Observe Carefully the Way Liberals Talk

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

Slade, you have no idea how "dead on" you are. The things I have learned hasn't enhanced my life even one iota but you can't "unlearn" things once you are exposed to the truth. That was why I was such a coward about doing any due diligence into 9/11 because I was afraid of knowing...afraid of having my preconceived notions destroyed. Once I grew a set of balls and stopped being afraid? It was like God took my hand and said "Ok, let your journey began...and don't worry because I will assign an angel to you" and I feel that God did just that....regardless of your belief system, I am just giving you my take. AND not only that? I lost my short term memory problem I had been dealing with and my ability to retain information and understand it improved a 1000 fold. It was like I was given this clarity of thought that I never thought I had. My advice to you is that if you decide to go to those places, have a spiritual side to you because it will weigh on you heavily if you don't. Good on ya.
At this point i'm just taking each day at a time and trying to tackle the problems before me as best I can. I'm no where close to a position where I can or want to seriously deal with the many many problems that exist in this world. I help where I can in my local community but thats as far I go. I like to stay informed in as many areas as possible but there is only so far I'll go with certain rabbit holes.
I think it's possible that everyone since JFK has been one, and even he was a sex addict.

You do, huh? Anything is possible, right?

Educate yourself. (shrugs) Or not, I don't really care. Billy boy was a frequent flyer with Epstein.

Educate US with some validation vs. the specious bullshit that lies between your ears.

Why? You're just a lazy kid who couldn't see the truth if it bit you in the ass. I won't do the work for you but I can get you started.

Start in 1913 and work your way forward. Look at the money trail from then up to now. If not, pound sand you're lazy.

Meeting folks like you that are "awake" totally energizes and inspires me. There are quite a few here that are and speaking out here lately. Good job!

I was and am still broken hearted. I served and fought for a lie.
You do, huh? Anything is possible, right?

Educate yourself. (shrugs) Or not, I don't really care. Billy boy was a frequent flyer with Epstein.

Educate US with some validation vs. the specious bullshit that lies between your ears.

Why? You're just a lazy kid who couldn't see the truth if it bit you in the ass. I won't do the work for you but I can get you started.

Start in 1913 and work your way forward. Look at the money trail from then up to now. If not, pound sand you're lazy.

Again, you are only siting what lies between your ears. I back up what I post, not what you post. You are the lazy one.

Nobody did the work for me kid, I won't do it for you. You're just another lazy, uneducated human being living a lie. I am very comfy in your ignorance.

I'm not asking for you to do it for me......I am giving you every opportunity to do it for yourself and yet you still choose not to validate. You are specious, at best.
Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

You think it is possible that Nixon, Ford and GHW Bush were all pedophiles?
I think its a pretty crazy accusation. My first instinct is no way. But if a decade ago you told me that over 4,000 priests have molested over 10,000 kids... I would have thought you were just as nuts.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

You think it is possible that Nixon, Ford and GHW Bush were all pedophiles?

Most definitely and beyond the shadow of a doubt in my mind....GH Bush had a penchant for little black boys. What I learned about Bush came from numerous sources. Ford, when he was governor in Michigan was involved in pedo porn and even helped procure child victims for the CIA MK-Ultra program. Cathy O'Brien named names in her book "The Tranceformation Of America" and when she and others pushed for a congressional investigation into the MK-Ultra trauma based mind control program of the CIA during the Church Committee hearings, it was refused because it feel under the catch all "National Security" .

Glad god brought you clarity.

LL, I know that you are being facetious and I understand why you would be because it is a lot of stuff to even try and digest. I always tell people to not believe anything I say but do your on due diligence and get back to me and debate me and give me a chance to counter....that is all I ask. You think it is easy to post the things I do or that I even want to do this? I have a hundred other things I would rather do but this is the yolk that was placed on me.
It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

You think it is possible that Nixon, Ford and GHW Bush were all pedophiles?
I think its a pretty crazy accusation. My first instinct is no way. But if a decade ago you told me that over 4,000 priests have molested over 10,000 kids... I would have thought you were just as nuts.

You might be ripe for the pickin'.
It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

Slade, you have no idea how "dead on" you are. The things I have learned hasn't enhanced my life even one iota but you can't "unlearn" things once you are exposed to the truth. That was why I was such a coward about doing any due diligence into 9/11 because I was afraid of knowing...afraid of having my preconceived notions destroyed. Once I grew a set of balls and stopped being afraid? It was like God took my hand and said "Ok, let your journey began...and don't worry because I will assign an angel to you" and I feel that God did just that....regardless of your belief system, I am just giving you my take. AND not only that? I lost my short term memory problem I had been dealing with and my ability to retain information and understand it improved a 1000 fold. It was like I was given this clarity of thought that I never thought I had. My advice to you is that if you decide to go to those places, have a spiritual side to you because it will weigh on you heavily if you don't. Good on ya.
At this point i'm just taking each day at a time and trying to tackle the problems before me as best I can. I'm no where close to a position where I can or want to seriously deal with the many many problems that exist in this world. I help where I can in my local community but thats as far I go. I like to stay informed in as many areas as possible but there is only so far I'll go with certain rabbit holes.

