Observe Carefully the Way Liberals Talk

Yeah, I agree with that....too much partisanship and I need to point it out better when the right does it as well. People are so dug in. I know because I used to be that way myself. I spent thousands of hours on the blogisphere defending the neocons and that POS Bush crime family....the stench of that era remains with me to this day. The name of the game is "divide and conquer" and until we figure that out? We are going to be at each other's throats while the puppetmasters pulling the strings laugh and drain us dry. If everyone could see that and try to find common ground, we would see that our differences are not so big of a chasm that can't be breached. They still need our compliance but not for much longer with the robotic age coming upon us and believe me when I say this....they have been preparing and working hard to fight us should their "property" ever decide to revolt. They have exotic weapons that would blow your mind.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

You agreed with this, Slade3200 ?
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.
I like you Dale, you believe all the conspiracy theories are true... Always keeping it interesting!

I like you as well. You keep it real and I respect you as much as any poster here even though I rarely agree with you. You make very salient points and you know how to debate. Not everything is a conspiracy but the ones that I speak about I can make a convincing case for. Bear in mind that I have just as much disdain for the repub party as I do the dem party. We are in some deep shit and people don't even know.

Hell, I am not sure if Trump is legit or not and I have been critical of him. The bombing in Syria was bullshit and I called him out on it not only here but on twitter. When I feel that he has crossed the line and has become another Deep State puppet? I will be very adamant about pointing it out. I might end up losing a lot of support of those that like what I post but I am about the truth regardless of how ugly it may be. I have found that the truth is the least popular thing there is.
Thats for sure. We all have our own truth and I can respect that to a certain degree, but what frustrates me is when people argue based on partisan rhetoric and not informed intellect. We have a tremendous problem with misinformation in this world so it is understandable that people draw different conclusions based on the information they are exposed to and the information the choose to believe. Thats is why healthy debate, scrutiny, and objectivity are important. I respect honesty the pursuit of truth... I know we don't often agree with each other but keep up the good fight.

Yeah, I agree with that....too much partisanship and I need to point it out better when the right does it as well. People are so dug in. I know because I used to be that way myself. I spent thousands of hours on the blogisphere defending the neocons and that POS Bush crime family....the stench of that era remains with me to this day. The name of the game is "divide and conquer" and until we figure that out? We are going to be at each other's throats while the puppetmasters pulling the strings laugh and drain us dry. If everyone could see that and try to find common ground, we would see that our differences are not so big of a chasm that can't be breached. They still need our compliance but not for much longer with the robotic age coming upon us and believe me when I say this....they have been preparing and working hard to fight us should their "property" ever decide to revolt. They have exotic weapons that would blow your mind.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

After I had my epiphany, I ran the gamut of emotions...sadness, utter depression, feelings of hopelessness and then the best thing that ever happened to me did...I got pissed off and I became determined and a fire was lit under my ass. I put my TV on the curb with a note that said "Works, Don't Want It" and I started reading, downloading PDF files of books, I started listening to documentaries and lectures of accredited researchers and while I will admit that it took a good 6 months of solid reading and research to throw off the programming? I did it....it was so ingrained in me. I totally stopped posting anywhere for almost two years. When I did come back, it was to reveal the truth and history about the Federal Reserve (which is the true power behind the political scene) and the ones that own it and how they also control the IMF, BIS and World Bank...how this fiat currency actually works. I read John Perkins work of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" and he is definitely leans to the left but not in bad way that he was socialist...but the deal was that he was in the game and he took a big risk on coming out. That book played a HUGE part in helping me connect the dots. If you want to watch the best documentary ever done that so saliently describes the past 80 plus years, watch "JFK To 9/11....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is free on youtube. I have watched it 14 times and the reason I did was because there was so much information to digest and because it is so compelling, I would get engrossed and forget to jot down notes. IMHO it is the best history lesson there is.

I don't give a shit if you lean left (or if some lean right) because if you have a good heart? We share a kinship. Hell, on some things I lean left ....I lean right on other things but what I do have in my heart is a desire to help my fellow man because they have no clue as to what has been done to them or how they have been lied to.Don't feel bad about getting caught up in the game and defending what you believe because I have done it myself when my whole motive was to share what I have learned by the heavy lifting I have done by those that did the heavy lifting for me. Some habits are hard to break. I know that when I am attacked for posting the things I do (sometimes by both the left and the right) I go into "defense mode" as well. Good on ya.

