Observe Carefully the Way Liberals Talk

They probably spoke about it and the issues it is causing but Trump is going to try to dismiss that in the public eye as much as he can because it makes him look bad.

Cute that you accept the word of a former member of the KGB and murderer than the President of the United States and the Secretary of State both of whom were at the meeting.

How does the Russian hacking story look bad for President Donald Trump when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned about the problem way back in August and did NOTHING?
Well I guess if it's a bad thing that Obama did nothing, beside launch an investigation and issue sanctions of course, but if nothing is a bad thing then Trump is guilty of doing that too... this is one of the dumbest puppet arguments I've heard yet. Do yourself a favor and don't echo everything you hear from Trump. A lot of it is nonsense.
Can you give us an example of conservatives doing that?
They sure don't call jihadists >> "extremists" ...........or call a jihad massacre >. "workplace violence"
Jihadists are absolutely extremists... what are you talking about?
One must name one's enemy before one can deal with one's enemy.

The name of the enemy of the century is
Islamic Extremism.
Glad we got that figured out. Thanks for enlightening us
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

How can you say that when Progressives control the vast majority of media, print media, the internet, colleges and so on? How can you say equally?
Well I guess if it's a bad thing that Obama did nothing, beside launch an investigation and issue sanctions of course, but if nothing is a bad thing then Trump is guilty of doing that too... this is one of the dumbest puppet arguments I've heard yet. Do yourself a favor and don't echo everything you hear from Trump. A lot of it is nonsense.

AFTER the election.

Cute try!
Can you give us an example of conservatives doing that?
They sure don't call jihadists >> "extremists" ...........or call a jihad massacre >. "workplace violence"
Jihadists are absolutely extremists... what are you talking about?
One must name one's enemy before one can deal with one's enemy.

The name of the enemy of the century is
Islamic Extremism.
Glad we got that figured out. Thanks for enlightening us
Anytime, slick...
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

How can you say that when Progressives control the vast majority of media, print media, the internet, colleges and so on? How can you say equally?
Whoa, is this record on rewind? Didn't we just talk about Fox being the largest news network in the nation, conservative radio owning the airwaves, split country, equal responsibility for all outlets... ringing a bell???
Well I guess if it's a bad thing that Obama did nothing, beside launch an investigation and issue sanctions of course, but if nothing is a bad thing then Trump is guilty of doing that too... this is one of the dumbest puppet arguments I've heard yet. Do yourself a favor and don't echo everything you hear from Trump. A lot of it is nonsense.

AFTER the election.

Cute try!
The investigation was before, sanctions after, but who cares that doesn't matter. I know you were waiting to get that one out but my point still stands. If it's bad that obama did nothing then it's bad that Trump is doing nothing.
The clip I always use is from the "Long Kiss Goodnight" filmed in 1996...a CIA officer says that they are planning to kill 4000 American's and blame the Muslim's. In 1996!!!!!

You need to find another conspiracy theory.

Radical Islamic Terrorists bombed the World Trade Center February 23, 1993. Their plan was that the explosion would weaken the one tower, causing it to fall over and take down the second tower killing thousands. So an identical storyline in a film three years later is...shocking, SHOCKING I SAY!


The clip I always use is from the "Long Kiss Goodnight" filmed in 1996...a CIA officer says that they are planning to kill 4000 American's and blame the Muslim's. In 1996!!!!!

You need to find another conspiracy theory.

Radical Islamic Terrorists bombed the World Trade Center February 23, 1993. Their plan was that the explosion would weaken the one tower, causing it to fall over and take down the second tower killing thousands. So an identical storyline in a film three years later is...shocking, SHOCKING I SAY!


Did you hear about the Radical Christian Priests that raped over 10,000 children?
The investigation was before, sanctions after, but who cares that doesn't matter. I know you were waiting to get that one out but my point still stands. If it's bad that obama did nothing then it's bad that Trump is doing nothing.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, as you know well, learned of the attempts by Russia to hack into the DNC, RNC and other sources back in August. He did nothing ordered nothing "knowing" Hillary Clinton would win the election and this too would be swept under the rug.

Then the AMERICAN VOTER screwed up President Obama's plan and elected Donald Trump in a landslide.