It's all good. I have no doubt that you do the most good that you can where you can. I know that not everyone can invest the time I have because of obligations. The fact that you know that the problem and solution lies deeper than what we are lead to believe they are? Well, that helps immensely. The fact that you know that there is an artificial division also helps. Recognizing the problem is the first step towards fixing it and you took a big one when you came to that realization which puts you higher on the curve.
Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

You think it is possible that Nixon, Ford and GHW Bush were all pedophiles?

Most definitely and beyond the shadow of a doubt in my mind....GH Bush had a penchant for little black boys. What I learned about Bush came from numerous sources. Ford, when he was governor in Michigan was involved in pedo porn and even helped procure child victims for the CIA MK-Ultra program. Cathy O'Brien named names in her book "The Tranceformation Of America" and when she and others pushed for a congressional investigation into the MK-Ultra trauma based mind control program of the CIA during the Church Committee hearings, it was refused because it feel under the catch all "National Security" .

Glad god brought you clarity.

LL, I know that you are being facetious and I understand why you would be because it is a lot of stuff to even try and digest. I always tell people to not believe anything I say but do your on due diligence and get back to me and debate me and give me a chance to counter....that is all I ask. You think it is easy to post the things I do or that I even want to do this? I have a hundred other things I would rather do but this is the yolk that was placed on me.

I absolutely believe that you want to do this. It defines you.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

You think it is possible that Nixon, Ford and GHW Bush were all pedophiles?

Most definitely and beyond the shadow of a doubt in my mind....GH Bush had a penchant for little black boys. What I learned about Bush came from numerous sources. Ford, when he was governor in Michigan was involved in pedo porn and even helped procure child victims for the CIA MK-Ultra program. Cathy O'Brien named names in her book "The Tranceformation Of America" and when she and others pushed for a congressional investigation into the MK-Ultra trauma based mind control program of the CIA during the Church Committee hearings, it was refused because it feel under the catch all "National Security" .

Glad god brought you clarity.

LL, I know that you are being facetious and I understand why you would be because it is a lot of stuff to even try and digest. I always tell people to not believe anything I say but do your on due diligence and get back to me and debate me and give me a chance to counter....that is all I ask. You think it is easy to post the things I do or that I even want to do this? I have a hundred other things I would rather do but this is the yolk that was placed on me.

I absolutely believe that you want to do this. It defines you.

Nope, you are absolutely wrong on that front. You can disagree, demonize me, marginalize me to your heart's content...but to think that I take any joy or satisfaction from this? Dude, you couldn't be more wrong...this is a cross that I bear and while walking down the road I am hit with stones....who in the hell would want this kinda life?
Educate yourself. (shrugs) Or not, I don't really care. Billy boy was a frequent flyer with Epstein.

Educate US with some validation vs. the specious bullshit that lies between your ears.

Why? You're just a lazy kid who couldn't see the truth if it bit you in the ass. I won't do the work for you but I can get you started.

Start in 1913 and work your way forward. Look at the money trail from then up to now. If not, pound sand you're lazy.

Again, you are only siting what lies between your ears. I back up what I post, not what you post. You are the lazy one.

Nobody did the work for me kid, I won't do it for you. You're just another lazy, uneducated human being living a lie. I am very comfy in your ignorance.

I'm not asking for you to do it for me......I am giving you every opportunity to do it for yourself and yet you still choose not to validate. You are specious, at best.

Do a Google search of quotes from Carroll Quigley's book "Tragedy Of Hope"....there is your start. Go to the search engine here and type in "Federal Reserve" and then my name and you will have plenty of info to digest.
You think it is possible that Nixon, Ford and GHW Bush were all pedophiles?

Most definitely and beyond the shadow of a doubt in my mind....GH Bush had a penchant for little black boys. What I learned about Bush came from numerous sources. Ford, when he was governor in Michigan was involved in pedo porn and even helped procure child victims for the CIA MK-Ultra program. Cathy O'Brien named names in her book "The Tranceformation Of America" and when she and others pushed for a congressional investigation into the MK-Ultra trauma based mind control program of the CIA during the Church Committee hearings, it was refused because it feel under the catch all "National Security" .

Glad god brought you clarity.

LL, I know that you are being facetious and I understand why you would be because it is a lot of stuff to even try and digest. I always tell people to not believe anything I say but do your on due diligence and get back to me and debate me and give me a chance to counter....that is all I ask. You think it is easy to post the things I do or that I even want to do this? I have a hundred other things I would rather do but this is the yolk that was placed on me.