Most people, and I do mean MOST people are afraid of the truth. I don't blame them, it's quite unsettling to learn that everything you think you know is a lie. To learn that "patriotism" is a lie and a tool to send people to die for the profits of someone else.
Yeah, I agree with that....too much partisanship and I need to point it out better when the right does it as well. People are so dug in. I know because I used to be that way myself. I spent thousands of hours on the blogisphere defending the neocons and that POS Bush crime family....the stench of that era remains with me to this day. The name of the game is "divide and conquer" and until we figure that out? We are going to be at each other's throats while the puppetmasters pulling the strings laugh and drain us dry. If everyone could see that and try to find common ground, we would see that our differences are not so big of a chasm that can't be breached. They still need our compliance but not for much longer with the robotic age coming upon us and believe me when I say this....they have been preparing and working hard to fight us should their "property" ever decide to revolt. They have exotic weapons that would blow your mind.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

It's true. Sadly, it's true.
I like you as well. You keep it real and I respect you as much as any poster here even though I rarely agree with you. You make very salient points and you know how to debate. Not everything is a conspiracy but the ones that I speak about I can make a convincing case for. Bear in mind that I have just as much disdain for the repub party as I do the dem party. We are in some deep shit and people don't even know.

Hell, I am not sure if Trump is legit or not and I have been critical of him. The bombing in Syria was bullshit and I called him out on it not only here but on twitter. When I feel that he has crossed the line and has become another Deep State puppet? I will be very adamant about pointing it out. I might end up losing a lot of support of those that like what I post but I am about the truth regardless of how ugly it may be. I have found that the truth is the least popular thing there is.
Thats for sure. We all have our own truth and I can respect that to a certain degree, but what frustrates me is when people argue based on partisan rhetoric and not informed intellect. We have a tremendous problem with misinformation in this world so it is understandable that people draw different conclusions based on the information they are exposed to and the information the choose to believe. Thats is why healthy debate, scrutiny, and objectivity are important. I respect honesty the pursuit of truth... I know we don't often agree with each other but keep up the good fight.

Yeah, I agree with that....too much partisanship and I need to point it out better when the right does it as well. People are so dug in. I know because I used to be that way myself. I spent thousands of hours on the blogisphere defending the neocons and that POS Bush crime family....the stench of that era remains with me to this day. The name of the game is "divide and conquer" and until we figure that out? We are going to be at each other's throats while the puppetmasters pulling the strings laugh and drain us dry. If everyone could see that and try to find common ground, we would see that our differences are not so big of a chasm that can't be breached. They still need our compliance but not for much longer with the robotic age coming upon us and believe me when I say this....they have been preparing and working hard to fight us should their "property" ever decide to revolt. They have exotic weapons that would blow your mind.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

After I had my epiphany, I ran the gamut of emotions...sadness, utter depression, feelings of hopelessness and then the best thing that ever happened to me did...I got pissed off and I became determined and a fire was lit under my ass. I put my TV on the curb with a note that said "Works, Don't Want It" and I started reading, downloading PDF files of books, I started listening to documentaries and lectures of accredited researchers and while I will admit that it took a good 6 months of solid reading and research to throw off the programming? I did it....it was so ingrained in me. I totally stopped posting anywhere for almost two years. When I did come back, it was to reveal the truth and history about the Federal Reserve (which is the true power behind the political scene) and the ones that own it and how they also control the IMF, BIS and World Bank...how this fiat currency actually works. I read John Perkins work of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" and he is definitely leans to the left but not in bad way that he was socialist...but the deal was that he was in the game and he took a big risk on coming out. That book played a HUGE part in helping me connect the dots. If you want to watch the best documentary ever done that so saliently describes the past 80 plus years, watch "JFK To 9/11....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is free on youtube. I have watched it 14 times and the reason I did was because there was so much information to digest and because it is so compelling, I would get engrossed and forget to jot down notes. IMHO it is the best history lesson there is.

