Observe Carefully the Way Liberals Talk

I know the government players are corrupt, but these types of outlandish conspiracy theories do nothing but pull attention away from the REAL issues.

See what a brilliant cover it is? "Oh, these people are respected politicians! They couldn't POSSIBLY be involved in such things" even though the lower hanging fruit get busted all the time for shit like this...like Dennis Hastert? Barney Frank? How many politicians that were deemed expendable have been busted on sex charges???

I never said they were "respected." In fact, I believe I said the opposite. It takes a special kind of asshole to be a politician. However, that makes your stories and conspiracy theories no less outlandish, and I while I do believe SOME may be effed up enough to do such things, I believe most are just greedy assholes.

And if there is some huge governmental pedo ring, where are ALL the victims from all of these years? There would be thousands of them. Not just one or two nuts.

Where are they? Dead more than likely or they have had their memories so scrubbed that they are just blubbering idiots. Some stay under the radar because they are terrified into silence. You think that the MK-Ultra trauma based mind control program ended with the Church Committee hearings of 1975 and 1976? Guess again.......
No, Ma'am....he was born in 1924.......

You are talking about George H then? I thought you were talking about George Jr. Meh, I'm not buying into most of these outlandish stories without some hard proof or evidence, which you have not produced.

I gave the thread two sources of information. It's not my job to take you by the hand and guide you up the stairs. The documentary "JFK To 911....Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick" has photos of GH Bush in Dallas that day and in downtown Dallas that day JFK was murdered. His oil company "Zapata Oil" was a CIA front used to bring in drugs.

If you want to know the reason why no one wants to listen to you, just read your patronizing behavior in the post above. That is your #1 issue. Your terrible tude. Lose it.

Secondly, you have NOT shown any kind of hard proof whatsoever, just vague connections and some things that are just too outlandish to be believable. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be surprised by these reactions towards you and the way you present yourself in a discussion.

Patronizing? Hardly.....I gave you two direct sources that are easy to verify if you had any intellectual curiosity at all to see if my claims had any credibility. Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

I've seen these types of documentaries before. While they are interesting and sometimes reveal some interesting connections, they really don't have any solid proof of anything, and that is why these conspiracy theories don't ever end up going anywhere.

Tell that to Gary Caradori's family. Gary was flying back from Chicago when his plane mysteriously blew up on his way back to Nebraska with incriminating photos he had gotten from Rusty Nelson.....the FBI and Secret Service almost beat the sheriff to the spot and started sifting through the wreckage........no proof just incredible coincidences...move along, folks...nothing to see here......
You are talking about George H then? I thought you were talking about George Jr. Meh, I'm not buying into most of these outlandish stories without some hard proof or evidence, which you have not produced.

I gave the thread two sources of information. It's not my job to take you by the hand and guide you up the stairs. The documentary "JFK To 911....Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick" has photos of GH Bush in Dallas that day and in downtown Dallas that day JFK was murdered. His oil company "Zapata Oil" was a CIA front used to bring in drugs.

If you want to know the reason why no one wants to listen to you, just read your patronizing behavior in the post above. That is your #1 issue. Your terrible tude. Lose it.

Secondly, you have NOT shown any kind of hard proof whatsoever, just vague connections and some things that are just too outlandish to be believable. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be surprised by these reactions towards you and the way you present yourself in a discussion.

Patronizing? Hardly.....I gave you two direct sources that are easy to verify if you had any intellectual curiosity at all to see if my claims had any credibility. Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

I've seen these types of documentaries before. While they are interesting and sometimes reveal some interesting connections, they really don't have any solid proof of anything, and that is why these conspiracy theories don't ever end up going anywhere.

Tell that to Gary Caradori's family. Gary was flying back from Chicago when his plane mysteriously blew up on his way back to Nebraska with incriminating photos he had gotten from Rusty Nelson.....the FBI and Secret Service almost beat the sheriff to the spot and started sifting through the wreckage........no proof just incredible coincidences...move along, folks...nothing to see here......