Time to wake up and face reality. He did NOTHING, said nothing until after the election.
Since liberals, especially media and Democrat politicians, have their own assumptions (which aren’t always the same as conservatives), one should be careful to not accept all the premises. Liberals often talk fast, and ramble on in discussions, stating things as fact, which are highly debateable.

Also, they often use words that don’t accurately describe what they’re talking about. One example is on today’s broadcast of PBS NewsHour, where Judy Woodruff asked the British Defense Sect. about how to deal with “extremism”

By the words leading up to this, it was clear that they were talking about ISLAMIC JIHAD (AKA Radical Muslim terrorism). But heaven forbid that a liberal would ever risk offending a demographic group, by calling them by their name. Apparently, Obama may be out of office, but his goofiness still prevails. It really would help if liberals would encompass reality in their speech, instead of dancing around it.

In another example in the same show, , David Brooks of the New York Times, mentioned >> “the issue of Russian meddling” (as he put it). Mmmm. Excuse me. “Meddling” ? I don’t think so. There hasn’t been a single iota of evidence that there has been any “meddling” in the 2016 election, as they were discussing, so no David, I don’t think you get to call it an “issue” (when there flat out, IS NO ISSUE). Just because some organized group of people decide they’re going to shout and stamp their feet, that doesn’t mean you have an issue. Liberals speak of “Russian meddling” as if it were a forgone conclusion.

They also speak of discrimination as if this was 1955, when actually racial discrimination, since 1961, has largely been against white people in affirmative action. They also speak of gun-free zones as if these were protecting people, despite repeated examples of exactly the opposite of that.

When liberals talk, Americans (including other liberals) should always be on guard to say >> “Wait a minute! You can’t say that.”
Right wing extremism is a bigger threat to this country than any other gourp. It's pretty extreme to deny climate change. It's pretty extreme to claim Obama was a Kenyan. It's pretty extreme to claim you're a patriot who loves this country when you only cater to 1% of the population.
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

How can you say that when Progressives control the vast majority of media, print media, the internet, colleges and so on? How can you say equally?
Whoa, is this record on rewind? Didn't we just talk about Fox being the largest news network in the nation, conservative radio owning the airwaves, split country, equal responsibility for all outlets... ringing a bell???

Hey, I enjoyed the chat tonight....just realize that there is no point that you could possibly and honestly concede to that will satisfy and make some happy those that don't have the nads to do what you have done in return. I know that you know the things you do and you are like me...... that is more than capable of reaching out to each other to try and bridge that gap and you have been more than gracious and I hope you feel that I have returned your goodwill. You will always have those "ankle biters"...those partisan shills that want more than they could ever return in kind because they feed off of the division.

We can agree to disagree all day long but YOU have my utmost respect...for whatever that is worth.
The investigation was before, sanctions after, but who cares that doesn't matter. I know you were waiting to get that one out but my point still stands. If it's bad that obama did nothing then it's bad that Trump is doing nothing.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, as you know well, learned of the attempts by Russia to hack into the DNC, RNC and other sources back in August. He did nothing ordered nothing "knowing" Hillary Clinton would win the election and this too would be swept under the rug.

Then the AMERICAN VOTER screwed up President Obama's plan and elected Donald Trump in a landslide.

Time to wake up and face reality. He did NOTHING, said nothing until after the election.
Yeah I've heard the talking point but the funny part of it is... if Obama is petulant because of his inaction then so is Trump... look up, see that light bulb?
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

How can you say that when Progressives control the vast majority of media, print media, the internet, colleges and so on? How can you say equally?
Whoa, is this record on rewind? Didn't we just talk about Fox being the largest news network in the nation, conservative radio owning the airwaves, split country, equal responsibility for all outlets... ringing a bell???

Hey, I enjoyed the chat tonight....just realize that there is no point that you could possibly and honestly concede to that will satisfy and make some happy those that don't have the nads to do what you have done in return. I know that you know the things you do and you are like me...... that is more than capable of reaching out to each other to try and bridge that gap and you have been more than gracious and I hope you feel that I have returned your goodwill. You will always have those "ankle biters"...those partisan shills that want more than they could ever return in kind because they feed off of the division.