I absolutely believe that you want to do this. It defines you.

Nope, you are absolutely wrong on that front. You can disagree, demonize me, marginalize me to your heart's content...but to think that I take any joy or satisfaction from this? Dude, you couldn't be more wrong...this is a cross that I bear and while walking down the road I am hit with stones....who in the hell would want this kinda life?

I'm not convinced.
Most definitely and beyond the shadow of a doubt in my mind....GH Bush had a penchant for little black boys. What I learned about Bush came from numerous sources. Ford, when he was governor in Michigan was involved in pedo porn and even helped procure child victims for the CIA MK-Ultra program. Cathy O'Brien named names in her book "The Tranceformation Of America" and when she and others pushed for a congressional investigation into the MK-Ultra trauma based mind control program of the CIA during the Church Committee hearings, it was refused because it feel under the catch all "National Security" .

Glad god brought you clarity.

LL, I know that you are being facetious and I understand why you would be because it is a lot of stuff to even try and digest. I always tell people to not believe anything I say but do your on due diligence and get back to me and debate me and give me a chance to counter....that is all I ask. You think it is easy to post the things I do or that I even want to do this? I have a hundred other things I would rather do but this is the yolk that was placed on me.

I absolutely believe that you want to do this. It defines you.

Nope, you are absolutely wrong on that front. You can disagree, demonize me, marginalize me to your heart's content...but to think that I take any joy or satisfaction from this? Dude, you couldn't be more wrong...this is a cross that I bear and while walking down the road I am hit with stones....who in the hell would want this kinda life?

I'm not convinced.

Not going worry a second that you are not....just being real. This shit weighs on me and it has taken a huge physical toll.
Glad god brought you clarity.

LL, I know that you are being facetious and I understand why you would be because it is a lot of stuff to even try and digest. I always tell people to not believe anything I say but do your on due diligence and get back to me and debate me and give me a chance to counter....that is all I ask. You think it is easy to post the things I do or that I even want to do this? I have a hundred other things I would rather do but this is the yolk that was placed on me.

I absolutely believe that you want to do this. It defines you.

Nope, you are absolutely wrong on that front. You can disagree, demonize me, marginalize me to your heart's content...but to think that I take any joy or satisfaction from this? Dude, you couldn't be more wrong...this is a cross that I bear and while walking down the road I am hit with stones....who in the hell would want this kinda life?

I'm not convinced.

Not going worry a second that you are not....just being real. This shit weighs on me and it has taken a huge physical toll.

I can imagine. Twisting oneself into knots in order to convince oneself of crazy shit ( your term ) would certainly tax the body.
Statements and opinions with no details (just claims) from a liberal site. You're failing big time, buddy.
Actual quotes dude... Are you now claiming that they are false because they are posted on a "liberal" website? haha, if you don't believe them then look them up and show that they are wrong... you can't do that. Game over
Those quotes were opinions. They were not reported as a news story and calling them false is an opinion as well. Game over.
My quotes are just as "opinionated" as they ones you are trying to demonize the left with from post #4. You still aren't addressing the Bret Biaer story...
Post the video of his story (him, not somebody's version) and I'll address it.
You can jump to 1:50 if you want to hear him say it. The story was false and he retracted it the next day. Google Bret Baier retraction if you want to see it from whatever crazy source your use for news. Can we stop playing games now? I didn't nitpick all the left wing "fake news" claims you made... it is there, not nearly as much as yall imply, but it happens. It also happens on the Right, with networks like Fox... Mostly with the pundits during opinion talks which is where the CNN fake news claim is coming from as well... But it also happens with their reporters like Bret. Just admit it so we can move on to a real conversation.

I don't doubt that Fox has gotten some stories wrong, I'm saying they don't deliberately run fake stories. There may be conservative pundits who espouse their ideology but I don't see the actual newscasters (who REPORT the news) DELIBERATELY and knowingly reporting fake stories the way CNN does.
Actual quotes dude... Are you now claiming that they are false because they are posted on a "liberal" website? haha, if you don't believe them then look them up and show that they are wrong... you can't do that. Game over
Those quotes were opinions. They were not reported as a news story and calling them false is an opinion as well. Game over.
My quotes are just as "opinionated" as they ones you are trying to demonize the left with from post #4. You still aren't addressing the Bret Biaer story...
Post the video of his story (him, not somebody's version) and I'll address it.
You can jump to 1:50 if you want to hear him say it. The story was false and he retracted it the next day. Google Bret Baier retraction if you want to see it from whatever crazy source your use for news. Can we stop playing games now? I didn't nitpick all the left wing "fake news" claims you made... it is there, not nearly as much as yall imply, but it happens. It also happens on the Right, with networks like Fox... Mostly with the pundits during opinion talks which is where the CNN fake news claim is coming from as well... But it also happens with their reporters like Bret. Just admit it so we can move on to a real conversation.