This makes for an interesting documentary but is still not proof. Just because this or this and this happen, doesn't mean there is only ONE possible story behind it. That is why this is not proof.
I gave the thread two sources of information. It's not my job to take you by the hand and guide you up the stairs. The documentary "JFK To 911....Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick" has photos of GH Bush in Dallas that day and in downtown Dallas that day JFK was murdered. His oil company "Zapata Oil" was a CIA front used to bring in drugs.

If you want to know the reason why no one wants to listen to you, just read your patronizing behavior in the post above. That is your #1 issue. Your terrible tude. Lose it.

Secondly, you have NOT shown any kind of hard proof whatsoever, just vague connections and some things that are just too outlandish to be believable. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be surprised by these reactions towards you and the way you present yourself in a discussion.

Patronizing? Hardly.....I gave you two direct sources that are easy to verify if you had any intellectual curiosity at all to see if my claims had any credibility. Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

I've seen these types of documentaries before. While they are interesting and sometimes reveal some interesting connections, they really don't have any solid proof of anything, and that is why these conspiracy theories don't ever end up going anywhere.

Tell that to Gary Caradori's family. Gary was flying back from Chicago when his plane mysteriously blew up on his way back to Nebraska with incriminating photos he had gotten from Rusty Nelson.....the FBI and Secret Service almost beat the sheriff to the spot and started sifting through the wreckage........no proof just incredible coincidences...move along, folks...nothing to see here......

This makes for an interesting documentary but is still not proof. Just because this or this and this happen, doesn't mean there is only ONE possible story behind it. That is why this is not proof.

NBC did a story about a call boy network that had been visiting the WH in 1988........
Educate yourself. (shrugs) Or not, I don't really care. Billy boy was a frequent flyer with Epstein.

Educate US with some validation vs. the specious bullshit that lies between your ears.

Why? You're just a lazy kid who couldn't see the truth if it bit you in the ass. I won't do the work for you but I can get you started.

Start in 1913 and work your way forward. Look at the money trail from then up to now. If not, pound sand you're lazy.

Again, you are only siting what lies between your ears. I back up what I post, not what you post. You are the lazy one.

Nobody did the work for me kid, I won't do it for you. You're just another lazy, uneducated human being living a lie. I am very comfy in your ignorance.

I'm not asking for you to do it for me......I am giving you every opportunity to do it for yourself and yet you still choose not to validate. You are specious, at best.

That's what you don't get, I don't need to validate anything, the truth requires nobody to believe for it to be true. I did my work, you do yours or remain uninformed. The truth is that I get it, most don't WANT to know and I while I don't blame them I also feel bad for them because they are still living in the lie. I gave you a place to start but the rest is up to you.
The clip I always use is from the "Long Kiss Goodnight" filmed in 1996...a CIA officer says that they are planning to kill 4000 American's and blame the Muslim's. In 1996!!!!!

You need to find another conspiracy theory.

Radical Islamic Terrorists bombed the World Trade Center February 23, 1993. Their plan was that the explosion would weaken the one tower, causing it to fall over and take down the second tower killing thousands. So an identical storyline in a film three years later is...shocking, SHOCKING I SAY!



LOL, you only watched art of it ;) The interesting point was the discussion of killing 4000 American's and blaming it on the Muslims. It was filmed in 1996, Do pay attention please.
One more time. You believe that forrmer president George H W Bush is a pedophile who prefers young black boys. Is that the case?

That's a good one, I haven't heard that one before and I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories

Seems more applicable to catholic priests than daddy Bu$h though


Bush was a "Skull and Bones" member and was involved with the CIA long before he was the head of it. He was also complicit in the JFK assassination and was in Dallas that day even though he claims he doesn't remember where he was that day. JFK jr named his magazine "George" as a subtle dig at him.

Except George Bush was born in 1946 and was only 17 years old when Kennedy was assassinated?

Daddy Bush was born in 24, and he was indeed in Dallas on the day.
One more time. You believe that forrmer president George H W Bush is a pedophile who prefers young black boys. Is that the case?

