Observe Carefully the Way Liberals Talk

Since liberals, especially media and Democrat politicians, have their own assumptions (which aren’t always the same as conservatives), one should be careful to not accept all the premises. Liberals often talk fast, and ramble on in discussions, stating things as fact, which are highly debateable.

Also, they often use words that don’t accurately describe what they’re talking about. One example is on today’s broadcast of PBS NewsHour, where Judy Woodruff asked the British Defense Sect. about how to deal with “extremism”

By the words leading up to this, it was clear that they were talking about ISLAMIC JIHAD (AKA Radical Muslim terrorism). But heaven forbid that a liberal would ever risk offending a demographic group, by calling them by their name. Apparently, Obama may be out of office, but his goofiness still prevails. It really would help if liberals would encompass reality in their speech, instead of dancing around it.

In another example in the same show, , David Brooks of the New York Times, mentioned >> “the issue of Russian meddling” (as he put it). Mmmm. Excuse me. “Meddling” ? I don’t think so. There hasn’t been a single iota of evidence that there has been any “meddling” in the 2016 election, as they were discussing, so no David, I don’t think you get to call it an “issue” (when there flat out, IS NO ISSUE). Just because some organized group of people decide they’re going to shout and stamp their feet, that doesn’t mean you have an issue. Liberals speak of “Russian meddling” as if it were a forgone conclusion.

They also speak of discrimination as if this was 1955, when actually racial discrimination, since 1961, has largely been against white people in affirmative action. They also speak of gun-free zones as if these were protecting people, despite repeated examples of exactly the opposite of that.

When liberals talk, Americans (including other liberals) should always be on guard to say >> “Wait a minute! You can’t say that.”
Hate to break this to you but conservatives do the same thing... it's called partisanship and both sides are riddled with dishonest spin. Both sides also have honest actors. Would be great if our public would reward honesty instead of feeding the drama queens
Can you give us an example of conservatives doing that?
The worst thing that liberals do is write too fast on these boards.

I think the biggest failings for both sides is ego and emotion.
The question I ALWAYS ask folks when discussing JFK is this:

"Tell me, IF Oswald did it HOW is it that JFK's head jerked backwards when he was hit. The Depository window was up, behind, and OVER his right shoulder.

All true LL, I know it's difficult and I know you'll never take the time to learn it. fact is I don't blame you though. I almost envy you.

Awesome. Kind of like I sometimes envy my dog, right? He has such little cognitive ability that he seldom feels sad. He's got no thoughts weighing on him. Right? I'm stupid and ignorant so I'm spared the hard truth. But you, being of superior intellect, carry this burden for us all.

You are so awesome.

Sarcasm, that's a start. Nothing superior about me, I just did my research and my homework. I carry this burden for me and nobody else. You aren't "spared" anything, you just don't want to know and that's ok. It does not however change the fact that everything I've posted is true.

Nobody in here takes any Lone Laugher post seriously.

I actually like LL. He gave me a fair shake when I was on their cyber radio show....but for some reason I seem to have gotten on his nerves lately......go figure.

You are not on my nerves. You are simply getting the reaction that a crazy person gets when he or she puts crazy shit on the forum.
All true LL, I know it's difficult and I know you'll never take the time to learn it. fact is I don't blame you though. I almost envy you.

Awesome. Kind of like I sometimes envy my dog, right? He has such little cognitive ability that he seldom feels sad. He's got no thoughts weighing on him. Right? I'm stupid and ignorant so I'm spared the hard truth. But you, being of superior intellect, carry this burden for us all.

You are so awesome.

Sarcasm, that's a start. Nothing superior about me, I just did my research and my homework. I carry this burden for me and nobody else. You aren't "spared" anything, you just don't want to know and that's ok. It does not however change the fact that everything I've posted is true.

Nobody in here takes any Lone Laugher post seriously.

I actually like LL. He gave me a fair shake when I was on their cyber radio show....but for some reason I seem to have gotten on his nerves lately......go figure.

You are not on my nerves. You are simply getting the reaction that a crazy person gets when he or she puts crazy shit on the forum.

Your ignorance is of your own choosing. It's normal to fear what you don't know, and fear it you do. The things you/others don't know reveal the actually futility of what we thought we knew.....and that is indeed a thing to fear until you accept it that is.
Educate US with some validation vs. the specious bullshit that lies between your ears.

Why? You're just a lazy kid who couldn't see the truth if it bit you in the ass. I won't do the work for you but I can get you started.

Start in 1913 and work your way forward. Look at the money trail from then up to now. If not, pound sand you're lazy.

Again, you are only siting what lies between your ears. I back up what I post, not what you post. You are the lazy one.

Nobody did the work for me kid, I won't do it for you. You're just another lazy, uneducated human being living a lie. I am very comfy in your ignorance.

I'm not asking for you to do it for me......I am giving you every opportunity to do it for yourself and yet you still choose not to validate. You are specious, at best.

That's what you don't get, I don't need to validate anything, the truth requires nobody to believe for it to be true. I did my work, you do yours or remain uninformed. The truth is that I get it, most don't WANT to know and I while I don't blame them I also feel bad for them because they are still living in the lie. I gave you a place to start but the rest is up to you.

If it can't be validated, then it is not true. Back it up.
Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

Made in 2003. Categorized as a CRIME, DRAMA, THRILLER. NOT even reputed to be a documentary. It cost $3,000,000 and the first weekend GROSSED, $2,598.00 Dec. 3, 2004

Again, NOT EVEN MADE AS A DOCUMENTARY. Whoever says such a thing is either grossly uninformed or intentionally lying. IF it was banned, it was banned for representing itself as a documentary which is a lie. So if you want to see a really bad 14-year-old drama, this is your cup of tea!

Conspiracy of Silence (2003) - IMDb
The question I ALWAYS ask folks when discussing JFK is this:

"Tell me, IF Oswald did it HOW is it that JFK's head jerked backwards when he was hit. The Depository window was up, behind, and OVER his right shoulder.
What happened to THE TOPIC ?
Conversations ebb and flow, you'll pretty much have to just deal with it.
I seem to recall a statement from the mods just recently, that off topic is going to be dealt with severely. I'll look it up and post it. (if i can find it)

Then all the off topic posts should be deleted from the thread.
Conversations ebb and flow, you'll pretty much have to just deal with it.
I seem to recall a statement from the mods just recently, that off topic is going to be dealt with severely. I'll look it up and post it. (if i can find it)

Then all the off topic posts should be deleted from the thread.

Go cry elsewhere, I'm not caring. These are old posts.
Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

Made in 2003. Categorized as a CRIME, DRAMA, THRILLER. NOT even reputed to be a documentary. It cost $3,000,000 and the first weekend GROSSED, $2,598.00 Dec. 3, 2004

Again, NOT EVEN MADE AS A DOCUMENTARY. Whoever says such a thing is either grossly uninformed or intentionally lying. IF it was banned, it was banned for representing itself as a documentary which is a lie. So if you want to see a really bad 14-year-old drama, this is your cup of tea!

Conspiracy of Silence (2003) - IMDb

That is not anything close to what I was talking about.


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