Observe Carefully the Way Liberals Talk

Ok, then you please put your money where your mouth is... can you point out a few examples where CNN reporters knowingly reported false stories.

CNN retracts Russia-Trump story; 3 journalists resign
CNN announced that three of its employees have handed in their resignation over a retracted story linking President Trump to Russia. According to SFGate, Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left the network. Wochit

CNN's Anonymous Source Falsely Claimed Trump Would Not Press Putin on Election Interference
Already addressed this one tonto... Try and keep up.
We could also make a similar list from the Left. Point is, it happens on both s sides. Don't know why you can't acknowledge that. Do you really think Right wing shit doesn't stink?

Bill Nye? HE'S been debunked so many times who can count?
I watch Fox News and listen to conservative radio programs like Levins show all the time and I hear so much of the same dishonest spin coming from that side. Do I really need to dig through old tape to find examples for you. Can you not recognize that it's going on? I can use some obvious examples with the birthed attacks on obama to the Seth Rich conspiracy.
Or just listen to how the Republicans dodge and spin the health care debates..

The partisans are always spinning and extreme garbage is always being slung from both sides

Yep, some on Fox News and talk radio.

Meanwhile, our Progressive friends have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, Hollywood, New York Times, Times, all late night talk shows, DailyKOS, The Nation, George Soros' MediaMatters all working hard to destroy Republicans.
Fox is the largest cable News network in the nation by a pretty good margin. The have the most viewers. And conservative radio pulls waaaay more listeners than the progressives on the airwaves. The nation is split with approx. half tuning into one side and the other half tuning into the other. Both sides have equal pull and equal responsibility... Both sides have been equally imperfect in their attempt to tell the truth to the American people.

Yep, rightwing radio is just as big of an equal opportunity disinformation source as the rest of the lamestream media......everyone will get their chance to be misinformed regardless of the source........they have 90% of all bases covered. That is why they hate alternative media......
The nation is split with approx. half tuYeaning into one side and the other half tuning into the other. Both sides have equal pull and equal responsibility... Both sides have been equally imperfect in their attempt to tell the truth to the American people.

Yea, if I was so far behind, I'd whine that we're "equally imperfect". Back to the drawing board my good man!

The nation is split with approx. half tuYeaning into one side and the other half tuning into the other. Both sides have equal pull and equal responsibility... Both sides have been equally imperfect in their attempt to tell the truth to the American people.

Yea, if I was so far behind, I'd whine that we're "equally imperfect". Back to the drawing board my good man!

What point are you trying to make?
The nation is split with approx. half tuYeaning into one side and the other half tuning into the other. Both sides have equal pull and equal responsibility... Both sides have been equally imperfect in their attempt to tell the truth to the American people.

Yea, if I was so far behind, I'd whine that we're "equally imperfect". Back to the drawing board my good man!

What point are you trying to make?

I don't think there is one, Slade....I am confused as you are.
Already addressed this one tonto... Try and keep up.

Your posts are seldom worth the effort. So the Russia story was an oops and not an intentional rush job that screwed up?

I respect Slade3200 as much as any poster on this forum and even though we don't agree on much? We agree on enough and he makes a decent enough argument to defend his views that I hold him in high esteem. Can he be "partisan" at times? Of course......so can I, so can you....so can everyone here. What sets him apart from the majority of posters from both sides is that he will honestly weigh and consider. He knows how to honestly debate and discuss and that is rare.
Also I provided a fact check list with several examples of false quotes from Foxs anchors employees. You're hole is just getting deeper.

No, YOU did not provide a fact check list, you provided a copy and paste of what an opposition group gathered and post everything they disagree with even from the opinion, not solid news shows of Fox. Fox, at least separates their opinion and news shows AND always provide a Progressive in each of their debates.

You can attack one station but it's impossible for you to defend ALL your media "mishaps". There are so many! For a start: ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, Hollywood, New York Times, Times, all late night talk shows, DailyKOS, The Nation, George Soros' MediaMatters all working hard to destroy Republicans.

Cute try.
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Already addressed this one tonto... Try and keep up.

Your posts are seldom worth the effort. So the Russia story was an oops and not an intentional rush job that screwed up?