We can agree to disagree all day long but YOU have my utmost respect...for whatever that is worth.
Much appreciated Dale. Right back at ya!
Since liberals, especially media and Democrat politicians, have their own assumptions (which aren’t always the same as conservatives), one should be careful to not accept all the premises. Liberals often talk fast, and ramble on in discussions, stating things as fact, which are highly debateable.

Also, they often use words that don’t accurately describe what they’re talking about. One example is on today’s broadcast of PBS NewsHour, where Judy Woodruff asked the British Defense Sect. about how to deal with “extremism”

By the words leading up to this, it was clear that they were talking about ISLAMIC JIHAD (AKA Radical Muslim terrorism). But heaven forbid that a liberal would ever risk offending a demographic group, by calling them by their name. Apparently, Obama may be out of office, but his goofiness still prevails. It really would help if liberals would encompass reality in their speech, instead of dancing around it.

In another example in the same show, , David Brooks of the New York Times, mentioned >> “the issue of Russian meddling” (as he put it). Mmmm. Excuse me. “Meddling” ? I don’t think so. There hasn’t been a single iota of evidence that there has been any “meddling” in the 2016 election, as they were discussing, so no David, I don’t think you get to call it an “issue” (when there flat out, IS NO ISSUE). Just because some organized group of people decide they’re going to shout and stamp their feet, that doesn’t mean you have an issue. Liberals speak of “Russian meddling” as if it were a forgone conclusion.

They also speak of discrimination as if this was 1955, when actually racial discrimination, since 1961, has largely been against white people in affirmative action. They also speak of gun-free zones as if these were protecting people, despite repeated examples of exactly the opposite of that.

When liberals talk, Americans (including other liberals) should always be on guard to say >> “Wait a minute! You can’t say that.”
Hate to break this to you but conservatives do the same thing... it's called partisanship and both sides are riddled with dishonest spin. Both sides also have honest actors. Would be great if our public would reward honesty instead of feeding the drama queens
Can you give us an example of conservatives doing that?
I watch Fox News and listen to conservative radio programs like Levins show all the time and I hear so much of the same dishonest spin coming from that side. Do I really need to dig through old tape to find examples for you. Can you not recognize that it's going on? I can use some obvious examples with the birthed attacks on obama to the Seth Rich conspiracy.
Or just listen to how the Republicans dodge and spin the health care debates..

The partisans are always spinning and extreme garbage is always being slung from both sides

Leven is a hateful nut...

Rush Limbaugh



Glen Beck


Since liberals, especially media and Democrat politicians, have their own assumptions (which aren’t always the same as conservatives), one should be careful to not accept all the premises. Liberals often talk fast, and ramble on in discussions, stating things as fact, which are highly debateable.

Also, they often use words that don’t accurately describe what they’re talking about. One example is on today’s broadcast of PBS NewsHour, where Judy Woodruff asked the British Defense Sect. about how to deal with “extremism”

By the words leading up to this, it was clear that they were talking about ISLAMIC JIHAD (AKA Radical Muslim terrorism). But heaven forbid that a liberal would ever risk offending a demographic group, by calling them by their name. Apparently, Obama may be out of office, but his goofiness still prevails. It really would help if liberals would encompass reality in their speech, instead of dancing around it.

In another example in the same show, , David Brooks of the New York Times, mentioned >> “the issue of Russian meddling” (as he put it). Mmmm. Excuse me. “Meddling” ? I don’t think so. There hasn’t been a single iota of evidence that there has been any “meddling” in the 2016 election, as they were discussing, so no David, I don’t think you get to call it an “issue” (when there flat out, IS NO ISSUE). Just because some organized group of people decide they’re going to shout and stamp their feet, that doesn’t mean you have an issue. Liberals speak of “Russian meddling” as if it were a forgone conclusion.

They also speak of discrimination as if this was 1955, when actually racial discrimination, since 1961, has largely been against white people in affirmative action. They also speak of gun-free zones as if these were protecting people, despite repeated examples of exactly the opposite of that.