I don't give a shit if you lean left (or if some lean right) because if you have a good heart? We share a kinship. Hell, on some things I lean left ....I lean right on other things but what I do have in my heart is a desire to help my fellow man because they have no clue as to what has been done to them or how they have been lied to.Don't feel bad about getting caught up in the game and defending what you believe because I have done it myself when my whole motive was to share what I have learned by the heavy lifting I have done by those that did the heavy lifting for me. Some habits are hard to break. I know that when I am attacked for posting the things I do (sometimes by both the left and the right) I go into "defense mode" as well. Good on ya.
I change that rating from informative to winner because of that last paragraph... very well said. That good hearted kinship that most of use share, the human side of us that is going to help somebody when they fall down or give somebody a hug when they are crying or stand up for somebody who is being taken advantage of, I think most of us possess that and want a government that reflects that. Now we all have different ideas on how to get there, but we gotta stop demonizing everybody with a different opinion. We have to remember that kinship and common goal that we all share and the fact that in the end we are all Americans and on the same side. I think somewhere in the noise that has gotten lost and one of my biggest fears about our future is that we wont be able to get it back.

Right there with you on that.....we have lost our humanity in a lot of ways. We can't just walk by someone in need and say "Get it together, man"....everyone at some point in time needs a "hand up". God has blessed me many times to be in a position to do that and not necessarily because they even asked for it. I did nothing special, I was simply paying forward for all the times someone has reached out to me and helped me. When I tried to pay it back to them, they always told me "Just pay it forward". Hell, even animals will help each other. I have seen videos of stray dogs pulling their friends off of the road after they have been hit by a car and stay with them until help arrived. We owe it to each other to lend a helping hand. What I have learned is that if you want change, you have to be willing to be part of the change. Random acts of kindness is one of the things I take great joy in doing and you never know what it does for the ones you do it for. I am open to any solution that brings us closer together as a people. The biggest obstacle we have to overcome is learning as to how things got this way and why there is such a huge discrepancy in wealth. Knowledge is the key....it's not about "putting your nose to the grindstone" or "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps"...those are just phrases. It's pretty easy for those like Rush Blowhard to spew that kinda shit when he is pulling down 20 plus million a year.
I like you as well. You keep it real and I respect you as much as any poster here even though I rarely agree with you. You make very salient points and you know how to debate. Not everything is a conspiracy but the ones that I speak about I can make a convincing case for. Bear in mind that I have just as much disdain for the repub party as I do the dem party. We are in some deep shit and people don't even know.

Hell, I am not sure if Trump is legit or not and I have been critical of him. The bombing in Syria was bullshit and I called him out on it not only here but on twitter. When I feel that he has crossed the line and has become another Deep State puppet? I will be very adamant about pointing it out. I might end up losing a lot of support of those that like what I post but I am about the truth regardless of how ugly it may be. I have found that the truth is the least popular thing there is.
Thats for sure. We all have our own truth and I can respect that to a certain degree, but what frustrates me is when people argue based on partisan rhetoric and not informed intellect. We have a tremendous problem with misinformation in this world so it is understandable that people draw different conclusions based on the information they are exposed to and the information the choose to believe. Thats is why healthy debate, scrutiny, and objectivity are important. I respect honesty the pursuit of truth... I know we don't often agree with each other but keep up the good fight.

Yeah, I agree with that....too much partisanship and I need to point it out better when the right does it as well. People are so dug in. I know because I used to be that way myself. I spent thousands of hours on the blogisphere defending the neocons and that POS Bush crime family....the stench of that era remains with me to this day. The name of the game is "divide and conquer" and until we figure that out? We are going to be at each other's throats while the puppetmasters pulling the strings laugh and drain us dry. If everyone could see that and try to find common ground, we would see that our differences are not so big of a chasm that can't be breached. They still need our compliance but not for much longer with the robotic age coming upon us and believe me when I say this....they have been preparing and working hard to fight us should their "property" ever decide to revolt. They have exotic weapons that would blow your mind.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

After I had my epiphany, I ran the gamut of emotions...sadness, utter depression, feelings of hopelessness and then the best thing that ever happened to me did...I got pissed off and I became determined and a fire was lit under my ass. I put my TV on the curb with a note that said "Works, Don't Want It" and I started reading, downloading PDF files of books, I started listening to documentaries and lectures of accredited researchers and while I will admit that it took a good 6 months of solid reading and research to throw off the programming? I did it....it was so ingrained in me. I totally stopped posting anywhere for almost two years. When I did come back, it was to reveal the truth and history about the Federal Reserve (which is the true power behind the political scene) and the ones that own it and how they also control the IMF, BIS and World Bank...how this fiat currency actually works. I read John Perkins work of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" and he is definitely leans to the left but not in bad way that he was socialist...but the deal was that he was in the game and he took a big risk on coming out. That book played a HUGE part in helping me connect the dots. If you want to watch the best documentary ever done that so saliently describes the past 80 plus years, watch "JFK To 9/11....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is free on youtube. I have watched it 14 times and the reason I did was because there was so much information to digest and because it is so compelling, I would get engrossed and forget to jot down notes. IMHO it is the best history lesson there is.

