Observe Carefully the Way Liberals Talk

I think its a pretty crazy accusation. My first instinct is no way. But if a decade ago you told me that over 4,000 priests have molested over 10,000 kids... I would have thought you were just as nuts.

That came to light not a decade ago but back in the late 1980's. Little wonder you have so many other things confused.

Markle, don't mean to dog you....but the FBI not only knew about the first WTC bombing in 1993 in advanced, they supplied their "set-up" guy with the materials to build it. He was to be the patsy in this alleged "sting" operation. His only saving grace was that he wired himself and recorded the conversations and meetings with the FBI. Look it up and do your own research.
Already addressed this one tonto... Try and keep up.


Why would you boast about your racism by calling me names? The name of an American Indian from a famous old TV series? Did you have Native Americans way back then too? Your dad teach you?
Already addressed this one tonto... Try and keep up.


Why would you boast about your racism by calling me names? The name of an American Indian from a famous old TV series? Did you have Native Americans way back then too? Your dad teach you?
How's calling you tonto racist again? Wanna explain that one?!

Don't hold your breath...I am still waiting to see his spin on the truth bomb I laid on him about the first WTC bombing......he seems to be avoiding it while demanding answers from others. You stood tall tonight....you don't owe anyone anything.
Already addressed this one tonto... Try and keep up.


Why would you boast about your racism by calling me names? The name of an American Indian from a famous old TV series? Did you have Native Americans way back then too? Your dad teach you?
How's calling you tonto racist again? Wanna explain that one?!

Don't hold your breath...I am still waiting to see his spin on the truth bomb I laid on him about the first WTC bombing......he seems to be avoiding it while demanding answers from others. You stood tall tonight....you don't owe anyone anything.
Yeah, I'm used to it with Yahoo's like this. As soon as you get them they move on to the next talking point and they can never back up their claims. He is just making himself out to be an even bigger tonto than I thought :)

Tonto means Fool in Spanish btw... not sure how a racist like myself knows that
Markle, don't mean to dog you....but the FBI not only knew about the first WTC bombing in 1993 in advanced, they supplied their "set-up" guy with the materials to build it. He was to be the patsy in this alleged "sting" operation. His only saving grace was that he wired himself and recorded the conversations and meetings with the FBI. Look it up and do your own research.

Where? RENSE.COM? One of your favorites isn't it?

Those quotes were opinions. They were not reported as a news story and calling them false is an opinion as well. Game over.
My quotes are just as "opinionated" as they ones you are trying to demonize the left with from post #4. You still aren't addressing the Bret Biaer story...
Post the video of his story (him, not somebody's version) and I'll address it.
You can jump to 1:50 if you want to hear him say it. The story was false and he retracted it the next day. Google Bret Baier retraction if you want to see it from whatever crazy source your use for news. Can we stop playing games now? I didn't nitpick all the left wing "fake news" claims you made... it is there, not nearly as much as yall imply, but it happens. It also happens on the Right, with networks like Fox... Mostly with the pundits during opinion talks which is where the CNN fake news claim is coming from as well... But it also happens with their reporters like Bret. Just admit it so we can move on to a real conversation.

I don't doubt that Fox has gotten some stories wrong, I'm saying they don't deliberately run fake stories. There may be conservative pundits who espouse their ideology but I don't see the actual newscasters (who REPORT the news) DELIBERATELY and knowingly reporting fake stories the way CNN does.

Ok, then you please put your money where your mouth is... can you point out a few examples where CNN reporters knowingly reported false stories. Not opinion. Same standards you were holding me to. I know they've gotten a few stories wrong through bad sourcing, same thing happened to Bret and many others at Fox... Show me the difference.

Here Are Five Fake Stories CNN Pushed

Wanna talk about some of the fake stories during the campaign, some of the deliberate lying by the msm?
Don't hold your breath...I am still waiting to see his spin on the truth bomb I laid on him about the first WTC bombing....

No "truth bomb", just one of your Conspiracy things probably from the RENSE or a similar conspiracy site. Do you swallow that stuff?
Markle, don't mean to dog you....but the FBI not only knew about the first WTC bombing in 1993 in advanced, they supplied their "set-up" guy with the materials to build it. He was to be the patsy in this alleged "sting" operation. His only saving grace was that he wired himself and recorded the conversations and meetings with the FBI. Look it up and do your own research.

Where? RENSE.COM? One of your favorites isn't it?


Uh, no............that wasn't my source at all. BTW, do you know that I met Brigadier General Benton Partin in person about the OKC bombing? I had dinner with him and his wife at Ft Belvoir in Virginia as his guest. I know a lot of things, my friend......I know a LOT of things because I have made it my business to do so.
Don't hold your breath...I am still waiting to see his spin on the truth bomb I laid on him about the first WTC bombing....

No "truth bomb", just one of your Conspiracy things probably from the RENSE or a similar conspiracy site. Do you swallow that stuff?

Dude, please....do you REALLY believe that I don't have all my bases covered when I point this stuff out? I have to do proper vetting of everything I contend and be able to defend it from every angle. This isn't my first rodeo........I do this ten to twelve hours a day every day with very few breaks. My decompression time consists of playing my bass along to some songs on youtube to help me get a break from the shitty reality we live in....outside of that? I am a total recluse. I do radio interviews, blog when I can and digest information constantly....all for those like you.
Since liberals, especially media and Democrat politicians, have their own assumptions (which aren’t always the same as conservatives), one should be careful to not accept all the premises. Liberals often talk fast, and ramble on in discussions, stating things as fact, which are highly debateable.

