Offending Theists


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended. Sound like american Taliban bs to me.

So we can draw pics of Mohammad. We know that.

We know you can't be anti semetic or prejudice towards blacks. Can't say the N word.

Remember the southpark episode on Mormons? Apparently they arent off limits.

You can make fun of catholic priests but they did that to themselves.

Anything else we can do for your religions? Nows the time to ask.
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended.

Out of curiosity, if a word was now coined that distinguished between heterosexual and homosexual unions, would you care? For example, if all heterosexual couples began to refer to themselves as wedded instead of married, would homosexual couples be content to still use married, or would they want to use wedded as well? If so, why?
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended.

Out of curiosity, if a word was now coined that distinguished between heterosexual and homosexual unions, would you care? For example, if all heterosexual couples began to refer to themselves as wedded instead of married, would homosexual couples be content to still use married, or would they want to use wedded as well? If so, why?
I dont know why do white kids always copy what the black kids are doing? Wiggers acting black making black slang not cool. Ruining it for blacks forcing them to stop doing the things because they are no longer cool. Like that? I get it.

They are a married couple. If you change the vernacular then they might too. But your grandkids won't care by then.
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended. Sound like american Taliban bs to me.

So we can draw pics of Mohammad. We know that.

We know you can't be anti semetic or prejudice towards blacks. Can't say the N word.

Remember the southpark episode on Mormons? Apparently they arent off limits.

You can make fun of catholic priests but they did that to themselves.

Anything else we can do for your religions? Nows the time to ask.
There is just more to the picture .a large majority of gays are guilty of being totally reactionary to Christians and other faiths and seem to have the expectation that people of these faith should be required to approve of them to allow them to attend churches..get married in churches but not address biblical sins and its not realistic
I dont know why do white kids always copy what the black kids are doing? Wiggers acting black making black slang not cool. Ruining it for blacks forcing them to stop doing the things because they are no longer cool. Like that? I get it.

They are a married couple. If you change the vernacular then they might too.

Language manipulation has a way of backfiring away from wanted results. For example "Sanitary Engineer" when applied to trash collectors soon became a euphemism. No one took it seriously. Some didn't like "remedial education" and changed it to "special education". Around school these days, when we overhear children asking, "Are you special?" we can guarantee it is not meant in a complimentary way.

Look, a sanitary engineer (snicker); he's special (snicker); they're married (snicker).

There are some (perhaps a minority now) that consider marriage as something sacred between a man and a woman. It was for life. Then government gave the nod to divorce, to gay unions, and probably will do the same for polygamous unions. As 'marriage' loses its defining properties, there is a (far) future likelihood that a few people will want to describe a sacred union between a man and a woman, for life, in a way that distinguishes it from other kinds of union.

This has nothing to do with trying to be insulting towards anyone else--the divorced, homosexuals, polygamous, etc. It is simply taking something more seriously and more narrowly than the general catchall term "married" is becoming.

The trouble is, some are making any shift all about gays--and not everything is about them. Some things are about something else entirely--but it goes entirely over some heads--especially those who want the world to look at gays like they are on some special display at the zoo. They are one of many diverse people living in a diverse world. Welcome to diversity.
What exactly is at stake here? Your job? Your social status?

My approach is a totally and undeniably fuck you.

I am accountable to no one because I own my source of income.

Plus, I mind my own fucking business.

Independent and proud.

So here's a big howdy-do and fuck you.

And while we are at it..we are taking rainbows back fuckers !
you don't own dirty bumboys can have the word gay because its a gay word anyway..but for god sakes leave the rainbows out your sordid affairs
"So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended. Sound like american Taliban bs to me."

It sounds like ignorance of the law and advocacy of segregation, which is just as un-Constitutional as denying same-sex couples their right to due process and equal protection of the law.
View attachment 39294
And while we are at it..we are taking rainbows back fuckers !
you don't own dirty bumboys can have the word gay because its a gay word anyway..but for god sakes leave the rainbows out your sordid affairs
I often wondered if queers chose the rainbow for their symbol because of it's relation to the events in Genesis. It would be just like them to profane a symbol that was used as a covenant between God and humanity.
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended.

Out of curiosity, if a word was now coined that distinguished between heterosexual and homosexual unions, would you care? For example, if all heterosexual couples began to refer to themselves as wedded instead of married, would homosexual couples be content to still use married, or would they want to use wedded as well? If so, why?
there are gay folk who would object to most anything and wouldn't be happy until they could make Jesus gay as well and teach it in Sunday school
View attachment 39294
And while we are at it..we are taking rainbows back fuckers !
you don't own dirty bumboys can have the word gay because its a gay word anyway..but for god sakes leave the rainbows out your sordid affairs
I often wondered if queers chose the rainbow for their symbol because of it's relation to the events in Genesis. It would be just like them to profane a symbol that was used as a covenant between God and humanity.
of course that is why
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended.

Out of curiosity, if a word was now coined that distinguished between heterosexual and homosexual unions, would you care? For example, if all heterosexual couples began to refer to themselves as wedded instead of married, would homosexual couples be content to still use married, or would they want to use wedded as well? If so, why?
there are gay folk who would object to most anything and wouldn't be happy until they could make Jesus gay as well and teach it in Sunday school
They've already done that. they have a gay bible. I believe they also have gay churches too. Why couldn't they just start their own religion?

In the beginning was the butt hole. And the butt hole was perfectly formed and void...
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended. Sound like american Taliban bs to me.

So we can draw pics of Mohammad. We know that.

We know you can't be anti semetic or prejudice towards blacks. Can't say the N word.

Remember the southpark episode on Mormons? Apparently they arent off limits.

You can make fun of catholic priests but they did that to themselves.

Anything else we can do for your religions? Nows the time to ask.
There is just more to the picture .a large majority of gays are guilty of being totally reactionary to Christians and other faiths and seem to have the expectation that people of these faith should be required to approve of them to allow them to attend churches..get married in churches but not address biblical sins and its not realistic
No one needs your church to get married.

Theists should have to go to their churches to get divorced.

And yes christians need to learn to live with non christians. Get use to it. We have to put up with you.
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended.

Out of curiosity, if a word was now coined that distinguished between heterosexual and homosexual unions, would you care? For example, if all heterosexual couples began to refer to themselves as wedded instead of married, would homosexual couples be content to still use married, or would they want to use wedded as well? If so, why?
there are gay folk who would object to most anything and wouldn't be happy until they could make Jesus gay as well and teach it in Sunday school
They've already done that. they have a gay bible. I believe they also have gay churches too. Why couldn't they just start their own religion?

In the beginning was the butt hole. And the butt hole was perfectly formed and void...
I dont get why they dont get it that christianity sucks either.

Instead of Mormons they would be moremens.
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended.

Out of curiosity, if a word was now coined that distinguished between heterosexual and homosexual unions, would you care? For example, if all heterosexual couples began to refer to themselves as wedded instead of married, would homosexual couples be content to still use married, or would they want to use wedded as well? If so, why?
there are gay folk who would object to most anything and wouldn't be happy until they could make Jesus gay as well and teach it in Sunday school
Dont worry. Gays won't change. Your religion will.
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended. Sound like american Taliban bs to me.

So we can draw pics of Mohammad. We know that.

We know you can't be anti semetic or prejudice towards blacks. Can't say the N word.

Remember the southpark episode on Mormons? Apparently they arent off limits.

You can make fun of catholic priests but they did that to themselves.

Anything else we can do for your religions? Nows the time to ask.

Always thought it kind of silly to hold fire from mocking religions. If your God's such a bad-ass he can defend himself can't he? Unless of course...:)

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