. Is that correct?

Michael Horowitz: If you’re talking about the confidential human source…

Lindsey Graham: Yes.

Michael Horowitz: …operations, yes.


James Comey A Liar Under Oath Said No Trump Campaign Surveillance | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

But Trump says when the President does stuff in an election campaign to go after the other side and get himself or his party re-elected, it's for the good of the country and it's not illegal. Like getting help from Russian, or getting the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

If it's not illegal for Trump to do this stuff, why is it illegal for Obama to do it?

At this point, everyone knows it was Hillary who got help from Russia.....the dossier proves it......as does this:

Except of course for the facts- that Russia specifically targetted Clinton and promoted Donald Trump.

Oh and that Trump sought out help from Russia to attack Clinton.

Except for that.

They did no such thing.

They paid off both Clintons.

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

Here you have it from Putin's own lips: He wanted Trump to win. He directed his people to help make that happen:

So Putin is your 'proof'????????

Did you make him swear, too????????

You are truly the definition of an imbecile.

Here's another thing you never learned.....reality is defined by actions, not by words.
A reference to Scott’s "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"

1.It takes a well-brought up individual to eschew lies and deceit when all his acolytes, and media allies hide and excuse the lies and corruption. But, being brought up in what was a communist household, and praised in every endeavor, how can we blame Obama for becoming such a prodigious liar and reprobate.

Me. I can blame him.

2. But he took one step too far in colluding with Hillary and with the Kremlin to take down a duly elected President. Had he simply turned over the reins of government, he probably would have remained an icon to many. But the Trump Administration seems to finally be gaining traction….especially with the appointment of a saint-among-men (fair, after all, the Democrats called Hussein god), Wm. Barr.

3. Barr’s latest smack in Obama’s kisser, peeling back the trumped up charges against Flynn, produced the latest whopper from Hussein: “Barack Obama told former members of his administration he is disturbed by the Justice Department's move to dismiss its criminal case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said.

“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for somebody who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic, not just institutional norms, but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places," he added, misstating that Flynn was charged with perjury. Flynn was charged with false statements to the FBI about his conversations with a Russian envoy.” Obama warns 'rule of law is at risk' in leaked audio

4. The only lies, we have learned, are from Obamunists. Flynn didn't lie......

“The FBI possessed word-for-word transcripts of Flynn's December 2016 conversations with Kislyak, and publicly admitted to reviewing those transcripts and clearing Flynn of any wrongdoing.” Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show

“Strzok later would intervene and push to keep the Flynn probe open in January 2017, even after the FBI's Washington office signaled it wanted to close it because no "derogatory" information had been unearthed after consulting with other intelligence agencies in an exhaustive search….The stunning development came after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI as his legal fees mounted.

Both during and before the January 24, 2017 White House interview that led to Flynn's prosecution for one count of lying to the FBI, the bureau acknowledged having those full transcripts, raising the question of why agents would need to ask Flynn about what he said during the calls with Kislyak, except potentially as a pretext to obtain a false statements charge.

The FBI possessed word-for-word transcripts of Flynn's December 2016 conversations with Kislyak, and publicly admitted to reviewing those transcripts and clearing Flynn of any wrongdoing.” Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show

So…Flynn was used by the Obama/Russia Hoax as a wedge, tying him to Russia, the bête noire presented in this imbroglio, and by association, Trump as ‘a Russian agent/asset,’ something we’ve learned was totally false.

But wait….there’s more…..
Fake news, where do you get this stuff from.
Never happened!
Dear Hussein........
Could you help me please find these things, sir?
See if you can find one of Obama's professors who had this opinion of B's intelligence.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | PQU

She's just jealous because everyone who has every met Obama was just blown away by him as an exceptional human being:

Your link:

"Their first conversation lasted hours, and Obama went on to work for Tribe on articles and books, including one called Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes.

"Tribe recalls that his research assistant tried to find a way out of deeply entrenched lines of the abortion debate, focusing instead on education and access to birth control. 'It's as though he was looking not just for a point in the middle of a spectrum, but for a line that was perpendicular, so that one could get outside the tragic choice.'"

Obama got my hopes up when I heard his 2004 DNC speech. Imho, he never lived up to that potential, but maybe he will?
Still looking for a shred of evidence against Obama

More diversions from Conservatives. Pay no attention to Trumps fumbling performance on Coronavirus


Not hardly, petunia, looking for more evidence. We already have him with his hand in the cookie jar. We're hunting the stash of cookies he has hidden in other places.

And Sheriff Barr has a 100 cookie sniffing hounds on the trail. The scent was picked up a long time ago.
What exactly did Obama do?