I don't give a shit if you lean left (or if some lean right) because if you have a good heart? We share a kinship. Hell, on some things I lean left ....I lean right on other things but what I do have in my heart is a desire to help my fellow man because they have no clue as to what has been done to them or how they have been lied to.Don't feel bad about getting caught up in the game and defending what you believe because I have done it myself when my whole motive was to share what I have learned by the heavy lifting I have done by those that did the heavy lifting for me. Some habits are hard to break. I know that when I am attacked for posting the things I do (sometimes by both the left and the right) I go into "defense mode" as well. Good on ya.

Most people, and I do mean MOST people are afraid of the truth. I don't blame them, it's quite unsettling to learn that everything you think you know is a lie. To learn that "patriotism" is a lie and a tool to send people to die for the profits of someone else.

My sincere gratitude to you for being "awake" because you are absolutely "dead on".
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

You agreed with this, Slade3200 ?
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

That's too easy. Why would someone who thinks independent thought is important accept such an easy explanation for how things are?
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Anything is possible. That's perfect.
Thats for sure. We all have our own truth and I can respect that to a certain degree, but what frustrates me is when people argue based on partisan rhetoric and not informed intellect. We have a tremendous problem with misinformation in this world so it is understandable that people draw different conclusions based on the information they are exposed to and the information the choose to believe. Thats is why healthy debate, scrutiny, and objectivity are important. I respect honesty the pursuit of truth... I know we don't often agree with each other but keep up the good fight.

Yeah, I agree with that....too much partisanship and I need to point it out better when the right does it as well. People are so dug in. I know because I used to be that way myself. I spent thousands of hours on the blogisphere defending the neocons and that POS Bush crime family....the stench of that era remains with me to this day. The name of the game is "divide and conquer" and until we figure that out? We are going to be at each other's throats while the puppetmasters pulling the strings laugh and drain us dry. If everyone could see that and try to find common ground, we would see that our differences are not so big of a chasm that can't be breached. They still need our compliance but not for much longer with the robotic age coming upon us and believe me when I say this....they have been preparing and working hard to fight us should their "property" ever decide to revolt. They have exotic weapons that would blow your mind.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

After I had my epiphany, I ran the gamut of emotions...sadness, utter depression, feelings of hopelessness and then the best thing that ever happened to me did...I got pissed off and I became determined and a fire was lit under my ass. I put my TV on the curb with a note that said "Works, Don't Want It" and I started reading, downloading PDF files of books, I started listening to documentaries and lectures of accredited researchers and while I will admit that it took a good 6 months of solid reading and research to throw off the programming? I did it....it was so ingrained in me. I totally stopped posting anywhere for almost two years. When I did come back, it was to reveal the truth and history about the Federal Reserve (which is the true power behind the political scene) and the ones that own it and how they also control the IMF, BIS and World Bank...how this fiat currency actually works. I read John Perkins work of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" and he is definitely leans to the left but not in bad way that he was socialist...but the deal was that he was in the game and he took a big risk on coming out. That book played a HUGE part in helping me connect the dots. If you want to watch the best documentary ever done that so saliently describes the past 80 plus years, watch "JFK To 9/11....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is free on youtube. I have watched it 14 times and the reason I did was because there was so much information to digest and because it is so compelling, I would get engrossed and forget to jot down notes. IMHO it is the best history lesson there is.

I don't give a shit if you lean left (or if some lean right) because if you have a good heart? We share a kinship. Hell, on some things I lean left ....I lean right on other things but what I do have in my heart is a desire to help my fellow man because they have no clue as to what has been done to them or how they have been lied to.Don't feel bad about getting caught up in the game and defending what you believe because I have done it myself when my whole motive was to share what I have learned by the heavy lifting I have done by those that did the heavy lifting for me. Some habits are hard to break. I know that when I am attacked for posting the things I do (sometimes by both the left and the right) I go into "defense mode" as well. Good on ya.

Most people, and I do mean MOST people are afraid of the truth. I don't blame them, it's quite unsettling to learn that everything you think you know is a lie. To learn that "patriotism" is a lie and a tool to send people to die for the profits of someone else.