Also, they often use words that don’t accurately describe what they’re talking about. One example is on today’s broadcast of PBS NewsHour, where Judy Woodruff asked the British Defense Sect. about how to deal with “extremism”

By the words leading up to this, it was clear that they were talking about ISLAMIC JIHAD (AKA Radical Muslim terrorism). But heaven forbid that a liberal would ever risk offending a demographic group, by calling them by their name. Apparently, Obama may be out of office, but his goofiness still prevails. It really would help if liberals would encompass reality in their speech, instead of dancing around it.

In another example in the same show, , David Brooks of the New York Times, mentioned >> “the issue of Russian meddling” (as he put it). Mmmm. Excuse me. “Meddling” ? I don’t think so. There hasn’t been a single iota of evidence that there has been any “meddling” in the 2016 election, as they were discussing, so no David, I don’t think you get to call it an “issue” (when there flat out, IS NO ISSUE). Just because some organized group of people decide they’re going to shout and stamp their feet, that doesn’t mean you have an issue. Liberals speak of “Russian meddling” as if it were a forgone conclusion.

They also speak of discrimination as if this was 1955, when actually racial discrimination, since 1961, has largely been against white people in affirmative action. They also speak of gun-free zones as if these were protecting people, despite repeated examples of exactly the opposite of that.

When liberals talk, Americans (including other liberals) should always be on guard to say >> “Wait a minute! You can’t say that.”
Hate to break this to you but conservatives do the same thing... it's called partisanship and both sides are riddled with dishonest spin. Both sides also have honest actors. Would be great if our public would reward honesty instead of feeding the drama queens
Can you give us an example of conservatives doing that?
I watch Fox News and listen to conservative radio programs like Levins show all the time and I hear so much of the same dishonest spin coming from that side. Do I really need to dig through old tape to find examples for you. Can you not recognize that it's going on? I can use some obvious examples with the birthed attacks on obama to the Seth Rich conspiracy.
Or just listen to how the Republicans dodge and spin the health care debates..

The partisans are always spinning and extreme garbage is always being slung from both sides
Fantastic! You know who murdered Seth Rich. Please share.
Uh, no............that wasn't my source at all. BTW, do you know that I met Brigadier General Benton Partin in person about the OKC bombing? I had dinner with him and his wife at Ft Belvoir in Virginia as his guest. I know a lot of things, my friend......I know a LOT of things because I have made it my business to do so.

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Uh, no............that wasn't my source at all. BTW, do you know that I met Brigadier General Benton Partin in person about the OKC bombing? I had dinner with him and his wife at Ft Belvoir in Virginia as his guest. I know a lot of things, my friend......I know a LOT of things because I have made it my business to do so.

Wow, Markle.....great retort. You are not interested in debate or discussion of the honest variety. You are staid in your beliefs even though you have admitted the alleged most trusted sources in news lie like a proverbial rug. I have no agenda except to get the truth out and wake people up. I certainly have nothing to gain monetarily by doing this. I set myself up for ridicule (which I easily handle) and I deal with the nay saying trolls but it's not within me to quit if I can reach even one person and I have reached many. That is what motivates me.
Well I guess if it's a bad thing that Obama did nothing, beside launch an investigation and issue sanctions

Why don't you have the nerve to admit that petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned of the hacking in August, months before the election and then depended on followers like you to cover for him doing NOTHING UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION. EJECTED DIPLOMATS AFTER THE ELECTION, CLOSED FACILITIES AFTER THE ELECTION, IMPOSED SANCTIONS AFTER THE ELECTION.

You just can't give it up, can you? You and Dale spend so much time on RENSE and the like that you can't follow up on real news. Plus, your anti-fox sites do your thinking for you.
It's pretty extreme to deny climate change.


I know of no one who denies CLIMATE CHANGE. After all, it has been happening for over six billion years. We, intelligent folks, realize that since we had much warmer temperatures in the past, there is nothing we are doing to cause any appreciable GLOBAL WARMING.

Come on, quit playing stupid word games.
Dude, please....do you REALLY believe that I don't have all my bases covered when I point this stuff out? I have to do proper vetting of everything I contend and be able to defend it from every angle. This isn't my first rodeo........I do this ten to twelve hours a day every day with very few breaks. My decompression time consists of playing my bass along to some songs on youtube to help me get a break from the shitty reality we live in....outside of that? I am a total recluse. I do radio interviews, blog when I can and digest information constantly....all for those like you.

Yep, I can see you on RENSE Radio and be spending 10-12 hours a day in your underwear in your mom's basement!
Dude, please....do you REALLY believe that I don't have all my bases covered when I point this stuff out? I have to do proper vetting of everything I contend and be able to defend it from every angle. This isn't my first rodeo........I do this ten to twelve hours a day every day with very few breaks. My decompression time consists of playing my bass along to some songs on youtube to help me get a break from the shitty reality we live in....outside of that? I am a total recluse. I do radio interviews, blog when I can and digest information constantly....all for those like you.

Yep, I can see you on RENSE Radio and be spending 10-12 hours a day in your underwear in your mom's basement!

My mom passed away sixteen years ago of a very painful ailment brought on by botched neck surgeries done by surgeons that I wouldn't trust to cut my steak. By the time I made it home to see her in hospice? I didn't even recognize her. She was racked in pain that morphine only took the edge off of. So what was that you were saying??????

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