Trump doesn’t know, do you?
Illegally spying on Americans.


May 8, 2017

Did the FBI spy on the Trump Campaign?

James Comey: No.

May 3, 2017

Lindsey Graham: Do you stand by your House testimony of March 20th that there was no surveillance of the Trump campaign that you’re aware of?

James Comey: Correct.


December 11, 2019

Michael Horowitz: The surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate.

December 11, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Mr. Papadopoulos, he was actually being surveilled by the FBI. Is that correct?

Michael Horowitz: If you’re talking about the confidential human source…

Lindsey Graham: Yes.

Michael Horowitz: …operations, yes.


James Comey A Liar Under Oath Said No Trump Campaign Surveillance | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

But Trump says when the President does stuff in an election campaign to go after the other side and get himself or his party re-elected, it's for the good of the country and it's not illegal. Like getting help from Russian, or getting the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

If it's not illegal for Trump to do this stuff, why is it illegal for Obama to do it?

At this point, everyone knows it was Hillary who got help from Russia.....the dossier proves it......as does this:

Except of course for the facts- that Russia specifically targetted Clinton and promoted Donald Trump.

Oh and that Trump sought out help from Russia to attack Clinton.

Except for that.

2 falsehoods
Still looking for a shred of evidence against Obama

More diversions from Conservatives. Pay no attention to Trumps fumbling performance on Coronavirus


Not hardly, petunia, looking for more evidence. We already have him with his hand in the cookie jar. We're hunting the stash of cookies he has hidden in other places.

And Sheriff Barr has a 100 cookie sniffing hounds on the trail. The scent was picked up a long time ago.
What exactly did Obama do?

Trump doesn’t know, do you?
Illegally spying on Americans.


May 8, 2017

Did the FBI spy on the Trump Campaign?

James Comey: No.

May 3, 2017

Lindsey Graham: Do you stand by your House testimony of March 20th that there was no surveillance of the Trump campaign that you’re aware of?

James Comey: Correct.


December 11, 2019

Michael Horowitz: The surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate.

December 11, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Mr. Papadopoulos, he was actually being surveilled by the FBI. Is that correct?

Michael Horowitz: If you’re talking about the confidential human source…

Lindsey Graham: Yes.

Michael Horowitz: …operations, yes.


James Comey A Liar Under Oath Said No Trump Campaign Surveillance | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

But Trump says when the President does stuff in an election campaign to go after the other side and get himself or his party re-elected, it's for the good of the country and it's not illegal. Like getting help from Russian, or getting the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

If it's not illegal for Trump to do this stuff, why is it illegal for Obama to do it?

At this point, everyone knows it was Hillary who got help from Russia.....the dossier proves it......as does this:

Except of course for the facts- that Russia specifically targetted Clinton and promoted Donald Trump.

Oh and that Trump sought out help from Russia to attack Clinton.

Except for that.

A reference to Scott’s "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"

1.It takes a well-brought up individual to eschew lies and deceit when all his acolytes, and media allies hide and excuse the lies and corruption. But, being brought up in what was a communist household, and praised in every endeavor, how can we blame Obama for becoming such a prodigious liar and reprobate.

Me. I can blame him.

2. But he took one step too far in colluding with Hillary and with the Kremlin to take down a duly elected President. Had he simply turned over the reins of government, he probably would have remained an icon to many. But the Trump Administration seems to finally be gaining traction….especially with the appointment of a saint-among-men (fair, after all, the Democrats called Hussein god), Wm. Barr.

3. Barr’s latest smack in Obama’s kisser, peeling back the trumped up charges against Flynn, produced the latest whopper from Hussein: “Barack Obama told former members of his administration he is disturbed by the Justice Department's move to dismiss its criminal case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said.

“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for somebody who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic, not just institutional norms, but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places," he added, misstating that Flynn was charged with perjury. Flynn was charged with false statements to the FBI about his conversations with a Russian envoy.” Obama warns 'rule of law is at risk' in leaked audio

4. The only lies, we have learned, are from Obamunists. Flynn didn't lie......

“The FBI possessed word-for-word transcripts of Flynn's December 2016 conversations with Kislyak, and publicly admitted to reviewing those transcripts and clearing Flynn of any wrongdoing.” Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show

“Strzok later would intervene and push to keep the Flynn probe open in January 2017, even after the FBI's Washington office signaled it wanted to close it because no "derogatory" information had been unearthed after consulting with other intelligence agencies in an exhaustive search….The stunning development came after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI as his legal fees mounted.