I don't doubt that Fox has gotten some stories wrong, I'm saying they don't deliberately run fake stories. There may be conservative pundits who espouse their ideology but I don't see the actual newscasters (who REPORT the news) DELIBERATELY and knowingly reporting fake stories the way CNN does.

Ok, then you please put your money where your mouth is... can you point out a few examples where CNN reporters knowingly reported false stories. Not opinion. Same standards you were holding me to. I know they've gotten a few stories wrong through bad sourcing, same thing happened to Bret and many others at Fox... Show me the difference.
This thread is on Life Support. Haven't seen the original topic in pages. If it continues to wander thru pages of pedophilic presidents, personal issues and media fakeyness -- it's gonna get closed. So finish up or get back to the OP..
I watch Fox News and listen to conservative radio programs like Levins show all the time and I hear so much of the same dishonest spin coming from that side. Do I really need to dig through old tape to find examples for you. Can you not recognize that it's going on? I can use some obvious examples with the birthed attacks on obama to the Seth Rich conspiracy.
Or just listen to how the Republicans dodge and spin the health care debates..

The partisans are always spinning and extreme garbage is always being slung from both sides

Yep, some on Fox News and talk radio.

Meanwhile, our Progressive friends have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, Hollywood, New York Times, Times, all late night talk shows, DailyKOS, The Nation, George Soros' MediaMatters all working hard to destroy Republicans.
LL, I know that you are being facetious and I understand why you would be because it is a lot of stuff to even try and digest. I always tell people to not believe anything I say but do your on due diligence and get back to me and debate me and give me a chance to counter....that is all I ask. You think it is easy to post the things I do or that I even want to do this? I have a hundred other things I would rather do but this is the yolk that was placed on me.

I absolutely believe that you want to do this. It defines you.

Nope, you are absolutely wrong on that front. You can disagree, demonize me, marginalize me to your heart's content...but to think that I take any joy or satisfaction from this? Dude, you couldn't be more wrong...this is a cross that I bear and while walking down the road I am hit with stones....who in the hell would want this kinda life?

I'm not convinced.

Not going worry a second that you are not....just being real. This shit weighs on me and it has taken a huge physical toll.

I can imagine. Twisting oneself into knots in order to convince oneself of crazy shit ( your term ) would certainly tax the body.

That is the ironic part......it took me lots of reading and research to know the things I do because you come to a point where you say "Ok, this shit is getting a little too real....time to back off" but the more you learn, the more it drives you and you happily look for anyone that can talk you off the proverbial ledge by engaging in a discussion, but all I have found is those that spew the same things that we have been taught to believe sans any evidence but the official version drilled into our heads when there is data to prove otherwise. Propaganda is such a powerful tool, conditioning is a powerful tool, "groupspeak" is a powerful tool and all put in place by institutes of alleged higher learning like the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes and the Frankfort School that have mastered the art of it.

I read an interesting article about the power of groupspeak.....they did an experiment where they had one person go into a class with a group of others that were in on the "gag". The teacher drew two lines with one just slightly shorter than the other but it was noticeable and labeled them "A" and "B" with the shorter line being "A". He asked the class which line was longer and the entire class raised their hands that it was "A"...the subject saw that everyone but him thought it was "B" so he raised his hand with them because since he was in the minority that he must be wrong. That is how we have become as a society.....go along to get along and that isn't me.
Ok, then you please put your money where your mouth is... can you point out a few examples where CNN reporters knowingly reported false stories.

CNN retracts Russia-Trump story; 3 journalists resign
CNN announced that three of its employees have handed in their resignation over a retracted story linking President Trump to Russia. According to SFGate, Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left the network. Wochit

CNN's Anonymous Source Falsely Claimed Trump Would Not Press Putin on Election Interference
I watch Fox News and listen to conservative radio programs like Levins show all the time and I hear so much of the same dishonest spin coming from that side. Do I really need to dig through old tape to find examples for you. Can you not recognize that it's going on? I can use some obvious examples with the birthed attacks on obama to the Seth Rich conspiracy.
Or just listen to how the Republicans dodge and spin the health care debates..

The partisans are always spinning and extreme garbage is always being slung from both sides

Yep, some on Fox News and talk radio.

Meanwhile, our Progressive friends have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, Hollywood, New York Times, Times, all late night talk shows, DailyKOS, The Nation, George Soros' MediaMatters all working hard to destroy Republicans.
Fox is the largest cable News network in the nation by a pretty good margin. The have the most viewers. And conservative radio pulls waaaay more listeners than the progressives on the airwaves. The nation is split with approx. half tuning into one side and the other half tuning into the other. Both sides have equal pull and equal responsibility... Both sides have been equally imperfect in their attempt to tell the truth to the American people.

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