That's a good one, I haven't heard that one before and I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories

Seems more applicable to catholic priests than daddy Bu$h though


Bush was a "Skull and Bones" member and was involved with the CIA long before he was the head of it. He was also complicit in the JFK assassination and was in Dallas that day even though he claims he doesn't remember where he was that day. JFK jr named his magazine "George" as a subtle dig at him.

Except George Bush was born in 1946 and was only 17 years old when Kennedy was assassinated?

No, Ma'am....he was born in 1924.......

You are talking about George H then? I thought you were talking about George Jr. Meh, I'm not buying into most of these outlandish stories without some hard proof or evidence, which you have not produced.

Start in 1913 and follow the money, the Federal Reserve, the progressive income tax, follow it up right to the present. It's all out there. Zapata Oil, Cuba, the CIA.
No, Ma'am....he was born in 1924.......

You are talking about George H then? I thought you were talking about George Jr. Meh, I'm not buying into most of these outlandish stories without some hard proof or evidence, which you have not produced.

I gave the thread two sources of information. It's not my job to take you by the hand and guide you up the stairs. The documentary "JFK To 911....Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick" has photos of GH Bush in Dallas that day and in downtown Dallas that day JFK was murdered. His oil company "Zapata Oil" was a CIA front used to bring in drugs.

If you want to know the reason why no one wants to listen to you, just read your patronizing behavior in the post above. That is your #1 issue. Your terrible tude. Lose it.

Secondly, you have NOT shown any kind of hard proof whatsoever, just vague connections and some things that are just too outlandish to be believable. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be surprised by these reactions towards you and the way you present yourself in a discussion.

Patronizing? Hardly.....I gave you two direct sources that are easy to verify if you had any intellectual curiosity at all to see if my claims had any credibility. Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

I've seen these types of documentaries before. While they are interesting and sometimes reveal some interesting connections, they really don't have any solid proof of anything, and that is why these conspiracy theories don't ever end up going anywhere.

Carroll Quigley "Tragedy and Hope". It is so deeply sourced your head will spin. They don't go anywhere because it's labor intensive to take it all in. Most are simply too lazy.
That's a good one, I haven't heard that one before and I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories

Seems more applicable to catholic priests than daddy Bu$h though


Bush was a "Skull and Bones" member and was involved with the CIA long before he was the head of it. He was also complicit in the JFK assassination and was in Dallas that day even though he claims he doesn't remember where he was that day. JFK jr named his magazine "George" as a subtle dig at him.

Except George Bush was born in 1946 and was only 17 years old when Kennedy was assassinated?

No, Ma'am....he was born in 1924.......

You are talking about George H then? I thought you were talking about George Jr. Meh, I'm not buying into most of these outlandish stories without some hard proof or evidence, which you have not produced.

Start in 1913 and follow the money, the Federal Reserve, the progressive income tax, follow it up right to the present. It's all out there. Zapata Oil, Cuba, the CIA.

Right as rain, Doc...........can't add anything more to that........
I gave the thread two sources of information. It's not my job to take you by the hand and guide you up the stairs. The documentary "JFK To 911....Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick" has photos of GH Bush in Dallas that day and in downtown Dallas that day JFK was murdered. His oil company "Zapata Oil" was a CIA front used to bring in drugs.

If you want to know the reason why no one wants to listen to you, just read your patronizing behavior in the post above. That is your #1 issue. Your terrible tude. Lose it.

Secondly, you have NOT shown any kind of hard proof whatsoever, just vague connections and some things that are just too outlandish to be believable. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be surprised by these reactions towards you and the way you present yourself in a discussion.

Patronizing? Hardly.....I gave you two direct sources that are easy to verify if you had any intellectual curiosity at all to see if my claims had any credibility. Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

I've seen these types of documentaries before. While they are interesting and sometimes reveal some interesting connections, they really don't have any solid proof of anything, and that is why these conspiracy theories don't ever end up going anywhere.