When liberals talk, Americans (including other liberals) should always be on guard to say >> “Wait a minute! You can’t say that.”
Right wing extremism is a bigger threat to this country than any other gourp. It's pretty extreme to deny climate change. It's pretty extreme to claim Obama was a Kenyan. It's pretty extreme to claim you're a patriot who loves this country when you only cater to 1% of the population.

Billo! "Word up"! I gotta take exception with ya about a few things you posted. "Denying climate change is an extremist viewpoint"??? I would agree with you were it not for the geo-engineering program that has been going on in earnest since 1997 that includes the spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere and the use of ionospheric heaters to heat those particles that can manipulate weather patterns, strengthen or weaken storm fronts. The data is available on line....weather modification as a force multiplier....something so alarming that the U.N made all countries sign an agreement in 1976 to not use weather as a tool of warfare......that was over four decades ago....just imagine how far along they have come since then and especially when you take into account that the military industrial complex is at least 100 years ahead of us in technology and that is a conservative estimate....and guess what? This "break away" civilization isn't doing this for the benefit of all mankind while using our sweat equity to fund their black ops....oh HELL no, it is being used to create this open air prison we are finding ourselves in....honest injun. The chemtrail spraying ( which there are 17 different ones)have many different military applications including using it like a radar to find resources like lithium, uranium, oil, copper deposits...what have ya.......using these heavy metals like an x-ray shield and their satellites? They know that by bouncing certain radio frequencies off of these energized skies of nano heavy metal particulates onto certain targeted areas? They know exactly were to dig for them.....the days of "speculating" are over.
I think its a pretty crazy accusation. My first instinct is no way. But if a decade ago you told me that over 4,000 priests have molested over 10,000 kids... I would have thought you were just as nuts.

That came to light not a decade ago but back in the late 1980's. Little wonder you have so many other things confused.
Since liberals, especially media and Democrat politicians, have their own assumptions (which aren’t always the same as conservatives), one should be careful to not accept all the premises. Liberals often talk fast, and ramble on in discussions, stating things as fact, which are highly debateable.

Also, they often use words that don’t accurately describe what they’re talking about. One example is on today’s broadcast of PBS NewsHour, where Judy Woodruff asked the British Defense Sect. about how to deal with “extremism”

By the words leading up to this, it was clear that they were talking about ISLAMIC JIHAD (AKA Radical Muslim terrorism). But heaven forbid that a liberal would ever risk offending a demographic group, by calling them by their name. Apparently, Obama may be out of office, but his goofiness still prevails. It really would help if liberals would encompass reality in their speech, instead of dancing around it.

In another example in the same show, , David Brooks of the New York Times, mentioned >> “the issue of Russian meddling” (as he put it). Mmmm. Excuse me. “Meddling” ? I don’t think so. There hasn’t been a single iota of evidence that there has been any “meddling” in the 2016 election, as they were discussing, so no David, I don’t think you get to call it an “issue” (when there flat out, IS NO ISSUE). Just because some organized group of people decide they’re going to shout and stamp their feet, that doesn’t mean you have an issue. Liberals speak of “Russian meddling” as if it were a forgone conclusion.

They also speak of discrimination as if this was 1955, when actually racial discrimination, since 1961, has largely been against white people in affirmative action. They also speak of gun-free zones as if these were protecting people, despite repeated examples of exactly the opposite of that.

When liberals talk, Americans (including other liberals) should always be on guard to say >> “Wait a minute! You can’t say that.”
Right wing extremism is a bigger threat to this country than any other gourp. It's pretty extreme to deny climate change. It's pretty extreme to claim Obama was a Kenyan. It's pretty extreme to claim you're a patriot who loves this country when you only cater to 1% of the population.

BTW, I would sit down and knock back a brewski with you any day..... and I bet we would get along just fine.
Ok, then you please put your money where your mouth is... can you point out a few examples where CNN reporters knowingly reported false stories.

Here's another from one of your far left biased sources. Did you notice that the New York Times is downsizing again, laying off more journalists?

New York Times Retracts Claim That Entire Intel Community Concluded Russia Hacked 2016 Election
posted by Team Buck Staff - 8 days ago

Read more: New York Times Retracts Claim That Entire Intel Community Concluded Russia Hacked 2016 Election | Buck Sexton with America Now | iHeartRadio

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