Ocasio Cortez made 27000 in 2017 before taxes, this is below the poverty line

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I have a link to this but this site will not allow me to prove what I say

If we can prove that she did not report her real income she can be impeached easily as the democrats want her around less then the GOP that finds her humorous
/——/ So a Masters in Economics from Boston U is virtually worthless in the job market.

And she's one of the smarter Dems.
She's the youngest Congresswoman ever. So you will have many decades to make fun of her as she rises up the power ladder. :lol:
I have a link to this but this site will not allow me to prove what I say

If we can prove that she did not report her real income she can be impeached easily as the democrats want her around less then the GOP that finds her humorous
/——/ So a Masters in Economics from Boston U is virtually worthless in the job market.

And she's one of the smarter Dems.
She's the youngest Congresswoman ever. So you will have many decades to make fun of her as she rises up the power ladder.
When people figure out how schizzo she is she will blow her brains out

Typical rightard.... admits he’s making up shit, but sticks to it anyway. :lmao:

Like I always say, if rightards didn’t lie they’d have nothing at all to say.
OK now we have her rent down to 2700 a month or 32000 a year, unless she lived in a cardboard box. At any rate this will be investigated by Trump, hell we all need a laugh

No, you don’t have her rent down to $2,700. Need I remind you, you have no clue what she pays in rent.

Like I always say, if rightards didn’t lie they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

My job is just to inform, the resulting investigation will tell. The IRS will know what her rent was.

silly girl

You’re guided by your delusions, huh?

Your lies are not informative and no one is investigating her.

And you know this how?

Making up shit form your delusion library are we
No, because I’ve seen her rent and I’ve seen how many roommates she has.

Something you could have done if you had a brain. But sadly, you’re nothing but a lowly conservative whose relegation in life is to slither on the ground and gum at the ankles of your betters.
Dumbfuck, the moronic numbers you posted repeatedly have absolutely nothing to do with the changes Trump made to ObamaCare.

I never actually said that they did, keep pulling you will be bald eventually
And yet, that was your response to me pointing out your numbers are bullshit.

When the IRS investigates, feel free to think of me
More likely, I’ll think of you next time I take a shit.
Thank you for the complement
You’re welcome.
No you don't, you fool.
So she lives in a cardboard box, or the IRS will be auditing her
Or neither.
Then you do not care enough to keep proving me wrong in your own mind.

LOL I own you

respond now

What’s to prove wrong? You haven’t proven yourself right.
LOL the idiot thinks message boards prove stuff...…

I have a bridge for sale
If you sell it, where will you live?
OK now we have her rent down to 2700 a month or 32000 a year, unless she lived in a cardboard box. At any rate this will be investigated by Trump, hell we all need a laugh

No, you don’t have her rent down to $2,700. Need I remind you, you have no clue what she pays in rent.

Like I always say, if rightards didn’t lie they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

My job is just to inform, the resulting investigation will tell. The IRS will know what her rent was.

silly girl

You’re guided by your delusions, huh?

Your lies are not informative and no one is investigating her.

And you know this how?

Making up shit form your delusion library are we
No, because I’ve seen her rent and I’ve seen how many roommates she has.

Something you could have done if you had a brain. But sadly, you’re nothing but a lowly conservative whose relegation in life is to slither on the ground and gum at the ankles of your betters.

Making up more nonsense...………….Do you have tickets to her inauguration?

So she lives in a cardboard box, or the IRS will be auditing her
Or neither.
Then you do not care enough to keep proving me wrong in your own mind.

LOL I own you

respond now

What’s to prove wrong? You haven’t proven yourself right.
LOL the idiot thinks message boards prove stuff...…

I have a bridge for sale
If you sell it, where will you live?
Wall Street

No, you don’t have her rent down to $2,700. Need I remind you, you have no clue what she pays in rent.

Like I always say, if rightards didn’t lie they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

My job is just to inform, the resulting investigation will tell. The IRS will know what her rent was.

silly girl

You’re guided by your delusions, huh?

Your lies are not informative and no one is investigating her.

And you know this how?

Making up shit form your delusion library are we
No, because I’ve seen her rent and I’ve seen how many roommates she has.

Something you could have done if you had a brain. But sadly, you’re nothing but a lowly conservative whose relegation in life is to slither on the ground and gum at the ankles of your betters.

Making up more nonsense...………….Do you have tickets to her inauguration?

Is that like her pending impeachment?
Or neither.
Then you do not care enough to keep proving me wrong in your own mind.

LOL I own you

respond now

What’s to prove wrong? You haven’t proven yourself right.
LOL the idiot thinks message boards prove stuff...…

I have a bridge for sale
If you sell it, where will you live?
Wall Street

Looks like you’re buying a bridge.
My job is just to inform, the resulting investigation will tell. The IRS will know what her rent was.

silly girl

You’re guided by your delusions, huh?

Your lies are not informative and no one is investigating her.

And you know this how?

Making up shit form your delusion library are we
No, because I’ve seen her rent and I’ve seen how many roommates she has.

Something you could have done if you had a brain. But sadly, you’re nothing but a lowly conservative whose relegation in life is to slither on the ground and gum at the ankles of your betters.

Making up more nonsense...………….Do you have tickets to her inauguration?

Is that like her pending impeachment?

She will blow her own brains out when people find out how schizzo she is. You didn't answer, are you going to her inauguration?

Just let her talk. Often times, these left wing stalwarts hang themselves with their own words. Cortez thought that the three branches of government are…the presidency, the House, and the Senate.

but but but if the bimbo says so
I have a link to this but this site will not allow me to prove what I say

If we can prove that she did not report her real income she can be impeached easily as the democrats want her around less then the GOP that finds her humorous
/——/ So a Masters in Economics from Boston U is virtually worthless in the job market.

And she's one of the smarter Dems.
She's the youngest Congresswoman ever. So you will have many decades to make fun of her as she rises up the power ladder. :lol:

And YOU are what you pass off as a "Conservative".

You’re guided by your delusions, huh?

Your lies are not informative and no one is investigating her.

And you know this how?

Making up shit form your delusion library are we
No, because I’ve seen her rent and I’ve seen how many roommates she has.

Something you could have done if you had a brain. But sadly, you’re nothing but a lowly conservative whose relegation in life is to slither on the ground and gum at the ankles of your betters.

Making up more nonsense...………….Do you have tickets to her inauguration?

Is that like her pending impeachment?

She will blow her own brains out when people find out how schizzo she is. You didn't answer, are you going to her inauguration?

Just let her talk. Often times, these left wing stalwarts hang themselves with their own words. Cortez thought that the three branches of government are…the presidency, the House, and the Senate.

but but but if the bimbo says so
The answer is right after she gets impeached.
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