Tell that to Gary Caradori's family. Gary was flying back from Chicago when his plane mysteriously blew up on his way back to Nebraska with incriminating photos he had gotten from Rusty Nelson.....the FBI and Secret Service almost beat the sheriff to the spot and started sifting through the wreckage........no proof just incredible coincidences...move along, folks...nothing to see here......

This makes for an interesting documentary but is still not proof. Just because this or this and this happen, doesn't mean there is only ONE possible story behind it. That is why this is not proof.

Then read the book, again it is sourced so strongly it will make your head spin. I had to put it down several times it was so disturbing.
You are talking about George H then? I thought you were talking about George Jr. Meh, I'm not buying into most of these outlandish stories without some hard proof or evidence, which you have not produced.

I gave the thread two sources of information. It's not my job to take you by the hand and guide you up the stairs. The documentary "JFK To 911....Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick" has photos of GH Bush in Dallas that day and in downtown Dallas that day JFK was murdered. His oil company "Zapata Oil" was a CIA front used to bring in drugs.

If you want to know the reason why no one wants to listen to you, just read your patronizing behavior in the post above. That is your #1 issue. Your terrible tude. Lose it.

Secondly, you have NOT shown any kind of hard proof whatsoever, just vague connections and some things that are just too outlandish to be believable. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be surprised by these reactions towards you and the way you present yourself in a discussion.

Patronizing? Hardly.....I gave you two direct sources that are easy to verify if you had any intellectual curiosity at all to see if my claims had any credibility. Even LL has admitted that he will not watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" that was banned from being aired here. I get tired of the naysayers and I have shown a tremendous amount of patience but even I have a breaking point where my "give a shit" reaches an end.

I've seen these types of documentaries before. While they are interesting and sometimes reveal some interesting connections, they really don't have any solid proof of anything, and that is why these conspiracy theories don't ever end up going anywhere.

Carroll Quigley "Tragedy and Hope". It is so deeply sourced your head will spin. They don't go anywhere because it's labor intensive to take it all in. Most are simply too lazy.

Yeah, I think most are simply waiting for the book to come out as a movie or a mini-series......SMH. The intellectual curiosity of the majority (or should I say the lack thereof) staggers me sometimes.
Bush was a "Skull and Bones" member and was involved with the CIA long before he was the head of it. He was also complicit in the JFK assassination and was in Dallas that day even though he claims he doesn't remember where he was that day. JFK jr named his magazine "George" as a subtle dig at him.

I know about the skull and bones thingy and that he's a CIA criminal. But didn't Cruz' daddy do the JFK assassination?

Bush was a "Skull and Bones" member and was involved with the CIA long before he was the head of it. He was also complicit in the JFK assassination and was in Dallas that day even though he claims he doesn't remember where he was that day. JFK jr named his magazine "George" as a subtle dig at him.

I know about the skull and bones thingy and that he's a CIA criminal. But didn't Cruz' daddy do the JFK assassination?


Cubans were part of the hit team. Watch the documentary JFK To 9/11 Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick"....you can watch ot for free on youtube...it is long but you have the intellect that it will hook you and the time will blow by and I bet you watch it again and again like I have.
The question I ALWAYS ask folks when discussing JFK is this:

"Tell me, IF Oswald did it HOW is it that JFK's head jerked backwards when he was hit. The Depository window was up, behind, and OVER his right shoulder.
The question I ALWAYS ask folks when discussing JFK is this:

"Tell me, IF Oswald did it HOW is it that JFK's head jerked backwards when he was hit. The Depository window was up, behind, and OVER his right shoulder.

All true LL, I know it's difficult and I know you'll never take the time to learn it. fact is I don't blame you though. I almost envy you.
The question I ALWAYS ask folks when discussing JFK is this:

"Tell me, IF Oswald did it HOW is it that JFK's head jerked backwards when he was hit. The Depository window was up, behind, and OVER his right shoulder.

But...but...but we have the magic bullet!!!! They can do ANYTHING!!! The Warren Commission said so!

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