My sincere gratitude to you for being "awake" because you are absolutely "dead on".

Another good book is "Tragedy and Hope" by Quigley. The saddest thing for me is knowing that it's all out there in the open, it's all there to see and people just won't look.
It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

You agreed with this, Slade3200 ?
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

That's too easy. Why would someone who thinks independent thought is important accept such an easy explanation for how things are?
Does that make it a Cartesian duality?
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

You agreed with this, Slade3200 ?
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

That's too easy. Why would someone who thinks independent thought is important accept such an easy explanation for how things are?
We haven't even breached an explanation. We just made a very generalized statement that says that everybody plays a role. Both sides of the political aisle are responsible. It surprises me when I hear so many on this board that seem to sincerely think that ALL the problems that exists are because of Libtards or Conservadongs or whatever yall call each other.
Yeah, I agree with that....too much partisanship and I need to point it out better when the right does it as well. People are so dug in. I know because I used to be that way myself. I spent thousands of hours on the blogisphere defending the neocons and that POS Bush crime family....the stench of that era remains with me to this day. The name of the game is "divide and conquer" and until we figure that out? We are going to be at each other's throats while the puppetmasters pulling the strings laugh and drain us dry. If everyone could see that and try to find common ground, we would see that our differences are not so big of a chasm that can't be breached. They still need our compliance but not for much longer with the robotic age coming upon us and believe me when I say this....they have been preparing and working hard to fight us should their "property" ever decide to revolt. They have exotic weapons that would blow your mind.
Puppet masters is a great word to describe them. I often feel like most people that talk politics are acting like puppets. It is a dirty feeling knowing that many of these politicians are just playing us. I get involved in these pointless arguments like I'm doing with SJ right now and it is only feeding their objective to "Divide and conquer"... I don't like being a part of that yet I do it. I must be bored. :)

After I had my epiphany, I ran the gamut of emotions...sadness, utter depression, feelings of hopelessness and then the best thing that ever happened to me did...I got pissed off and I became determined and a fire was lit under my ass. I put my TV on the curb with a note that said "Works, Don't Want It" and I started reading, downloading PDF files of books, I started listening to documentaries and lectures of accredited researchers and while I will admit that it took a good 6 months of solid reading and research to throw off the programming? I did it....it was so ingrained in me. I totally stopped posting anywhere for almost two years. When I did come back, it was to reveal the truth and history about the Federal Reserve (which is the true power behind the political scene) and the ones that own it and how they also control the IMF, BIS and World Bank...how this fiat currency actually works. I read John Perkins work of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" and he is definitely leans to the left but not in bad way that he was socialist...but the deal was that he was in the game and he took a big risk on coming out. That book played a HUGE part in helping me connect the dots. If you want to watch the best documentary ever done that so saliently describes the past 80 plus years, watch "JFK To 9/11....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is free on youtube. I have watched it 14 times and the reason I did was because there was so much information to digest and because it is so compelling, I would get engrossed and forget to jot down notes. IMHO it is the best history lesson there is.

I don't give a shit if you lean left (or if some lean right) because if you have a good heart? We share a kinship. Hell, on some things I lean left ....I lean right on other things but what I do have in my heart is a desire to help my fellow man because they have no clue as to what has been done to them or how they have been lied to.Don't feel bad about getting caught up in the game and defending what you believe because I have done it myself when my whole motive was to share what I have learned by the heavy lifting I have done by those that did the heavy lifting for me. Some habits are hard to break. I know that when I am attacked for posting the things I do (sometimes by both the left and the right) I go into "defense mode" as well. Good on ya.

Most people, and I do mean MOST people are afraid of the truth. I don't blame them, it's quite unsettling to learn that everything you think you know is a lie. To learn that "patriotism" is a lie and a tool to send people to die for the profits of someone else.

My sincere gratitude to you for being "awake" because you are absolutely "dead on".

Another good book is "Tragedy and Hope" by Quigley. The saddest thing for me is knowing that it's all out there in the open, it's all there to see and people just won't look.

Yep, exactly....he had access to their white papers. It's all there in black and white. Anyone can google quotes from it and realize that the political parties are controlled by the CFR which is just an offshoot of the Royal Institute For International Affairs. Dr. John Coleman's book "Committee of 300" is another great resource. It was a book he spent twenty years writing.
It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.
It's easy to call every person who argues a position a mindless partisan. Too easy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.