Both during and before the January 24, 2017 White House interview that led to Flynn's prosecution for one count of lying to the FBI, the bureau acknowledged having those full transcripts, raising the question of why agents would need to ask Flynn about what he said during the calls with Kislyak, except potentially as a pretext to obtain a false statements charge.

The FBI possessed word-for-word transcripts of Flynn's December 2016 conversations with Kislyak, and publicly admitted to reviewing those transcripts and clearing Flynn of any wrongdoing.” Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show

So…Flynn was used by the Obama/Russia Hoax as a wedge, tying him to Russia, the bête noire presented in this imbroglio, and by association, Trump as ‘a Russian agent/asset,’ something we’ve learned was totally false.

But wait….there’s more…..
Fake news, where do you get this stuff from.
Never happened!

It's your proper upbringing that never happened: stop lying.
Still looking for a shred of evidence against Obama

More diversions from Conservatives. Pay no attention to Trumps fumbling performance on Coronavirus


Not hardly, petunia, looking for more evidence. We already have him with his hand in the cookie jar. We're hunting the stash of cookies he has hidden in other places.

And Sheriff Barr has a 100 cookie sniffing hounds on the trail. The scent was picked up a long time ago.
What exactly did Obama do?

Trump doesn’t know, do you?
Illegally spying on Americans.


May 8, 2017

Did the FBI spy on the Trump Campaign?

James Comey: No.

May 3, 2017

Lindsey Graham: Do you stand by your House testimony of March 20th that there was no surveillance of the Trump campaign that you’re aware of?

James Comey: Correct.


December 11, 2019

Michael Horowitz: The surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate.

December 11, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Mr. Papadopoulos, he was actually being surveilled by the FBI. Is that correct?

Michael Horowitz: If you’re talking about the confidential human source…

Lindsey Graham: Yes.

Michael Horowitz: …operations, yes.


James Comey A Liar Under Oath Said No Trump Campaign Surveillance | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

But Trump says when the President does stuff in an election campaign to go after the other side and get himself or his party re-elected, it's for the good of the country and it's not illegal. Like getting help from Russian, or getting the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

If it's not illegal for Trump to do this stuff, why is it illegal for Obama to do it?

At this point, everyone knows it was Hillary who got help from Russia.....the dossier proves it......as does this:

Except of course for the facts- that Russia specifically targetted Clinton and promoted Donald Trump.

Oh and that Trump sought out help from Russia to attack Clinton.

Except for that.

2 falsehoods

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
Nothing wrong with any discussion with Kislyak.

That's his job, dunce.
Lying to the FBI about the conversation is wrong, Rube.
Nothing wrong with any discussion with Kislyak.

That's his job, dunce.
Lying to the FBI about the conversation is wrong, Rube.

Of course, by now, even a fool like you knows he didn't lie......he was ambushed.

“The FBI set up General Flynn -- that is clear as day,” Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, tells RealClearInvestigations. “There is FBI leadership ordering the case kept open when agents wanted to close it for lack of evidence, the discussion of getting Flynn to lie or trying to get him fired, the ambush interview, the withholding of exculpatory evidence, and many other acts of blatant malfeasance. None of this is standard procedure. It’s a naked abuse of authority.”

Your source is Devon Nunes????? Devon Nunes is a lying piece of shit who will say and do anything that Donald Trump tells him to say. He was forced to recuse himself from the Russia Investigation but continued to inflict himself into the investigation, refusing to sign supoenas or to arrest witnesses who lied.

The Trump Administration has now completed it's transition to the Trump Regime.
Nothing wrong with any discussion with Kislyak.

That's his job, dunce.
Lying to the FBI about the conversation is wrong, Rube.
Nothing wrong with any discussion with Kislyak.

That's his job, dunce.
Lying to the FBI about the conversation is wrong, Rube.

Of course, by now, even a fool like you knows he didn't lie......he was ambushed.

“The FBI set up General Flynn -- that is clear as day,” Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, tells RealClearInvestigations. “There is FBI leadership ordering the case kept open when agents wanted to close it for lack of evidence, the discussion of getting Flynn to lie or trying to get him fired, the ambush interview, the withholding of exculpatory evidence, and many other acts of blatant malfeasance. None of this is standard procedure. It’s a naked abuse of authority.”

Your source is Devon Nunes????? Devon Nunes is a lying piece of shit who will say and do anything that Donald Trump tells him to say. He was forced to recuse himself from the Russia Investigation but continued to inflict himself into the investigation, refusing to sign supoenas or to arrest witnesses who lied.

The Trump Administration has now completed it's transition to the Trump Regime.

Why is it imbeciles will only accept the lies from Leftists?

Oh....right.....because they're imbeciles.

Raise your paw.

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