I respect Slade3200 as much as any poster on this forum and even though we don't agree on much? We agree on enough and he makes a decent enough argument to defend his views that I hold him in high esteem. Can he be "partisan" at times? Of course......so can I, so can you....so can everyone here. What sets him apart from the majority of posters from both sides is that he will honestly weigh and consider. He knows how to honestly debate and discuss and that is rare.
Appreciate it Dale... Wouldn't it be great to hear more in our leadership talk that way about their opposition?
Sadly I understand why very few of our media programs do... Conflict creates ratings. This is why people like Hannity and Maddow exist... It is too bad our public is more interested in seeing political brawling instead of honest cooperation. I must admit, I thought you were pretty out there when I first read your stuff on this board but especially after today, you've shown a lucidity that I very much respect.
Already addressed this one tonto... Try and keep up.

Your posts are seldom worth the effort. So the Russia story was an oops and not an intentional rush job that screwed up?

I respect Slade3200 as much as any poster on this forum and even though we don't agree on much? We agree on enough and he makes a decent enough argument to defend his views that I hold him in high esteem. Can he be "partisan" at times? Of course......so can I, so can you....so can everyone here. What sets him apart from the majority of posters from both sides is that he will honestly weigh and consider. He knows how to honestly debate and discuss and that is rare.
Appreciate it Dale... Wouldn't it be great to hear more in our leadership talk that way about their opposition?
Sadly I understand why very few of our media programs do... Conflict creates ratings. This is why people like Hannity and Maddow exist... It is too bad our public is more interested in seeing political brawling instead of honest cooperation. I must admit, I thought you were pretty out there when I first read your stuff on this board but especially after today, you've shown a lucidity that I very much respect.

So have you....but I had already gathered that about you. Thank you for hearing me out tonight and responding in kind.
Also I provided a fact check list with several examples of false quotes from Foxs anchors employees. You're hole is just getting deeper.

No, YOU did not provide a fact check list, you provided a copy and paste of what an opposition group gathered and post everything they disagree with even from the opinion, not solid news shows of Fox. Fox, at least separates their opinion and news shows AND always provide a Progressive in each of their debates.

You can attack one station but it's impossible for you to defend ALL your media "mishaps". There are so many!

Cute try.
You are right that is exaclty what I did when asked by SJ to provide provocative/false headlines that were similar to those provided by another poster. Why would I pick through archives when I could find a list that was already compiled. Everything in the list was sourced. You know what they say "Work smart, not hard"
Also I provided a fact check list with several examples of false quotes from Foxs anchors employees. You're hole is just getting deeper.

No, YOU did not provide a fact check list, you provided a copy and paste of what an opposition group gathered and post everything they disagree with even from the opinion, not solid news shows of Fox. Fox, at least separates their opinion and news shows AND always provide a Progressive in each of their debates.

You can attack one station but it's impossible for you to defend ALL your media "mishaps". There are so many!

Cute try.
You are right that is exaclty what I did when asked by SJ to provide provocative/false headlines that were similar to those provided by another poster. Why would I pick through archives when I could find a list that was already compiled. Everything in the list was sourced. You know what they say "Work smart, not hard"

The thing is that you can find PLENTY of fake news from the bought and paid for right as you can from the bought and paid for left. They work together......the owner of Fox is a big time globalist that has a seat on the CFR and Committee of 300....they are all a part of the controlled opposition that they use to "kick over the hive" and have their little drones scurrying around.
Awesome. Both sides do it! Equally. Neither is worse than the other and neither goes further than the other. FOX and CNN are simply opposites if the same coin.

Not even in the same league. Fox broadcasts news and opinion, CNN, along with all the others, simply broadcast opinion as some news.
They probably spoke about it and the issues it is causing but Trump is going to try to dismiss that in the public eye as much as he can because it makes him look bad.

Cute that you accept the word of a former member of the KGB and murderer than the President of the United States and the Secretary of State both of whom were at the meeting.

How does the Russian hacking story look bad for President Donald Trump when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned about the problem way back in August and did NOTHING?
It is so easy to get caught up in the game of partisan politics. I am a big part of a FB page that is trying to wake people up to the world wide pedophile ring that the elites are involved in

You mean like former President Bill Clinton and his flights?

Bill Clinton Took Twice As Many Flights On ‘Pedophile Island’ Billionaire’s ‘Lolita Express’ Than Previously Reported
11:27 AM 05/14/2016

Bill Clinton Took Twice As Many Flights On ‘Pedophile Island’ Billionaire’s ‘Lolita Express’ Than Previously Reported

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