Agreed. As I researched and went deeper the more my heart broke. I am not a Trumpie, but since January more than 3000 pedo's have been arrested. Savile was connected to all the power broker's in Europe. Epstein is our version of Savile.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

Agreed, I tell my brother all the time that he is fortunate to not know a damn thing about any of it. I can't unsee/unlearn any of the things I've seen. The thing is that nobody is hiding any of it. That's probably why most have no idea. Now when I watch movies I always see it, they are so brazen that they TELL us what's coming. The clip I always use is from the "Long Kiss Goodnight" filmed in 1996...a CIA officer says that they are planning to kill 4000 American's and blame the Muslim's. In 1996!!!!!
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

You agreed with this, Slade3200 ?
Yeah, I think both sides are equally at fault and responsible for playing the partisan spin game. Its dishonest and destructive and they should be held accountable.

That's too easy. Why would someone who thinks independent thought is important accept such an easy explanation for how things are?
We haven't even breached an explanation. We just made a very generalized statement that says that everybody plays a role. Both sides of the political aisle are responsible. It surprises me when I hear so many on this board that seem to sincerely think that ALL the problems that exists are because of Libtards or Conservadongs or whatever yall call each other.

You misunderstood. I facetiously stated that both sides are equally responsible. You agreed. That is off the mark. Neither side is innocent. But one absolutely has more mindless partisans and is responsible for most of the bullshit. Throwing your arms up and claiming that both sides are the same is lazy.
I don't do that with every person... There are people like Dale and P@triot and others who I disagree with on many issues but I don't call them mindless partisans. There are also many like S.J. and PoliticalChic that can't seem to acknowledge any opposing points of view and default back to partisan attacks when proven wrong. People like that I consider mindless partisan and there are many on both sides... But not everybody.

Yeah. Both sides. Equally.

It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in and we have thousands of members that bring incredibly great source material to the forefront and then all of the sudden we started getting links that the "liberals were supporting the normalization of pedophilia" shit when we had left-leaning and REAL liberals in this fight with us and I went off on them and told them to look up the "Franklin Scandal" and it was a Republican scam where they were pulling kids out of Boystown Nebraska and pimping them out to politicians from both sides in order to compromise them...some of the people there certainly didn't like that being pointed out... but fuck'em....if they are not about truth then they are in the wrong forum.
and THIS is why I love Dale Smith !!! I don't know if any of it is true, it sounds fucking nuts, but sick shit happens all the time, look at the Catholic church... anything is possible.

Yeah, it sounds fucking nuts but it's true....this is one rabbit hole that I often wish that I had never gone down. I did the research and reading of the compromised British parliament and the revelations of BBC celeb Jimmy Savile that was procuring young people to British politicians and this goes all the way to the House of Windsor and the Vatican. The third most powerful man at the Vatican was just released of his duties because of his involvement in the world wide child trafficking scam. This is real and it's heartbreaking to me to even have to talk about something so vile and disgusting that most will avoid. Former PM Edward Heath was a big time pedophile and that has just recently come out. I have seen enough evidence to know that Presidents Nixon, Ford and George H Bush were pedophiles with the last two being "handlers" in the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists to this day that uses trauma based mind control techniques discovered by the Nazis during WWII. Like I said, it's a big time rabbit hole. I know I just dropped a big time load of mind blowing info on ya but I can come to no other conclusion regardless of how hard I fought to even fathom it.
Sometimes I feel like ignorance is bliss... I'm sure you can relate. Certain things are hard to erase once exposed to them.

Slade, you have no idea how "dead on" you are. The things I have learned hasn't enhanced my life even one iota but you can't "unlearn" things once you are exposed to the truth. That was why I was such a coward about doing any due diligence into 9/11 because I was afraid of knowing...afraid of having my preconceived notions destroyed. Once I grew a set of balls and stopped being afraid? It was like God took my hand and said "Ok, let your journey began...and don't worry because I will assign an angel to you" and I feel that God did just that....regardless of your belief system, I am just giving you my take. AND not only that? I lost my short term memory problem I had been dealing with and my ability to retain information and understand it improved a 1000 fold. It was like I was given this clarity of thought that I never thought I had. My advice to you is that if you decide to go to those places, have a spiritual side to you because it will weigh on you heavily if you don't. Good on ya.

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